Showing posts with label IRS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IRS. Show all posts



Vatic Note:   If you read the Constitution on this issue, you will find that the founding fathers intended that only profit making businesses were to pay taxes, except in time of war, then everyone pays.   For regular non war taxation, they never intended for a working man paid by another should pay taxes and the reason was that the founding fathers considered "wages" as an "exchange of assets" and not a source of profit such as a business would generate.

The mans' labor was his asset and the pay he received was not considered income, rather it was considered an asset of the person who hired him and they exchanged assets.  Now "THAT" makes perfect sense.   If a man gives up something he owns, like his labor, in exchange for another asset that he can use, then there is "no profit" in the transaction.  Rather, its a bartering system.

This income tax issue became a controversy because the central banks were trying to take control of the US currency, banking and interest accumulation through amassing of debt by the country and its government.   The IRS in reality, is an arm of the World Bank and the IMF, as their collection arm.

Notice that our budgets are NEVER based on tax revenues,  they are based on debt, since all budgets are first borrowed and then paid back by tax revenues, and its the interest that is paid first, with the principle last, which means we never get out of debt and the bankers get rich off of our labor asset exchange, being taxed as income.

Thats why the IRS headquarters are based out of Puerto Rico. Anyway, this is a great collection of legal renderings that proves the point about the issue of failure to file taxes.  No law exists because it was never in the Constitution that labor should be taxed as income.  You read and see what you think. 

By Mike Rivero,  Whats Really Happening


Wyoming Sheriffs tell federal ATF & IRS Agents "Abide by the consitution or face immediate arrest"

Contributors Note:   
Wyoming Sheriffs tell federal ATF & IRS Agents "Abide by the consitution or face immediate arrest"
Posted By: Maryhrt, Rumormills News
Date: Saturday, 24-September-2011

Subject: Wyoming Sheriffs tell federal ATF & IRS Agents "Abide by the constitution or face immediate arrest"

Here’s one the mainstream media isn’t going to tell you: County sheriffs in Wyoming are demanding that federal agents actually abide by the Constitution, or face arrest. Even better, a U.S. Federal District Court agreed.

Keene Free Press:  The court decision was the result of a suit against both the BATF and the IRS by Mattis and other members of the Wyoming Sheriff’s Association. The suit in the Wyoming federal court district sought restoration of the protections enshrined in the United States Constitution and the Wyoming Constitution.
Guess what? The District Court ruled in favor of the sheriffs. In fact, they stated, Wyoming is a sovereign state and the duly elected sheriff of a county is the highest law enforcement official within a county and has law enforcement powers exceeding that of any other state or federal official.” Go back and re-read this quote.
The court confirms and asserts that “the duly elected sheriff of a county is the highest law enforcement official within a county and has law enforcement powers EXCEEDING that of any other state OR federal official.”
And you thought the 10th Amendment was dead and buried — not in Wyoming, not yet.
Bighorn County Sheriff Dave Mattis comments:
“If a sheriff doesn’t want the Feds in his county he has the constitutional right and power to keep them out, or ask them to leave, or retain them in custody.”
“I am reacting in response to the actions of federal employees who have attempted to deprive citizens of my county of their privacy, their liberty, and their property without regard to constitutional safeguards.
I hope that more sheriffs all across America will join us in protecting their citizens from the illegal activities of the IRS, EPA, BATF, FBI, or any other federal agency that is operating outside the confines of constitutional law. Employees of the IRS and the EPA are no longer welcome in Bighorn County unless they intend to operate in conformance to constitutional law.”
Rest on link

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I believe that we can thank Sheriff Mack for this and all of his efforts to bring these actions about.
Mary   (VN:  I agree,  Sheriff Mack even came to our little berg and gave a wonderful presentation on the powers of the Sheriff as outlined under the Constitution.  Of course, our sheriff never showed up even though he was invited.  See?  All it takes is some courage and a deep abiding love of freedom)


ExxonMobil paid no federal income tax in 2009. (Updated)

Vatic Note:   Remember, schools are getting funds cut,  seniors cut in medicare, freeze on Soc Sec, families are in the streets in record numbers and EXXON PAYS NO TAXES IN 2009 FOR RECORD BREAKING PROFITS IN THE HISTORY OF THIS NATION????    Its actually against the Constitution for them not to pay taxes.  In fact, its specific in there that only corp profits were suppose to be taxed since our labor is an asset and we exchange it for another equal value asset so its not suppose to be taxed, but be that as it may, its clearly stealing to not pay any taxes on bogusly obtained profits. 

Title:   ExxonMobil paid no federal income tax in 2009. (Updated)
By:   Forbes magazine,  Think Progress,  and contributed to us by Chris Lawson
Date:   April 07, 2010 1:53 PM

Last week, Forbes magazine published what the top U.S. corporations paid in taxes last year. “Most egregious,” Forbes notes, is General Electric, which “generated $10.3 billion in pretax income, but ended up owing nothing to Uncle Sam. In fact, it recorded a tax benefit of $1.1 billion.” Big Oil giant Exxon Mobil, which last year reported a record $45.2 billion profit, paid the most taxes of any corporation, but none of it went to the IRS:


Reconciliation Act H.R.4872 Brings Microchipping to America (Health bill)

Vatic Note:  Well, we were so busy watching the militia story, that we missed this little piece of manipulative treason by our congress and President.   I wonder if the news was manipulated just for that reason?  Remember also that the IRS will be the armed enforcement division of this bill.   Also remember all the dogs that have been riddled with cancer who had those RFID chips in them, so is this a combination of "police state" and "depopulation"?   

It does take cancer a while to riddle your body, maybe by the time your 40 and thus become a disposable asset? 

Title:  Reconciliation Act H.R.4872 Brings Microchipping to America (health bill)
By:  Info Wars and skywatch Canada
Date:   03/30/2010

During the thorough coverage of H.R.3590 America thought it was free of a ‘Healthcare System’ that allowed a national medical registry to be created and the population to be tagged with implantable RFID chips. But a second heath care related bill called “The Reconciliation Act of 2010” (2300 pages) was recently passed by the Senate on March 25th after being passed by the House on March 21st. This bill has been cleared for the White House and awaits the signature of the Dictator and Chief. Buried in the text of the 2300 page monstrosity in section 2521, the creation of a National Medical Device Registry is enacted. This is portrayed as a registry to collect safety data on medical devices such as pacemakers and to put the safety data in a publicly accessible national electronic database.

But as usual the wording of this bill permits the creation of something entirely quite different. In 2004 the FDA approved the Verichip for use of storing medical records. This device was classified as a Class II medical device. This is most likely the Class II implantable device being referred to in this section of the bill. The bill allows the unique device identifier (Chip ID tag) to be linked to “postmarket safety patient outcome data” regarding the implantable device itself. In order “to facilitate the analyses of postmarket safety and patient outcomes” the health secretary will examine ways to gain access to Medicare health records, private sector health records and other data deemed necessary (including surveillance data) by the Health Secretary and then link it to the database and your RFID implant. Just to be accurate, section (3) defines “data” as “claims data, patient survey data, standardized analytic files that allow for the pooling and analysis of data from disparate data environments, electronic health records, and any other data deemed appropriate by the secretary.”

So basically this bill creates a National Database of any type of data deemed appropriate by the executive branch of the US Federal Government. This could literally be anything. This could include anything you might have expected to find in an East German Stasi file. All of this data will then be linked to a “Class II implantable device” under your skin. There you have it, just like Lindsey Williams warned us. Forget the national ID card, implantable microchips are coming to a clinic near you no later than 36 months after the bill is signed into law.

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Obamacare To Be Enforced By Armed Thugs

Title:    Obamacare To Be Enforced By Armed Thugs

Posted By admin On March 23, 2010 @ 5:42 am

Ron Paul: “If it was a good program and everybody liked it, you wouldn’t need 16,500 thugs coming with their guns and putting you in jail if you didn’t follow all the rules”

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, March 23, 2010

If the health care bill was such a positive act of reform, as establishment Democrats and the corporate media are pitching it, then how come it needs to be enforced by means of coercion at the hands of thousands of armed IRS thugs?

That was the context of the discussion during Ron Paul’s appearance on Fox Business’ America’s Nightly Scoreboard last night, as the Congressman continued to speak out against the tyrannical nature of Obamacare.

Paul emphasized the need to protect the private option in health care as a fundamental right for all Americans not to be reliant on the government for their services.

“During this debate they talked a whole lot about the public option, I just wish they would protect the private option, give us a chance to have it private, just like you should have a chance to have private education, home schooling, you should always protect that….if you always had a private option in medicine some of us could survive and at least we could set an example for the type of medicine that the people should be getting,” said the Congressman.

Host David Asman pointed out that it would now be illegal to have private health care and that people would be forced to buy insurance under the constant glare of the 16,000 plus new IRS agents being hired to harass people into compliance [2] to the new program.

Under Obamacare, $10 billion dollars is allocated to pay for 16,500 IRS agents who will collect and enforce mandatory “premiums.”



Paul said that the people who previously needed to carry the least insurance would now be forced to carry the maximum, and be hounded by the IRS as a result.

“This is a command society now and medicine is right at the forefront of this….16,500 armed bureaucrats coming to make this program work – if it was a good program and everybody liked it, you wouldn’t need 16,500 thugs coming with their guns and putting you in jail if you didn’t follow all the rules,” said Paul.

The Congressman highlighted the fact that people don’t trust the government’s record on social programs, pointing out that Medicare, Medicaid and the Post Office are all bankrupt, and that the majority of Americans have little confidence in Obamacare being any different.

Paul said there was a chance parts of the bill would be overturned if Republicans were victorious in November, but that the biggest threat to the legislation was the probability that the entire system would collapse, labeling Obamacare a “Horrendous new burden that we have placed on the economy.”

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


Senator Christopher Dodd's financial reform bill to give huge powers to Federal Reserve

Vatic Note:   Many of you have been with me for years and have memories of some of the experiences I have shared.  Remember the first bail out when I called Dodds office and faxed over to his staff proof of fraud through lehman bros, the fed res, and US treasury paulson?   The staffer took the info and passed it around, I called back and asked what they thought of the proof and it ws the first time he was not very open while before he was enthusaistic about getting such proof.   I asked what the agenda on the bail "really" was, and he would not answer (at least he didn't lie) and finally, knowing he would not answer, I asked point blank "IS THIS ABOUT GLOBALIZING?)  and he said "YES"  and ended the conversation. 
This bill must be fought with every ounce of our energy, since this will place our entire financial system economically,  digitially, chipping in lieu of currency, etc, in the hands FULLY AND PERMANENTLY OF THE ROTHSCHILD BANKING CONSORTIUM and remember they are the real crown of britian, so we are then back under Empire once again.  THIS MUST BE FOUGHT.   Dodd is leaving as the traitor he is. 

Source:   Reuters,  NY Daily News,  provided by Jim Kirwan

Title:   Senator Christopher Dodd's financial reform bill to give huge powers to Federal Reserve

By:    staff
Date:       3/15/2010

The Federal Reserve would gain new powers over non-bank financial firms and keep much of its authority over banks under a new bill to be unveiled on Monday by the Senate's architect of financial reform.

In a turnaround for the central bank after months of public criticism, Senate Banking Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd was poised to release a bill that leans heavily on the Fed to fix the U.S. financial system, sources said on Sunday.

Not only would a new government watchdog for financial consumers be housed within the Fed, it would also retain much of its present authority over large bank holding companies and gain new authority over selected non-bank financial firms.

Sources said the Fed would also continue supervising smaller, state-chartered banks now in the Fed system -- a change from an earlier proposal that would have transferred those banks to Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. supervision.

The plans could yet change, sources said, with weeks to go before Congress completes its long debate on regulatory reform after the worst U.S. financial crisis in generations tipped the economy into recession and shook markets worldwide.

With Republicans and bank lobbyists working to weaken and block new rules, the push for reform could fail in the Senate. That would hurt Democrats and President Barack Obama as they head into November elections already short on achievements.

But the release on Monday of Dodd's bill will move the Senate closer to a decisive vote.



Vatic Note:   Soon, there will be a commentary done on vatic addressing the Governments movement toward Eugenics and depopulation of our people.   The bad news is this is beginning here in the US right now and has been for about several years but has increased under Rahm Emmanuals brother, Ezekiel Emmanual who is an avowed Eugenicist and has been appointed "the health Czar" Under Obama with no approval or committee hearing on his appointment because of his writings that would have prevented him from ever reaching that high a post within the US Gov.   

He previously wrote quite a bit about the need to use public policy to move the nation from Valuing "individual" rights to valuing "societies rights" by supporting  policies shifting from everyone to only those citizens deemed PRODUCTIVE and thus valuable to the society as a whole and that was to be determined by those in power.  The result were his recommendations that those diseases that accompany age would be eliminated from basic guaranteed health care.    I have those writings and they will be put up for you to see when the commentary is finished. 


Wall street has set up another derivatives betting on when seniors will die off.  They have also rigged another scam to use on Seniors and it goes like this..... seniors have life insurance with cash value.    The face value is always much higher than the cash value.   When severely strapped for cash, Wall street brokers give the senior 75% of their "CASH VALUE" on their policy  which might be only $7,500, but the face value of the policy maybe $100,000.  

The senior then signs over that policy to the Banker as beneficiary when he/she dies for that "face value" of the policy of $100,000. The surviving senior spouse gets nothing. You can tell a lot about a psychopath by his lack of humanity and caring for the "least of these".   

So now, it becomes important to know just how fast can you make that senior die so those millions in that bubble can be raked into the bankers.    Thus policies have been geared to making it harder and harder for them to survive.   That is criminal and if intentional, its first degree murder.   Remember who owns the politicians.... thus they are included in this scam by the laws they pass that aid these bankers in their objectives.  This is beyond Satanic. 

I put this here because its plain that this is an added movement toward taking away the support seniors need to "survive".   Between the cost of drugs,  the cut back in medicare, the cut in social security benefits by freezing COLA's for TWO years.... cutting food stamps, LEAP and heat subsidies, forbidding cheaper drugs from Canada and now this to take even more away from the seniors, is moving wholesale into killing off our seniors through public policy which officially MAKES EUGENICS THE POLICY OF THE LAND. (VN:  that is called "A crime against humanity")

If you cannot produce as a slave you will not receive benefits and will be genocided out of the nation using public policy.  That is seniors, seriously and permantly wounded vets, the handicapped, etc.   Its going to be a killer commentary when its finished.  

In this instance, as usual, its the bankers who made out since they have all been paid off on those debts through government guarantees.    No mention of any means test on these either.   

In some cases down right fraud has occurred in cheating seniors out of their income when in fact they never owed the debt or had paid it off previously. (VN:  This is rampid and because there is no statute of limitations, seniors don't know enough to save their documentation after 9 years when everything else is pass the statute of limitations so most throw their documentation away. You have to be truly soul-less to steal from seniors as bankers, and its happening more and more.  Someone needs to file a class action law suit. )   That will be a whole  other article with documentation to prove it.  All of this in collusion with the Wall Street bankers.   Another bailout?  Or funds to fund more bailouts???

Title:  Defaulted Loans May Haunt Seniors

By:   Ellen E. Schultz
Date:   Monday, March 8, 2010

A little–noticed law could soon result in smaller Social Security checks for hundreds of thousands of the elderly and disabled who owe the U.S. money from defaulted loans and other debts more than a decade old.

Social Security benefits are off–limits to creditors, such as credit–card companies and banks. But the U.S. can collect debts to federal agencies by "offsetting," or withholding Social Security and disability payments.

The Treasury currently withholds benefits of 3.1 million Social Security recipients to recover defaulted student–, farm– and small–business loans, unpaid income taxes, amounts veterans owe for health care, and other debts to the government.

Previously, the U.S. hasn't been able to withhold Social Security payments to recover most debts delinquent for more than ten years.

But a provision in the 2008 Farm Bill lifted the ten–year statute of limitations on the government's ability to withhold Social Security benefits in collecting debts other than student loans—for which the statute of limitations was lifted in 1997—and income taxes, where the limit remains 10 years.

This means that a person who defaulted on a small–business loan in 1995, for example, and who is receiving Social Security could be notified that his benefits may be reduced each month until the debt, with interest, fees, and penalties, is paid. The Treasury can withhold 15% of the benefit, though it can't be reduced to below $750. Tax debts have no floor.


Hazmat Crews, FBI Called to IRS Building in Utah

(Vatic Notes: It appears they do not want to talk about this one. I suppose if you can't stop the war by asking, then its by attacking the source of our slavery, that is what I get from this and why they are keeping it so quiet compared to the one where the FBI was on site before the plane showed up and there was a lot of press on that one.)

Source: Foxnews

Title: Hazmat Crews, FBI Called to IRS Building in Utah
By: staff
Date: 03-01-2010

Hazardous material crews were called to an IRS building in Ogden, Utah on Monday, less than two weeks after a man deliberately crashed his private plane into a Texas building that housed IRS workers, according to local reports.

The FBI was called to the scene and reporters were not allowed into the building after the incident, The Standard-Examiner reported. Showers were being used to deal with "a possible chemical situation," according to the local ABC affiliate.

The news station alluded to dispatcher calls that indicated a powder may have been found in the mail at the facility.

Fire crews were first notified at 11:15 a.m. local time, The Salt Lake Tribune reported.

Ogden is approximately 40 miles north of Salt Lake City.

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