Kaspersky Endpoint Agent

Managing Execution prevention

August 27, 2024

ID 196367

To manage Execution prevention settings using the command line interface:

  1. On the device, run a command line interpreter (for example, Command Prompt cmd.exe) with the permissions of the local administrator.
  2. Using the cd command, navigate to the folder where the Agent.exe file is located.

    For example, enter the command cd "C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Endpoint Agent\" and press ENTER.

  3. Enter one of the following commands and press ENTER:
  • agent.exe --prevention=disable disables Execution prevention.
  • agent.exe --prevention=show displays the current Execution prevention settings in the command line.

Return codes of the --prevention command:

  • -1 – command is not supported by Kaspersky Endpoint Agent version installed on the device.
  • 0 – command successfully executed.
  • 1 – required argument is not passed to the command.
  • 2 – general error.
  • 4 – syntax error.
  • 9 – invalid operation (for example, an attempt to disable Execution prevention if it is already disabled).

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