出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 (2024/12/05 02:28 UTC 版)
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知識の組織化(英: knowledge organization, KO)は、図書館情報学 (LIS) に関係する、ライブラリ・データベース・アーカイブなどに施されるドキュメント記述、目録作りや分類のような活動を含む知的学問を指す。知識組織化、情報の組織化あるいは情報組織化とも呼ばれる。これらの活動は、コンピュータ・アルゴリズムと同じぐらい専門的である司書、アーキビストによって実施される。
知識、認識、言語および社会的組織化の異なったビューに関係する、異なった歴史と理論的アプローチおよび理論が存在する。これらのアプローチのそれぞれ、「知識の組織化は何か?」という問いに答えようとする。ライブラリ情報サービス専門家はしばしば新しい技術と標準を応用することに注力し、彼らの仕事が意味の解釈や分析に係わると見なさないかもしれない。それが、ライブラリ分類が実質的な知的内容に欠けると非難された理由である。しかしながら Dr. Ch. Tutundjian de Vartavan が、主題の問題の広範囲な関係する哲学に基づいて2005年と2008年に新しいライブラリ分類を提案した(注釈:V - LIB 1.2)[1](現在UKで許可の下でRosecastle 社によって売られており知識の700以上の分野のためのVartavanライブラリ分類2008年版)を見てほしい。
この分野の先導的ジャーナルは国際知識の組織化機構(ISKO) によって出版されているKnowledge Organizationである[2]。同様にLifeboat for Knowledge Organizationも参照[3]。
Hjørland (2008)はKOへのアプローチ全貌を提供した。 [4]
『伝統的』と分類できる KO の歴史で主要人物の間に、メルヴィル・デューイ(1851 - 1931)とヘンリー・ブリス(1870 - 1955)がいる。
Henry Bliss(と現代の多くのKOの思索家)における重要な特徴は、自然の秩序を反映しようとする科学であり、そしてそのライブラリ分類は科学によって暴露される知識の秩序を反映すべきである。
影響は、ライブラリアンが本を分類するために、科学的な開発について知るべきであり。これはまた彼らの教育で反映されるべきである:「ライブラリアンの高度教育の見地から再び、分類のシステムを教えることは・・・おそらく、システマティックな百科事典におけるコースと全ての科学の方法論、いわゆる彼らが今一緒に学んでいるお互いに関係する最近の結果を要約しようと試みるアウトラインを含むことによりより良く行われるであろう。(Blissから引用されたErnest Cushing Richardson、1935、P.2)
- 語彙統制の原則
- 特化についてのCutterの原則(en)
- Hulmeのライブラリ権限の原則(1911)
- 汎用から特定への組織化の原則
例えば本の題名などに現れる対象は、まず「ファセット」と呼ばれるいくつかの共通のカテゴリーに分類される。 ランガナタンはPMEST法を提唱している。すなわち、人格、物質、エネルギー、空間そして時間である。
- Personality is the distinguishing characteristic of a subject
- Matter is the physical material of which a subject may be composed
- Energy is any action that occurs with respect to the subject
- Space is the geographic component of the location of a subject.
- Time is the period associated with a subject.
Important in the IR-tradition have been, among others, the Cranfield experiments, which were founded in the 1950s, and the TREC experiments (Text Retrieval Conferences) starting in 1992. It was the Cranfield experiments, which introduced the famous measures “recall” and “precision” as evaluation criteria for systems efficiency. The Cranfield experiments found that classification systems like UDC and facet-analytic systems were less efficient compared to free-text searches or low level indexing systems (“UNITERM”). The Cranfield I test found according to Ellis (1996, 3-6) the following results.
- UNITERM 82,0% recall
- Alphabetical subject headings 81,5% recall
- UDC 75,6% recall
- Facet classification scheme 73,8% recall
Although these results have been criticized and questioned, the IR-tradition became much more influential while library classification research lost influence. The dominant trend has been to regard only statistical averages. What has largely been neglected is to ask: Are there certain kinds of questions in relation to which other kinds of representation, for example, controlled vocabularies, may improve recall and precision?
The best way to define this approach is probably by method: Systems based upon user-oriented approaches must specify how the design of a system is made on the basis of empirical studies of users.
User studies demonstrated very early that users prefer verbal search systems as opposed to systems based on classification notations. This is one example of a principle derived from empirical studies of users. Adherents of classification notations may, of course, still have an argument: That notations are well-defined and that users may miss important information by not considering them.
Folksonomies is a recent kind of KO based on users' rather than on librarians' or subject specialists' indexing.
These approaches are primarily based on using bibliographical references to organize networks of papers, mainly by bibliographic coupling (introduced by Kessler 1963) or co-citation analysis ( independently suggested by Marshakova 1973 and Small 1973). In recent years it has become a popular activity to construe bibliometric maps as structures of research fields.
Two considerations are important in considering bibliometric approaches to KO:
- The level of indexing depth is partly determined by the number of terms assigned to each document. In citation indexing this corresponds to the number of references in a given paper. On the average, scientific papers contain 10-15 references, which provide quite a high level of depth.
- The references, which function as access points, are provided by the highest subject-expertise: The experts writing in the leading journals. This expertise is much higher than that which library catalogs or bibliographical databases typically are able to draw on.
Domain analysis is a sociological-epistemological standpoint. The indexing of a given document should reflect the needs of a given group of users or a given ideal purpose. In other words, any description or representation of a given document is more or less suited to the fulfillment of certain tasks. A description is never objective or neutral, and the goal is not to standardize descriptions or make one description once and for all for different target groups.
The development of the Danish library “KVINFO” may serve as an example that explains the domain-analytic point of view.
KVINFO was founded by the librarian and writer Nynne Koch and its history goes back to 1965. Nynne Koch was employed at the Royal Library in Copenhagen in a position without influence on book selection. She was interested in women’s’ studies and began personally to collect printed catalog cards of books in the Royal Library, which were considered relevant for women’s studies. She developed a classification system for this subject. Later she became the head of KVINFO and got a budget for buying books and journals, and still later, KVINFO became an independent library. The important theoretical point of view is that the Royal Library had an official systematic catalog of a high standard. Normally it is assumed that such a catalog is able to identify relevant books for users whatever their theoretical orientation. This example demonstrates, however, that for a specific user group (feminist scholars), an alternative way of organizing catalog cards was important. In other words: Different points of view need different systems of organization.
DA is the only approach to KO which has seriously examined epistemological issues in the field, i.e. comparing the assumptions made in different approaches to KO and examining the questions regarding subjectivity and objectivity in KO. Subjectivity is not just about individual differences. Such differences are of minor interest because they cannot be used as guidelines for KO. What seems important are collective views shared by many users. A kind of subjectivity about many users is related to philosophical positions. In any field of knowledge different views are always at play. In arts, for example, different views of art are always present. Such views determine views on art works, writing on art works, how art works are organized in exhibitions and how writings on art are organized in libraries (see Ørom 2003). In general it can be stated that different philosophical positions on any issue have implications for relevance criteria, information needs and for criteria of organizing knowledge.
- ^ a b Hoetzlein R., 2007. The Organization of Human Knowledge: Systems for Interdisciplinary Research. Available at: http://www.rchoetzlein.com/quanta
- ^ Knowledge Organization. http://www.isko.org/ko.html
- ^ Hjørland, Birger (ed.). Lifeboat for Knowledge Organization. Available at: http://www.db.dk/bh/lifeboat_ko/home.htm
- ^ Hjørland, Birger (2008).知識の組織化とは何か? 知識の組織化。理論、分類、目録及び知識表現への優れた国際ジャーナル 35(2/3):pp. 86-101.
- 知識組織化のページへのリンク