Jan. 7th, 2020

arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
Apologies for being so late with this letter /o\

Thank you so much! The thought of a story or art in any of these fandoms is already making me happy. These prompts probably lean toward fic, just because that's how my brain is wired, but I also asked for fanart for everything because art is awesome.

I love all of these fandoms unreservedly, so if you have a yen to explore the universe, or bring in additional characters I didn't list, it's all good.

If you want more information about my requests, read on - but please don't worry if your ideas go in a different direction. I would much rather enjoy what you wanted to create than think you felt obligated to do something just because of something I said. As long as it's for one of these relationships, I'll be happy. \o/

My fanwork tastes )

Why I love these fandoms

(Alphabetical, not ranked by preference! I love them all. :)

Burn Notice )

Good Omens )

Hair )

Person of Interest )

Wiseguy )

I adore all these fandoms, and will be happy with absolutely anything you write, as long as you enjoy writing it.

And thank you, again!!
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