
Coming Soon to You - Massive DNA Destruction - Part I

Vatic Note:   PLEASE READ THIS LINK first and then this very well done and insightful article, since this explains the bigger picture of what was exposed by Alex Jones about vaccines, EUGENICS (the science of DNA manipulation and what Alex says is the "killing of the soul"),  and depopulation.

What is "Junk DNA"? Why is it important?   What else have the psychopaths created to manipulate and control our DNA?  We are going down a rabbit hole on this subject and its so extensive I could not finish it in time to put it up with this, but it supports the contentions laid out here and explains all the combined actions of the evil ones to prevent the evolution of the human consciousness for some reason that causes them great fear if we evolve.... so please keep this in mind for later and maybe even save this as a foundation.  

To lead into this article, please watch this video first.......... its relevant and foundational.   Very expansive understanding of the importance of our DNA. 


Coming Soon to You - Massive DNA Destruction
By J. Speer-Williams, Rense.com

Metaphysicians tell us that an individual's DNA composition approximates one's consciousness, and vice versa: One's consciousness determines one's DNA structure. Attack one, you attack the other. Improve one and you improve the other.
(pic supplied by Vatic - unable to pick up pics-rense)

Mainstream Doctors Fritz-Albert Popp and Bruce Lipton both tell us that our DNA appears to be the vital link between our physicality and spirituality.

Dr. Popp, founder of the International Institute of Biophysics, at Neuss, Germany, and Dr. Lipton, of the University of Wisconsin, both confirm that modern science now realizes and recognizes that our DNA structures directly reflect our consciousness.

This makes it possible for us to willfully activate what science formerly called "junk" DNA, by increasing our individual consciousnesses.

By activating dormant DNA, one would likely be able to perceive life beyond the five physical senses of sight, hearing, taste, touch, and smell; and one's world of spiritual intuition, discernment, judgment, and wisdom begin to develop.

The more we learn about the negative intentions of the dark forces of our world, the more we wake up spiritually, and the more our "junk" DNA activates, if we are not overcome with negativity or fear ourselves in the process of waking up.   Fear blocks any possible expansion of consciousness, which explains the constant and universal fear-mongering promoted by the private International Monetary/Banking Cartel's corporate media, all resulting in the severe stunting of our universal consciousness.

The Cartel's silent, soft-kill weapons of mass DNA destruction are all around us. Depleting uranium, chemtrails, street and pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, genetically modified foods, fluoride, aspartame, psychotropics, and now naked body scanners are used against us for a very basic reason: To keep us from waking up to their crimes by damaging our DNA.

The Cartel's latest cloaked attacks against mankind are their so-called Backscatter X-ray Machines that expose the naked bodies of men, women and children at busy airport security portals ­ all based on the flimsy ploy of simply one "crotch bomber" at Christmas time of '09 in Detroit. Now suddenly, these Backscatter machines will be showing up at over 125 US airports.

These virtual strip searches, in addition to damaging our DNA, will be setting the stage for the expansion of our world-wide cancer epidemic. Any amount of radiation is dangerous, as it is cumulative, and poses a serious threat to all living cells through which it passes, leaving behind a trail of destruction and genetic mutations.

The Backscatter doesn't actually emit X-rays, but little tested T-rays, or THz waves (terahertz waves), which is radiation that is positioned between microwaves and infrared rays on the electromagnetic spectrum.

Sound dangerous? It is. One would think that US taxpayers would object to their government spending so much of the people's money in order to inflict its citizens with cancer. But no, the Monetary Cartel and their dark minions in "think-tanks" are clever. (VN:  remember these are Israeli machines with Chertoff, the dual israeli citizen as major owner who was promoting these machines, so was it more than just profit,  given the technology is well known to irradiate people?)

Knowing that the majority of the American public cares not a whit about their personal privacy, but has huge concerns for their personal security, the dark overlords of the Cartel had their corporate media begin calling their cancer-dealing/death-dealing machines, "Naked Body Scanners."

This made what little public argument there has been against the Backscatter machines a "privacy issue," instead of a "cancer issue."

And the ploy has worked marvelously. Millions of Americans ­ with no concerns about how their privacy is being violated ­ still line up at full-body scanners, across the US, never knowing how those T-ray machines could eventually kill them.

At best, the issue of the dangers of full-body scanners at airports and other places has become controversial. Which means, the voices of governmental "authority" wins that Info-war, given that American who can't think for themselves always defer to governmental pronouncements as being the last word.

Boian Alexandrov, of the Center for Nonlinear Studies at Los Alamos National Laboratory, however, has a very decided opinion regarding the dangers of T-rays: He tells us that T-rays tear apart human DNA.

Alexandrov, and his team at Los Alamos, say that although the forces that T-rays exert are small, their resonant effects can "unzip" DNA strands, tearing them apart, thus creating bubbles in the strands that significantly interfere with gene expression and DNA replication. And whatever that means, it doesn't sound good.

Moreover, it seems these T-ray scanners will be operated by non-healthcare, hourly wage-earners, not trained in radiation medicine or imaging. And who is to prevent massive radiation overdoses?

What protection will be offered to pregnant women, children, or our reproductive organs?

Also, whether you fly or not, the dark powers that have subjugated our federal government are intent on repeatedly lashing you with deadly radiation all for your own good, mind you.

Our government has bought hundreds of mobile Z Backscatter Vans (ZBVs) to hunt you down, so they can shoot you with deadly radiation.

These vans, that look innocuous enough, are carriers of radiation-death-machines that take no quarter, while they are driven through out our neighborhoods radiating pets, children, women, and men, alike, while they are in the privacy of their own homes.

These ZBVs also drive through city streets, irradiating other vehicles, and passengers, with strong enough radiation to penetrate steel and destroy the cells of human bodies, all on the flimsy pretense of protecting us from terrorists, who may be carrying bombs or drugs in their vehicles.

But who will protect us from the terrorists in our own government, who are so wantonly radiating us onto death?

It is truly amazing how much cruelty is afoot in our criminally insane world; however, the ruling financial oligarchs ­ who are causing this growing lunacy ­ are merely symptomatic of our collective spiritual state of being.

Until we develop more empathy for our fellow man, we'll continue to suffer at the hands of the criminally insane.

And, if you are like me, it's beginning to appear obvious that some power has far more interest in damaging our DNA, than keeping us safe from terrorists.

J. Speer-Williams
[email protected]

The article is reproduced in accordance with Section 107 of title 17 of the Copyright Law of the United States relating to fair-use and is for the purposes of criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.


Anonymous said...

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Vatic said...

One of my favorite quotes. He understood treason very well indeed. I wonder if he wrote anything on pure evil. I would love to read it if he did