— This is a transcribed copy of The Plantars Check In. — |
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[Open on Newtopia Castle, quickly cuts to Marcy, Anne, and the Plantars being led through the halls.]
Anne: Dang, girl. This is where you've been hanging out this whole time?
Marcy: I wouldn't say I "hang out" here, but yes! Staying at the castle has been awesome!
Sprig: Wow, I can't believe we're here!
Polly: And that we're about to meet the king of Amphibia!
Hop Pop: Wow, just look at this place. Am I dressed okay? Should I have worn my silk ascot? I'll go back and get it.
Marcy: Hey, hey. Don't stress, guys. This is no big deal.
Lady Olivia: Okay, frog family. You're about to meet King Andrias. This is a big deal.
[all gulp]
[angelic voices singing]
All: Wow!
Olivia: May I present to you Andrias Leviathan, Lord of Amphibia. Peacekeeper of a thousand years and the first of his name.
Anne: Now that's king-sized.
King Andrias: Hello, Plantar family!
-[all gasp]
King Andrias: [laughing] Oh, bring it in, you guys. Bring it in.
Hop Pop: Quick, kids, bow. [grunts]
King Andrias: It's so good to finally meet you!
[all grunt]
Polly: I love this guy!
King Andrias: [laughing]
Olivia: Dear King Andrias, just once, it would be nice if you followed proper castle etiquette.
King Andrias: [blows raspberry] Oh, etiquette shmetiquette! Ooh! And what do we have here?
Anne: [nervously] Hey.
King Andrias: You must be Anne. 'Sup? [to Marcy] Um, am I saying it right? 'Sup?
Marcy: [gives a thumbs up] You got it!
King Andrias: [laughs] The thumb of approval. And here's a thumb for you, Anne.
Anne: Oh, uh... right back at ya. [gives him a fist bump]
King Andrias: [chuckles, then laughs exuberantly] Delightful!
Anne: [grunts]
King Andrias: But now, let's get down to business, shall we? Getting you girls back home, safe and sound. Hmm... Alas, without the music box, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. Marcy doesn't have it, and, well, I assume you don't have it either.
Anne: Oh! Uh, actually, I do have the box.
Marcy: What? Are you serious?
King Andrias: Why, this is marvelous news! Come, come, let's see it.
Anne: Well, I don't "have it, have it." Hop Pop left it with some contacts to see what they could learn about it.
Hop Pop: [chuckles nervously]
Anne: But I do have a photo of it.
King Andrias: Yes, yes, a photo... [chuckles] Let's see here. Hmm, how peculiar. Marcy, didn't you say the gems were colored? Look here. They're... They're gray.
Anne: Hey, you're right. I never actually noticed that.
King Andrias: This will require further study in the deepest of our archives. Give me a few days to work with this information. At that time, we shall reconvene and set a glorious plan in motion.
Anne: Great! Mar Mar, what can I do to help?
Marcy: Can you translate ancient Amphibian runes?
Anne: I sure... can't!
Marcy: [chuckles] Don't worry, dude. I got this.
Anne: Nice! Just like group projects back home.
King Andrias: Until then, my dear Plantars, go forth and enjoy the sights of Newtopia. We've booked you a suite at the Hemisphere Hotel, my treat. And here... pick a hand!
Anne: Hmm.
King Andrias: [clears throat]
Anne: This hand?
King Andrias: Psych! [laughing] But wait, what's this? The Royal Credit Card! It will grant you access to do anything in Newtopia. Be safe with this now. Wars have been waged for less.
Sprig: Whoa, ho, ho, ho! We get to explore Newtopia with unlimited money?! This is a dream come true! Onward, family! Time to see Newtopia!
[Scene cuts to the Plantars' room in the Hemisphere Hotel.]
Sprig: What do you mean, nobody wants to see Newtopia?
Hop Pop: Not happenin'.
Polly: Polly happy right here.
Sprig: Anne, come on. You're with me, right?
Anne: Sorry, dude. The only thing I want to explore is that gift basket. [straining] [grunts] Maybe later.
Sprig: But we have the Royal Credit Card! The city's our playground.
Hop Pop: Sprig, the city will still be there tomorrow. Probably.
Sprig: Tomorrow? Or... I could take the card and...
Hop Pop: Sprig Plantar! Under no circumstances are you to take that card outside of this hotel!
Sprig: [sighs] I won't, Hop Pop.
Hop Pop: Good! [snoring]
Anne: [snoring]
Polly: [snoring]
Sprig: Hmm... [A lamp turns on behind him.]
Sprig: He didn't say anything about using it inside the hotel. [chuckles] Huh?
Bella: Four years of Newtopia University and a mountain of student debt for this? Oh, hi there. Bella the bellhop, at your service. Got the rest of your bags here.
Bella: [clears throat] How about a tip?
Sprig: Oh, sure! If you were to do one thing in the hotel for fun, what would it be?
Bella: Well, I've never gone, but everyone says the view from the top of the indoor Ferris wheel will change your life.
Sprig: Great. Thanks for the tip.
[elevator dings]
Sprig: Whoa... [gasps] This place is amazing! Look at that fountain! And ooh! That must be the indoor Ferris wheel. I'm gonna save you for later.
Concierge: Excuse me. Are you winking at that Ferris wheel?
Sprig: Yes, and I'm rich, so deal with it. Ha ha!
Concierge: Very good, sir.
Sprig: One ant cream sundae, my good man.
Napkin, sir?
Sprig: What do I look like, a slob?
Looking good!
[chuckles, grunts]
Hey! Hey!
[panting] Yes!
Thank you, my good man.
And now, to put on my hat.
[gasps, sobs]
Care for some Bug-accino, sir? Made fresh daily.
Sprig: Five, please!
Um, these are pretty strong.
Sprig: Five, I say!
Bop, bop, bee bop.
Blah! Disgusting!
Sprig: But maybe Hop Pop will like it. One to go, please. And she said they were strong. I don't feel a thing.
[buzzing] Huh?
[low-pitched buzzing]
Sprig: [in deep voice] I'm the time lord now.
[laughs, grunts]
I'll have what he's having.
Well, all that's left is to ride the Ferris wheel,
and I have just the thing to pay for it.
No! The Royal Credit Card!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
[elevator dings]
Excuse me, youngster. Could you push the 19th floor?
Uh, sure.
[elevator dings]
Oh, shoot. Can we try the 18th?
[elevator dings]
Here we go, 18th floor.
Nope. This isn't the casino either.
Looks like we'll have to go to every floor until we find the right one.
It may take hours, but what do we care?
We're old and have all the time in the world.
[both laugh]
[elevator dings]
Concierge: Five minutes left on your break, Bella.
Bella: [sighs] Is this it? Is this the rest of my life? Oh, well. If the real world's taught me anything, it's that magic is dead and miracles don't exist.
[Sprig yelps]
Sprig: Oh, thank goodness. I was beginning to think I'd never get my Royal Credit Card with unlimited funds back.
Bella: Did you say, "unlimited funds"?
Sprig: Sure did! Oh, you're gonna steal it, aren't you?
Bella: Finders keepers!
Sprig: Hey!
Sprig: Oh, no, you don't!
[grunts, gasps]
Sprig: Well, Ferris wheel. The time has come.
Bella: Are you winking at that Ferris wheel?
Sprig: Yes, and I'm rich, so deal with it!
Bella: Hey, get back here!
-Ha ha! [blows raspberry] -[grumbles]
[sighs] Glad I'm a frog right about now.
Hey, no fair! I'm just a frog!
[grunts] Hey!
Give me that! It's mine!
[both grumble]
[both gasp]
[both] Ooh!
[both] Ah!
Whoa, it's spectacular.
It's even more amazing than everyone says.
[sighs] Sorry about trying to steal your card, kid.
I shouldn't have. I... just...
I just really need the money.
Sprig: Oh, that's okay. [gasps]
Bella: [screaming]
Sprig: [yelps] I'll never get to her in time. Unless... [gulps] Ah!
[shouts, grunts]
Bella: What the... You saved me! Thanks, kid.
Concierge: You two are in big trouble! Nobody rides the Hemisphere Ferris wheel for free!
Sprig: Oh, sure. Here you go!
Concierge: [gasps] My mistake, sir! [to Bella] You, on the other hand, are fired!
Bella: [groans]
Sprig: Excuse me. Were you about to fire your best employee?
Concierge: My best?
Sprig: This bellhop recommended the Ferris wheel, but also went above and beyond her duty by showing it to me personally. I think the Newt King, who I happen to know, would be upset if she didn't get a raise!
Concierge: The king? Uh, yes, absolutely. Sound good, Bella?
Bella: Yes, sir!
Bella: Thanks, kid. It's people like you that make me ever so slightly more positive about the future.
Sprig: Don't mention it! Wanna go buy, like, 500 ant sundaes?
Bella: If you're paying, let's make it 1,000.
Sprig: [grunts] What a morning!
[alarm beeps]
[all yawn]
Hop Pop: Nothing like a nap to feel rejuvenated and full of energy. You guys wanna check out the hotel? Rise and shine, Sprig!
Anne: Let's go, little buddy! Time for more crazy hijinks!
Sprig: [groans] Go away.
Hop Pop: Come on, boy. I want to get my adventure on!
Polly: Milk that credit card!
Anne: I hear there's a Ferris wheel!