【ソニー】PS3のスペックを引き下げか? 1 名前:まいくろ ◆d3RslLQmqM 投稿日:2006/08/29(火) 08:53:2... 【ソニー】PS3のスペックを引き下げか? 1 名前:まいくろ ◆d3RslLQmqM 投稿日:2006/08/29(火) 08:53:29 ID:C0fYNAgM0● ?2BP PS3のGPU「RSX」のクロックが、コア/メモリ550/700から500/650になるとのこと the PS3 is way too powerful for us mere humans, and because the value is so overwhelming, Sony is going to make it a little more palatable. The RSX, previously scheduled to run at 550/700 core/memory has been realigned with expectations and the value chain at 50
2007/09/29 リンク