arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
[personal profile] arduinna
Apologies for being so late with this letter /o\

Thank you so much! The thought of a story or art in any of these fandoms is already making me happy. These prompts probably lean toward fic, just because that's how my brain is wired, but I also asked for fanart for everything because art is awesome.

I love all of these fandoms unreservedly, so if you have a yen to explore the universe, or bring in additional characters I didn't list, it's all good.

If you want more information about my requests, read on - but please don't worry if your ideas go in a different direction. I would much rather enjoy what you wanted to create than think you felt obligated to do something just because of something I said. As long as it's for one of these relationships, I'll be happy. \o/

My fanwork tastes
I generally prefer the warm / happy / fluffy / vanilla end of the spectrum, especially for fests.

Romantic relationships for me cover the full spectrum from UST through totally committed/involved, and can be explicit or not depending on what suits the story or art. Take out the ST, and that all works for gen for me, too. It's all about the characters and their relationship, whatever point it may be at.

Some story elements and styles I like, in no particular order:

  • competence
  • affection
  • first times
  • hurt/comfort (physical or emotional)
  • banter
  • idylls
  • trust (either already established, or growing)
  • happy or hopeful endings
  • longing/yearning
  • wit
  • romance (in terms of a building relationship, not so much the Harlequin/Mills&Boon sort of thing)
  • the moment of discovery/realization
  • epistolary fic
  • adventure
  • fluff
  • casefic
  • quiet moments
  • slice of life
  • cavefic
  • huddling for warmth
  • characters who have broccoli with each other.

I like stories that weave into canon (missing scenes, episode tags...), stories that expand on canon (backstory, futurefic...), stories that deepen existing canon (case/adventure fic, slice of life, romances...).

Why I love these fandoms

(Alphabetical, not ranked by preference! I love them all. :)

Burn Notice (Sam Axe/Michael Westen)
Request details: I love how competent they both are, and how they're such a well-oiled team, even though they couldn't be more different in a lot of ways. The affection between them is so strong, and so unwavering; there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for each other. I'd love to see some light/warm moments about them and their strong connection to each other, anything from backstory to a slice of life to a case story.

Why I requested it: I'm fascinated by how far back they clearly go, and by how they'd do anything for each other, and not just because they owe each other their lives countless times over. They even sometimes manage to tell each other how they feel, in their own awkwardly sincere way, instead of coming at it sideways through teasing. And for all the darkness of the last couple of seasons, their relationship just got tighter and stronger, and Sam, more than anyone else, was the rock Michael could always depend on, no matter what – both to be there for him, and to call him on his bullshit when needed. It’s possible I melted into a puddle of goo during the end of s6, when Michael was just clutching at a dying Sam and freaking right the hell out.

I'd love to see something that goes into that connection. Backstory could be anything: how they first met; when they realized how much they trusted each other; a dangerous (or boring, or absurd...) mission; a quiet moment (of whatever length) in the middle of a dangerous mission (I love cavefic [where "cave" can mean any isolated place], huddling for warmth, snatched or planned idylls, "two men one bed", shared jokes that break tension – you name it); a boring mission where they keep each other awake/entertained/alert; a chance encounter as their paths cross, as they seem to have done over the years – show me some of how they go to that place of total trust and understanding with each other. Or during canon years, a missing scene or tag, a case we never saw, a quiet couple of beers watching the sunset to unwind.

Good Omens (Aziraphale/Crowley, Aziraphale&Crowley)
Request details: My newest fannish love. <3 It just makes me so happy. I love Aziraphale and Crowley’s history, and connection, and ease with each other. They love each other so much, and trust each other so much, and they've earned that love and trust over the years. Basically I can’t get enough of them, set at any point in time. I lean toward their male corporations, if that also works for you!

Why I requested it: Ahhh, these two just make me melt. I’m a long-time book fan as well, but it was the tv show that tipped me over into the fandom proper. Honestly, I just go a bit flaily when I try to talk about it, because what I love is everything. I love that every time they meet in history it’s like they just saw each other a couple of days ago, even before they started actively getting closer. I love their codes, and their secret meetings, and the way Crowley circles around Aziraphale to be sure he’s safe and shows up any time he’s in physical danger, and the way Aziraphale is desperate to make sure Crowley never does something so obviously helpful to Aziraphale that he’d be destroyed and yet also knows that a hopeful look will get Crowley to do practically anything. They just are so amazing, and such a perfect fit, and so cranky and adoring and at peace with each other’s selves.

Anything with the two of them, set at any point in time, would make me happy. From cozy domestic moments of having a cup of cocoa together, to missions in inhospitable places, to clandestine meetings per the Arrangement, to dealing with their respective Headquarters, to vacationing among the stars. Just show me them together, and I’ll be over the moon.

Hair (George Berger/Claude Bukowski)
Request details: I’ve wanted to see these two together forever. They were always the heart of the movie for me, this mismatched perfect pair who were meant to find each other, and I go all heart-eyes about them. I’d love to see some more of them together, whether a moment during canon or something post-movie – clearly, feel free to ignore or alter the canonical ending.

Why I requested it: I couldn’t resist this when I saw it in the tagset. I was in my mid-teens when I first saw it, and I imprinted on Berger/Claude (to the point of always being sort of baffled at the whole Sheila storyline in my heart, even if I get it in my head). I just want the two of them to be happy together. And no one to be dead, please. 😊 Whether it's tripping in the park, or working Claude's farm together 30 years later - anything at all would be awesome.

Person of Interest (Harold Finch/John Reese)
Request details: I love that these two ridiculously competent, broken, self-isolating men found themselves becoming partners and friends and family, right down giving their dog a bath in a tub together. I miss them, and want more of them interacting. Could be anything: a slice of life, trapped in a storm, working on a Number, anything you want. Just show me their connection, and I'll be happy. <3

Why I requested it: PoI was one of my great fannish loves, especially during the first two-and-a-bit seasons, and Finch and Reese were always the heart of the show for me. Watching these paranoid, isolated, wary, deeply untrusting men go from a brutally pragmatic business relationship ("I'll line 'em up; you kneecap 'em." "...Okay, that works.") to having canonical rainy-day excursions to the movies where they take cover under the same umbrella and sneak their puppy in because he's such a good boy, and panicking when one of them lost contact with the other, and risking everything for each other, was an utter delight, and basically pushed every old-school slash button I have.

I would love to see absolutely anything about them and their connection.

Wiseguy (Sonny Steelgrave/Vinnie Terranova):

Request details: I watched Wiseguy live when it aired and adored it, all because of Vinnie and Sonny. There's so much energy and emotion between them, and unbelievable loyalty and trust. I want more of that, please! Anything from a cotton-candy bit of fluff to something intense and plotty - as long as it's about the two of them I'll be happy. <3

Why I requested it: So, I love these two enough that when I was originally watching the show as it aired live, I stopped watching at the end of this arc. Not out of a how-dare-they kinda reaction, just – the show was about Vinnie and Sonny. No Sonny, no show! (I did eventually move past that, but it took years.) Their entire arc was just so intense, with so much freaking focus between them, all the time. The Nights in White Satin scene destroyed me in the best way.

I’d love to see anything with them that shows that connection and emotion. During canon, AU post-canon, you name it. Just give me these two, and I’ll be happy.

I adore all these fandoms, and will be happy with absolutely anything you write, as long as you enjoy writing it.

And thank you, again!!
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