Nifty Corners This is the original article. The technique has been improved with better browser s... Nifty Corners This is the original article. The technique has been improved with better browser support and a lot of new features. The new article has been published on the 6th of April 2005. Javascriptで指定のHTML要素を動的に角丸デザインにする方法。 NiftyCornerを使えば、単一のDIV要素を角丸デザインにすることが可能です。 例えば、次のような単一DIV要素も簡単に角丸にできます。 <div id="nifty"><p>test</p></div> <script type="text/javascript"> Rounded("div#nifty","#377CB1","#9
2008/07/14 リンク