Showing posts with label Collecting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Collecting. Show all posts

March 30, 2010

Sirali Santal Khatwa Embroidery

Isn't this wonderful? It's an Indian embroidery I've just added to my collection of ethnic textiles. It's done on a piece of natural silk, and the workmanship is excellent. I purchased it from Fiona Wright, at her Pukka Place site. She and her partner also run a hotel in Puskar, Rajastan, and book safaris. Poking around her sites gave me a serious case of wanderlust, which I partially allayed with the acquisition of this great piece of folk art. Fiona provided a translation of the story that Puskpar, the maker, wrote about the piece:

"Women wake up early in the morning, work starts.
First work is the water,
Then cleaning the house and make chapati, subji (vegetables) and all things.
When home is all finished then start on the outside work.
Husband's work is to do the outside work then sleep 1 or 2 hours.
Husband has only one job while a woman is busy from morning until evening
and jobs never finished."

All that, and I don't doubt that it's true, and yet look at the beauty and the joy that comes through in the work. Amazing.

As if all that weren't enough of a treat, take a look at the packaging. It came wrapped in fabric that was stitched together to close it:

Here's a closeup, where you can see how the ends of the stitching were sealed with wax:

Makes me long for a return to India......

January 18, 2010

African Threads

I've just received this wonderful embroidery I purchased through Valerie Hearder's African Threads.
Valerie buys the embroideries directly from the African women who create them; they provide a valuable source of desperately needed income for basic survival. She also donates a portion of the proceeds to the SLF Grandmother's Campaign, which supports grandmothers who are caring for children orphaned by the AIDS epidemic.

So I felt good about my purchase even before it arrived; now that I can see first hand how wonderful the colors and composition are, how skilled the needleworker is, and the overall quality of the piece, I am thrilled.
There are similar ones available in the African Threads Etsy Shop--go and find your own treasure!
As a bonus, sewn to the back was a paper with this explanation of the work:
And pinned to that was this translation: