Showing posts with label UN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UN. Show all posts


117 Countries Slam American Police Brutality at UN Human Rights Council

Clerk Note: A year old, but still valid. The trend line is how we're turning into police states.
117 Countries Slam American Police Brutality at UN Human Rights Council

By: Counter Current News Editorial Team
Date: 2015-06-05


Interview – UN does nothing while (KHAZAR) Saudis starve Yemen

Vatic Note:   I apologize for the lateness of these blogs, but my illness has gotten worse and my energy has dropped like a big bombshell.  But we are still working on it at the health clinic, and they assure me, with time, I will get better.  Lets hope they are right.  I only have enough energy to do 2 blogs tonight, but will resume Sunday with three.  Thanks so much for your patience with me.  I vowed when I started this, that I wanted to make it stable and consistant so you could count on it, and it has only been this illness that has stopped that commitment.  I hope to fix that when I get fixed.  

The reason this all looks so familiar is because the Saudi Royal family are descended from Khazars and thus are tied very heavily into the khazars of Israel.  That is why this looks so much like Gaza.   What these Saudis are going in Yemen is in  no way any less dispicable as what Israel does in Gaza, in the similarities are what makes it clear that there is cooperation between them with, what must be, a similar agenda.   Khazar control of the entire Middle east and all its natural resources, part of which are in Yemen. 

Our foreign policy has to change and we need to go back to being and looking like America instead of looking like Khazar controlled Israel.   Purging these foreign occupiers out of our government would sure help that a lot. 

Interview – UN does nothing while (KHAZAR) Saudis starve Yemen
by Jim W. Dean,  VT Editor  … with Press TV, Tehran

Yemen has been in a chokehold for a year, with a blockade that is a disgrace to the International Community, and the UN has failed miserably to do anything about it.
In 2016, to have a situation like this where a medieval tribal family can use all the weapons and technical expertise of the West to impose collective punishment on the Yemeni people over the current dispute is something right out of the Israeli Gaza playbook.


A VATIC "MUST WATCH": Why US and Israel wants to ban this video...

Vatic Note:   This was an amazing job for this American Jew to put together and convey the minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day horror that constitutes "life" for the Palestinian people IN THEIR OWN LAND.

The point she makes very well, is how this is not even in the land of Israel, rather, this is   happening by Israel against the Palestinian people in their own legally recognized land.  In other words,  ITS AN ILLEGAL OCCUPATION BY ISRAEL OF ANOTHER COUNTRY, PALESTINE AND THEIR PEOPLE.

I tried to imagine how I would feel if I went through all that these people have gone through and go through every single day.  When I did that, watching it happen as I am pondering it,  I got mad. I came up with all kinds of things I would do to rid my country of these occupiers. Now I want my country, THE USA, to stop sending billions of my tax dollars to Israel, to do this illegal occupation and to leave the pals alone to live their lives.

That was when I realized just how peaceful, and gentle these Palestinian people are.  Take a gander for yourselves.   Its real, since its on video and done by someone who has absolutely no reason to lie about it all.  So my question is,  WHY ISN'T THE UN DOING SOMETHING ABOUT THE INTERNATIONALLY ILLEGAL  OCCUPATION BY ISRAEL, OF THE PALESTINIAN COUNTRY?

To me, it makes it clear as a bell, just how useless and used the UN is when it comes to acting as the government of the globalists and this is exactly what we can expect if these globalists ever get the power they need to run the globe.  We must  never let that happen.  

Why US and Israel wants to ban this video...
Published on Jul 18, 2014
This nice Jewish American speaks truth about her experience in occupied Palestine... It will make you cry...


The UN Plans To Implement Universal Biometric Identification For All Of Humanity By 2030

Vatic Note:   First thing that hit me in this article was the fact that a central data base was to be located in Switzerland, the home base of the khazar Rothschild bankers, and so right away I knew who the controllers were, at least as long as they want to be controlled.   Its the International bankers who are also khazars.  Switzerland is also the home of the BIS, the Bank of International Settlements. 

The second thing that hit me, was the smart meters and the G-20 global spy grid the bankers and illums want to create, so they can track our every move and do so on a global level, so what we are going through here, is going on all over the planet.   Maybe we should consider stopping all this before they succeed in their depopulation plans.  Ya Think????  

The UN Plans To Implement Universal Biometric Identification For All Of Humanity By 2030
By Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse Blog, on November 1st, 2015 


The United Nations 2030 Agenda decoded: It's a blueprint for the global enslavement of humanity under the boot of corporate masters

Vatic Note:  Well, most of us knew that the United Nations was long gone to the power brokers, but we had a slim hope that we were wrong.  But, alas, this and the sustainable agenda has pretty much made it clear as a bell, that they are aiding and abetting humanit's enemies and implementing their agenda every chance they get, and doing so with the UN's help.

The only world war we should fight is the entire world's population against the international bankers and the UN.   Maybe we should revisit "The people to people intiative" and begin thinking/pondering on it seriously.  Is that why Goldman Sachs Nuke Hardened their Corporate headquarters in New York back 5 or 6 years ago?  We published a blog on what they were doing and we had a live person on site reporting to us how they were doing all this.

They had crews out working only at night and not during the day.  They had underground tunnels and stuff up on their roof.  I will try to find that article and give you the link so you can revisit it. 

The United Nations 2030 Agenda decoded: It's a blueprint for the global enslavement of humanity under the boot of corporate masters
By Mike Adams,  The Health Ranger, Natural News,  Sept 4, 2015


All Signs Point to a Coming UN Police Action to Seize American Guns

Vatic Note:  I believe that this blog is the most important one I have done so far in all 6 years that we have been blogging.  If we allow this, then its all over for us, our nation and our freedoms and protections.  If they can get away with the illegal acts that they have already been violating, and we still have our guns, you can imagine just how much worse it will be if we EVER GIVE THEM UP.   I would rather die fighting than to EVER LIVE THE WAY THEY HAVE PLANNED FOR US. That has been covered on here in many blogs.

Thank goodness our forefathers had the foresight to provide protection for our "GOD given right to defend ourselves".  All this proves is the reality of what we can expect if we give up our guns.  Total and complete dictatorship without regard for what the people want, need and have a legal right to expect from our government.  Try to imagine the worst that they could do to us and how you would fair under such creative evil.  That, for me, was incentive enough to prepare for what is coming.   I got my tree/bush,  how about you?

Without a vote of the people for doing away with our 250 year old Constitution, they cannot legally collect our guns.  It states clearly in the Constitution that "no treaty that violates that document, can be signed, approved or enforced, if it violates our Constitution and our rights and protections."  How they plan on justifying this,  only the Lord knows.  None of their false flags have worked, in fact, it has been embarrassing to watch them screw up almost everyone of them they have tried and get caught doing so, through seriously stupid mistakes.

I just read a quote in one of the comments to this blog at Dave Hodges and I decided to put it up here.   So SERIOUSLY TAKE HEED OF IT....

Chinese UN peacekeeping force in Mali held live-fire exercise

Vatic Note:  Notice how the UTUBE provider and announcer avoided using the term "UN PEACEKEEPING MISSION" and instead said it was a "Chinese Peacekeeping mission" which implies sovereignty is alive and well.   That won't be the case if they do it here, but then who knows what they will tell the world, rather than "tell the truth" as usual.  Lying is a big part of their entire deception game.  We have seen that too many times, to ignore it.

We have a blog coming up at 2 am proving that UN troops are here and practicing on American soil.  Are they intending to enforce the Gun confiscation treaty that OBAMA ILLEGALLY SIGNED???  Is Obama a foreign agent for a foreign country???   Is his status as a dual Israeli citizen determining his loyalties?  It appears so or he would not have signed that treaty.

Just for the edification of the uninformed....... Muslims are going through the exact same thing we are going through.   They are being lied to about America and our goals where they are concerned.  We are being blamed for millions of dead civilians in countries that our foreign occupiers decided to invade for stealing that nations natural resources of gas and oil and the Muslims know the truth.

Our best hope is that we, on the west and Muslims in the east, do not fall into the trap being laid for us to conduct a world war and kill each other off, so the Zionist khazar bankers are left standing, nice and safe and not at risk of dying.   Both We and the Muslims take all the risk, well, let the Zionists do their own fighting.  Both of us should refuse to engage in their planned war for profit and control.   In this,  WE SHOULD BE UNITED.....

Chinese peacekeeping force in Mali held live-fire exercise
Published on Nov 7, 2015

Chinese peacekeeping force in Mali held a live-fire exercise coded "operation oasis"recently.

Once getting the order of scramble, the Chinese peacekeepers got everything ready for operation in 1 minute.  Various weapons including APC aircraft machine gun, heavy machine gun and so on had been used in the exercise.

Correspondents: Wu Di,Wu Zhongxiang
Music: Black Highway by JR Tundra ,from YouTube Music Library

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


Breaking: World Leader Accuses Obama of Treason on the Floor of the United Nations (Video) Start Of the Fall?

Vatic Note:  This was very interesting prespective on what happened with the Obama, Iran agreement.  It was very educational and enlightening.   This is one where I could not figure out the benefit to the cabal for all of this jockeying that took place.  Maybe if you read it, you could figure it out and tell us what you came up with in the vatic comments section.  We look forward to your analysis.

Due to  immediate and generous, caring donors we are now down to $90 that we need by the 1st of the month. That is only 3 days away, so we are getting close.   We are so grateful for your support in so many ways. If you can afford it please donate off to the right of the blog.  God Bless you and your family in all things.  If we don't make it, we will leave the blog up so the 7,000 blogs can be used as a reference for future  use.  We will not take the site down.  Rather we will have to stop the research and posting. So stay with us til the first and hopefully, we will get that $90 we need to continue.  

Breaking: World Leader Accuses Obama of Treason on the Floor of the United Nations (Video) Start Of the Fall?\
By King of Shambhala, Before Its News,  October 1, 2015

Address of the Argentine President Cristina Fernández to the UN General Assembly.


It’s Official: Covert Global Depopulation is Long-Standing United Nations Agenda, NOT A Conspiracy Theory

Vatic Note:   This blog is a continuation and expansion of the one we put up 2nd tonight.  I was late in getting these up because I was searching for a more comprehensive treatment of the subject, since this all has been going on since before 1978.   Bottom line, is, the UN should be immediately defunded and discontinued, and those running it should be arrested for treason against the globe, and executed as any traitor to any country should.

I have a lot more to say, but do not want to use this as a venting vehicle, rather a problem identifier and to try to come up with solutions that would be permanent and executable.  I consider this below confirmed, based on what I see everyday in my little rural podunk town.

I see at least one ambulance a day on siren and heading out to pick up another senior having breathing problems.   I then see India issue a warrant for the arrest of Bill Gates for his implementing the vaccine policies in India, through propoganda, and then resulting in the sterile condition of its population. No new births to replace those being genocided by the globalists.

FUND RAISING TIME AGAIN.  This time we are in a bigger bind than we have anticipated, so we are begging you to donate as soon as possible to help us out of it.  I can't go into it right now, but suffice it to say,   We can not do our blogs or fund raising campaign, if we are out of business.

Now we are  asking for donations toward our $175 deficit this month. We are now on the 29th with only 2 days left to meet our goal.  SO PLEASE HELP US DO THAT IN SUCH A SHORT SPACE OF TIME.   If you can afford it, we appeal to you to donate to our cause to keep truth exposed and lies distroyed so we can prepare based on reality.... so help us do that,  please use the pay pal button off to the right of this bog.

Thank you for all your support over these many years.  I am still trying to find a way to fund this deficit without fund raising.  So far, no luck, but I am not giving up, so hang with us until we do.  Thank you again and God bless you and your family.

It’s Official: Covert Global Depopulation is Long-Standing United Nations Agenda, not Conspiracy Theory
By Admin,  October 17, 2015

Used to be “depopulation agendas” were considered morbid whispers and spread of Conspiracy Theory. No More. Take a listen to this interview (first video linked below) with Kevin Galalae, who exposes the actual, planned Global Depopulation set up by the United Nations of the world via planned, intentioned, and acted-on mass sterility and morbidity being induced by all sorts of means, 


A Decisive Shift In The Power Balance Has Occurred between Russia and the USA, with Russia as the Winner.