Vatic Note: If you read the Constitution on this issue, you will find that the founding fathers intended that only profit making businesses were to pay taxes, except in time of war, then everyone pays. For regular non war taxation, they never intended for a working man paid by another should pay taxes and the reason was that the founding fathers considered "wages" as an "exchange of assets" and not a source of profit such as a business would generate.
The mans' labor was his asset and the pay he received was not considered income, rather it was considered an asset of the person who hired him and they exchanged assets. Now "THAT" makes perfect sense. If a man gives up something he owns, like his labor, in exchange for another asset that he can use, then there is "no profit" in the transaction. Rather, its a bartering system.
This income tax issue became a controversy because the central banks were trying to take control of the US currency, banking and interest accumulation through amassing of debt by the country and its government. The IRS in reality, is an arm of the World Bank and the IMF, as their collection arm.
Notice that our budgets are NEVER based on tax revenues, they are based on debt, since all budgets are first borrowed and then paid back by tax revenues, and its the interest that is paid first, with the principle last, which means we never get out of debt and the bankers get rich off of our labor asset exchange, being taxed as income.
Thats why the IRS headquarters are based out of Puerto Rico. Anyway, this is a great collection of legal renderings that proves the point about the issue of failure to file taxes. No law exists because it was never in the Constitution that labor should be taxed as income. You read and see what you think.
By Mike Rivero, Whats Really Happening
The mans' labor was his asset and the pay he received was not considered income, rather it was considered an asset of the person who hired him and they exchanged assets. Now "THAT" makes perfect sense. If a man gives up something he owns, like his labor, in exchange for another asset that he can use, then there is "no profit" in the transaction. Rather, its a bartering system.
This income tax issue became a controversy because the central banks were trying to take control of the US currency, banking and interest accumulation through amassing of debt by the country and its government. The IRS in reality, is an arm of the World Bank and the IMF, as their collection arm.
Notice that our budgets are NEVER based on tax revenues, they are based on debt, since all budgets are first borrowed and then paid back by tax revenues, and its the interest that is paid first, with the principle last, which means we never get out of debt and the bankers get rich off of our labor asset exchange, being taxed as income.
Thats why the IRS headquarters are based out of Puerto Rico. Anyway, this is a great collection of legal renderings that proves the point about the issue of failure to file taxes. No law exists because it was never in the Constitution that labor should be taxed as income. You read and see what you think.
By Mike Rivero, Whats Really Happening