You can see Judit in the following Weekend Japanology in October and November in NHK(channel 1 in Tokyo). 2007/10/19 深夜: 卵かけごはん midnight: Raw egg & rice 2007/11/3 2:45am〜 ものまね(江戸屋小猫) Imitating animals 2007/11/24 3:10am〜 名水(富山県黒部市) Area of pure water ユディちゃんならではのレポートできっとまた日本文化の新たな発見があることでしょう。お楽しみに! This month too, you will be able to discover new aspects of Japanese culture through Judit. Coming soon! Out&Aboutinformation! http://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/japanese/outabout_j.html |
Bye bye Weekend Japanology and hello Out and About and Nippon Art Walk!From this month, Weekend Japanology ceases to exist as we knew it since 2002. Instead, Judit chan's corner, Out and About, became an independent 30 minute TV show. Finally we can enjoy Judit's reports longer, because this program is nothing but 30 minutes of Judit chan with a guest traveling around Japan. Congratulations, we can not wait to see it!
But unfortunately I have some awful, terrible news for you all: NHK decided to only broadcast Out and About only abroad. Why show it in some 120 countries and not let us see it here in Japan? We pay our dues each month for NHK yet we are not able to watch the programs made with our hard-earned yen. Seems very unfair, doesn't it? Call and write to NHK and demand that Out and About be shown in Japan, too! Especially, since in the this month's Out and About, Judit chan and Nobuaki Kakuda, the famous karate champion and K1 executive producer, traveled to the Iwami-Ginzan silver mine, Japan's latest World Heritage Site. I wish I could see them but I guess I must go abroad to catch the show. So if you are outside Japan, tune into Out and About on NHK World!Here is a photo of Judit and Kakuda san in Iwami-Ginzan: Out&About http://www.nhk.or.jp/nhkworld/japanese/outabout_j.html Judit's article on Kakuda san is here on the Japan Times' link! Check it out! http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/JTsearch5.cgi?term1=JUDIT% Now some good news for those of us in Japan: Judit's other TV show, Nippon Art Walk, is going to be broadcast in Japan on September 28th, Friday, at 08:15 am on NHK BS High-vision. In this new 30 minute show, Judit travels around Japan with a guest, introducing Japanese art so it is very similar to Out and About, actually, but its focus is art. Of course, this show is also broadcast abroad on NHK World, so please check local listings for show times. In this episode, her partner is Mr. Yuji Yamashita, a Professor of Art History at Meiji Gakuin University, who is an expert of the works by painter Maruyama Okyo. The two traveled around Kyoto and have seen the masterpieces by one of Japan's greatest painters. Look at the photo below! ユディちゃんが出演する番組は、OUT&ABOUTからNIPPON ART WALKになります。ユディちゃんのコーナーが30分の独立した番組になるんです。ここでユディちゃんとゲストの方がたっぷりと私達を色々なところへ案内してくれます。たのしみですね。 しかし、なんと残念なことに、OUT&ABOUTはこれからは日本国内では放送されないことになってしまったようです。ひどい・・・。 みなさま、NHKに訴えましょう! 特に今月は、ユディちゃんは有名な格闘家である角田信朗さんと石見銀山へ行ったようです。是非みたいのに見るためには外国へ行かなければなりません。なんてこと!ちなみに明日のジャパンタイムズは、角田さんのインタビューです。ぜひ上のリンクからごらんください。 このNIPPON ART WALKですが、この番組は、NHK BSハイビジョンで9月28日(金)午前8:15から放送されます。この番組ではOUT&ABOUTと同じように、ゲストと一緒に日本中旅をしながら、各地のアートに注目してレポートしてくれます。勉強になりますね。たっぷり30分もです。この番組はNHKワールドでももちろん放送されますので、外国の方は番組表を確認してくださいね。 第一回では明治学院大学教授の丸山応挙専門家、山下先生をお招きして京都を旅してまわります。お楽しみに! |
ユディちゃんがレポートしてくれるのは以下の日ですよ! Judit is going to be on the program on the following day! 5/13 1:35am~ ロボコン全国大会 (ひたちなか市・東京) ROBO-CON national contest (Hitachinaka-shi, Tokyo) |
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がんばれ日本!応援団長、川口ユディ(NHK Weekend Japanology人気レポーター, Japan Timesコラムニスト)のファンブログ
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