妊娠中のヤギが8人の男に強姦されて死亡 インド 1 名前:みつを ★:2018/07/29(日) 20:49:21.18 ID:CAP_... 妊娠中のヤギが8人の男に強姦されて死亡 インド 1 名前:みつを ★:2018/07/29(日) 20:49:21.18 ID:CAP_USER9.net Pregnant goat dies after being 'gang-raped by eight men' as horrified owner catches them in the act Police are hunting the suspects in the case, three of whom stayed behind and dared the owner to report the crime ByToby Meyjes 09:27, 29 JUL 2018 A pregnant goat has died after allegedly being gang raped by a group of eigh
2018/07/31 リンク