arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
[personal profile] arduinna
These are Greasemonkey scripts, which will work in Firefox and I think Chrome (and Chrome clones) and Opera. If you don't have Greasemonkey, it's definitely worth installing. You can get it in add-ons/extensions. Once you have the add-on, you can install all kinds of scripts to customize your browser to do what you want.

DW scripts:

Dynamic and persistent DW reading/network page expand/collapse/hide This is amazing, and I wish I could install it on my mobile devices. It lets you collapse (and later expand) or completely hide entries on reading and network pages on DW -- not just your own, but anyone's. Collapsing a post will leave the subject line; hiding it will make it go poof.

LJ New Comment "This script remembers which comments you've seen on LiveJournal or Dreamwidth, and marks new comments with a link which says "NEW". Clicking the link selects that new comment."

Dreamwidth ljwho This lets you add notes to anyone's username on DW. It's browser-specific, so it's less useful than a native action tied to your account, but I still find it plenty useful.

You can find more DW scripts here.

AO3 scripts:

I found these through [community profile] ao3some, a comm for AO3-related stuff.

ao3 download buttons This adds a Download button to everything listed on a works page, so you don't have to click into something specifically to download it. Just click the download button right there in the header info, choose your format, and you're done.

AO3 Kudos Tools Once it's set up, this will let you know if you've already kudosed something by changing the color of the kudos button to green, and putting a green background on your name in the kudos list. You can also set it up to put a dark grey background behind anyone else's name, if there are people whose tastes you really trust.

Fair warning on this one: it takes a bit of work to get set up -- not very much! But you need to edit the script once it's installed to add your username to the script so it knows what to look for, and to add anyone else's usernames if you want it to check for them, too. See below for instructions if you're not used to doing this.

AO3 Saved Filters This adds a section to the sidebar with two boxes, one for global tags and one for fandom tags, which will save whatever you put there. This took me a bit of figuring, but once I got it, I was floored.

Both of these will take either includes or excludes. To include something, just type it (enclose it in double quotes if it has more than one word: "hurt/comfort"). To exclude something, type it with a minus sign in front, again using double quotes if there's more than one word: -"hurt/comfort".

The "Global" box is persistent -- anything you put there will be filtered on no matter what works page you're looking at, and it remembers it across browser sessions. If you never want to see fluff, add -fluff to that box and hit save, and fluff will forevermore be filtered out of any results for you automatically. (You can always edit the boxes later to add or remove things.)

The "Fandom" box is for stuff specific to whatever fandom you're looking at, so you have to be on a specific fandom works page for it to show up (meta-tags don't count - "Sherlock Holmes - All Media Types" won't have a "fandoms" saved-filter box, but "Sherlock (BBC)" will. Collection works pages don't count, either. Both those pages will only have a global box.) This box is persistent for a given fandom: if you put -Lestrade into the box on the Sherlock BBC works page and hit save, you'll never see any works with Lestrade named in the header info when you're browsing through the fandom.

So if you never want to see fluff anywhere, put -fluff in the Global box and hit save. If you're good with fluff everywhere except The Wire, put -fluff in the Fandom box on The Wire's works page, and now that will be the only fandom where it doesn't show up.

I am just boggled at how customizable this is. Wow.

AO3 savior Works like Tumblr savior, in that anything it protects you from is hidden, rather than gone completely. You can choose to unhide them, then hide them again if you realize that nope, you really didn't want to see that after all. You can specify authors, tags, or summary terms/phrases; matches need to be exact.

Fair warning on this one as well: you also need to edit this script to tell it what you want it to protect you from. Again, it's not hard, but if you've never done it it can look confusing; instructions below.

Editing those user scripts

If you have a script that needs to be adjusted, click on the down arrow next to your Greasemonkey icon and select "Manage User Scripts". You'll see a list of all the scripts you've installed, each with three buttons next to it: Options, Disable, Remove.

Click "Options".

You'll get a popup box with two tabs: User Settings and Script Settings. The box should be on User Settings, with two empty boxes ("Included Pages" and "Excluded Pages") and a button at the bottom that says "Edit this User Script".

Click "Edit this User Script".

Another window will pop up, with code in it. Don't panic! There will be something in there indicating what you're supposed to edit, although you may have to search for it.

The very top section of every userscript will be grey text that starts with:

// ==UserScript==

This is the description/informational section. Don't touch anything here.

Beyond that, every script is different, but if you need to edit it, the part you're looking for will be near the top somewhere.

For the AO3 Kudos Tools script

This goes straight into kind of intimidating code, but don't let that throw you. The part you edit is in the first section after the description/info, and examples to follow are right there. It looks like this:


var kudos = jQuery("p.kudos", jQuery("#feedback")),
k_btn = jQuery('#kudo_submit'),
usr = 'YOU', // Your username
tracklist = []
// Usernames of people whose kudos you want to see more easily.
// Follow the example to list the names:
// ['user_a', 'user_b', 'user_c']

The bits you're looking for are "usr" and "tracklist".

Change the YOU (which in the real thing is in green, slanted text) next to "usr" to your AO3 username. Be careful to leave the single quotes and the comma alone, so your username is enclosed in the single quotes followed by a comma. You don't need to use all-caps; that's there so you can find the spot easily, I think.

If there are other people whose kudos you want to track, add their names inside the square brackets next to "tracklist", again sticking to the example given underneath with the single quotes and commas. The names you type in should also appear in green, slanted text; if they don't, you've broken the formatting somehow, probably by doing the single quotes and commas incorrectly. Make sure what you type matches the example: each user name should be enclosed in single quotes, with a comma and space after the close quote (the final name doesn't need to have a comma after it).

Once you're done, close the code box, and save when prompted. Then click Okay on the script box that's been open underneath the code you were working in, and you're all set.

If you open a page where you know you left kudos, both the button and your name in the list should be nice and green now.

For the AO3 Savior script

Under the description section is a section is called "Config", which looks like this:

/**** CONFIG ********************/
window.saviorBlacklist = {
authors: ['Hated Author 1', 'smeyer'],
// excludes works with an author that exactly matches at least one term

tags: ['dobby', 'jar jar binks'],
// excludes works with a tag that exactly matches at least one term

summary: ['horse-sized ducks', 'duck-sized horses']
// excludes works with summaries that contain at least one term

(Once again, the bits in square brackets are green and slanted in the real thing, to show that they're functional.)

See how that says Blacklist and gives examples? That's the bit you edit. Delete the example terms and replace them with any terms you want to exclude/hide, but again, pay careful attention to the formatting. Enclose your terms in single quotes, and use a comma and space outside the closing quote to separate the terms.

There's no whitelist on this, so the blacklist is the only thing you need to worry about. You can always edit more terms in, or take things out if they no longer bother you.

Close the code box when you're done and save when prompted. Then hit okay on the script box that's been sitting open underneath, and go load a works page. If any of the works on the page contain any of your terms, they should be hidden with a little note telling you so.

Couple of important notes:

1. Greasemonkey is installed on your browsers, and have nothing to do with your DW/LJ or AO3 accounts. You need to install it on every browser you use, and set up the scripts you want on each one.

2. This is much harder on mobile devices. iOS won't allow extensions to be installed unless you jailbreak your device, which I haven't done so I can't tell how well it works.. Looks like Android has a TamperMonkey app that's a browser that allows Greasemonkey scripts, but I don't have any Android devices so again have no idea how well it works. I can't find anything at all about installing Greasemeonkey on Windows phones/tablets on a fast search.

But if you're still regularly using a computer or two, these scripts are really useful.

Date: 2013-03-25 04:21 am (UTC)
dragonfly: (WC awesome)
From: [personal profile] dragonfly
What an awesome post! Thanks for this.

Date: 2013-03-25 06:37 am (UTC)
ladysorka: (Default)
From: [personal profile] ladysorka
Ooh, thanks for the link to the kudos one. I get told "you have already left kudos here!" way too often.

Date: 2013-03-27 08:12 am (UTC)
everbright: Eclipse of Saturn (Default)
From: [personal profile] everbright
WOW! Man, somebody on my reading list threw up a link to back here, and this is just the greatest thing! I never have to see thor/loki again! *hugs* Thank you!

Uh, do you mind if I pass your post along as well?

Date: 2013-03-28 01:38 am (UTC)
everbright: Eclipse of Saturn (Default)
From: [personal profile] everbright
Oh, thanks for taking apart what is actually happening when I mess around with it! :D

Date: 2013-03-29 03:57 am (UTC)
samjohnsson: It's just another mask (Default)
From: [personal profile] samjohnsson
So, darling. How would you feel about having a few line items here, in the "Cool Stuff" FAQ?

Date: 2013-04-01 10:58 pm (UTC)
samjohnsson: It's just another mask (Default)
From: [personal profile] samjohnsson
actually, I've just been poked to ask if they can link to this whole hog as a fan-created tutorial?

Date: 2021-06-02 04:06 pm (UTC)
yvannairie: :3 (Default)
From: [personal profile] yvannairie

Do you have a second source on that Kudos script? I'm trying to make my own user script that would automatically send a prewritten comment when I try to send kudos again, but I'm very inexperienced with JavaScript and couldn't figure out how the Ao3 API works -- being able to see a functioning userscript that interfaces with those functions would be a godsent right about now.

Date: 2021-06-06 07:59 pm (UTC)
yvannairie: :3 (Default)
From: [personal profile] yvannairie

Thank you! I finished my script but I'm working on an extension and I still have very little experience with JS.

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