Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Managing integration settings with KATA Central Node component

August 27, 2024

ID 197185

To manage the integration settings of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent with the KATA Central Node component using the command line interface:

  1. On the device, run a command line interpreter (for example, Command Prompt cmd.exe) with the permissions of the local administrator.
  2. Using the cd command, navigate to the folder where the Agent.exe file is located.

    For example, enter the command cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Endpoint Agent\" and press ENTER.

  3. Execute the following command:

    agent.exe --message-broker=<enable|disable|show> --type=<kata> --use-proxy={yes|no} --compression=<yes|no> --partitioning-strategy=<automatic|user> [--message-key=<message key> --topic=<topic> --partition=<user specific partition>] --tls=<yes|no> --servers=<address>:<port>[;<address>:<port>[; …]] [--timeout=<maximum response timeout of KATA server] [--pinned-certificate=<full path to the TLS certificate file>] [--client-certificate=<full path to the certificate file>] --client-password=<password for the PFX archive> --sync-period=<interval for sending synchronization requests>

  4. Press Enter.

    The --message-broker command parameters when managing the integration settings between Kaspersky Endpoint Agent and the KATA Central Node component




    Required parameter.

    Allows you to enable, disable, and view the status of the integration between Kaspersky Endpoint Agent and the KATA Central Node component.

    • --message-broker=<enable> – enables integration.
    • --message-broker=<disable> – disables integration.
    • --message-broker=<show> – displays the integration status of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent with the KATA Central Node component.


    Required parameter.

    Allows you to specify the KATA Central Node component in order to manage the integration settings of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent with said component.


    Required parameter.

    Allows you to enable or disable proxy server usage in the message broker to send messages to KATA.


    Optional parameter.

    Allows you to enable or disable the compression of data transferred between Kaspersky Endpoint Agent and KATA Central Node.

    Enabled by default.


    Optional parameter.

    Allows you to enable or disable a trusted connection between Kaspersky Endpoint Agent and the KATA Central Node component.

    • --tls=<yes> – enables trusted connection.
    • --tls=<no> – disables trusted connection.

    --servers=<address>:<port>[;<address>:<port>[; …]]

    Required parameter.

    Allows the addition of one or more KATA servers.

    Kaspersky Endpoint Agent connects to the first server in the list. If the connection does not succeed, Kaspersky Endpoint Agent connects to the second server and so on down the list.

    --timeout=<maximum response timeout of KATA server>

    Optional parameter.

    Allows you to set the maximum response timeout of the KATA server in milliseconds.

    --pinned-certificate=<full path to the TLS certificate file>

    Required parameter, if the --tls parameter is passed with the <yes> value.

    Allows you to add a TLS certificate for connecting Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to the KATA server.

    --client-certificate=<full path to the certificate file>

    Allows you to add a user certificate for connecting Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to the KATA server.

    --client-password=<password for the PFX archive>

    Allows you to enter a password for the PFX archive that contains the user certificate for connecting Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to the KATA server.

    --sync-period=<interval for sending synchronization requests>

    Allows you to specify the time interval for sending synchronization requests for Kaspersky Endpoint Agent settings and tasks with the KATA Central Node.


    Allows you to enable or disable request throttling. The request throttling feature allows restricting the flow of events with low importance from Kaspersky Endpoint Agent to the Central Node component.

    --event-limit=<number of events per hour>

    Allows you to specify the maximum number of events per hour. The application analyzes telemetry data flow and restricts transmission of events with low importance if the number of transmitted events tends to exceed the specified value.

    --exceed-limit=<threshold value>

    Allows you to specify the threshold for exceeding the limit of events. If the flow of events with low importance of the same type exceeds the threshold percentage of the total number of events, the transmission of events of this type will be restricted. You can specify a value from 5 to 100 (without the % character).

See also

Managing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent activation

Managing Kaspersky Endpoint Agent authentication

Configuring tracing

Configuring creating a dump of Kaspersky Endpoint Agent processes

Viewing information about quarantine settings and quarantined objects

Actions on quarantined objects

Managing Kaspersky Sandbox integration settings

Managing integration settings with Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for Networks

Running Kaspersky Endpoint Agent database and module update

Starting, stopping and viewing the current application status

Protecting the application with password

Protecting application services with PPL technology

Managing self-defense settings

Managing event filtering

Managing network isolation

Managing Standard IOC Scan tasks

Configuring and launching the Security Audit task

Creating a thumbprint for the certificate for signing files with OVAL or XCCDF rules

Creating a Kaspersky Security Center installation package with custom OVAL or XCCDF rules

Managing scanning of files and processes according to YARA rules

Managing scanning of autorun point objects according to YARA rules

Managing Execution prevention

Creating a memory dump

Creating a disk dump

Specifying the source of Network Isolation and Execution Prevention settings

Managing SIEM integration settings

Managing settings for anomaly detection using Sigma rules

Enabling and configuring advanced telemetry collection settings

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