Vatic Note: This below, hopefully, is self explanatory. I put three different blogs together, to make one point and if you read and watch these videos, you will see the point I was trying to make. I have included much more information that is given to us over these many years by most posters, since they do not tie this issue in with the alien invasion false flag they planned on doing that came out of the 1966 Iron Mountain report.
The link to that report is in the body of this composition, as are other links to shore up what we found over these many years and now its all coming together. You will have to read, watch the videos and decide for yourselves. Good luck and God Bless you all and your families. Remember, Justice must always be served. Keep that in mind as we go through all this.
Due to immediate and generous, caring donors we are now down to $65 that we need by the 1st of the month. That is only 1 day away, so we are getting close. We are so grateful for your support in so many ways.
If you can afford it please donate off to the right of the blog. God Bless you and your family in all things. If we don't make it, we will leave the blog up so the 7,000 blogs can be used as a reference for future use. We will not take the site down. Rather we will have to stop the research and posting. So stay with us til the first and hopefully, we will get that $65 we need to continue.
NASA Employee causes PANIC and FEAR with NIBIRU theme (Expected METEOR'S IMPACT at December 2015)
BREAKING NEWS! Must be Shared... Let's Share this video... this video must be shared with max number of people in AMERICA and UK! make your part now, please share it! Because of the Government Cover-up! HELP US!
NASA Employee causes PANIC and FEAR with NIBIRU theme (Expected METEOR'S IMPACT at December 2015)
Watch too this Important video: "Look the PLANET NIBIRU found at the GOOGLE SPACE TELESCOPE" at
(VN: Now to give equal time to the opposing view about Nibiru or the dark star, we are publishing this video as well. The above are calling what this NASA employee says, " A COVER UP OF THE ARRIVAL OF NIBIRU". We have to watch all three before deciding then add your own comments about what you believe and make it all go viral.)
NIBIRU Planet X is Here Government Cover Up 2015
(VN continued from above) Why is it important that the government position from NASA be aired???? What if it is a coverup? What if it is not? That means that either we are going to experience Nibiru as a real event, or experience another government false flag only on a global scale, using deception but the affects will be the same, only done by the international globalists, including their operational arm, the Khazar bankers through Israel infiltrated within our government. In both instances we best be prepared and to take a stand for justice when its over.
We published a blog a couple of years ago about the "1966 Iron Mountain Report" that recommended using alien invasions of our planet as a justification for globalizing the entire planet under one command, in order to fight off the bad guys who are aliens.
If that is the case, then this commentary by this guy has to be considered in light of the planned response to any such alien invasion. Lets also remember that we have a fleet of space ships that look like space ships and we did several blogs on that at one time. So it could be another false flag attempt by the evil ones, to achieve their agenda that we have been resisting for some time now. NASA is now under the Navy Space command, so I don't trust NASA any more. Being prepared is going to be important because their false flags always harm Americans and others on the planet, so it doesn't even matter if its aliens or Khazars pretending to be alien bad guys. We are the target in either case. So get prepared.
LEGAL NOTE * LEGAL NOTE * LEGAL NOTE: We have copyright permissions over this video, inside the Youtube rules. Please write to us asking for more informations at our INBOX Facebook Page.
or sent an e-mail:
[email protected]
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
The link to that report is in the body of this composition, as are other links to shore up what we found over these many years and now its all coming together. You will have to read, watch the videos and decide for yourselves. Good luck and God Bless you all and your families. Remember, Justice must always be served. Keep that in mind as we go through all this.
Due to immediate and generous, caring donors we are now down to $65 that we need by the 1st of the month. That is only 1 day away, so we are getting close. We are so grateful for your support in so many ways.
If you can afford it please donate off to the right of the blog. God Bless you and your family in all things. If we don't make it, we will leave the blog up so the 7,000 blogs can be used as a reference for future use. We will not take the site down. Rather we will have to stop the research and posting. So stay with us til the first and hopefully, we will get that $65 we need to continue.
NASA Employee causes PANIC and FEAR with NIBIRU theme (Expected METEOR'S IMPACT at December 2015)
Published on Jul 31, 2015
NASA Employee causes PANIC and FEAR with NIBIRU theme (Expected METEOR'S IMPACT at December 2015)
Watch too this Important video: "Look the PLANET NIBIRU found at the GOOGLE SPACE TELESCOPE" at
(VN: Now to give equal time to the opposing view about Nibiru or the dark star, we are publishing this video as well. The above are calling what this NASA employee says, " A COVER UP OF THE ARRIVAL OF NIBIRU". We have to watch all three before deciding then add your own comments about what you believe and make it all go viral.)
NIBIRU Planet X is Here Government Cover Up 2015
(VN continued from above) Why is it important that the government position from NASA be aired???? What if it is a coverup? What if it is not? That means that either we are going to experience Nibiru as a real event, or experience another government false flag only on a global scale, using deception but the affects will be the same, only done by the international globalists, including their operational arm, the Khazar bankers through Israel infiltrated within our government. In both instances we best be prepared and to take a stand for justice when its over.
We published a blog a couple of years ago about the "1966 Iron Mountain Report" that recommended using alien invasions of our planet as a justification for globalizing the entire planet under one command, in order to fight off the bad guys who are aliens.
If that is the case, then this commentary by this guy has to be considered in light of the planned response to any such alien invasion. Lets also remember that we have a fleet of space ships that look like space ships and we did several blogs on that at one time. So it could be another false flag attempt by the evil ones, to achieve their agenda that we have been resisting for some time now. NASA is now under the Navy Space command, so I don't trust NASA any more. Being prepared is going to be important because their false flags always harm Americans and others on the planet, so it doesn't even matter if its aliens or Khazars pretending to be alien bad guys. We are the target in either case. So get prepared.
LEGAL NOTE * LEGAL NOTE * LEGAL NOTE: We have copyright permissions over this video, inside the Youtube rules. Please write to us asking for more informations at our INBOX Facebook Page.
or sent an e-mail:
[email protected]
The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.
1 comment:
True, but I keep remembering how Iceland solved that problem. BY USING JUSTICE as the equalizer. All their bankers are sitting in jail right now, convicted of crimes, and the rest have left the country. We recently did a blog showing how Iceland is going to sell all the banks and use the money to give back to their depositors and by the way, Iceland is now in economic recovery, so lets work for the best and follow Iceland’s lead.
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