Opening the remote diagnostics window

February 26, 2025

ID 197042

To perform remote diagnostics on Windows-based and Linux-based client devices, you first have to open the remote diagnostics window.

To open the remote diagnostics window:

  1. To select the device for which you want to open the remote diagnostics window, perform one of the following:
    • If the device belongs to an administration group, in the main menu, go to Assets (Devices) → Groups → <group name> → Managed devices.
    • If the device belongs to the Unassigned devices group, in the main menu, go to Discovery & deploymentUnassigned devices.
  2. Click the name of the required device.
  3. In the device properties window that opens, select the Advanced tab.
  4. In the window that opens, click Remote diagnostics.

    This opens the Remote diagnostics window of a client device. If connection between Administration Server and the client device is not established, the error message is displayed.

Alternatively, if you need to obtain all diagnostic information about a Linux-based client device at once, you can run the script on this device.

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