Showing posts with label Sanctuary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sanctuary. Show all posts

August 12, 2022

New Work - Sanctuary


Sanctuary, by Sue Reno

I'm happy to share another new work, Sanctuary. It's one of the quilts making its debut at the Virginia Quilt Museum in my solo show, Beyond the Blue: Contemporary Narrative Quilts by Sue Reno. The exhibit runs from August 16 - October 23, with a reception on September 23.

Sanctuary, by Sue Reno, detail 1
Sanctuary, detail 1

I am particularly fond of the small rock crevices and caves commonly found in the geological formations in Pennsylvania. They form a sanctum sanctorum for all sorts of creatures, from invertebrates burrowing in the leaf litter, to snakes in hibernacula, and small mammals seeking shelter from the elements. There's a few in Lancaster County where I've ventured a short distance inside, to feel the cool air on my skin while on a summer hike. 

Sanctuary, by Sue Reno, detail 2
Sanctuary, detail 2

The eastern woodlands always feel like an sanctuary to me. I can identify a good number of the trees and plants around me, and can fantasize which ones I would use for food and shelter should the need somehow arise. I live in suburbia and the need is not at all likely to arise, but combined with my gardening skills I am appeasing the spirits of my Germanic ancestors who did indeed live off of the land. The knowledge puts me at ease. 

Like all of my work it has specific meaning to me, but I have left it open ended enough so that the viewer can bring their own story to the experience.

Sanctuary, by Sue Reno, detail 3
Sanctuary, detail 3

The leaves in this wet cyanotype print are catalpa, green ash, red oak, sassafras, white oak, Joe Pye weed, and maple. I added the leaf veining with stitching, then quilted the background with "pebble" quilting that reminds me of a gentle rain falling. The patchwork is a mélange of cotton and silk fabrics. meant to symbolize earth and sky.

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