February 7, 2024

New Work - Greenhouse Effect

Greenhouse Effect by Sue Reno
Greenhouse Effect

I am delighted to share my latest work, Greenhouse Effect. It combines large wet process cyanotype prints of leaves gathered in my local woods with elaborate patchwork borders.

Greenhouse Effect by Sue Reno, detail 1
Greenhouse Effect, detail 1
It measures 62"h x 48"w

Greenhouse Effect by Sue Reno, detail 2
Greenhouse Effect, detail 2

It's very heavily stitched to add lots of detail and texture.

Greenhouse Effect by Sue Reno, detail 3
Greenhouse Effect, detail 3

I am equally delighted, and honored, to share that Greenhouse Effect has been selected for the Fiberarts Guild of Pittsburgh's upcoming Exhibit at the Erie Art Museum. It will be on display from April 4 through January 19, 2025, with an opening reception on the 4th.

Greenhouse Effect by Sue Reno, detail 4
Greenhouse Effect, detail 4

This is another of my artquilts where the imagery can go only so far to capture the interplay of all the elements. I hope some of you can visit the Erie Art Museum at some point during this long run to see my work and the work of the other talented Guild Artists.

Greenhouse Effect by Sue Reno, detail 5
Greenhouse Effect, detail 5

My statement for this artwork: 

Alarmed by global climate change and frequent dramatic
weather events, I’ve been working on a series of weather-related quilts. The
greenhouse effect is a process that occurs when gases in the Earth's atmosphere
trap the Sun's heat. This makes Earth much warmer and contributes to extreme
weather, wildfires, droughts, and agricultural disruptions. For this quilt I
made prints of leaves from species native to my micro-environment in
Pennsylvania, as many are showing stress related to these changes.

For decades I’ve been experimenting with cyanotype
printing on fabric as a surface design technique. These prints have become the
basis of my artistic practice.

Combined with the print imagery, I use traditional quilt
making techniques to assemble a patchwork of fabrics. The work is then layered
and heavily stitched.

Materials: artist painted and commercial cotton, silk,
wool fabrics

Techniques: wet process cyanotype and solar dye prints,
monoprints, patchwork, stitching

Greenhouse Effect by Sue Reno, detail 6
Greenhouse Effect, detail 6
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