Showing posts with label beadwork. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beadwork. Show all posts

February 17, 2020

In Dreams I Saw the Rift, new work in progress

In Dreams I Saw the Rift, Sue Reno, WIP Image 1
It's time for a new, major work! Like many of my larger pieces, it has been in progress for some time, and has evolved as I went along. I started last year, when I was still living in Lancaster, PA, and have worked on it intermittently as time allowed since then. Like the other works in my "Dream" series, it features a needlefelted river.
In Dreams I Saw the Rift, Sue Reno, WIP Image 2
I began with a length of felt and a lot of wool roving, punched into place by machine. As it progressed I added mylar fibers to approximate the sparkle of sunlight on the currents in the water.
In Dreams I Saw the Rift, Sue Reno, WIP Image 3
To the edges of the river panel I added lovely chunks of woven wool fabrics. I did some machine quilting to add texture and hold everything in place. This part of it then got packed up specially before the move, so I could find it easily later.
In Dreams I Saw the Rift, Sue Reno, WIP Image 4
I then spent a considerable amount of time in the new studio, adding a lot of glass beadwork and hand embroidered details.
In Dreams I Saw the Rift, Sue Reno, WIP Image 5
It was very helpful to have this project to work on as I was getting my house, my studio, and my mind in order after the move.
In Dreams I Saw the Rift, Sue Reno, WIP Image 6
The wool, backed by batting, is thick and difficult to hand stitch through, so I wasn't aiming for precision, rather I wanted to add lots of texture and movement, and to suggest the woodlands and fields that border the river.
In Dreams I Saw the Rift, Sue Reno, WIP Image 7
Much more to come! Stay tuned.

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