
Is Veterans Today on NSA Surveillance List?

*** Fundraising:   We wish to take this time to thank those that donated to reduce our deficit and to wish them the very best Christmas season ever. Our deficit is currently down to $90, due to a kind and generous donor, and with 4 days remaining til the first of the month and New Year.  We seriously need a big effort to make the first of the mo. deadline or we will have to either stop or seriously reduce what we can do.  We would like to thank those that have contributed so far and to acknowledge what a sacrifice we know it was on such a holiday season.  We hope you had a wonderful Christmas day with family and friends and we wish you a happy and prosperous New Year.  

If you have benefited in anyway from our blog and our work, we hope  you will contribute, so we can stay on the net, by clicking on the pay pal button off to the right of the blog.  Bless you all for your support over these almost 4 years.  No matter how it turns out, I truly believe we have all made a difference.  Bless you all, this Christmas and New Years season. 

Vatic Note: Aren't we all on NSA's list?   NSA has been feeding its spying info over to Israel, and the Zionist bankers.  Another important dept infiltrated by the evil ones that want to dominate the world.  Don't tell me you are surprised? I  just read that the entire objective of the NASA spying is to convince the world that privacy is a thing of the past.

We will be living permanently in a world with total surveillance.... to prevent anyone from instigating any form of rebellion.   Remember, the Lisbon treaty that all of Europe signed included the death penalty for protesting.  You are not going to recognize the world they have planned for us unless, you are acclimated through gradualism and you get used to the idea, then maybe you won't question it.

Freedom will be a thing of the past, IF they are allowed to continue down this path.  It all begins with something like this, where anyone speaking out against changes in our current system, is considered domestic terrorists or complaining about a foreign nation infiltrating and occupying our government when they are obtaining private information about our citizens.  Because their primary nation does this to their citizens, they encourage the same thing in our nation, which is totally alien to us.

When Tyranny is pushed and implemented, then resistance is duty.   They do not understand nor acknowledge that concept since its not how they have experienced any thing like it.  But then few nations have.   Freedom of speech was seen by our founding fathers as the most important right needed protecting and thus these great men passed the second amendment to ensure we retain the first amendment and our freedom of speech.

Read this and you decide.  I have great empathy for VT since Vatic Project is continually under the assault of these minions running our government for the benefit of another country.   That used to be called treason. 

Is Veterans Today on NSA Surveillance List?
by Johnnie Punish,  Veterans Today, 12/17/13
NSA-agent Time for a Digital Bill of Rights to Protect Writers, Reporters, and the American Peoples by Johnny Punish, Veterans Today 
Are web sites like VT and the writers who challenge and critic government policy on some sort of special NSA surveillance list?

Well, the short answer is absolutely yes!  And please don’t tell me you’re surprised!
However, the good news, if we can call it good, is that VT is NOT the only site and VT writers are NOT the only ones under the microscope by the lovely NSA. The NSA spreads its love over a wide area. They love everyone equally.

At this point, we have many many questions and maybe its time to either dismantle the NSA or, at the very least, create a cyber bill of rights for all us that gives us legit protections that can insure that critic of government policy remains a cornerstone of freedom and liberty in a future USA that can be proud of its ideals indeed.
I mean………….
  • What do all the NSA leaks tell us about the state of national security in the US?
  • What is the real mission of the NSA and other intelligence agencies?
  • And, is the national security state keeping us safe?
  • Should we create a digital bill of rights for all of us to protect us from the NSA?
Well, check out what Cross Talk says about it.  Here, join the debate with Suzanne Nossel and Eugene Puryear. Then, post your comments below. But before you do, remember, they are watching, recording, and getting off like Joe McCarthy at a thug convention! Wink Wink!

(VN:   Well, they won't let me put  the videos up here, so please visit the link below to watch them.  They have now attacked not only this site, but now my cell phone as well.   They do not want me calling anyone about it either.  This is getting much worse.  Time to really take a hard look at what they are doing. Just talked to a senior citizen who said her insurance company raised her rates way up without any explanation and it was AARP which has been infiltrated and is part of the plan to rob us of all that we have.  No break for seniors, they want us to go away so they can steal our social security and other retirement plans.  These people are totally insane..)

CrossTalk on NSA: Digital Octopus



The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

In landmark case on Israel and Jewish identity, British tribunal says anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism

*** Fundraising:   We wish to take this time to thank those that donated to reduce our deficit and to wish them the very best Christmas season ever. Our deficit is currently down to $90, and with 5 days remaining til the first of the month and New Year.  We seriously need a big effort to make the first of the mo. deadline or we will have to either stop or seriously reduce what we can do.  We would like to thank those that have contributed so far and to acknowledge what a sacrifice we know it was on such a holiday season.  We hope you had a wonderful Christmas day with family and friends.  

If you have benefited in anyway from our blog and our work, we hope  you will contribute, so we can stay on the net, by clicking on the pay pal button off to the right of the blog.  Bless you all for your support over these almost 4 years.  No matter how it turns out, I truly believe we have all made a difference.  Bless you all, this Christmas and New Years season.

Vatic Note:  Anti-semitism is used as directed in the Protocols written by the Zionists back in 1897, to deflect any  attempt to expose the truth of the agenda of the Zionists as they declared in those protocols, which was to dominate the globe.  All that they suggested using to achieve that end,  required using deception and lies as well as manipulation to get the billions of people to go along with it so it would be done by subversion rather than overt action militarily.

Their first time implementing the process was in 1917 when they financed and trained those that over threw the Russian Czar and created a Communist state using a false flag created revolution.  We proved on this blog that Shiff of Wall Street, gave $20 million to "Trotsky" also known as "Bronstein", to recruit the others and over throw the Czar.  Why?  Because he would not cooperate in the fiat currency Rothschild system being promoted.

We did a blog early on about this event and also proved that the US military intelligence, in concert with Congress, conducted  a comprehensive study to try and determine if the Zionists (they called them "international Jewry") was a serious threat to the United STates and if so, what to do about.  The results of that study was a decision that the answer was "yes, they are a direct threat to the United States" and that report landed in the Library of Congress for anyone to view if they so desired.

That report also states that the protocols were real and being implemented.  Unfortunately Wilson was blackmailed by an illicit affair he was having and thus was forced to classify the report as "Top Secret" and it was buried until 1972, when General Jones declassified the report.  He was subsequently relieved of Duty.  That was when Kissinger was running the country. 

In landmark case on Israel and Jewish identity, British tribunal says anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism
by Philip Weiss and Adam Horowitz, Mondoweiss,  on April 9, 2013                                                         

An important case in Britain, pointed out to me by Abdeen Jabara and Antony Loewenstein, who writes,
“Memo to British Zionists; being anti-Zionist [is] as human as oxygen: Witness the debacle within the British Zionist establishment, via Haaretz, and the increasingly desperate ways that so-called leaders there will do anything to defend Israeli policies without for a minute actually considering what the Jewish state has become; a brutish occupier.”
The case involves a suit brought against an academic union by an Israel-supporting professor who wanted the tribunal to condemn anti-Israel speech as anti-Semitism because, he claimed, an affinity to Israel was an intrinsic part of his and others’ Jewish identity.  Anshel Pfeffer in Haaretz says the ruling that such speech does not constitute anti-Semitism has produced “turmoil” in the ranks of British Jewry. I particularly like the bit at the end, where the judge told the plaintiff if he doesn’t want to get his feelings hurt, he should avoid political debate:
"The case was to have been the culmination of 11 years of pro-Israel activism by [Ronnie] Fraser, a mathematics lecturer who had been fighting against what he saw as a virulently anti-Israel tide, with a distinct tinge of anti-Semitism, rising in the union to which he belongs.
Alongside him was Anthony Julius, one of the most prominent Jewish lawyers in Britain and a tireless opponent of anti-Semitism. Supporting the two were a cast of witnesses including Jewish and sympathetic non-Jewish activists, academics and politicians…."
The lawsuit was backed both financially and in terms of considerable research resources by organizations linked to the central British Jewry leadership forums, the Board of Deputies of British Jews and the Jewish Leadership Council.
But beyond the factual disputes in the case, the fundamental basis of the Fraser’s accusations was that Jews possess a strong feeling of affinity toward Israel that is an intrinsic part of their Jewish identity. Therefore, he claimed, when an organization to which they belong constantly attacks Israel in a manner they deem unfair, it constitutes a direct attack on their identity…
The defendants also had their own Jewish supporters. Fifty Jewish UCU [University and College Union] members signed an open letter praising their union and denying that there was any sort of institutional anti-Semitism within its ranks. Julius responded that it was simply a standard anti-Semitic ploy of dividing Jews into good-Jew/bad-Jew categories. 
But the well-built and detailed case was shattered by the tribunal’s ruling. The panel, headed by Judge A.M. Snelson, accepted UCU’s version of all the events in question, and found that most of the claims were no longer valid in any case, due to a change in the laws. 
Beyond that, it fundamentally disagreed with the central claim underpinning the complaints. The tribunal wrote in its judgment that “a belief in the Zionist project or an attachment to Israel or any similar sentiment cannot amount to a protected characteristic. It is not intrinsically a part of Jewishness.” 

Chemtrails over South Dakota

Vatic Note:  The first question he asks about why they are chemtrailing has an answer......yes, in part, it is a diversion, but the real reason is they need global warming to pass on the carbon tax to us that will be even higher in cost than Obamacare.   Climate warming is part true, but that is because all the planets in our solar system are going through it.  So it has nothing to do with our planet per se.  The whole global warming hoax has been fully outted and proven as a hoax.

So its basically a mute question.  They are chemtrailing to try and  kill off the population and it appears to be succeeding.  We now have deaths exceeding the replacement birth rate.  This engineering is depleting the atmosphere of Oxygen and that harms elderly which means they will die, and  spend enormous amount of money  trying to stay alive with Oxygen tanks delivered to their homes, doctors bills, hospital bills for neumonia, in home care etc.

So, there is an evil insane reason for their chemtrailing.  What is amazing is how long it has taken them to get to this point.   The author below also ties this weather manipulation into the earthquakes and we should include volcano's which are now going off on a regular basis.   All of it brings death, damage, which makes it profitable since someone has to rebuild and charge for it.  And since all of our manufacturing has gone overseas to slave labor countries, illness is now the new industry as well as other services that harm humans.

The second question also has an answer...... its because the various environmental community members have all been infiltrated and taken over by the global elite.  That is why they are not screaming bloody murder about geoengineering.  Example: The World Wildlife fund is sponsored by and directed by Prince Phillip of  Britain, and he is anything but a wildlife supporter.  This is a man who goes out and shoots elephants in Africa for fun and sport.   He could care less about how intelligent these incredible animals are and what a kill does

And these are the people that want to run the globe.  Right!  They want to run it right into the ground.  Its what happens when you pass on the insanity from generation to generation.  They create the insanity with their trauma based Satanic Ritual sexual abuse of their own children so they can brain wash them into continuing with this long term generational agenda of global domination.  It was done to them and their children will do it to the grandchildren.  We have done numerous blogs on this over the past 4 years.  Each generation gets a little bit more insane than the previous, and who knows when that insanity becomes our new reality, if we don't stop it soon, or this life won't be worth living with these evil demons in charge?

Geoengineering Weather
by DRKate,  DRKate's View, Dec 3, 2013

This essay begins with a question:  is “global warming”, aka “climate change” a diversion from weather modification by geoengineering, including HAARPchemtrails, and microwave pulses?  Heralded by the ‘hockey stick‘ imagery of a world climate gone awry by man-made causes such as farting cows, smokestacks, auto emissions, breathing, deforestation, and economic growth of developed countries, are we so caught up in the confusion that we are ignoring the basic facts of weather modification that has been underway in this country since at least the Vietnam War?

And a second question:  why is the environmental community ignoring the significant impacts of weather modification as a part of its concern with “climate change’?

According to the Center for Research on Globalization,
"The U.S. government routinely conducts experiments on weather modification, and has been doing so for at least half a century. Previously classified under such names as “Project Cirrus” (1947) and “Project Popeye” (1966), weather modification is no longer a secret practice.
In fact, a bill (S517) was sponsored in 2005 by Texas Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchinson, a Republican, “to establish the Weather Modification Operations and Research Board, and for other purposes.” This bill did not become law. Yet, there is reason to believe that various government institutions are carrying out numerous legal and illegal weather experiments without informing the public."
It seems to me as obvious as the nose on your face: there is something causing the increase in severity of storms, droughts, hurricanes, typhoons, and earthquake-generated tsunamis, and it ain’t cow farts.

Those citizen journalists who have documented the HAARP rings, microwave pulses, and chemtrails are on target with the geoengineering of global climate as the man-made source of ‘global climate change’  and have received the same treatment as others who have dared to tell the truth about any number of hazards that are intentionally created to do harm to citizens.  Somebody wants to make money and have total control through manipulating climate.

No longer a secret then, we know what they are spraying, why they are spraying, and the additional tools that are used to manipulate the human environment and inject trouble into our very breathing space. While each one of these tools is dangerous in itself, the combined use of HAARP, chemtrails, and nanotechnology is wreaking havoc across America.  When you artificially heat the atmosphere, change its electrical properties, and send vibrational pulses into the earth, what is unleashed is something that cannot now be controlled or predicted.

Do you think God created man to manipulate everything that is fundamental to life, like water, air, soil, and plant life?

The following video is one of the best to be made so far on the actual origin and mechanics of HAARP, and how it is used to modify weather although its origins had the initial intent as a part of  our national defense systems.  It is a long film; my advice is to take it in pieces as it is well worth the view and the graphics show you how even large earthquakes can be generated by a technology that was made to manipulate the atmosphere.


The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


Tavistock and Annenberg supported Obama and Ayers

*** Fundraising:   We wish to take this time to thank those that donated to reduce our deficit and to wish them the very best Christmas season ever. Our deficit is currently down to $120, and with 5 days remaining til the first of the month and New Year.  We seriously need a big effort to make the first of the mo. deadline or we will have to either stop or seriously reduce what we can do.  We would like to thank those that have contributed so far and to acknowledge what a sacrifice we know it was on such a holiday season.  We hope you had a wonderful Christmas day with family and friends.  

If you have benefited in anyway from our blog and our work, we hope  you will contribute, so we can stay on the net, by clicking on the pay pal button off to the right of the blog.  Bless you all for your support over these almost 4 years.  No matter how it turns out, I truly believe we have all made a difference.  Bless you all, this Christmas and New Years season. 

Vatic Note: They would not let this up, now its too late for my vatic note.   When you read this you won't need it anyway.  We know the story and who tries to control.  This is a very educational read.  I knew much of this, but there is a lot here that even I did not know and I lived during this period and knew who Ayers was.  Remember it was Annenberg that sponsored and mentored Bill Clinton into Oxford.  

FactCheck (sic) 
by Political Velcraft, 

How many people are aware that Senator Obama has ties to Factcheck.org, the “non-partisan” political “fact checking” site, vis-a-vis the Annenberg Foundation? Or that the controversies surrounding Obama, such as his ties to Bill Ayers, a former member of the violent Vietnam War era Weather Underground terrorist group, and the veracity of Obama’s “birth certificate” are both linked to Factcheck and Annenberg.

There’s also news about the ongoing federal lawsuit involving Obama’s birth certificate: how a U.S District Judge has thrown out Obama’s attorney’s Motion to Dismiss and ordered them to “pony up” the certificate “post haste”.

From Google Search:
FactCheck.org – Annenberg Political Fact CheckMonitors the factual accuracy of what is said by major US political players in the form of TV ads, debates, speeches, interviews, and news releases.
The Annenberg Foundation is at the center of the ongoing Obama-Bill Ayers controversy. Ayers was a former member of the homegrown terrorist group, the Weather Underground, which took credit for bombing the Pentagon, the Capital Building, and the New York City Metro Police Department plus 30+ other bombings during the Vietman War era.
The Weathermen, a small band of extreme leftists who got their name from lines in a Bob Dylan song – “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows” – conducted a bombing campaign against targets such as police headquarters, prisons and courthouses for three years to “bring the [Viet-nam] war home”.
Two police officers were killed in 1981, when members of the Weathermen and Black Liberation Army stole $1m from an armoured car. It was their last action.
Times Online
Charges against Ayers were dropped after the FBI was accused of using illegal wiretaps. Ayers wrote in his 2001 “memoir”, Fugitive Days, that he regretted that his group “didn’t do enough” back then in regards to the almost 30 plus bombings his group took credit for. Ayers later became a professor in Chicago and the founder of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, an offshoot of the Annenberg Foundation.

Here’s one “literary” review of Ayer’s “memoir” Fugitive Days:
From Library Journal
“Memory is a motherfucker,” writes Ayers (A Kind and Just Parent). In the 1970s, he was a head of the radical Weathermen and one of America’s Ten Most Wanted, along with his wife, Bernardine Dohrn, but he is now a distinguished professor of education at the University of Illinois in Chicago.
His memoir is a breath of fresh air in this self-absorbed age. Ayers discusses his reservations about the use of violence to achieve an end to violence (reservations he held then as well), but he is unrepentant in believing that America was the aggressor against North Vietnam and that right-minded people have an obligation to resist unjust wars.
The book is uneven in tone, alternating fluffy passages about the passage of time with straightforward narration of Ayers’s more than ten years on the lam. The sentiments expressed in the book still seem noble, however, regardless of one’s opinions of the means used by Ayers’s comrades. There are many lessons still to be learned from such narratives. Recommended. David Keymer, California State Univ., Stanislaus
Stanley Kurtz of the National Review has been closely following Obama’s ties to Ayers as well as his association to ACORN .

While both the AP and the New York Times are reporting that there is no “truth” to the claims that Obama had “ties” to Ayers, Kurtz has uncovered a long standing association between the two men, one that leads straight to the Annenberg Foundation:

Ayers was a “key founder” of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. In 1995 Obama was appointed Board Chairman and President of the Annenberg Chicago Challenge, a “branch of the Annenberg Foundation”. (VN: I believe that  is what they did to shore up Obama's lack of exposure and familiarity within the progressive wing of the Dem party)

Ayers co-chaired the Chicago Annenberg “Collaborative”, which set education policy for the “Challenge”.

Obama was “authorized to delegate to the Collaborative the development of collaborative projects and programs”.

Obama had to “obtain assistance of the Collaborative in the development of requests for proposals.”

Obama had to “seek advice from the Collaborative regarding the programmatic aspects of grant proposals.”

Ayers sat on the same board as Obama as an “ex officio member”.

Obama and Ayers sat together on the board’s Governance Committee.

Ayers and Obama were “part of a group of four instructed to draft the bylaws that would govern CAC”.

As Board Chair, Obama authorized the funding for Ayers educational projects, as well as projects of Ayers’ “radical” friends.

Obama and Ayers “guided” monies to ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now).

Kurtz also points out Obama’s tenure as Board Chair of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge in regards to the one and only “executive experience” of Obama which was rated as a bust:

“The Chicago Annenberg Challenge stands as Barack Obama’s most important executive experience to date. By its own account, CAC was a largely a failure. And a series of critical evaluations point to reasons for that failure, including a poor strategy, to which the foundation over-committed in 1995, and over-reliance on community organizers with insufficient education expertise. The failure of CAC thus raises entirely legitimate questions, both about Obama’s competence, his alliances with radical community organizers, and about Ayers’s continuing influence over CAC and its board, headed by Obama.

Above all, by continuing to fund Ayers’s personal projects, and those of his political-educational allies, Obama was lending moral and material support to Ayers’s profoundly radical efforts. Ayers’s terrorist history aside, that makes the Ayers-Obama relationship a perfectly legitimate issue in this campaign.”

Factcheck.org is part and parcel of the Annenberg Foundation. Factcheck was also chosen by the Obama campaign as the arbitrar of whether Obama’s birth certificate, which purportedly proves he’s a citizen of the United States, is authentic.

We were mostly uninterested in the birth certificate controversy until a recent court case in Philadelphia caught our attention.

On August 24, a prominent Democrat and attorney in Pennslyvania, Philip J. Berg, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court against Obama and the DNC. Berg’s suit claimed that Obama is not a natural born citizen of the United States is therefore uneligible to run for President. On September 24, rather than show up with a copy of Obama’s birth certificate, attorneys for Obama and the DNC filed a motion to dismiss.

On September 29, Judge Barclay Surrick denied the motion to dismiss and ordered three separate items to be delivered to the judge in three days:

* A certified copy of Obama’s birth certificate
* A certified copy of Obama’s Certification of Citizenship
* A certified copy of Obama’s Oath of Allegiance

Clarification – It was inaccurate to say the judge has demanded the documents: the judge in Berg v Obama has not ruled on various motions yet. It is more accurate to say that Phillip Berg, in his court filing asked for the three documents in question.

60. Plaintiff has asked for a simple resolution. Plaintiff has asked that Obama supply a genuine certified copy of his original long version “vault” Birth Certificate, A Certification of Citizenship and a certified copy of his Oath of Allegiance. If in fact Obama can prove his “natural born” citizenship status, which he cannot, then he has not been prejudiced in anyway, but instead Plaintiff has been protected and his civil rights secured. However, if Obama is unable to supply said documentation, then he needs to withdraw his candidacy, again which will eliminate Plaintiff’s deprivations and instill Plaintiff’s constitutionally protected safeguards and rights.
We found it interesting that the Obama campaign saw fit to “release” Obama’s birth certificate to FactCheck.org but not to the U.S. District Judge supervising the Berg lawsuit against Obama.
Factcheck.org “verified” the Obama birth certificate yet intrepid bloggers Atlas Shrugs as well as Yid With A Lid have found several inconsistencies which call into question whether the certificate is “authentic”.
Again, regardless of whether the certificate is authentic or not, DBKP finds the fact that Obama’s attorney chose to file a motion to dismiss rather than just handing over a certified copy of the birth certificate to the judge puzzling. Everyday ordinary citizens have to prove citizenship by providing a certified copy of their birth certificate in order to obtain a driver’s license or an ID card. We cannot fathom why the Obama camp chose the motion to dismiss instead of complying with a Federal judge’s order to provide a certified copy of Obama’s birth certificate. The Obama campaign handed over a copy to Factcheck.org, why the “stall” with handing a copy over to the Federal Judge handling the Berg lawsuit?
If the Obama birth certificate is on the “up and up” then releasing it to a Federal Judge should be a “priority” of the Obama campaign instead of filing “motions to dismiss”. After all, the rest of us ordinary Average Joe’s have to fork over a copy of our birth certificates every now and then to prove we’re citizens in order to get a something as mundane as a driver’s license. We imagine most citizens would comply with a judge’s order to supply a copy of our birth certificate without too much fuss. Obama, an attorney himself, must surely realize the consequences of disobeying a judge’s order.
DBKP is keeping a close eye on the Berg case in Philadelphia. The judge ordered on September 29 for the three documents to be presented by Obama within 3 days. Rumors have circulated across the web that the judge “dismissed” the case. Those rumors are untrue. The Obama camp has yet to supply the documents to the judge.
Blogger Steve Diamond of the blog, Global Labor, has more info on the connections between Obama and Ayers:
*The Woods Fund
* The connection between Obama and Ayers’ wife, Bernadette Dohrn, another ex-Weather Underground grad.
* Obama’s first fundraiser for Illinois Senate hosted by Ayers and Dohrn
* The link between Michelle Obama and Ayers visa-a-vis a panel to discuss a book written by Ayers
* A longtime radical friend of Ayers who blogs for Obama
As far as Obama’s past association with Ayers, Obama claims that Ayers was “one of thousands” of people he knew. We’re not sure how many boards Obama has sat on as Chairman and President but one would think he’d remember the “founder” who was once a famous member of a notorious far left terrorist group that bombed the Pentagon and the Capital Building. In fact, in 2001, Bill Ayers was written about in the New York Times, when Obama was still Chair of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge. The article in the Times was published the same day that hijackers boarded four planes and ended up murdering over 3,000 innocent citizens. Bill Ayers was pictured standing on the American flag. The timing was a coincidence, the subject, Ayers’ memoir, Fugitive Days:
”I don’t regret setting bombs,” Bill Ayers said. ”I feel we didn’t do enough.” Mr. Ayers, who spent the 1970′s as a fugitive in the Weather Underground, was sitting in the kitchen of his big turn-of-the-19th-century stone house in the Hyde Park district of Chicago. The long curly locks in his Wanted poster are shorn, though he wears earrings. He still has tattooed on his neck the rainbow-and-lightning Weathermen logo that appeared on letters taking responsibility for bombings. And he still has the ebullient, ingratiating manner, the apparently intense interest in other people, that made him a charismatic figure in the radical student movement.
According to the Obama campaign, he and Ayers had a “tangential” relationship which seems to revolve around the Annenberg Foundation. In 2001, Obama and Ayers were still members of the Chicago Annenberg Foundation, Obama was Chairman while Ayers was touting his memoir, Fugitive Days, about his days spent “bombing” in the name of “change”.


Image – Red Planet Cartoon
Barry Soetoro, Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, & Michelle Soetoro.

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

The Power Of The Rothschild State: The Hijacked Name Of "Jew" By The Khazar Banking Cartel.

*** Fundraising:   We wish to take this time to thank those that donated to reduce our deficit and to wish them the very best Christmas season ever. Our deficit is currently down to $120, and with 5 days remaining til the first of the month and New Year.  We seriously need a big effort to make the first of the mo. deadline or we will have to either stop or seriously reduce what we can do.  We would like to thank those that have contributed so far and to acknowledge what a sacrifice we know it was on such a holiday season.  We hope you had a wonderful Christmas day with family and friends.  

If you have benefited in anyway from our blog and our work, we hope  you will contribute, so we can stay on the net, by clicking on the pay pal button off to the right of the blog.  Bless you all for your support over these almost 4 years.  No matter how it turns out, I truly believe we have all made a difference.  Bless you all, this Christmas and New Years season. 

Vatic Note:   Boy, I truly love brother Nathaniel.... he is always spot on with respect to these issues about Rothschild and israel.  The term "Jew" as a designation is historically a recent addition, so listen to Nathaneal below, very carefully.  Remember, he is a Jewish Convert to Christianity and so he carries a unique perspective that we should take very seriously.

He shows us how the khazar bankers confiscated the term Jews for themselves so they could use it to manipulate, through "anti-semitism" accusations, Americans to get them to do their bidding.  Since these are moraless khazars with absolutely no interest in integrity, fair play, morality etc,  they are using tools against  Israel's enemies that we, as Americans would never have condoned. 

To be  honest, drone warfare goes against everything we believe in with respect to conducting a legitimate war.   What we are seeing with these drones, "is NOT warfare as we have known it and defined it", rather as a weapon that is a weapon of indiscriminate civilian murder with absolutely 0 risk to the soldier, which then makes "making war" a risk  free operation for the perpetrator and aggressor, since they run no risk of loss.

Once that happens, war then turns to wholesale murder of unarmed "civilians" and thus is a crime, and not war......because then, war becomes the first resort to solve problems instead of the last resort.  I am sure that makes the profiteers of the Military industrial corporations happy.   (VN: who are also khazars and not Jews as we know them.) 

We, as Americans, have NEVER condoned murder of unarmed civilians, pregnant women, children, babies, old people as ethical, moral or as "warfare", but we have always seen that type of action as murder and have prosecuted and executed those guilty of such warfare, in every war we have fought in.

Now WE are the perpetrators  of such horrific crimes against humanity, instead of the examples of conducting in a moral manner, war between armed enemies in non civilian areas with specific military targets, but that has all changed since we began to fight wars like THE KHAZARS DO, which is out and out murder of your enemy.   Its what happens when you let a foreign country take control of your gov and all its advanced technology.   They do not have the maturity as a nation to have such access to such technology and they prove it every day.

Its what happens when you let a foreign country run your  government unfettered, and hide behind you, as Israel has,  to do what they do best.  Murder people in your name.  Remember "BY DECEPTION, WE WILL CONDUCT WAR".  Not by any international standard of warfare, but by "sneaking, lying, cheating and using others and calling those who don't agree, "ANTI-SEMITES" as they said they would do in the protocols written in 1897......".  No wonder the mongels kicked them out of  Mongolia in the 700's AD.

The Power Of The Rothschild State: The Hijacked Name Of "Jew" By The Khazar Banking Cartel.
By Volubriartor,  Political Velcraft


The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

Mind Blower - Update on Sandy Hook, You Won't Believe it.

*** Fundraising:   We wish to take this time to thank those that donated to reduce our deficit and to wish them the very best Christmas season ever. Our deficit is currently down to $120, and with 5 days remaining til the first of the month and New Year.  We seriously need a big effort to make the first of the mo. deadline or we will have to either stop or seriously reduce what we can do.  We would like to thank those that have contributed so far and to acknowledge what a sacrifice we know it was on such a holiday season.  We hope you had a wonderful Christmas day with family and friends.  

If you have benefited in anyway from our blog and our work, we hope  you will contribute, so we can stay on the net, by clicking on the pay pal button off to the right of the blog.  Bless you all for your support over these almost 4 years.  No matter how it turns out, I truly believe we have all made a difference.  Bless you all, this Christmas and New Years season. 

Vatic Note:   First of all this guy he is discussing is a Harvard psychiatrist.  That screams volumes right there.  Harvard is one of the elite schools funded by the khazar zionist bankers and all their studies result in things that sound like solutions to everything is a NWO run by them.   Gee, what a coincidence.  His chosen religion is one out of Israel which is a new religion that just happens to espouse "global community, with no state sovereignty, no cultural differences, and everyone is the same and alike".   Sounds like a one world global religion to me. 

They have done this promoting of Sandy Hook about so many things and yet, their behavior, vs, their talk, is completely different.  All we have to do is remember,  Fusia centers are teaching police how to "kill unarmed civilians who have no weapon, and have not commited any major crime, like the woman who rolled her window up when the cop was talking to her about a traffic ticket and he pulled out his gun and shot her point blank.   We have all seen other examples of this New World Order.

They talk nice about it, but what they have put into practice is a nazi gestapo police state instead of all that pretty talk that makes you feel good, until you are the unarmed one that is shot.  What about the boy who  had his asthma inhaler taken from him in school, and was not allowed to have it even though it was prescribed by a doctor.

That boy died from an asthma attack.  We will be posting that up here shortly.  THAT IS YOUR REAL NWO.  Don't buy into the sweet talking elite school funded psychiatrist.  He is part of the problem. Sandy Hook, has been definitively proven to be a false flag with a drill going on the same day as the actual so called attack. 

Mind Blower - Update on Sandy Hook,  You Won't Believe it. 
by Admin, Memoryhole 

The Sandy Hook School massacre of December 14 has no doubt been seized upon by the present police state as a raison d’être for heightened gun control measures. Yet a more subtle element of the event is the promotion of a political worldview under the cloak of psychiatry and an increasingly prominent notion of “community building.”[1]

Stepping into the emotional fallout of December’s mass shooting is Dr. John Woodall. The former Harvard psychiatrist was almost immediately making the rounds in Newtown, consoling the grief stricken and advocating a seemingly unique communitarian creed. Woodall’s presence was unsurprising for locals since he resides in Sandy Hook, where his “Unity Project” non-profit is also based.

What is more, the event was eerily appropriate for the “teaching children resilience” mission Woodall’s organization was already undertaking in Newtown area schools. Unity Project had already contributed to such exercises following major crises including 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina.

At first glance the Unity Project appears to be yet another new agey, “let go of the hate” platform for Woodall’s pop-humanist psychology. We must learn to overcome our ordeals and look beyond our differences on the way to one big group hug.

The organization has created such a program for the youth of Newtown’s high school where students have been encouraged to fill out a psychological survey and  negotiate with administrators and teachers to lessen the homework load.[2]

On its face the prospect of developing well-rounded and engaged citizens sounds desirable. Who wants to be considered a holdout against local cooperation, peaceful coexistence, even global trade harmonization? The consequence these days includes running the risk of being deemed a grouchy extremist.

Perhaps this is why groups are actively espousing and disseminating Unity Project precepts in schools and communities throughout the world.
“As we move more deeply into a national and global climate fraught with complex and nuanced problems,” Woodall explains,
"Young people need to become masters of working with this complexity and diversity in cooperative and constructive ways. Our democracy and the happiness of our lives depend upon it. Young people need to know how to recognize bias, see the big picture and resist and problem solve cooperatively and to resist the human tendency to allow fear and anger to pull us to simplistic and extremist solutions that only create division and conflict and end up worsening the problems we face".[3]
This exact doctrine was articulated in Woodall’s December 14 remarks to the Associated Press.

The Intentional Murder of Pat Tillman, a Man of Integrity Who gave up a Multimillion $ Career to Serve.

*** Fundraising:   We wish to take this time to thank those that donated to reduce our deficit and to wish them the very best Christmas season ever. Our deficit is currently down to $120, and with 6 days remaining til the first of the month and New Year. We would like to thank those that have contributed so far and to acknowledge what a sacrifice we know it was on such a holiday season.  We hope you had a wonderful Christmas day with family and friends.   Its a great holiday of the year and should bring families and friends closer together.   This year that happened for me.

If you have benefited in anyway from our blog and our work, we hope  you will contribute, so we can stay on the net, by clicking on the pay pal button off to the right of the blog.  Bless you all for your support over these almost 4 years.  No matter how it turns out, I truly believe we have all made a difference.  Bless you all, this Christmas and New Years season.

Vatic Note:  I knew in general that Pat Tillman was assassinated, but I did not have the specifics until I saw this and read it.  I figured if I had not seen it there maybe others out here who had not seen it as well.   Its a true crime, Murder, and treason and it had to come from the  highest levels of the pentagon at the least or the White House at best.

Now the question is why?   You are going to be shocked at why and "WHO" squealed on Tillman that may well have gotten him killed.   I was shocked.  I had heard this man, whom Tillman contacted, was a disinfo agent working for the powers that be, but did not know whether to believe it or not.  Now I know since it was reported by Tillman, who he had made contact with and what he exposed.    
I have an additional reason that he may well have been killed.   Many of the soldiers overseas in the ME area of war,  were being used to test psychotropic drugs and we did a blog on that, along with the concurrent SATANIZING of our soldiers.  We also did a blog on that and both are a deadly combination, since children are in theatre and could easily be grabbed and used for the satanic ritual sexual abuse and subsequent murder sacrifice to satan.  

We proved the satanist do these things, and then proved satanism was being promoted in the military and even written up in the military documents and treated as a religion officially.   Tillman lived in close quarters with these men and they were all mixed in together.  It could well be he also fell upon these things happening and could have reported it.  We do not know if that happened, but the liklihood is great, given what we have proved so far.

What is important is "Tillman was murdered" intentionally for either a reason or a series of reasons.  Read and see what you think? 

Killing Pat Tillman
by J. Bruce Campbell,  Veterans Today
Today is the seventh anniversary of Pat Tillman’s assassination in Afghanistan. On April 22, 2004 Tillman and several other Army Rangers were given an odd order to split their motorized squad and proceed toward a village called Magarah.

The original mission was to recover a broken-down Humvee from a rocky and almost impassable trail through a steep gorge. The Humvee was being towed by a local “jinga” truck, rather than by one of the working Humvees.

Tillman and the others got to the village before the guys with the towed Humvee and were waiting for them when three Afghan kids fired an RPG, with an effective range of 250 yards, from 800 yards. It hit on the wall of the gorge and made some noise and loosened up some dirt and rocks. But, no harm done.

Nevertheless, the vaunted Rangers lost control of themselves and fired their arsenal of a .50 caliber Browning, 40mm grenade machine gun, .30 caliber machine guns and .223 caliber machine guns plus their small .223 rifles, called M-4s. They fired until they were out of ammo and had to get into their reserve ammo supply.

Tillman and the other guys were watching this show from above. Tillman’s sergeant, Matthew Weeks, ordered him and Bryan O’Neal and an Afghan named Thani to go down on foot closer to the road, which they did. The lead Humvee came within view of Tillman and from a range of about one hundred feet, opened up on him and the two others, killing the Afghan and wounding Tillman after he waved his arms at them not to shoot.

They dove behind a couple of one-foot high rocks and O’Neal asked if he was okay. One of Tillman’s legs was severely wounded. He threw a purple smoke grenade to show they were Americans and kept yelling at the nearby Humvee shooters. Both Tillman and O’Neal waved their arms at the Humvee. The Rangers in the Humvees stopped shooting for a minute. Tillman and O’Neal thought it was safe to show themselves.

Tillman identified himself loudly, saying “Hold your fire! I’m Pat f****** Tillman!” Specialist Trevor Alders opened up again with his .223 machine gun and hit Pat Tillman from about one hundred feet away. Now, both Tillman and O’Neal were in the same uniforms as the other Rangers, wearing the distinctive Kevlar helmets, carrying the same M-4 rifles. The Humvee guys knew that the other guys were up ahead and still they did this.

Here’s where it gets strange. The autopsy photos supposedly show three .223 holes in Tillman’s forehead, in a two- to three-inch group. I haven’t seen the photos. It is not possible to shoot a three-inch group into a guy’s forehead with a machine gun from one hundred feet, for several reasons.


Congress cites 9/11 Bush cover-up, demands Obama act

 *** Fundraising:   We wish to take this time to thank those that donated to reduce our deficit and to wish them the very best Christmas season ever. Our deficit is currently down to $120, and with 6 days remaining til the first of the month and New Year. We would like to thank those that have contributed so far and to acknowledge what a sacrifice we know it was on such a holiday season.  We hope you had a wonderful Christmas day with family and friends.   Its a great holiday of the year and should bring families and friends closer together.   This year that happened for me.

If you have benefited in anyway from our blog and our work, we hope  you will contribute, so we can stay on the net, by clicking on the pay pal button off to the right of the blog.  Bless you all for your support over these almost 4 years.  No matter how it turns out, I truly believe we have all made a difference.  Bless you all, this Christmas and New Years season. 

Vatic Note:  Finally, this ties Israel and Saudi Arabia together in international false flags  blaming others for purposes  of invasion, war and profits.  Bush is basically a business partner of Ossama Bin Ladens Saudi family and he has also been identified by  his mother as a dual Israeli citizen, which would explain the reasons he did it.   He was helping his mother country and its why they bogused up the election to ensure he would win and do the cabals bidding.

This is either true, or another distraction to take our attention off of the real perps.   If switching it from blaming Israel, to blaming Saudi Arabia, then no one will care.  Israel only cares when there is a serous change where they could get caught and that is not acceptable.   But right now,  I am too tired to even think about it, but that is not the only reason I am having trouble figuring out what I want to say, age might be a contributing factor.  LOL

Congress cites 9/11 Bush cover-up, demands Obama act

By Gordon Duff and Press TV

Related Interviews:
Two members of Congress, specially authorized to view documents on 9/11 censored under the personal authority of President Bush (43), have come away “absolutely shocked,” demanding immediate action.
However, the full story, told for the first time below, explains “why now” and who is really being targeted by revelations of cover-up and conspiracy.

In accusations published yesterday by the leading Tea Party publication, Family Security Matters, Saudi Defense Minister and Intelligence chief Prince Bandar referred to as “Bandar Bush” in his Wikipedia biography for his close relationship with that family, was said to be the planner of 9/11.

In an article by Paul Sperry of the Hoover Institute, Bandar was cited with fleeing the US to avoid prosecution. Here, Sperry quotes a government source:
“Our investigations contributed to the ambassador’s departure,” (2005) an investigator who worked with the Joint Terrorism Task Force in Washington told me, though Bandar says he left for “personal reasons.”
Despite these pronouncements, these accusations may well be unfounded speculation. What we have to ask is why are they being made now and why by political groups long close to the Saudi government. Why has Saudi Arabia failed to respond to these very public accusations coming from some of the highest authorities in Washington? “Why are the rats turning on each other?”

Startling disclosures?

This week, Congressional representatives Stephen Lynch (D-MA) and Walter Jones (R-NC) have officially requested a congressional resolution demanding President Obama declassify the heavily redacted Congressional Investigative Report on 9/11.

The two representatives had just been given authority under penalty of “national security secrecy” to read the censored 28 pages of the 800-page report that had not been seen.

For nearly a decade, the US has maintained security policies, both domestic and international, based on threats now known to have been totally fabricated. The cost, trillions of dollars, thousands of Americans dead in wars against “enemies” long known to have never been involved in terror attacks on America, the phony “hunt for bin Laden,” all of it, nothing but utter hogwash.

Bush cited as conspirator

What has been made clear is that President Bush was fully aware that neither Afghanistan nor Iraq were involved in 9/11 and that military action against those two nations was done to cover involvement of his administration in 9/11, involvement that included support from foreign intelligence agencies.

The representatives, while reviewing the report, came to the portion titled “Specific Sources of Foreign Support.” A 28-page section here had been “butchered” by the White House on the personal orders of President Bush. On the original report given to Congress, an estimated 5-10,000 words were omitted from this section with page after page of dotted lines replacing text.

Whats A Christian Zionist?

*** Fundraising: We wish to take this time to thank those that donated to reduce our deficit and to wish them the very best Christmas season ever.Our deficit is currently down to $120, and with 6 days remaining til the first of the month and New Year. We would like to thank those that have contributed so far and to acknowledge what a sacrifice we know it was on such a holiday season.  We hope you had a wonderful Christmas day with family and friends.   Its a great holiday of the year and should bring families and friends closer together.   This year that happened for me.

If you have benefited in anyway from our blog and our work, we hope  you will contribute, so we can stay on the net, by clicking on the pay pal button off to the right of the blog.  Bless you all for your support over these almost 4 years.  No matter how it turns out, I truly believe we have all made a difference.  Bless you all, this Christmas and New Years season. 

Vatic Note:  Notice in the first photo, those are not CATHOLIC priests or leaders, now are they?  What they are, are REAL Jews of Biblical fame.  They are protesting the religion of zionism which is antithesis of their religion and faith, as well as the other two religions derived from Judeaism,  and that is Christian and Muslim.   The Zionists are pagan/satan based Khazars. 

What is truly interesting is who these Christian Zionists are and why?  The author below says the other Christians believe these Christian Zionists are racists against Palestinians and promote perpetual war.   I learned a lot here because I did not really know what Christian Zionists really were out  side of simply being fundamentalists, however, they are more than that according to this article.   Its well worth the read and the video is great. 

It even includes British involvement in these christian sects and the Schofield Bible.   Remember Oxford was the school of Clinton, and it was also the secret societies home that then migrated to the USA at the elite schools.  This was so very interesting.   I had no idea about half of this stuff.  The detailed documented history of the growth of Christian Zionists, who are not following Christs' teachings, is fascinating and well within the "deception" promised by the Zionists with which they will conduct war.   
The only war we should ever fight is against the international khazar zionist bankers and their enforcement arm, Israel. 

Whats A Christian Zionist?
Posted by Volubrjotr on December 24, 2013

JERUSALEM (Catholic Online) – Christian Zionism is a false and extreme theological and political philosophy that is has become a corrupting influence in the politics of Israel and the United States, said a Catholic patriarch and three other religious leaders here, urging Christians churches to break their silence.

The statement, “The Jerusalem Declaration on Christian Zionism,” released by Aug. 22, was signed by Catholic Latin-rite Patriarch Michel Sabbah of Jerusalem and other leaders of Christian churches in Jerusalem, Archbishop Swerios Malki Mourad of the Syrian Orthodox Patriarchate in Jerusalem, Bishop Riah Abu El-Assal of the Episcopal Church of Jerusalem and the Middle East and Bishop Munib Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land.
“Christian Zionism is a modern theological and political movement that embraces the most extreme ideological positions of Zionism, thereby becoming detrimental to a just peace within Palestine and Israel,”  the religious leaders said.
Christian Zionism, the statement said, is an ideology that views the gospel through the prism of “empire, colonialism and militarism identifies,” emphasizing in its extreme form “apocalyptic events leading to the end of history rather than living Christ’s love and justice today.”
”We categorically reject Christian Zionist doctrines as false teaching that corrupts the biblical message of love, justice and reconciliation,”
the four leaders said.
The Holy Land leaders condemned the influence that Christian Zionism is having in American and Israeli policies concerning the Palestinian Territories. The leaders
“reject the contemporary alliance of Christian Zionist leaders and organizations with elements in the governments of Israel and the United States that are presently imposing their unilateral preemptive borders and domination over Palestine.”
Christian Zionism, they said, “facilitate and support” policies that “advance racial exclusivity and perpetual war rather than the gospel of universal love, redemption and reconciliation taught by Jesus Christ.” They added that such policies undermine the security of the “Middle East and the rest of the world.”
“We call upon all people to reject the narrow world view of Christian Zionism and other ideologies that privilege one people at the expense of others,”
Patriarch Sabbath and the three religious leaders said, warning
“that Christian Zionism and its alliances are justifying colonization, apartheid and empire-building.”

“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.”
- Ayn Rand

Timeline: What Happens After Drinking a Coca-Cola Soda?

*** Fundraising:   We wish to take this time to thank those that donated to reduce our deficit and to wish them the very best Christmas season ever. Our deficit is currently down to $120, and with 6 days remaining til the first of the month and New Year. We would like to thank those that have contributed so far and to acknowledge what a sacrifice we know it was on such a holiday season.  We hope you had a wonderful Christmas day with family and friends.   Its a great holiday of the year and should bring families and friends closer together.   This year that happened for me.

If you have benefited in anyway from our blog and our work, we hope  you will contribute, so we can stay on the net, by clicking on the pay pal button off to the right of the blog.  Bless you all for your support over these almost 4 years.  No matter how it turns out, I truly believe we have all made a difference.  Bless you all, this Christmas and New Years season. 

Vatic Note:   Well this was informative, but my question is why only Coca Cola?  Why wasn't Pepsi included in this diatribe about coke?   Is this more political than just informative?  Is there a fight going on between the nazi's and the zionists and does one own coke and the other Pepsi?   I don't know, just asking since there is but a hair of difference between their products.

Here are some sample members of the boards of Directors for each company and apparently there has been a massive global war going on between the two companies. Notice in this list  of ingredients, Pepsi also has most of the ingredients that was listed for Coke here.   Well, if Pepsi is like Coke, then read this below about both of them, since Pepsi's ingredients listed on their site match that listed below, that is bad for us. 

These are a couple for Coca Cola Board members:

Muhtar Kent - CEO and Chair of the Board - Educated in England, so Rothschild territory.   He also is a member of the Eminent Persons Group for ASEAN, appointed by President Obama and former Secretary of State Clinton.  He serves on the boards of 3M, Special Olympics International, Ronald McDonald House Charities, Catalyst and Emory University.   
Richard M. Daley, member, board of directors, 
Mr. Daley was the Mayor of Chicago from 1989 to 2011
(now that should scream volumes, LOL  Remember, Chicago is "little Israel)

Now, what about Pepsi's board:

*** Now I found this below very interesting.  No insider information on a publically traded company, now how is that possible?  And why???  

Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers, Inc. INSIDERS ON Board Members

Name (Connections)RelationshipsTitleAge
There is no Company Insiders data available.
Other Board Members on Board Members
Name (Connections)RelationshipsType of Board MembersPrimary CompanyAge
There is no Other Board Members data available.

Well, I find this very very interesting and if I have the time, I might just go down this rabbit hole and find out why all the secrecy as to board members under Pepsi?   

Ok, here we are..... it appears this maybe a battle between Rothschild and Rockefeller.

Examples of Pepsi board members: 

Chase and oil companies are pretty much the Rockefellers , While the examples for Coke are representative of Rothschilds.   Hmmm, a little healthy competition without sacrificing toxifying the customers?   They both stink for filling these products up with toxic materials.  This stuff will kill you faster than smoking.  Read the list below.
Dina Dublon
Consultant, Former Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer
JPMorgan Chase & Co.
55. Elected 2005

Ray L. Hunt
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Hunt Oil Company and
Chairman, Chief Executive Officer
and President
Hunt Consolidated, Inc.
65. Elected 1996

Timeline: What Happens After Drinking a Coca-Cola Soda?  (VN:  add pepsi in on that as well)
by Elizabeth Renter,  Natural Society
December 17th, 2013

soda coca cola 263x164 Timeline: What Happens After Drinking a Coca Cola Soda?Even if you like soft drinks, you can tell by the taste that they are a potion of chemicals and man-made toxins. They don’t taste like anything natural, besides maybe sugar. And unfortunately, diet soda is no sound alternative. So what really happens after you drink a Coca-Cola or a similar soft drink?

Here is what could happen in your body after you drink a can of soda. In the first 10 minutes, it stops you from gagging on the 10 teaspoons of sugar by buffering the sweet stuff with phosphoric acid. Twenty minutes after consumption, your blood sugar levels jump alarmingly.

But the effects of your soda don’t stop there—with changes like increased blood pressure, blocked adenosine receptors (leading to that caffeine high), and increased dopamine production (think heroin). Further, calcium, zinc, and magnesium are depleted from the body.

One of the most prominent ingredients in soda is something called orthophosphoric acid—a compound that must be transported with specially designed cisterns due to its high acidity. The reservoirs are designed to withstand the effects of “highly corrosive materials”, and with each swig of Coke, you are putting this stuff in your body.


"For Baby" and "I WANT TO LIVE!" John Denver - So much Depends on how we parent our children.


Vatic Note: (You get a break today... my Christmas gift to all of you "no fundraising today").  This is to remind us on this very important day what it means to be "born" and to be a child and how important "PARENTING" is to the results of having those children and the society, culture and world that we create through our parenting of those precious beings. Love, Safety and a Spirit life, are the keys.  I could not think of a better day to do this.

I put these videos together to show just how this works from a personal private relationship with your kids, (as shown in the first video) that lay the foundation for their movement into adulthood, and these children, together, then constitute the resulting society that we end up with. The second video is John Denvers song "I want to live" and it expands on the first video on a more global basis.   It reflects what we see the children experience when their foundation is filled with love, safety, and parental guidance.

The Third video is our world today for our children all over the globe and the resulting adults and society that we have already created, but need to change.  This one is done to the same song as the 2nd video, by John Denver and look at the difference between them and the context in which the music is played.  The 2nd video I laughed and felt joy, but the third video I cried.

To be honest, in the third video,I could not stop crying and did so every time I watched it.  This is well worth the watching and listening in light of all the blogs put up for today.  I found it a fitting ending to it all. If we can heal ourselves, then we can change our world as well.  We just need to figure out how it all works. Feel "the light" and heal the world. Good luck! Is this why the powers that be ended Johns life and career in music?

So, the point is,  "we can control the kind of world we make and create, through our children.  Its fully up to us."

As John says,  "Its' Time".

For Baby - John Denver
(Video #1 - The foundation)

Uploaded by Nuka Nukinator, on Jun 13, 2009 
I think this is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. John Denver did a very wonderful job on putting beautiful words together. I have to admit that it makes my heart soar every time I listen to it. This song explains how much a father can love his own child. 

I feel the love of a father through this song. I hope you all like it as much as I do. I also would like to dedicate this song to fathers who love their own children very much. Gentlemen, if you are fathers, this song is for you....

Video #2 - The process

Uploaded by Jeanette Ellul on May 2, 2009
John Denver singing "I Want To Live".  (VN: Words are below to follow along)

There are children raised in sorrow on a scorched and barren plain
There are children raised beneath the golden sun
There are children of the water, children of the sand
And they cry out through the universe, their voices raised as one

I wanna live, I wanna grow
I wanna see, I wanna know
I wanna share what I can give
I wanna be, I wanna live

Have you gazed out on the ocean, seen the breaching of a whale?
Have you watched the dolphins frolic in the foam?
Have you heard the song the humpback hears five hundred miles away?
Telling tales of ancient history of passages and home

I wanna live, I wanna grow
I wanna see, I wanna know
I wanna share what I can give
I wanna be, I wanna live

For the worker and warrior, the lover and the liar
For the native and the wanderer in kind
For the maker and the user and the mother and her son
I am looking for my family and all of you are mine

We are standing all together, face to face and arm in arm
We are standing on the threshold of a dream
No more hunger, no more killing, no more wasting like a way
It is simply an idea and I know its time has come

I wanna live, I wanna grow
I wanna see, I wanna know
I wanna share what I can give
I wanna be

I wanna live, I wanna grow
I wanna see, I wanna know
I wanna share what I can give
I wanna be

I wanna live, I wanna grow
I wanna see, I wanna know
I wanna share what I can give
I wanna be, I wanna live

I wanna live, I want to live

Video #3 - How it can go all wrong without Love, SAFETY, and a healthy spiritual life.

Uploaded by missbatman on May 1, 2010
This is for everyone out there who breathes right along with me...
The idea for this project was inspired by a friend of mine.
Took me about 7 hours to put this little music video together, so I hope everyone enjoys it - and believe me, it is very much a labor of love!




The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.