Two Moons in the Sky and Other Mysteries

| October 11, 2024

Two Moons in the Sky and Other MysteriesOver the past few months, a group of talented seekers of truth Yowusa Observations have been posting great observation videos and still, plus gamma tests.  Awesome!

Now, we’re beginning to see two moons and other mysteries on the channel, and frankly, the skies appear to be somewhat busier these days.  In this article, I will present what I believe to be new and make stunning observations.

I’ve been reporting observations of the Nemesis Mini-constellation since 2013, and if we could have reported on a fourth of what we’re seeing now ten years ago, social media would have gone berserk. Planet X would be mainstream by now, but the opposite is true.

Interest in the topic is low due to government suppression these days; nonetheless, let’s take a look.

Two Moons

What we call Planet X is a generic term for the Nemesis Mini-constellation. At the heart of this system is a brown dwarf sun in orbit around our sun, which is presently in its aphelion phase when it is closest to the sun.

This monster will become a hardship once it enters the aphelion leg of its orbit. We are weeks away from that, and for now, the most interesting development is observations from around the globe of what appear to be two moons in the night sky, such as the one below.

Two Moons in the Sky September 2024

This panel comprises two captures from the actual video, in which the observer pans left and right between the two moons. The question becomes, from where did this second moon come?

Nemesis Cloud Example


It is most likely a satellite of Nemesis at the outer edge of the Nemesis Cloud, a concept first proposed by Yowusa Researcher JP Jones.  The equivalent in our solar system would be a TNO (Trans-Neptunian Object).

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At the center of this cloud passing through the northern skies of our system is the Nemesis Mini-Constallation.  Below is a representation I created in  2014.

Nemesis Mini-Constellation by Marshall Masters

The interesting question these days is if the “second moon” we’re seeing is a moon in the Nemesis Mini-constellation, which has two moons, as noted below:

  • Nemesis: Brown dwarf sun companion to our sun.
  • Helion: Bright gas giant
  • Harrington: Moon of Helion
  • Arboda: Rocky inhabited planet.
  • Nibiru: Homeworld of the Annunaki.
  • Ferrada: Moon of Nibiru

It is implausible that the “second moon” in the above video panel is Harrington or Ferrada.  A recent observation raises the prospect that we may have observed a Nemesis moon.

Two Suns and a Moon

In this, we see the sun and Nemesis; they seem about the same size at first glance. This is to be expected, and in time, Nemesis will become the largest object in our sky—even more than the sun.

Multiple Objects

In the eleven years I’ve been reporting on observations, the dominant type was two objects, with a smattering of multiple objects from time to time.  Now, we’re seeing them constantly.

Three Suns in the Sky

This stunning observation shows what I believe to be Nemesis (left), Sun (Center), and Helion (Right).  These are the three brightest objects in our sky now, but what about those two rocky planets, Arboda and Nibiru?  It looks like we may have Nibiru in an eclipse of Nemesis.

Nemesis Eclipse Panel 2024

This panel comprises three frames from an observation video posted on my channel.  The sun is dominant in the center, and to its left is Nemesis.  However, Nemeis is eclipsed by Nibiru (a rocky planet).  Of interest to me is that you can see Nibiru transiting Nemesis.

Solar Interaction

For me, the Nemesis money shot is an image leaked by White Hats on July 4, 2020. It shows Nemesis and its planets and satellites just after the system crossed the ecliptic into the northern skies.

Interaction Between Sun and Nemesis 2020 and 2022

A follow-on observation in 2022 shows the Nemesis Mini-constellation arcing up around the sun in its orbit.  What is important to note about the 2022 observation is the extent of the solar interaction, which has increased over that seen in 2020.  By now, it’s even worse as Nemesis closes with Earth.

Expanded Viewing Times

I first observed Nibiru, the third and outermost rocky planet from Nemesis, on December 26, 2012, thanks to an HD camera feed from the Turrialba Volcano in Costa Rica, which is at an elevation of nearly 11,000′.

Nibiru Observed by Marshall Masters on 12/26/2012

At the time, I named Nibiru Bluebonnet because its color reminded me of flowers. The critical thing to note is that Nemesis was well below the ecliptic then, and Nibiru was popping up each day about the same, near sunset, for no more than 15 minutes. This was the viewing window at that time, which was short.


Millennia ago, Egyptian and Celtic authors recorded prophetic warnings for the future.  For the Egyptians, Exodus was a horrific event about a slave uprising amidst a horrific natural global disaster caused by a brown dwarf star in orbit around our Sun.

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Over the years, the viewing windows for near sunrise and sunset slowly expanded.   The image below is a reasonably good representation of what we’re seeing now.

Two Suns in the Sky

However, we’re starting to see more variations of separation between the objects, and the image below is stunning because it snows Nemesis high at the Sun’s 10 o’clock position.

Nemesis Above the Sun

We’re also seeing, and this is of great concern, observations being made late afternoon, as shown in the image panel below.

Nemesis Appearing Late Afternoon

We see Nemesis with a few hours-wide viewing window now, compared to the 15-minute viewing window on Nibiru we experienced in late 2012 and 2013. This clearly shows that Nemesis has reached an orbit where it has begun closing with the Earth.

Why Can’t I See These for Myself?

Watch my FAQ video to understand why observations are spotty and unpredictable worldwide.  This will answer your questions about why some people see this and others do not.

As I explain to my channel members Yowusa Observations, who want more provenance, such as facts about the observation and the observer, these are often not available because we’re working with amateur reports.

Years ago, I held images to high standards and had to give many of them a pass.  Today, the photos are so compelling they rise above this provenance deficiency.

Then again, my experience is that most people glance at the images and then jump to a frivolous bit of denial logic to shut themselves down.  It’s human nature.

Eventually, Nemesis will become the largest object in the sky, and these provenance questions will be moot.  In the meantime, our government has successfully condemned billions to death through ignorance.

That form of provenance is undisputable for critical thinkers, who are a small minority these days. This is because there are two audiences: a tiny objective minority and those with short attention spans, who form the vast majority.

The government has tacitly recognized that it cannot put critical thinkers back to sleep.  However, it is masterful at keeping the sleepers asleep. Hence, suppression and propaganda have severely throttled the unusual influx of newbies.  Consequently, interest in the topic has been successfully throttled.


We are seeing more of Nemesis and its planets and satellites than ever before, and I’m filled with terrible sadness at this time.  People have short attention spans and prefer entertainment and fear over awareness.

Preparing to survive what is coming will take time because feckless human interest driven by government manipulation is horrific, and the psychopaths who rule our world have known about Nemesis for over half a century.

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These evil monsters are brilliantly successful in using suppression to prepare the sleepers for failure and death, and by the time they start thinking logically, they’ll realize it’s too late.   So much death is coming because of denial and social programming; it haunts me each day.

Perhaps history is repeating itself. According to Plato, Atlantis was at war with ancient Athens and other Mediterranean nations. Distracted by hostilities, it did not respond in a timely manner to the approaching danger.

According to Kolbrin researcher Greg Jenner, Atlantis was Ramakui, Egypt’s motherland, and it sank during a previous flyby of the Destroyer, as both the Egyptians and Hebrews called it.   Now it’s our turn, and we’ll call it “Oh crap.”

Long live the fighters!


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