Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

About integration with Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response

August 27, 2024

ID 214788

Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response (also referred to as MDR) delivers round-the-clock protection from the growing volume of threats that circumvent automated security barriers to organizations who struggle to find the expertise and staff or possess limited in-house resources. Unlike similar offerings on the market, this service leverages a proven track record of effective targeted attack research to ensure continuous defense against even the most complex threats. The service helps improve your corporate resilience to cyberthreats, while freeing up your existing resources to focus their attention on other tasks.

You integrate Kaspersky Endpoint Agent into the client infrastructure using Kaspersky Security Center. Kaspersky Endpoint Agent processes data and sends it to Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response via Kaspersky Security Network streams.

You can configure Kaspersky Endpoint Agent's integration with MDR in the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console or in the Kaspersky Security Center Web Console.

For complete information about Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response, as well as for information on configuring Kaspersky Endpoint Agent's integration from the MDR side, refer to the Kaspersky Managed Detection and Response Help.

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