Thank you for visiting our blog, which is actually made possible by Mina, our superb webmaster. Thanks a lot, Mina!!!

I am very happy to have a chance to communicate with you here and thank you for taking the time to stop by.

I hope this blog will develop into a platform to learn more about Japanese culture and that the articles and our TV show serve as starting points for discussion. Your contribution to the blog is very much appreciated and your comments are welcome on the bulletin board.

We continuously add new content so please come back often!

Thank you!


Welcome to Judit’s Fan Blog!
This is Mina in Tokyo, Japan. On this blog I am going to gather information on Judit Kawaguchi, including her articles in the Japan Times newspaper and her TV reports on NHK ‘s “Weekend Japanology” TV show. I would love to know your ideas and thoughts, too. Please comment!

I first saw Judit on an NHK TV program, “Weekend Japanology” and was inspired to see her reporting “imohori (digging sweet potatoes out)” so lively. I became a fan and have been watching her wonderful TV reports since then. I even record and watch them again! She travels all over Japan to give us TV reports about Japanese culture. When I watch her on TV, I see that people are relaxed with her. Judit is a professional interviewer and she shows us the most intimate and interesting parts in people. She is also a fantastic writer. She has a column in the Japan Times newspaper, called “Words to Live by” and there she focuses on one person and shares with us his/her philosophy of life. She draws out stories from interviewees beautifully.

Judit is both an excellent TV reporter and writer and I am sure she has many fans like me. I hope this blog will attract them here and for those, who do not yet know Judit’s articles, I gathered them to this blog. Have fun reading them and leave your comments, please. Let’s support Judit by this blog together☆

The TV show “Weekend Japanology” is broadcasted not only here in Japan but also in other countries on NHK World TV so if you can, please watch her and learn more about Japan!

 私が始めてユディちゃんを見たのはNHKワールドのWeekend Japanology。子供の芋掘りを生き生きとレポートする姿が印象的でした。今でも日本中を飛び回って日本の様々な文化を伝えてくれています。ユディちゃんはインタビューのプロ。リラックスした雰囲気の中で、その人から、興味深い話をぐいぐい引き出していきます。だから、不思議とその人を身近に感じたりするんですね。また、ユディちゃんはジャパンタイムズのコラム“Words to Live By”を担当しています。そこでは、毎回一人にスポットを当てて、その人の人生哲学、信条、意見を紹介してくれます。その人の「味」がじわりと伝わります。

テーマ:英語 - ジャンル:学問・文化・芸術

【2006/05/08 23:01】 | INTRODUCTION OF THIS BLOG | トラックバック(0) | コメント(0)
Judit Kawaguchi's (川口ユディ) FAN BLOG

がんばれ日本!応援団長、川口ユディ(NHK Weekend Japanology人気レポーター, Japan Timesコラムニスト)のファンブログ


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