Rust, not related to the video game also called Rust, is a promising systems programming language with novel features ideally suited for game development. Exposure and awareness within the game developer community, however, remains limited. In this post, I provide a gentle introduction to Rust and attempt to justify its place on your radar. A Short History LessonWhat is Rust, and where did it com
My tenure in the game industry was working on game engine code, not with game engine code. As a result, I do not have any first-hand experience choosing an off-the-shelf game engine. It’s not a decision I’ve ever had to make, and I don’t keep up with the latest developments across the myriad of engine options. But I do follow game business trends to a certain extent, and for well over a year now,
The Impact of Jungle Music in 90s Video Game Development Jungle music was found in countless games from the early 90s. This article explains what jungle is, where it comes from, and why its soundtrack was such a perfect match for titles of the PlayStation & Nintendo 64 era. This blog post will be fundamentally different and less technical than the other ones we have in our school website. You migh
In this section you can find any programming language. Also, many YouTubers teach about frameworks of these languages. Not only programming languages but more general programming stuff. You can find either practical or theoretical tutorials. techsith Content about: React.js, JavaScript Featured playlists: react js from scratch, Node.js Tutorials For Beginners, Data Structures in JavaScript, Interv
Android Game Development Kit(AGDK)はAndroid上で動作するゲームの開発、最適化、リリースに必要なツールとライブラリを備えた開発キット。AGDKの公開により、既存のAndroid Games SDKはAGDKライブラリの一部となった。 既存のワークフローとの統合として、Visual Studio向けの拡張として利用することでAndroidをターゲットに開発できる。Unity向けのプラグインを構築したほか、今後は人気のゲームエンジンに直接統合する方向も模索しているという。 C/C++ゲームライブラリを備えた。例えば、GameActivityを使ってC/C++でゲームを開発し、Android Jetpackやサービスにアクセスできるという。ゲームコントローラーからの入力を処理するGame Controllerの他、テキスト入力では、ソフトウェアベースのキーボ
Welcome This course picks up where CS50x leaves off, focusing on the development of 2D and 3D interactive games. Students explore the design of such childhood games as Super Mario Bros., Legend of Zelda, and Portal in a quest to understand how video games themselves are implemented. Via lectures and hands-on projects, the course explores principles of 2D and 3D graphics, animation, sound, and coll
Isometric Projection in Game Development Playing isometric games is super fun, but understanding the theory behind isometric projection is also extremely important for any beginner game developer. Programming isometric worlds is a huge topic, so I'll try to be as beginner-friendly as possible and cover the basics we need to learn how isometric projection is used in game development! I was talking