arduinna: beanie versions of John and Rodney from SGA (beanies)
[personal profile] mific posted a podfic of one of my stories today, Booty -- a bit of Halloween fluff in SGA fandom that I've always been inordinately fond of, so I'm extra chuffed that she wanted to read it.

Listen to her rendition of Booty here!

Many thanks, [personal profile] mific!
arduinna: beanie versions of John and Rodney from SGA (beanies)
So I gave a bunch of people an end-of-month deadline, and it was only fair that I give myself the same deadline. And this counts as end-of-January because I haven't been to bed yet, and it's not Feb. 1 until I wake up, so there.

Pie, by Arduinna
SGA, John/Rodney
post-Siege, earthside, slight crossover with SG1
unbeta'd, complete fluff

cut for fluff )

posted directly to LJ because I'm too damn tired to do a proper site update for it right now
arduinna: beanie versions of John and Rodney from SGA (beanies)
I just added a Halloween story written for [ profile] sga_flashfic:

Title: Booty
Author: Arduinna
Rating: G, gen
Word count: ~925
Summary: It's a custom.

on my website

on sga_flashfic
arduinna: beanie versions of John and Rodney from SGA (beanies)
Title: Candygram
Author: Arduinna
Illustrator: [ profile] cynicatlantis
Rating: G, preslash (McKay/Sheppard)
Summary: "Do you think it ate Colonel Sheppard?" Crackfic.
Spoilers: None.
Roughly 1,800 words

So, I posted a story in [ profile] merrymakings about a month ago to cheer [ profile] merryish up while she was recovering from surgery, inspired by a drawing [ profile] cynicatlantis had done. After she read the story, to my absolute delight, [ profile] cynicatlantis made several fabulous illos specifically for it, including the perfect cover. So, just in time for [ profile] merryish's birthday:

Candygram, broadband version (~400k, image-heavy)

Candygram, dialup version (~20k, linked images)

Happy birthday, Merry!
arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
The two stories I wrote for the last couple challenges on [ profile] sga_flashfic have been posted to my website:

Bailey's 7 (First Contact challenge)

Summary: McKay has an unfortunate encounter with one of the local denizens on a new world.
SGA, PG, McKay/Sheppard; 22k


Revisionist (Darkness challenge)

Summary: Rodney keeps his eyes closed.
SGA, NC-17; 2k (drabble)
arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
Written for [ profile] therienne's birthday and posted in the First Contact challenge on [ profile] sga_flashfic.

Bailey's 7: SGA, h/c, McKay/Sheppard.

It'll go up on my website next week, after it's released from challenge posting restrictions.
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