in strict secrecy 極秘で
strict terms 厳しい条件
strict rules 厳格な規則
strict laws 厳格な法律
The rules are strict 規則厳重
strict standards 厳しい基準
「strictly confidential」とは、極秘、秘密事項という意味である。
In order to correct the child's spoiled personality, it is necessary to have strict discipline by parents, but it is also important to praise the child from time to time for the growth of the child.
At that call center, strict training is given to all operators, from young to veteran, so that they can sincerely respond to various complaints from customers.
Climbing snowy mountains alone and in old age is often strict, so it would be better to ask an experienced mountain guide or switch to climbing in a group.
Many of the grand pianos used by professional pianists have passed the strict manufacturing standards set by long-established manufacturers, so they can last for decades if they are properly maintained.
Employee blunders are often caused by a lack of training at the company, rather than by their own qualities and abilities. Therefore, it is important to provide strict training for each employee.
Although the number of crimes tends to decrease in countries and regions where strict laws are in place, people gradually lose tolerance and some people find it difficult to live.
If you are an educator, you should keep in mind that a strict education does not necessarily make you a good person.
The soccer club my son attends has strict rules in place to keep the discipline of the team intact, and if he violates them, he may not be able to participate in the game.
「strict」とは、形容詞で規則や原則、人の態度が厳格な、厳しいという意味を持つ。注意深い、慎重だと表現する場合に使うこともできる。比較級は「stricter」、最上級は「strictest」にそれぞれ変化する。「strictly」は副詞で厳密に、厳密にいえば、断然という意味である。「a strict」は後に名詞が続き、厳しい~、厳格な~といった文章を構成する。「strict」と同じ意味で、動詞を交えた「be strict with~」の言い回しもよく使われる。「strict」の覚え方として、「ストリクト」とカタカナに直した上で、語呂合わせで「酢を取りに行く」と覚えると良い。「strict」の発音・読み方
a strict upbringing 厳しいしつけin strict secrecy 極秘で
strict terms 厳しい条件
strict rules 厳格な規則
strict laws 厳格な法律
The rules are strict 規則厳重
strict standards 厳しい基準
「strictly confidential」とは
「strictly confidential」とは、極秘、秘密事項という意味である。
Famous automakers have strict standards to produce safe and high-performance cars, and production line staff are required to comply with them.有名な自動車メーカーでは、安全かつ高性能の車を生産するために厳しい基準が設けられており、製造ラインのスタッフはそれを遵守することを求められている。
In order to correct the child's spoiled personality, it is necessary to have strict discipline by parents, but it is also important to praise the child from time to time for the growth of the child.
At that call center, strict training is given to all operators, from young to veteran, so that they can sincerely respond to various complaints from customers.
Climbing snowy mountains alone and in old age is often strict, so it would be better to ask an experienced mountain guide or switch to climbing in a group.
Many of the grand pianos used by professional pianists have passed the strict manufacturing standards set by long-established manufacturers, so they can last for decades if they are properly maintained.
Employee blunders are often caused by a lack of training at the company, rather than by their own qualities and abilities. Therefore, it is important to provide strict training for each employee.
Although the number of crimes tends to decrease in countries and regions where strict laws are in place, people gradually lose tolerance and some people find it difficult to live.
If you are an educator, you should keep in mind that a strict education does not necessarily make you a good person.
The soccer club my son attends has strict rules in place to keep the discipline of the team intact, and if he violates them, he may not be able to participate in the game.
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