Feb. 17th, 2019

arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
[personal profile] ljwrites posted: Signal Boost bookmarklet with user name tags for more sites

This is an update to the update to [personal profile] astolat's bookmarklet for signal-boosting posts. It always allowed you to signal-boost from any page anywhere, not just DW, but [personal profile] ljwrites has added user name tags for almost every site DW has tags for - so AO3, pinboard, LJ, JF, IJ, DJ, DeviantArt, Etsy, Blogger, Ravelry, Wordpress, and a few more.
arduinna: a tarot-card version of Linus from Peanuts, carrying a lamp as The Hermit (Default)
Oooh, the signal-boost thing works for AO3 collections, too. I edited this a bit to get rid of the "profile" and "join" links that got included because I also wanted the collection icon, but other than that, totally straightforward.

Wayback Exchange 2019 | Archive of Our Own

Wayback Exchange 2019

The Wayback Exchange is a fanfiction exchange for all those old canons you loved back in the day. Nostalgia's trendy now! Get with it!

This gift exchange is focused only on canons that are more than 10 years old. That means that for the 2019 round, the only canons eligible will be ones with no new material published or released after December 31, 2009.


(Closed, Moderated, Unrevealed, Anonymous, Gift Exchange Challenge)

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