Signs 94 — The Battle of the Two Suns Has Begun with Mid-Month Snapshot No. 5

| November 22, 2024

Signs 94 — The Battle of the Two Suns Has Begun with Mid-Month Snapshot No. 5The October and mid-November snapshot data show that Nemesis entered its aphelion leg in late October, and the battle of the two suns has begun.

Presently, Nemesis has whipped around the Sun; now it’s peddle-to-the-metal time.  This puts us in the danger zone until a few years after the pole shift in 2030.

In this Signs installment, we present the data for this assessment and some of what we will see and experience in the next few years.

The critical point is that those most likely to survive will be those who are prepared and soundly situated by no later than the end of 2028.  After 2028, the unprepared will suffer and perish in vast numbers.

Please note.  This will be our last mid-month snapshot.   Next month, we will return to our usual format.  With that, let’s get into the numbers.

October 2024 Fireballs

Fireballs are reported worldwide, and the American Meteor Society is this dataset’s primary source for North America.

AMS Multistate / Country Fireballs

Multistate/country fireballs cross the borders of multiple states and countries. This is a critical category in the dataset because these fireballs must travel a great distance to receive reports from across large geographic areas.

AMS Multistate Fireballs for 1/2019 to 10/2024

October is this dataset’s highest level of the year to date.  We believe the increase will become pronounced by year-end.


Millennia ago, Egyptian and Celtic authors recorded prophetic warnings for the future.  For the Egyptians, Exodus was a horrific event about a slave uprising amidst a horrific natural global disaster caused by a brown dwarf star in orbit around our Sun.

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AMS Huge Event Fireballs

It’s commonplace for Multistate / Country Fireballs to be reported as huge events because a huge event occurs when 100 or more eyewitness observers report it.

AMS Huge Fireballs for 1/2019 to 10/2024

October of this year is at the same levels as 2020, 2021, and 2022.  It is a reasonably consistent baseline.

For this assessment, we relied more heavily on huge fireballs than multistate fireballs.  This is because huge fireballs are better indicators of distance and strength.

AMS Monthly Total Fireballs

The monthly total fireballs are the most critical category in this dataset, and October 2024 comes in third place.

AMS Monthly Fireballs for 1/2019 to 10/2024

This and the huge fireball datasets are what we use for this assessment.

Yearly AMS Fireball Totals

2022 remains the highest year on record, with a steep reversal beginning in 2023.

AMS Yearly Fireballs for 1/2019 to 10/2024

We are into October 2024, and this dataset surpasses 2018.

Mid-Month Snapshot for October 15, 2024

Nemesis is in its perihelion phase, after which it will begin its aphelion leg as it turns southward.   What is interesting to note is the increase in just two weeks.

AMS Yearly Fireballs for 1/2019 to 11/15/2024

With mid-October numbers added in, that barely puts us ahead of 2019.

AMS Monthly Fireballs - 11/15/2024 Snapshot

Here, we see 2022, 2023, and 2024 through October 15. researcher JP Jones noted that the second half of the month generally has higher numbers than the first half.

Now, let’s compare 2022 to 2024.

AMS Monthly Fireballs - 1/2022 to 11/15/2024 Snapshot

November 2022 was, as I call it, a one-trick pony because it never occurred again.   Let’s see how the rest of November plays out.

The Danger Zone

What is important to remember about the orbit of the Nemesis min-constellation is that it is comet-like.  It is a fast mover and has a clockwise orbit.  Until this year, we observed it in the perihelion leg of its orbit.  As of late October 2024, it completed its perihelion transit and is now plunging southward in the aphelion leg of its orbit around our sun.

Nemesis Starts Aphelion Leg - Earth is Now in the Danger Zone

2028 will be our last chance to prepare robust solutions for surviving the pole shift in 2030.

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During the pole shift, every above-ground structure will be damaged or destroyed.  The only proper safety during this time will be found underground, especially for those who use the remaining time to build below-ground farming.  Those who fail to prepare for years of hardship will be among the first to perish, and most will die badly.

Aphelion Danger Zone Fireball Trends

I have been tracking Nemesis with the help of researcher JP Jones for nearly a decade, and the most critical criteria for assessing where Nemesis is in its orbit is growing changes in size.

The image panel below is stunning. It comes from an observation video posted on my YowusaChat Telegram channel on November 11, 2024.   I see the operator is doing in-camera editing.  I wonder if it is something like iOS 18, which lets you pause while recording video.

For me, he’s a real hero.  Three separate observations, and he begins each of the three views with another observer.  Note how Nemesis, above our sun, moves from right to left in this series.  If you are looking for smoking gun proof that Nemesis is here, this observation video is it.

Collage of Two Suns Observation - Nov 17, 2024 -

It would be nice to have the exact location, but given that Islam in the Philippines is the second-largest religion in the country,  and the women in this video are likely Filipinos.  Nonetheless, this is the observation video that sealed the deal for us on changes in size.

Soon, we will see more fireballs of all types and iron oxide dust from the Nemesis Cloud.   Also, by mid- to late 2025, Nemesis will appear larger than the sun.

Consequently, this observation report also has an inauspicious aspect. If the event occurs, we explain my March 2024 article on the concern that a subsea eruption will happen in the Philippine Sea and could be deadly for millions.

In that article, we presented a line chart of huge fireballs from 2009 to March 2024.  We use this dataset to define bands and gaps in the Nemesis Cloud, as shown below., March 18, 2024
A Catastrophic Submarine Volcano Event is Building in the Philippine Sea

In our Signs series, we’ve tracked a pulse pattern with the flyby of Nemesis. The point is that causality is not constant as the Creative Society maintains, but instead, it evidences natural variability or, as Johnny Carson used to say, “hills and valleys.”

Nemesis Cloud Bands Compilation

It is important to note that the data in the illustration above is just for this current flyby of the Nemesis Constellation.

The last Nemesis flyby was Exodus, which the ancient Egyptians documented in The Kolbrin Bible. It was the third of three benign flybys.

In March, we wondered if 2023 was another gap, opening the possibility of a fourth band. Our mid-month snapshot data presents a strong chance of a fourth band. However, it is too early to say, and we must wait for the December 2024 report next year.

AMS Huge Fireballs - 1/2009 to 11/15/2024 Snapshot

This is a very strong dataset, and the yearly fireball trends for the last five years corroborate it with a bell curve.
Nemesis Orbital Bell Curve 1/2019 to 11/15/2024Nemesis crossed the ecliptic into our northern skies in July 2020. We now have a perfect bell curve with six weeks to go in the year.  If you lean your head and look at it sideways, imagine a brown dwarf sun whipping around our sun.   And if you’re not noticing it, our sun sure is.

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Solar Cycle 25 and the Danger Zone

In the coming year, we’ll see more active interactions between the two suns, and brightness will intensify progressively.

Solar Cycle 25 - 12/2019 to 2030

Scientists expected that Solar Cycle 25 would repeat the milder Solar Cycle 2024. Well, you know what they say: Nothing ever goes according to plan.

Solar Minimum 12/2019 and Solar Maximum 8/2024

Solar Cycle 25 began in December 2019 and will continue until 2030. Here, we have seen sunspot activity for two years. The difference is substantial, so what will we see in the coming years?

Solar Effects of Nemesis Flyby

When we first began researching solar sprites, or cosmic lighting, as it was also called, years ago, there were many sites and resources to work with.  Since then, they’ve all been sponged.

Perhaps it is because the “killshot event” predicted by remote viewer Ed Dames perfectly describes a solar sprite.

I find this to be most disturbing because cosmic lighting may strike a planet as the electrical interaction between the two suns develops, but more likely, it will strike deep into the Nemesis Cloud. The result will be like a bowling ball hitting a kingpin straight on, scattering rocks in our direction, thus bringing us to the other threats.

Other Danger Zone  Threats

As we have reported, the interaction between Nemesis and Earth is growing, which has warmed the core and slightly flattened the shape of our planet.  This will escalate.

Major Earthquake in Turkey

We can expect growing seismic activity despite the USGS’s data capping. Volcanoes are of equal or greater concern.

Creative Society Eruption in the Philippine Sea

This illustration comes from our March 2024 prediction of a subsea volcano eruption in the Philippine Sea. The growing likelihood of a significant event that will devastate the region and parts of the USA does not decrease. Why are we concerned? While we’re not getting straight information from our DS government, we get it from nature, specifically Oarfish.

NPR News, November 6, 2024
Oarfish keep washing ashore in California. Folklore suggests that could be a bad omen

A deep-sea creature steeped in folklore has once again washed ashore in California.

On Nov. 6, a researcher on an Encinitas beach spotted an oarfish, measuring 9 to 10 feet long. The fish typically swim at depths of 300 to 3,000 feet and are rarely seen on the surface. Yet it was the third time one has appeared in Southern California since August.

Oarfish Washes Up On Southern CA Beach - Nov-2024

The fish, which can grow to 30 feet in length and feed on krill, have typically washed up on beaches when injured or disoriented, according to scientists.  According to some media reports, oarfish have been associated in Japanese folklore with prophesies of doom — in particular, earthquakes.

Researchers in Japan looked into this in 2019: “In Japan, folklore says that uncommon appearances of deep-sea fish are an earthquake precursor.

And finally, I’ve saved the most interesting for last.   Rogue uncatalogued objects.  These bodies vary in size and drift through space without being gravitationally bound to any star or brown dwarf.  Many will be kicked our way by Nemesis as it plows through the core of our solar system.

Rogue Uncatalogued Objects - Nemesis / Planet X

We are beginning to see what folks call “two moons in the sky,” this started when Nemesis was in perihelion.  Here is how I describe this now on my channel.

What we have begun to see in this channel now are uncatalogued objects. Likely, rogue planets, also known as free-floating planets (FFPs) or isolated planetary-mass objects (iPMOs), are planetary bodies that drift through space without being gravitationally bound to any star or brown dwarf.

Members, please. When posting observation videos, it is helpful to identify them as Nemesis, the second sun, or as a rogue object.

In other words, we are not seeing two moons. We are witnessing our moon and a rogue object. Until we have more data, that’s the most we can say at this time.

One thing is for sure with these rogues is that we will begin to see more of them.

When will the battle between the two suns get nasty with solar eruptions, sprites, flares, and CMEs?  At the very earliest, perhaps six months away.  It’s more likely a year.

Earthquakes Since 1997

At the outset of our Signs series, J. P. Jones created a dataset spreadsheet that tracks the total number of earthquakes each month, beginning in 1997.

Earthquakes All Magnitudes 1/1997 to 10/2024

The data capping continues, as October 2024 stays in four-digit territory. Compare that to the headlines, and it makes no sense.

Monthly Earthquakes 1/2019 to 10/2024

The illustration below uses current USGS data and represents earthquakes of all magnitudes.

Earthquakes All Magnitudes 1/2019 to 10/2024

The data capping is war-driven.  We will continue to report it.

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