Contest / WWJ

What Would Jesus.....

Concept: After Jesus arose, He never died. Been roaming the earth ever since. He's come to You many times, as He is a Master of All, including disguise.

He Is also a Man. How would He fulfill that role - Friend, Father, Husband, Teacher, Preacher, Author, Poet, Cook, Mechanic, etc.....?

Does He sin?

How would He go about winning hearts in this day & age?

Would He be able to find a heart with His name written on/in it?

For the twist - if You'd like, use the same themes as above, but with Jesus having a feminine form.

I have some very interesting writers as friends, who I'm sure are scholars, and many familiar with theology, and many other disciplines.....arts, so I am looking forward to Your entries.

Now go forth - and Preach, Teach........
Any form applies.
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Contest ended on Jan 23 2011 07:46 AM PST
Judging Notes

Thank you all for your entries! I enjoyed the reading your words and appreciate the efforts for the work.....


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