Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UK. Show all posts


Poland Ready to Bargain With UK Over Migrant Ban: What Does it Want Back?

Vatic Note:  I can understand Polands concern.  Remember when the Polish President and members of the leadership of Poland were killed by Russians?  We did a blog on that had video and writing text news and I had it all translated by an American citizen born in Poland?  It proved that collusion was involved since the rabbi's that were going to travel with the President, all of a sudden pulled out  from the planned trip and thus they did not die in the crash.

That was just a couple of years ago.   It was quite a story at the time. It was a message to the Poles not to cooperate with NATO and Europe or pay the penalty.   Plus NATO uses poland all the time and they are on the front line and basically demeaned b y the British.   So, this was an understandable bargaining chip for them to use. 

Poland Ready to Bargain With UK Over Migrant Ban: What Does it Want Back?
By Admin, Sputnik News,  January 4, 2016


Revealed: UK through the BBC Plans to Smear Survivors of Child Abuse

Vatic Note:   Historically, the British leaders in almost every field, especially in the school system,  have been caught paedophilia children within their country.  Its almost a joke anymore, its been going on for so long and the British people have done nothing to stop it.   

Its that lack of action by millions against thousands, that causes a civilization to destroy itself and the enemy really has to do nothing in the way of risking their own lives.   Britian is a prime example of the results.  Today, these abused children are the adults of that nation and they are fully subdued through the act of pedophilia, and it doesn't stop there.  

We did blogs proving that Royalty are as guilty of it as their people in power, and why is that?   They are Khazars, who worshipped the phallic symbol and got kicked out of nation after nation and I believe its because of that practice, along with killing these babies as we blogged about, and drinking their blood to extend their lives.   

Its more than just wanting to globalize, its about the loss of civilized behavior and the returning to barbarism, that destroys nations.  Just look at Israel under these Khazars control.   There is no more barbaric nation on earth than Israel and the only source of their wealth is related to perversions of the worst kind.  Remember, 

- prostitution is legal in Israel, 

- Kidnapping women from other countries and forcing them into prostitution in Israel is legal, its only illegal if they are Israeli citizens.

- Israeli's biggest and most profitable industry, outside of weapon sales, is PORNOGRAPHY.  They make billions. 

- creating babies to kill and drink their blood, is another barbaric practice. 

-  They are satanists, therefore, stealing the productive wealth of others is a practice long done by these satanists, so these evil useless feeders do not have to break a sweat,  just sit back and enjoy their perverted lives while others slave to pay for it.  

- Finally,  they are big players in the International Child sex and labor slave trade globally.   

-  They hate Christians and have a history of murdering millions of them as we saw in Russia and the decapitation in Syria, which has a very large Christian population in that country, and the decapitation was in compliance with the Noahide Laws, which makes Christianity Illegal and a decapitation offense.  That is how I knew the rebels were really khazars and not semites.  

Otherwise, the khazar Zionists, have developed nothing in the way of innovations and creations that advance civilization, only destroy it.  Now you know why it will be important to fight to the death to keep them holed up in that little country and contained, in the Mediterranean and never let them leave again.   Britain is such a fine example of what can happen and how far down you can go as a nation, if such men run it.


Revealed: UK through the BBC Plans to Smear Survivors of Child Abuse
Mark Watts —,   The Truthseeker,   Oct 1, 2015   

BBC 1’s Panorama is planning to attack survivors of child sex abuse and others who are uncovering evidence of a ‘Westminster paedophile network’.

Many journalists at the broadcaster fear that the program will prompt a backlash because two established cases of VIP paedophiles were among the BBC’s biggest stars – Jimmy Savile and Stuart Hall.

They point out how the broadcaster badly let down abuse survivors previously, including one who featured in a Panorama on the pulling of an expose of Savile by BBC 2’s Newsnight and another at the centre of the latter program’s implicit and mistaken identification of Lord McAlpine, a former conservative treasurer, as a paedophile.