Showing posts with label KGB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label KGB. Show all posts


What Does the Royal Arch Freemason Vladimir Putin Have to Do with Her Majesty’s Secret Service?

Vatic Note:  This was a very interesting read. Is Putin, friend or foe?  Is he being used as "control opposition"?  Putin arose to KGB Head during the reign of the khazars over Britian and over Russia.  Until the 1980's Russia was completely controlled by the khazars who conducted the Revolution that was financed by JP Morgan of Wall Street fame and a cohort of Rothschild and Rockefeller.  As for the British, they have been controlled by the Khazars, through their "King", Rothschild since WW II, but probably even before then.

Further, we did a blog proving that the British royal family and government were heavily tied into the Rothschilds, and, in fact, run by that family.  I could not figure out about Putin and whose side he was on, but then I ran into this freemasonic lodge and all of it began to come together.   British freemasonry is heavily controlled by the khazar international bankers and now we find out, that so was Russia, it was just a different lodge.    So what does that mean for us with respect to Putin?

I don't know, but am keeping an open mind, since, these khazars love world wars where they control the leadership of both sides of the conflict, thus ensuring the designated economic power of the day loses the war and the Khazars then fully take over the country with minimum risk of being "shot".   After taking over, they then rape and pillage the natural resources of that nation.  Its our turn next.  Obviously, the chosen enemies by the khazars are China and Russia against the US and Israel.

IF, and that is a "big IF...." Putin has betrayed his handlers like Hitler supposedly did, then he is not destined to live long.  Having said that, "If Hitler betrayed these khazar bankers who put him in power, then how come they helped him to escape to Argentina?"  I have never found anyone who could explain that, when noting that Khazars have not one wit of sympathy or compassion for anyone, much less a traitor to the cause.....

So, like I said, I am still waiting for more proof one way or the other.  Putin is either for real or a typical highly deceptive khazar controlled opposition, being used to divide the USA nation so we weaken ourselves and lose the WW.   I guess we will find out soon enough. 

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What Does the Royal Arch Freemason Vladimir Putin Have to Do with Her Majesty’s Secret Service?
By Admin,  Dublins Mick, Nov 20, 2015


1. 1979 — Powergen, Solihull

The young British Intelligence recruits entering this building, had no idea of the hell that lay before them. No idea that they would be forced to become slaves to a demonic, mind control program; run by MI6 and sanctioned by Royal Arch Freemasonry. No idea that they would be forced to sign the Masonic ‘Sat B’hai’ contract and swear allegiance to the Monarchy rather than to the UK State. No idea at all, in fact.