Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Media. Show all posts

August 29, 2019

Art Quilting Studio Article

 I'm honored that my work is featured in the current issue, Autumn 2019, of Art Quilting Studio Magazine. The article, Stitching the Natural World, shows three of my large art quilts, and includes a basic tutorial on some of the techniques I used to create them.

It's a large, quality publication, packed full of beautiful quilts and engaging commentary. I am very pleased to be able to share my work with their readership.

January 16, 2018

Interview in Machine Quilting Unlimited blog

Sweet potato wet cyan print, from MQU, by Sue Reno
It's a blog about a blog! I'm interviewed today in the Machine Quilting Unlimited blog, in conjunction with my article in wet cyanotype printing in the current Jan/Feb issue. Read it here: MQU blog interview
Bamboo and anemone wet cyan print, from MQU, by Sue Reno
And if you haven't already, get a copy of this useful and beautiful magazine for your own enjoyment.

December 26, 2017

Wet Cyanotype article in MQU

 I am thrilled and honored to share that my wet cyanotype work is currently featured in Machine Quilting Unlimited, the Jan.-Feb. 2018 edition. The article is Working with Wet Cyanotype, and is a 6 1/2 page, 18 photo step-by-step tutorial on the process. It includes prints I did specifically for the article (not shared on social media) and the debut of my latest quilt, Storm Watch.

If you've been following my blog over the past 6 months or so, you know how much fun I had experimenting with this technique that breaks all the rules of traditional cyanotype printmaking. In this article I give you concise, simple directions so you can play around with wet cyan and make your own amazing prints.

But wait, there's more! MQU is a consistently great publication, and this issue is no exception. There's a LOT of good information here, and you really should get your own copy. It's available at Barnes and Noble, online, or by subscription.

July 6, 2016

A website refresh

I've got a brand new look on my website.  It's clean, it's contemporary, and it's easier than ever to navigate.  I'd like to invite you to take a tour of my galleries at  If you've already got it bookmarked, hit refresh and watch the transformation!

I've been online for a long time, and have had several iterations of my site.  This latest change was sparked by a desire for better function on mobile devices.  That goal has been met--above is a screenshot from a tablet, and below from an iPhone:

Of course what really matters is the content.  It's easier than ever now to view and read about my body of work, as organized into galleries: Flora and Fauna, The Garden, The River, The Structures, and The Woods.  All of them reflect my commitment to documenting and sharing the rich environment of my uniquely beautiful home base in  Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

A new website called for a new headshot, so here it is, a self portrait in the studio:
As always, thanks for reading and commenting.

January 22, 2016

Cyanotype article in Quilting Arts Magazine

Quilting Arts, Cyanotype Article by Sue Reno, Image 1

I'm pleased to share that I have an article in the current issue of  Quilting Arts Magazine, Issue 79, Feb.-Mar. 2016.  

Quilting Arts, Cyanotype Article by Sue Reno, Image 2
I was asked to review Jacquard's new line of cyanotype products, including pre-cut and pre-treated fabric sheets, and a kit for treating your own fabric  In the review I walk you through the steps involved in making a successful cyanotype print on fabric. One of the reasons I love the process so much is that it's relatively easy for a beginner to pick up, but holds endless possibilities for the experienced artist.  

Japanese Anemone, by Sue Reno

I made a lot of test prints with what was currently blooming in my garden, and I had such good results that I was inspired to make an art quilt with them.  Japanese Anemone features prints on both silk and cotton, made directly from the plant and from digital images. 

Sue Reno selfie

Since the focus of this issue is on portrait quilts, editor Vivika Hansen DeNegre asked if I could print a selfie as a cyanotype.  What a fun assignment!  I stepped outside on a warm fall day and snapped this. I tried to exaggerate my features a bit so the details wouldn't get lost in the print.
Sue Reno selfie negative
 I turned the image into a greyscale negative, and printed it out onto a acetate transparency sheet.

Sue Reno selfie cyanotype
 I laid the transparency on a piece of treated fabric, did a timed exposure, and voila!

You can learn how to do this, and more, with the tips I share in the article.  And of course, the entire issue is filed with both eye candy and great information.

And don't forget I have a Quilting Arts Workshop Video available as a DVD or download, where I show you in detail the cyanotype process and other surface design essentials.

As always, thanks for reading and commenting!

October 16, 2015

Reviewed in Down Under Textiles

 Down Under Textiles- Issue 20, 2015 My work is featured in Issue 20 of Down Under Textiles, Australia’s latest and most-exciting magazine for textile enthusiasts.
Down Under Textiles, Surface Design Delights, image 1
Artist Ali George wrote an extensive and illustrated review of my Quilting Arts Workshop DVD/download, Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt.  I am very proud of the work I did for this video, and I deeply appreciate the kind words that Ali has for it in her evaluation.
Down Under Textiles, Surface Design Delights, image 2Ali was gracious enough to send me a physical copy of the magazine, and wow, it’s great!  I’ve read it cover to cover, and have been introduced to new artists and new ideas. 
Many, many thanks to Ali and to editor Kate Oszko for the coverage.

October 9, 2015

On the Cover of Machine Quilting Unlimited

Machine Quilting Unlimited Sept-Oct 2015 cover Jack in the Pulpit is the cover quilt for the September/October issue of Machine Quilting Unlimited.  It’s a tremendous honor, and I am so pleased with how great it looks!
Sue Reno_MQU 2015_image 1 Inside, there’s a seven page spread with many more pictures of my art quilts, and an article I wrote sharing my process and working methods.  I focus in particular on my series The River, with imagery inspired by the Susquehanna.
Sue Reno_MQU 2015_image 2
I’m proud of my contribution to what is overall a great issue of a consistently excellent publication.  If you haven’t seen it yet, it’s available on news stands, and subscriptions and back issues can be purchased at their website. You can also follow MQU on Facebook.
MQU - Modern Quilts - September 2015
Wonderfully and  coincidentally my friend Allie Aller is the cover quilter on Machine Quilting Unlimited’s sister publication, Modern Quilts Unlimited!

November 13, 2014

Blog Tour – Lyric Kinard

Today’s blog tour participant, and the last stop on the tour, is Lyric Kinard.  Lyric’s talent knows no bounds. She is a master of surface design techniques, she is an expert stitcher and beader, and she teaches and runs workshops. Lyric has been a guest on Quilting Arts TV, has written a book—see here—and produces instructional videos. See her blog and website for details on all this and more. 
Lyric Kinard
I met Lyric this spring in the green room while preparing to tape for Quilting Arts. I got to see the projects she was calmly working on while waiting, and was wowed by the freshness and immediacy of her design and execution.  I’m pleased that Lyric agreed to help me out on this blog tour, and excited to click over and see her viewpoint on my Quilting Arts Workshop Video, Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt.
Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt
My sincere and deep thanks to all the artists who participated in this tour, and my thanks also to all the readers who toured along with us.  I hope you have discovered some new favorite blogs to enrich your creative life.  Here’s the recap in case you missed any of them:

Blog tour schedule
11/5/14: Sue Reno
11/6/14: Susan Brubaker Knapp
11/7/14: Allie Aller
11/8/14: Diane Doran
11/9/14: Vivien Zepf
11/10/14: Virginia Spiegel
11/11/14: Cynthia St. Charles
11/12/14: Natalya Aikens
11/13/14: Lyric Kinard

And as always, thanks for reading and commenting.

November 12, 2014

Blog Tour – Natalya Aikens

Today’s blog tour participant is Natalya Aikens, of Art by Natalya.
art by natalya

Natalya is a artist and photographer that works with textiles and stitching.  Lately she has incorporated recycled elements into her work, specifically plastic bags and dryer sheets.  In Natalya’s hands these humble materials are transformed into beautiful architectural depictions.  Her eye for line and design is unerring. She has a Cloth Paper Scissors Workshop Video—see here,  her work is regularly featured in prestigious exhibits and publications, and she teaches and runs workshops.
Natalya Aikens
I’ve known Natalya online for some time, and finally met her in person at a SAQA conference a few years ago. She was even more charming than I had imagined, and her knowledge about the larger fiber/art world made her a great companion for gallery hopping.  I am so happy that she agreed to view and review my Quilting Arts Workshop Video, Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt, and am excited to click over to her blog to read her perspective.Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt Tomorrow’s blogger is Lyric Kinard

Blog tour schedule
11/5/14: Sue Reno
11/6/14: Susan Brubaker Knapp
11/7/14: Allie Aller
11/8/14: Diane Doran
11/9/14: Vivien Zepf
11/10/14: Virginia Spiegel
11/11/14: Cynthia St. Charles
11/12/14: Natalya Aikens
11/13/14: Lyric Kinard

As always, thanks for reading and commenting.

November 11, 2014

Blog Tour – Cynthia St. Charles

Today’s blog tour participant is Cynthia St. Charles of Living and Dyeing Under the Big Sky

Cynthia works with block printing and other surface design techniques to produce beautiful art quilts and mixed media works.  She’s made a Quilting Arts Workshop video on designing with hand carved printing blocks—see here—has had her work published, and exhibits widely.  Her blog also features incredibly stunning photos of her travels and adventures under the big western sky, and is a pure joy to read.
Cynthis St. Charles
I first became aware of Cynthia’s work back when I was in my heyday of making and mailing fiber art postcards.  I have drifted away from the practice, but Cynthia continues to produce mail art, along with larger, beautifully designed works.  I am so grateful she is taking the time to review my Quilting Arts Workshop Video, Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt, and I’m excited to click over and see what she has to say.
Surface Design Essentials for the Printed QuiltTomorrow’s blogger is Natalya Aikens

Blog tour schedule
11/5/14: Sue Reno
11/6/14: Susan Brubaker Knapp
11/7/14: Allie Aller
11/8/14: Diane Doran
11/9/14: Vivien Zepf
11/10/14: Virginia Spiegel
11/11/14: Cynthia St. Charles
11/12/14: Natalya Aikens
11/13/14: Lyric Kinard

As always, thanks for reading and commenting.

November 10, 2014

Blog Tour – Virginia Spiegel

Today’s blog tour participant is Virginia A. Spiegel.  Virginia is a prolific artist and author.  Her trips to the Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness Area provide the inspiration for beautiful and thoughtful artwork that incorporates painted, collaged and stitched fabric and paper. She exhibits her work widely, and has placed it in many private and permanent collections.
Virginia A. Spiegel
I met Virginia online years ago, in the listserve days, when I was first involved in the then-novel production of mail art fabric postcards.  Virginia took that concept and ran with it, establishing Fiberart for a Cause, which to date has raised more than $240,000 for the ACS. I've been a proud participant of many of her fundraisers, and Virginia remains one of the few people for who I will drop everything and help with whatever she is proposing.  She is a meticulous organizer and has the ability to make everyone involved in her projects feel valued and part of the larger good.  So I am particularly pleased that she agreed to help with my blog tour, and excited to click over and see her review of my Quilting Arts Workshop Video Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt.
Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt Tomorrow’s blogger is Cynthia St. Charles

Blog tour schedule
11/5/14: Sue Reno
11/6/14: Susan Brubaker Knapp
11/7/14: Allie Aller
11/8/14: Diane Doran
11/9/14: Vivien Zepf
11/10/14: Virginia Spiegel
11/11/14: Cynthia St. Charles
11/12/14: Natalya Aikens
11/13/14: Lyric Kinard

As always, thanks for reading and  commenting.

November 9, 2014

Blog Tour – Vivien Zepf

Today’s blog tour participant is Vivien Zept of Seven Pines Designs.
  Vivien Zepf
Vivien has a zest and enthusiasm for life that is reflected in her vibrant textile works and stunning photography. She exhibits widely and successfully in both mediums.  She is also a published wordsmith with magazine articles to her credit, and her blog features her work, her travels, and her adventures as a museum docent.
Vivien Zepf
Vivien is a thoughtful observer of both the natural world and the art world, and an encouraging, helpful friend.  I finally met her in person a few years ago at the SAQA conference in Philadelphia, and had a great deal of fun touring galleries and just generally hanging out with her. I am happy she agreed to help with my blog tour, and am excited to click over and see her review of my Quilting Arts Workshop Video, Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt.
Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt Tomorrow’s blogger is Virginia Spiegel

Blog tour schedule
11/5/14: Sue Reno
11/6/14: Susan Brubaker Knapp
11/7/14: Allie Aller
11/8/14: Diane Doran
11/9/14: Vivien Zepf
11/10/14: Virginia Spiegel
11/11/14: Cynthia St. Charles
11/12/14: Natalya Aikens
11/13/14: Lyric Kinard

As always, thanks for reading and commenting.

November 8, 2014

Blog Tour – Diane Doran

Today’s blog tour participant is Diane Doran of Ooh! Pretty Colors.
Ooh! Pretty Colors
Diane is an art quilter and designer with a deep mastery of digital imagery.  Her engineering background, combined with her sewing and quilting experience, makes her work unique and contemporary .She has made two excellent Quilting Arts Workshop Videos—see here and here, has been on Quilting Arts TV, and is a prolific author of magazine articles on a wide variety of quilting techniques.
Diane Doran
I first had the pleasure of meeting Diane years ago when we were both in Houston for the Awards Ceremony at the International Quilt Festival.  It’s a familiar place for Diane, as her work has won numerous awards there and in many other prestigious shows.  I am so delighted she graciously agreed to be a part of my blog tour, and am excited to click over and see her review of my Quilting Arts Workshop Video, Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt.
Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt Tomorrow’s blogger is Vivien Zept

Blog tour schedule
11/5/14: Sue Reno
11/6/14: Susan Brubaker Knapp
11/7/14: Allie Aller
11/8/14: Diane Doran
11/9/14: Vivien Zepf
11/10/14: Virginia Spiegel
11/11/14: Cynthia St. Charles
11/12/14: Natalya Aikens
11/13/14: Lyric Kinard

As always, thanks for reading and commenting.

November 7, 2014

Blog Tour – Allie Aller

Today’s blog tour participant is Allie Aller of Allie’s in Stitches.
Allie Aller's Crazy Quilts
I have been amazed by Allie’s work for many years.  She has the singular ability to take the time honored format of crazy quilting and make it contemporary and exciting.  Her design choices are always spot on, and her stitching skills and craftsmanship are impeccable.  She is the author of two books on crazy quilting—see here and here— has an online Craftsy class,  and travels to teach and lecture and just generally be awesome.
Allie Aller
Allie and I found each other on Facebook some time ago, and have discovered our mutual love of gardening, India and Indian silks, and vintage textiles.  Surely we will meet in person someday, but until then I am happy to follow her adventures on her blog, and you should too.  Click on over to discover what she has to say in her review of my recently released Quilting Arts Workshop Video, Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt.
Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt Tomorrow’s  blogger is Diane Doran

Blog tour schedule
11/5/14: Sue Reno
11/6/14: Susan Brubaker Knapp
11/7/14: Allie Aller
11/8/14: Diane Doran
11/9/14: Vivien Zepf
11/10/14: Virginia Spiegel
11/11/14: Cynthia St. Charles
11/12/14: Natalya Aikens
11/13/14: Lyric Kinard

As always, thanks for reading and commenting.

November 6, 2014

Blog Tour – Susan Brubaker Knapp

Today’s blog tour artist is Susan Brubaker Knapp of Blue Moon River.
 Blue Moon River
I first met Susan online in an art quilt group many years ago.  There was a discussion about flowers, specifically cleomes, and I commented on the beauty of the ones she was growing.  And just like that, Susan sent me some seeds for my own garden.

Susan has since gone on to well deserved fame as an artist, a quilter, a teacher extraordinaire, and the new host of Quilting Arts TV.  But along with her obvious talent, it is her generosity of spirit, as evidenced by a simple gift of seeds, that sets her apart.
Susan Brubaker Knapp, Host of Quilting Arts TV
When Susan asked me to tape some segments for her first season of QATV, I finally got to meet her in person and admire her poise and professionalism first hand.  I’m grateful that she agreed to be a part of my blog tour, and excited to click over to her blog and see what she has to say about my recently released Quilting Arts Workshop Video, Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt.
Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt
Tomorrow's blogger is Allie Aller

Blog tour schedule
11/5/14: Sue Reno
11/6/14: Susan Brubaker Knapp
11/7/14: Allie Aller
11/8/14: Diane Doran
11/9/14: Vivien Zepf
11/10/14: Virginia Spiegel
11/11/14: Cynthia St. Charles
11/12/14: Natalya Aikens
11/13/14: Lyric Kinard

As always, thanks for reading and commenting.

November 5, 2014

Blog Tour for Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt

Sue Reno, QA Workshop, Design ChapterHello!  I’m so happy you are joining me today.  I am kicking off a blog tour in support of my recently released Quilting Arts Workshop Video, Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt
Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt
In the video, I distill my years of experience with four favorite surface design techniques—cyanotype, heliography, collagraphy, and thermofax printing—using clear and concise demonstrations.  There are examples of how I use prints in my work, as well as chapters on the basics of quilt design.  Whether you are new to surface design, or want to add to your existing design toolbox, there’s something here for everyone.

To help spread the word about the video’s release, I asked some of the artists and bloggers I admire most to participate in my blog tour.  To keep things interesting, both for all of us and for our readers, I didn't ask them for anything specific.  Each one is a seasoned professional, with a strong body of work and a distinctive voice and online presence.  So I simply asked them to view and review the video as they saw fit. I am really looking forward to being surprised and delighted by their posts!

Here is the schedule:
11/5/14: Sue Reno
11/6/14: Susan Brubaker Knapp
11/7/14: Allie Aller
11/8/14: Diane Doran
11/9/14: Vivien Zepf
11/10/14: Virginia Spiegel
11/11/14: Cynthia St. Charles
11/12/14: Natalya Aikens
11/13/14: Lyric Kinard

I will post each day with a link to the artist of the day.  If they are not already on your blog reader of choice, you should add them.  Their posts are consistently interesting and worthwhile.

Join us tomorrow on Susan Brubaker Knapp’s blog:

I've posted previously about the experience of filming this video and some segments for Quilting Arts TV.  You can track those post back by clicking on the Quilting Arts TV tab at the header, or clicking here.

And as always, thanks for reading and commenting.

October 28, 2014

Making leaf prints, and other good news.

The printmaking season is winding down here. I enjoy the immediacy of working with natural materials, and I took advantage of this mild autumn to make a few more leaf prints while I could.
Sue Reno, Catalpa, Work in Progress Image 5
I got all excited about catalpa trees in 2008, and made some wonderful cyanotype and heliographic prints. Then I got sidetracked by something more urgent, or some kind of deadline, and set them aside. 
Sue Reno, Catalpa, Work in Progress Image 6
I was walking a woodsy trail recently and a catalpa leaf literally fell from a tree and onto me, so I took it as a sign and gathered a few more.  They are satisfyingly big leaves.
 Sue Reno, Catalpa, Work in Progress Image 7 I used my large Gelli plate and made both direct and “ghost” prints.  I got a bit exuberant with the colors.  They are up on the design wall, taunting me to ignore all the other projects in the queue, so we shall see. 
Sue Reno, Sycamore print 1
While I was at it, I made some sycamore leaf prints.   They are also a substantial leaf.  I have the beginnings of an idea on how I will use them—I have some new animal skulls that I want to work with, to add to my Flora and Fauna series. 
 Sue Reno, Sycamore print 2
In other news:
Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt
My DVD, Surface Design Essentials for the Printed Quilt, is available for a limited time as a printmaking kit.  You receive the DVD, a copy of Quilting Arts Magazine with my how-to article on cyanotype printing, and a pack of treated cotton cyanotype fabric, so you can jump right in and start creating.  Get it while you can at the Interweave Store!  The DVD also has complete and concise instructions on heliographic printing, themofax printing, and collagraphy, so it is a very good deal.  The kit would make a lovely birthday or holiday gift. 
Silk Mill #1 by Sue Reno
For my friends attending The International Quilt Festival in Houston this week, be sure to look for my “Silk Mill #1” in the Tactile Architecture Exhibit.
100 Quilt Inspirations Book And last but not least, I’ve received word that my work will be included in Sandra Sider’s compilation book, 1000 Quilt Inspirations, to be released in February 2015.  I’ve seen lots of other acceptance notices from artists I admire, so I know it’s going to be an excellent volume.  It’s available on preorder from the publisher and from Amazon.

As always, thanks for reading and commenting.