arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
One last Saturday vidshow that I managed to write up before the streaming vanished (and then forgot to post). I didn't go to this show at the con; it was up against the Critique panel, which is what I attended. This particular show was paired with a panel, which I also didn't attend, so I'm coming at this completely cold, where attendees would have a lot more context and nuance, fwiw.

I wanted to say one thing outside of the cut, though:

If you ever wondered if one person can make a difference in how things are perceived, I say ye [personal profile] jetpack_monkey, who came to Vividcon for the first time years ago saying "hey, horror and classic film are awesome and totally viddable! we need more of that!" and kept producing more of that himself and cheerfully repeating his mantra and steadily started convincing people. There were five premieres in this show for "source from 1973 or earlier". I can't even imagine that 10 years ago.

(Which, okay, granted, is the confluence of a lot of things, not just [personal profile] jetpack_monkey -- more older source is available all the time, newer vidding tech makes it easier to work with all kinds of source, VVC has started shifting from "let's share big fandoms" to "let's share our fandoms-of-few" -- but the specific older-source shift has a clear beginning, I think!)

Okay, now on to the vidshow itself. Once again, this isn't the full show, just vids that jumped out at me for one reason or another.

Brand New Classic Hits )
arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
More Saturday reportage, although some of this will be short as I seem to have fallen down on taking notes for the afternoon.

First up:

What's My Motivation? )

Next up:

A Matter of Perspective, vidshow/panel combination )

Next up:

Fancy Credits! )
arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
(I started today's post by saying I'd had a lazy day when I got almost nothing done but sitting in front of the computer reading 2-week-old threads about Worldcon, The Greying Of. Which I was going to post, then work a bit on the Critique panel writeup, to finish tomorrow. ... Hours later, here I am. Amazing what happens when you actually start working on something.)

After Club Vivid is a haze -- maybe people came back to our room for a little while? Or maybe we just went to bed? Man, I should take notes on what I do outside of panels and shows, my brain is just mush.

Anyway, the next morning there were WAFFLES! \o/ And this year, they had the regular waffle maker, plus one where you could make up to four tiny waffles, instead of just one big one. So I did. ... After toasting a bagel for myself, because somehow between getting up and thinking "yay waffles today!" and getting in line, I'd forgotten about the waffles. So it was kind of a bread-heavy morning.

Then it was off upstairs to the first panel of the day:

Critique: Talking About the Hard Stuff )

There wasn't really a single specific takeaway here, I don't think, other than that critique is something that a lot of us really value highly, and would like to find a way to start incorporating it more again. And there were no real answers about how to go about that, other than to just start doing it: take people on faith when they say they want crit; take it on faith that people at VVC, in particular, value crit; be upfront as the vidder or beta in a beta situation about expectations (and stick to them); take a risk, sometimes, that someone will respond well to your pointing out problems in their work.

FWIW, this was a single-hour panel that takes up a big part of my memory of Saturday; there was a lot of talking, a lot of ideas floating around, a lot of energy. Definitely a highlight for me.

I do feel like the panel paid off on Sunday; while Vid Review felt more sparsely populated than usual, the conversation also seemed more on target overall, with people chiming in to talk about what did and didn't work for them, and with almost every vid having a combination of both kinds of remarks made. It just felt like people were more confident that their "this didn't work" comments would be received well than has been the case in previous years, and it made for a better discussion, IMO.
arduinna: Snooch (of Eben and Snooch fame) rocking out on a couch in a fab hat (Snooch in the groove)
After the panels came the usual dinner break, which lately has just been the "get ready for Club Vivid" break. The buffet is substantial enough to serve as dinner, so we generally head down and eat and socialize for a bit, then head back to the room to change and glam up for the dance.

The hotel was running a little behind all weekend on setup that involved food of any kind, which is unusual, so the buffet didn't start until 6:30 or so. No biggie, except how I just expect everything Vividcon-related to start on time, so it made me blink a bit.

Which has just reminded me of something I wanted to say: the concom, as usual, was calm and cheerful throughout the con, handling things as they came up, despite coping with even more stress than usual in the face of a hotel staff that was late with all food-related things, right down to water service in the function rooms, and more horribly, a DVD duplicating place that had delayed the delivery of the DVDs till the last possible second. On Friday, no one on staff even knew if the DVDs would arrive by Saturday (!!). If they hadn't, the concom would have had to somehow get hold of the DVDs after the con, and ship out every set individually at huge unexpected cost, not to mention facing the disappointment of more than a hundred people who expected to be able to pick them up on Sunday in person.

Not a trace of that stress showed publicly; to the uninformed eye, everything was running smooth as silk all weekend. So big kudos to the concom for their professionalism throughout. <3

So the buffet was good, as usual, and Mandy and her cohort were back at the bars wearing beaded necklaces and ready to serve up whatever we wanted (seriously, I love how much the bartenders seem to have a good time with us. We're kind of a motley crew, and we are unbelievably loud at Club Vivid, but everyone has a blast and it's great that the bartenders are part of that. It never feels like they're outsiders watching us and silently mocking, which could totally happen with some people. These folks put on their beads and seem to have a great time watching us all have a great time. <3 )

After we ate, we went back to the room to dress up a bit and add some nice bright hair coloring, then headed back down to check out everyone's outfits and start in on the booze. (I brought hair chalk to try this year, too, but you have to put hair spray in first, which I'm not keen on, and forgot to pick up at Dominick's anyway. Oh well, maybe next time.)

During the very first CV, one person came in very tight, very shiny silver pants that impressed everyone. Times have changed; this year, we had a shiny silver bikini-thing that also impressed everyone quite a bit. There was also the usual array, from comfy street clothes to cosplay to cocktail dresses to clubwear; bare feet and sneakers and stilettos and thigh-high laced boots; and glitter and glowsticks EVERYWHERE. I love all of that so much; I can't think of anything else I do all year where someone in a tight-laced pleather corset and killer boots can hang out with someone in loose cotton pajamas and slippers in public, and both of them be appropriately dressed and equally comfortable. ♥

So pre-CV is always fun, with everyone wandering around talking and drinking and eating and admiring each other, then there's a rush for the dance floor as the Joxer Dance starts up, and we're off!

... and then there's a three-hour haze of dancing and drinking and vids. *g* Ian outdoes himself every year on the playlist, and this year was no exception.

But one fabulous addition this year was a tv over on one of the side table in the middle, showing all the vids in addition to the big screens at either end. It made it easier to actually watch the vids, if there was something you particularly wanted to see.

Also awesome this year for anyone who was premiering vids at CV: [personal profile] absolutedestiny had put up a list in the con suite with time codes for each premiering vid, so you could keep track of when yours was going to air without having to count vids off the main playlist.

A handful of vids that jumped out at me through the haze of awesome )
arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
The Friday afternoon panels were all connected: a two-hour Song Choice panel, and a one-hour Audio Editing panel. I had no intention of missing any of that, even if it meant giving up an afternoon of vids.

Song Choice )

Audio Editing )
arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
Midnight sneaks up on you very fast when you're working endless 10+ hour days because your boss is on vacation. Also when your friends call you up at 11:30 while you're flailing over what to post. *hangs up*

I would be less tired from the long workdays if I hadn't stayed up late last night watching Suspect, a 1980s movie with Cher, Dennis Quaid, and Liam Neeson that I've always loved. It's dated in some ways, but holds up in a lot of others, and I always get caught up in it.

Also, I'm sort of amused that half of the outfits Cher wears in that would be almost completely unremarkable today.

I'm pretty sure that last night I intended to do an actual reaction post about the movie, but I'm drawing a blank from overtired, woe.


Ack, I just saw that the streaming vidshows from VVC are only up for about 10 more days, at which point they'll start vanishing bit by bit. Nooooooooo *clings*

Clearly it's time to buckle down to the con reporting a bit more intently.
arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
This is where I stop reviewing all the vids in the vidshows I saw, and just pick out the ones that stood out strongly to me for one reason or another. (Lines in italics under the vid info are the blurbs chosen by the VJ for the program book.)

So onward to midday Friday! I stuck with vidshows to balance out the panels I was planning on attending for most of the afternoon, which means that next up is:

Glitterguts )

Then there was a lunch break, where I headed back to the room with my roommates and some other folks (I am not naming any names, because at this point everything is a blur, and I no longer remember exactly who was where, when) to eat some of the actual real food we'd bought at the store the day before instead of going out for sandwiches at Spuntino's or whatever. It's kinda fun heading out for lunch and seeing who picked the same place to eat you did and say hi, but it's also kinda really nice not stressing over how much time you have, or standing in line, and just having some nice relaxing cheese and crackers and fruit with a small group.

Although in retrospect, I'm a little facepalm-y, because I specifically didn't take my leftovers the night before because any time I do that, I fail to eat them on accounta going out for every meal. I totally could have had them for lunch. OTOH, if we hadn't started eating the cheese and crackers on Friday, we would have wound up throwing them out on Sunday night, so.

... Anyway! After lunch was one more vidshow for me:

Worlds Collide )

After that was panels for the rest of the afternoon, which will be a different post at some point.
arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
Okay, I'm going to be brave here and actually start posting bits of the con report I've been poking at. Usually when I do this it means I stop adding more, because posted=finished in my brain. And I am nowhere near finished. But I'm hoping the post-every-day thing will keep me going (although I doubt I'll be posting bits of con report every day. I write these things slooooowly.)

Relatedly, I had a few days early on when I was determined to do a review on ALL THE VIDS, because yay streaming omg, but then I realized that, er, it would never actually be finished, because that is way too much. So a regular con report with occasional vid commentary it is.


Thursday, travel day )


I'm not even a breakfast person, but I make it to the hotel's breakfast every day; it's a really nice way to start the day, and feels almost like low-key social programming, since much of the con makes it down at some point, and people join various tables as other people clear out, and wander around chatting with each other. (And most folks have their badges on already, because so many of us suck at facial recognition and have to do the face-badge-face thing all weekend, heh.)

Breakfast closes early on Friday, though, so I headed down before showering to try out the new breakfast menu. No waffles. :( There was so much dismay at the lack of waffles. (Spoiler: there were Weekend Waffles on Saturday and Sunday, to great relief.) But the fresh fruit was a really nice addition, and the eggs were better than I remember (possibly helped by the display of things to put on your eggs, like cheese or salsa). Then I headed back up to take a shower, secure in the knowledge that the con starts at 10.

... Except on Friday, when it starts at 9:45. *facepalm* So I totally missed the opening remarks and first raffle. But I made it in time for the first show, which is always some kind of History of Vidding, with nothing set against it. The past few years have all been 10-year anniversaries of one kind or another for VVC, so the History shows have been very inward-focused, including this year.

History of Challenge )

Next up, hopefully, the other Friday morning vidshows.

(... I have no tags for vid reviews or con reports here. Huh, I must always have done them in [personal profile] flummery before. I'll post there linking back to the tag here or something when I'm done.)
arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
So since I posted my list of comms two days ago, a couple of people have created a new Person of Interest discussion comm: [community profile] pofinterest_chat -- looks like it just got created today, in fact. Check it out!

Lifehacker had a post today about video conversion programs that looked interesting; I've used three out of their top five, but it's always good to have more options. All the programs they list are free and will convert multiple formats back and forth.

Meanwhile, I'm trying to write up a decent con report, and keep getting buried in the fact that I want to report on everything, which is a lot. We'll see how it goes. It wasn't helped today by digging out my panel notes from Friday and seeing the audio editing stuff, and promptly haring off to Adobe Audition to stare at waveforms for a while, and go "ooo" a lot. Time to start looking at how-to videos for that, too.
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