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Book Reviews and Notices
American Government and Politics
New York City Building Control, 1800-1941, by John P. Comer
William J. Ronan
American Political Science Review
August 1942
, p. 786
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by William J. Ronan
American Political Science Review
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John G. Herndon
Rodney E. Hero
Amos S. Hershey
Lawrence J.R. Herson
Dale R. Herspring
John H. Herz
Don Herzog
William B. Hesseltine
Amy Hewes
John R. Hibbing
Douglas A. Hibbs
Frederick Charles Hicks
Chester Penn Higby
Robert B. Highsaw
Charles E. Hill
Chesney Hill
Larry B. Hill
Norman L. Hill
Roger Hilsman
Barbara Hinckley
Donald Hindley
Albert E. Hindmarsh
Melvin J. Hinich
Harold C. Hinton
Robert S. Hirschfield
Nancy J. Hirschmann
Richard P. Hiskes
Dell G. Hitchner
Asher Hobson
Jennifer L. Hochschild
John H. Hodgson
Richard I. Hofferbert
Stanley H. Hoffmann
Louise W. Holborn
Alice M. Holden
William Vernon Holloway
Stephen Taylor Holmes
Ole R. Holsti
Robert T. Holt
Abraham Holtzman
Carl Hookstadt
Kenneth R. Hoover
Raymond F. Hopkins
P. Terrence Hopmann
Bruce C. Hopper
Frank E. Horack
Orren C. Hormell
Robert A. Horn
Irving Louis Horowitz
Robert H. Horwitz
Gary Hoskin
Halford L. Hoskins
Alfred J. Hotz
Neal D. Houghton
Franklin W. Houn
Charles D. Hounshell
George Elliott Howard
J. Woodford Howard
L. Vaughan Howard
Rhoda E. Howard
Alice Langley Hsieh
James C. Hsiung
Chun-tu Hsueh
R. Robert Huckfeldt
Michael C. Hudson
Barry B. Hughes
Ray O. Hughes
Ralph K. Huitt
William I. Hull
Ronald J. Hunt
Samuel P. Huntington
J.C. Hurewitz
Leon H. Hurwitz
Paul Huth
Goran Hyden
Nobutaka Ike
G. John Ikenberry
Lucretia L. Ilsley
Ronald Inglehart
Helen M. Ingram
Philip W. Ireland
Marian D. Irish
Jeffrey C. Isaac
Shanto Iyengar
Robert W. Jackman
John E. Jackson
M.W. Jackson
Herbert Jacob
Clyde E. Jacobs
Dan N. Jacobs
Gary J. Jacobsohn
Gary C. Jacobson
Harold K. Jacobson
J. Mark Jacobson
Harry V. Jaffa
Herman G. James
Nish Jamgotch
Kenneth Janda
Marius B. Jansen
Henry Janzen
Sheila Jasanoff
Oscar Jaszi
Thomas P. Jenkin
M. Kent Jennings
Lloyd Jensen
Bruce W. Jentleson
Robert L. Jervis
Philip C. Jessup
Malcolm Edwin Jewell
Calvin C. Jillson
Valentine Jobst
John R. Johannes
Claudius O. Johnson
Eldon L. Johnson
Gerald W. Johnson
James Johnson
Kenneth F. Johnson
Paul Johnson
David Johnston
Michael Johnston
William C. Johnstone
Charles A. Joiner
Bryan D. Jones
Charles O. Jones
Gavin W. Jones
O. Garfield Jones
S. Shepard Jones
Victor Jones
Henry P. Jordan
Robert S. Jordan
Zbigniew A. Jordan
Christopher C. Joyner
Frederick N. Judson
Hwa Yol Jung
Robert S. Junn
Peter H. Juviler
Arpad Kadarkay
George McT. Kahin
Louis G. Kahle
Ronald C. Kahn
Arthur L. Kalleberg
Horace M. Kallen
Joseph E. Kallenbach
Joyce K. Kallgren
Josef Kalvoda
Ihor Kamenetsky
Mark S. Kamlet
Roger E. Kanet
Sugwon Kang
Mark E. Kann
Harry Kantor
Morton A. Kaplan
Henry S. Kariel
Thomas G. Karis
George Kateb
Claudio J. Katz
Jonathan N. Katz
Ira Katznelson
Herbert Kaufman
William W. Kaufmann
John Kautsky
Paul Kecskemeti
William R. Keech
William J. Keefe
John T.S. Keeler
Alan Keith-Lucas
Barbara Kellerman
Donald R. Kelley
Stanley Kelley
Lyman Kellstedt
Willmoore Kendall
Melville T. Kennedy
Eldon Kenworthy
Cecelia M. Kenyon
Nannerl O. Keohane
Robert O. Keohane
Benedict J. Kerkvliet
Samuel Kernell
Malcolm H. Kerr
Jerome G. Kerwin
John H. Kessel
Mark Kesselman
Donald F. Kettl
Charles Kettleborough
David Kettler
Valdimer O. Key
Majid Khadduri
Fred J. Khouri
D. Roderick Kiewiet
Young W. Kihl
D. Marc Kilgour
Chong Lim Kim
Samuel S. Kim
Young C. Kim
Everett Kimball
Anthony Stephen King
Clyde L. King
Gary King
Douglas Kinnard
William R. Kintner
Andrew Kirby
Otto Kirchheimer
Evron M. Kirkpatrick
George C. Kiser
Paschalis M. Kitromilides
Herbert Kitschelt
Maurice Klain
Merle Kling
George Klosko
Paul Knaplund
Wilfrid F. Knapp
David W. Knepper
Jack Knight
Stanley A. Kochanek
David H. Koehler
Louis W. Koenig
Kenneth Kofmehl
Kenneth J. Koford
Norman Kogan
B.C. Koh
Hans Kohn
Edward A. Kolodziej
Donald P. Kommers
Andrzej Korbonski
Serge A. Korff
Allan Kornberg
Fred Kort
Liane C. Kosaki
David C. Kozak
Michael E. Kraft
Gerald H. Kramer
Isaac Kramnick
Stephen D. Krasner
Wolfgang H. Kraus
Robert P. Kraynak
Gerhard Krebs
Keith Krehbiel
Louis Kriesberg
Henry Krisch
Samuel Krislov
Ladis K.D. Kristof
Jon A. Krosnick
Sonia Kruks
Zdenek Krystufek
Akira Kubota
Jacek Kugler
Arthur K. Kuhn
James H. Kuklinski
Wladyslaw W. Kulski
Charles Kunsman
Josef L. Kunz
James Kurth
Paulette Kurzer
Robert B. Kvavik
G. Leighton LaFuze
George R. LaNoue
Joseph G. LaPalombara
Robert La Porte
Everett Carll Ladd
Lionel H. Laing
Roy D. Laird
David D. Laitin
David A. Lake
Sanford A. Lakoff
David Lalman
Charles M. Lamb
Morris B. Lambie
David M. Lampton
Lane W. Lancaster
Thomas D. Lancaster
Henry A. Landsberger
David S. Lane
Robert E. Lane
Frank C. Langdon
Peter Lange
William L. Langer
George A. Lanyi
J.A. Laponce
John A. Lapp
John Day Larkin
Christian L. Larsen
Deborah Welch Larson
Laurence M. Larson
Harold J. Laski
William Lasser
Harold D. Lasswell
John H. Latane
Earl Latham
Kenneth Scott Latourette
Richard R. Lau
Michael Laver
Robert M. Lawrence
Kay Lawson
Ruth C. Lawson
Lance T. LeLoup
Victor T. Le Vine
Richard H. Leach
Stephen Leacock
James Miller Leake
Henry Barrett Learned
Arnaud B. Leavelle
Richard Ned Lebow
Luther J. Lee
John D. Lees
Ernest W. Lefever
Keith R. Legg
Michael Leifer
Avery Leiserson
Michael Leiserson
Rene Lemarchand
George Lenczowski
Russell J. Leng
Shao-chuan Leng
James I. Lengle
Stefanie Ann Lenway
William M. LeoGrande
Albert Lepawsky
Charles O. Lerche
Don D. Lescohier
Margaret Levi
Werner Levi
Charles H. Levine
Daniel H. Levine
Michael S. Lewis-Beck
Edward G. Lewis
John W. Lewis
Guenter Lewy
Mark I. Lichbach
S. Robert Lichter
J. Gus Liebenow
Nancy I. Lieber
Robert J. Lieber
Arnold J. Lien
Arend Lijphart
Charles E. Lindblom
Paul M.A. Linebarger
Robert L. Lineberry
Benjamin E. Lippincott
Lewis Lipsitz
Michael Lipsky
Charles H. Lipson
Leslie Lipson
Oliver J. Lissitzyn
Edgar Litt
Alan P.L. Liu
William S. Livingston
Gordon Lloyd
W. Duane Lockard
William W. Lockwood
Milton G. Lodge
Isidor Loeb
Gil Loescher
Gerhard Loewenberg
Karl Loewenstein
Michael F. Lofchie
Susanne Lohmann
Norton E. Long
Richard P. Longaker
Burdett A. Loomis
Lewis L. Lorwin
Val R. Lorwin
Leo B. Lott
Janice Love
Nancy S. Love
John P. Lovell
Ronald O. Loveridge
A. Maurice Low
Abraham F. Lowenthal
David Lowery
Theodore J. Lowi
S. Gale Lowrie
Robert Luce
Arthur Crosby Ludington
C.C. Ludwig
Timothy J. Lukes
Ian S. Lustick
Donald S. Lutz
Harley L. Lutz
Albert Howe Lybyer
Gene M. Lyons
Arthur A. Maass
John J. MacDougall
Ford H. MacGregor
Robert M. MacIver
Michael B. MacKuen
Harley Farnsworth MacNair
Duncan MacRae
Austin F. Macdonald
H. Malcolm Macdonald
Stuart Elaine Macdonald
Arthur W. Macmahon
Roy C. Macridis
Jesse Macy
W. Rolland Maddox
William P. Maddox
Douglas Madsen
Victor V. Magagna
Alvin Magid
Ralph V.D. Magoffin
Frank Abbott Magruder
Vincent A. Mahler
Richard J. Maiman
Scott Mainwaring
Peter Mair
Louis Sandy Maisel
Donald J. Maletz
James M. Malloy
Markos J. Mamalakis
Robert Mandel
Linden A. Mander
Gerard J. Mangone
John F. Manley
Dean E. Mann
Seymour Z. Mann
Thomas E. Mann
George Manner
John W. Manning
Richard W. Mansbach
Jane Mansbridge
Harvey C. Mansfield
Harvey C. Mansfield#2
James G. March
Alfred A. Marcus
George E. Marcus
Otwin Marenin
Howard Margolis
Michael Margolis
Gregory B. Markus
Theodore R. Marmor
Lucian C. Marquis
Charles Burton Marshall
Dale Rogers Marshall
Charles Emanuel Martin
James W. Martin
Robert E. Martin
Roscoe C. Martin
John D. Martz
Dwaine Marvick
Fritz Morstein Marx
John W. Masland
Alpheus T. Mason
John B. Mason
T. David Mason
Michael Mastanduno
Nicholas A. Masters
Roger D. Masters
Johannes Mattern
Donald R. Matthews
Albert A. Mavrinac
Bertram W. Maxwell
Lawrence S. Mayer
Henry B. Mayo
Ali A. Mazrui
John C. McAdams
George H. McCaffrey
John F. McCamant
James L. McCamy
Michael W. McCann
Steven R. McCarl
Paula D. McClain
Grant McClellan
Charles A. McClelland
Glenn B. McClelland
Cynthia McClintock
Robert Green McCloskey
Herbert McClosky
John B. McConaughy
Grant McConnell
Robert Stanley McCordock
James M. McCormick
Richard P. McCormick
D. Beatrice McCown
Charles N.R. McCoy
Terry L. McCoy
Donald J. McCrone
Robert W. McCulloch
John McDiarmid
Eileen L. McDonagh
Ronald H. McDonald
Peter McDonough
Gary L. McDowell
M. Nelson McGeary
Robert McGeehan
Joseph D. McGoldrick
William M. McGovern
Patrick J. McGowan
Kathleen M. McGraw
Kevin T. McGuire
Dean E. McHenry
Charles H. McIlwain
Vernon McKay
Dayton D. McKean
Raymond G. McKelvey
Richard D. McKelvey
Charles McKinley
Walter W. McLaren
Charles H. McLaughlin
David S. McLellan
Howard J. McMurray
Theodore McNelly
Logan G. McPherson
Edward McWhinney
Wilson C. McWilliams
Lawrence M. Mead
Martin Meadows
Gordon P. Means
Eugene J. Meehan
Kenneth J. Meier
James H. Meisel
Richard A. Melanson
John F. Melby
Norman Meller
Robert Melson
Arthur M. Melzer
Douglas H. Mendel
Wallace Mendelson
David Menninger
Donald C. Menzel
Richard M. Merelman
Lewis Meriam
Peter H. Merkl
Charles E. Merriam
Richard L. Merritt
Horst Mewes
Alfred G. Meyer
Michael L. Mezey
Charles A. Micaud
Ellen Mickiewicz
Kevin J. Middlebrook
Frederick A. Middlebush
Manus I. Midlarsky
Josephine F. Milburn
Arthur H. Miller
David Miller
Eugene F. Miller
Gary J. Miller
James Miller
Kenneth E. Miller
Lynn H. Miller
Robert F. Miller
Warren E. Miller
John D. Millett
John H. Millett
Richard M. Mills
Arthur C. Millspaugh
Neal A. Milner
Donald E. Milsten
Karen A. Mingst
Michael Mintrom
Alex Mintz
William Mishler
R. Judson Mitchell
Timothy P. Mitchell
William C. Mitchell
David Mitrany
George Modelski
Terry M. Moe
Lawrence B. Mohr
Raymond C. Moley
Harold Molineu
John H. Mollenkopf
John D. Montgomery
Ruth Montgomery
Bruce E. Moon
J. Donald Moon
Barrington Moore
Clement Henry Moore
David W. Moore
John E. Moore
Malcolm Moos
Thomas Francis Moran
Lois B. Moreland
William C. Morey
Patrick M. Morgan
Robert J. Morgan
T. Clifton Morgan
Hans J. Morgenthau
Bernard S. Morris
Christopher W. Morris
Henry C. Morris
Michael A. Morris
Minion K.C. Morrison
James D. Morrow
Edward L. Morse
Rex Mortimer
Philip E. Mosely
Joel C. Moses
Frederick C. Mosher
William E. Mosher
Warner Moss
Rodney L. Mott
John E. Mueller
Anthony Mughan
Kevin V. Mulcahy
Edward N. Muller
William D. Muller
Stephen P. Mumme
Gerardo L. Munck
Frank J. Munger
Michael C. Munger
Dana Gardner Munro
Russell D. Murphy
Walter F. Murphy
Joyce Marie Mushaben
Denys P. Myers
William Starr Myers
Samuel D. Myres
David Nachmias
Jack H. Nagel
Terry Nardin
A.E. Keir Nash
Henry R. Nau
Fred Warner Neal
Cary J. Nederman
Martin C. Needler
Max Neiman
Garrison Nelson
Joan M. Nelson
John S. Nelson
Louis Nemzer
Curtis P. Nettels
Deane E. Neubauer
Robert G. Neumann
Sigmund Neumann
Richard E. Neustadt
David Nexon
James H. Nichols
Mary Perot Nichols
Robert L. Nichols
Norman H. Nie
H.L. Nieburg
Gerhart Niemeyer
Richard G. Niemi
Felix A. Nigro
Dan Nimmo
Miroslav Nincic
William A. Niskanen
Charles R. Nixon
Herman Clarence Nixon
Charles Noble
George B. Noble
Eli E. Nobleman
Joseph L. Nogee
Roger G. Noll
Lowell G. Noonan
Norma C. Noonan
Ralph A. Norem
Helmut Norpoth
Robert C. North
Frederick Samuel Northedge
Augustus R. Norton
Theodore M. Norton
Alec Nove
Eric J. Novotny
Thomas C. Nowak
Andrew E. Nuquist
Joseph S. Nye
David M. O'Brien
Robert E. O'Connor
Michael K. O'Leary
Vernon A. O'Rourke
Laurence J. O'Toole
Miriam E. Oatman
Jeffrey L. Obler
Peter H. Odegard
Daniel M. Ogden
John C.H. Oh
Susan Moller Okin
Bertell Ollman
Victor A. Olorunsola
David J. Olson
Nicholas G. Onuf
Walter C. Opello
Karl-Dieter Opp
Felix E. Oppenheim
Bruce I. Oppenheimer
Joe A. Oppenheimer
John M. Orbell
Peter C. Ordeshook
A.F.K. Organski
John M. Orman
Norman J. Ornstein
Nils Orvik
Clifford Orwin
Robert E. Osgood
Charles W. Ostrom
Elinor Ostrom
Vincent Ostrom
Louise Overacker
Raymond E. Owen
Beatrice Owens
Robert A. Packenham
Norman J. Padelford
L. Vincent Padgett
Benjamin I. Page
Glenn D. Paige
Joseph C. Palamountain
David L. Paletz
Norman D. Palmer
Paul Palmer
Dennis J. Palumbo
Thomas L. Pangle
Demetrios G. Papademetriou
Leslie Manock Pape
T. Wayne Parent
Michael Parenti
Richard L. Park
Spencer D. Parratt
Michael E. Parrish
James E. Pate
Carole Pateman
Caleb Perry Patterson
Dennis M. Patterson
Emma Rhyne Patterson
Samuel C. Patterson
Guy J. Pauker
Robert L. Peabody
Thomas P. Peardon
Frederic S. Pearson
George A. Peek
Roy V. Peel
Ilan Peleg
Lawrence L. Pelletier
Jack W. Peltason
T.J. Pempel
Clara Penniman
Howard R. Penniman
James Roland Pennock
John A. Perkins
Selig Perlman
Amos Perlmutter
Glenn E. Perry
B. Guy Peters
John G. Peters
Rita P. Peters
Keith S. Petersen
William Petersen
Paul E. Peterson
Mark Petracca
John R. Petrocik
George S. Pettee
Lawrence K. Pettit
Richard H. Pfaff
Llewellyn Pfankuchen
James P. Pfiffner
John M. Pfiffner
Paul A. Pfretzschner
P.D. Phair
Burr W. Phillips
Jaroslaw A. Piekalkiewicz
Bessie Louise Pierce
Roy Pierce
James E. Piereson
Dianne M. Pinderhughes
Carl F. Pinkele
Frank A. Pinner
Edward L. Pinney
Harvey Pinney
David Pion-Berlin
Don Piper
Charles W. Pipkin
Dennis C. Pirages
Ellen B. Pirro
Hanna F. Pitkin
Frances Fox Piven
Jack C. Plano
George M. Platt
Elmer Plischke
Sidney I. Ploss
Adamantia Pollis
Nelson W. Polsby
Raymond Pomerleau
Gerald M. Pomper
Dale Pontius
Jonas Pontusson
Ithiel De Sola Pool
Jonathan Pool
Keith T. Poole
David H. Popper
Annie G. Porritt
Edward Porritt
Kirk H. Porter
Mary C. Porter
Edward B. Portis
Charles Gordon Post
Gaines Post
Christian P. Potholm
Roscoe Pound
Alden L. Powell
David E. Powell
G. Bingham Powell
Robert Powell
Thomas Reed Powell
M. Susan Power
Paul F. Power
Robert J. Pranger
Charles Press
Jeffrey L. Pressman
Robert V. Presthus
Larry M. Preston
Lawrence Preuss
Gary Prevost
Kenneth Prewitt
Albert C. Price
David E. Price
Don K. Price
Ernest B. Price
Hugh Douglas Price
C. Herman Pritchett
James W. Prothro
Doris Marie Provine
Adam Przeworski
Robert H. Puckett
Peter Pulzer
Susan Kaufman Purcell
Robert D. Putnam
Lucian W. Pye
George H. Quester
Paul J. Quirk
Jong Oh Ra
George Rabinowitz
Felix Rackow
Laurence I. Radway
Douglas W. Rae
Lyn Ragsdale
Teresa Rakowska-Harmstone
Bessie C. Randolph
Willard Range
Peter Ranis
Robert S. Rankin
Austin Ranney
J. Austin Ranney
Harry Howe Ransom
Coleman B. Ransone
Nimrod Raphaeli
David C. Rapoport
William E. Rappard
Jorgen S. Rasmussen
James Lee Ray
Joseph M. Ray
P. Orman Ray
G. Hossein Razi
David E. RePass
Michael D. Reagan
Emmette S. Redford
Thomas H. Reed
Jesse S. Reeves
Peter Regenstreif
Donald R. Reich
Henry S. Reiff
Paul S. Reinsch
William M. Reisinger
Howard L. Reiter
Mostafa Rejai
Thomas F. Remington
Karen L. Remmer
John S. Reshetar
David Resnick
Mary T. Reynolds
Stuart Arthur Rice
Tom W. Rice
Bradley M. Richardson
Channing B. Richardson
James P. Richardson
Neil R. Richardson
Cromwell A. Riches
William L. Richter
Floyd M. Riddick
James A. Riedel
Neal Riemer
Leroy N. Rieselbach
Fred W. Riggs
William H. Riker
Jonathan Riley
Patrick Riley
Sue Tolleson Rinehart
Marvin Rintala
Randall B. Ripley
J. Fred Rippy
William A. Ritchie
Benjamin Rivlin
James J. Robbins
Brian E. Roberts
John D. Robertson
William Spence Robertson
Donald L. Robinson
George C. Robinson
J. William Robinson
James A. Robinson
Michael J. Robinson
Thomas W. Robinson
William Alexander Robinson
Charles B. Robson
William A. Robson
John P. Roche
Stephen R. Rock
Bert A. Rockman
Lewis Rockow
Landon G. Rockwell
Carlton C. Rodee
Philip G. Roeder
H. Mark Roelofs
Riordan Roett
Lindsay Rogers
Arnold A. Rogow
Ronald Rogowski
Charles C. Rohlfing
Charles J. Rohr
John A. Rohr
Mark C. Rom
John H. Romani
George K. Romoser
William J. Ronan
Jerel A. Rosati
Douglas D. Rose
Richard Rose
Richard N. Rosecrance
Stanley Rosen
James N. Rosenau
Walter A. Rosenbaum
Nancy L. Rosenblum
Victor G. Rosenblum
Alan Rosenthal
Donald B. Rosenthal
Glenda G. Rosenthal
Howard Rosenthal
Eugene J. Rosi
Marc H. Ross
Ralph Ross
Robert S. Ross
Clinton Rossiter
Walt W. Rostow
Donald S. Rothchild
Lawrence S. Rothenberg
Stanley Rothman
Robert L. Rothstein
Joseph S. Roucek
Francis E. Rourke
John E. Rouse
Lloyd A. Rowe
Donald Rowland
M.W. Royse
Alvin Z. Rubinstein
John E. Rue
John G. Ruggie
Wilfrid E. Rumble
Barry S. Rundquist
Robert A. Rupen
Mark E. Rush
Myron Rush
Jerrold G. Rusk
Frank M. Russell
Robert W. Russell
Bruce M. Russett
Dankwart A. Rustow
Gerard F. Rutan
Geddes W. Rutherford
Alan Ryan
Paul A. Sabatier
Daniel R. Sabia
George H. Sabine
R.S. Saby
William Safran
Scott D. Sagan
Edward McChesney Sait
Lester M. Salamon
Robert H. Salisbury
Stephen G. Salkever
John T. Salter
Joel Samoff
John B. Sanborn
Walter E. Sandelius
Arthur Sanders
Virginia Sapiro
Harvey M. Sapolsky
Austin Sarat
Lyman T. Sargent
Sam C. Sarkesian
Giovanni Sartori
Allan F. Saunders
James D. Savage
Rollin A. Sawyer
Arlene W. Saxonhouse
Wallace S. Sayre
Lawrence A. Scaff
James R. Scarritt
John H. Schaar
David L. Schaefer
Margaret A. Schaffner
Dorothy Schaffter
William A. Schaper
J. Salwyn Schapiro
E.E. Schattschneider
Michael Schatzberg
Alan H. Schechter
Stuart A. Scheingold
Allen Schick
Joseph A. Schlesinger
Kay Lehman Schlozman
Henry J. Schmandt
Laurence F. Schmeckebier
John R. Schmidhauser
Philippe C. Schmitter
Anne L. Schneider
Herbert W. Schneider
Mark Schneider
Ronald M. Schneider
Robert A. Schoenberger
Benjamin N. Schoenfeld
John T. Scholz
Lars Schoultz
Glenn N. Schram
Sanford F. Schram
Stuart R. Schram
Philip A. Schrodt
John A. Schroth
Glendon A. Schubert
Victoria Schuck
David A. Schultz
Joel J. Schwartz
Mildred A. Schwartz
John E. Schwarz
Harry M. Scoble
Joseph M. Scolnick
James C. Scott
Robert E. Scott
Donald D. Searing
David O. Sears
Herbert P. Secher
Catheryn Seckler-Hudson
Robert G. Seddig
Aaron Segal
Jeffrey A. Segal
Harold Seidman
Steven T. Seitz
Lester Seligman
Mitchell A. Seligson
Philip Selznick
John P. Senning
Angelo P. Sereni
William C. Seyler
Goldie Shabad
Byron E. Shafer
J.P. Shalloo
Mary Lyndon Shanley
Jasper B. Shannon
Martin M. Shapiro
Michael J. Shapiro
Robert Y. Shapiro
Ira Sharkansky
Elaine B. Sharp
Paul Sharp
Timothy M. Shaw
Reginald S. Sheehan
Martin Shefter
Susan Meld Shell
Max A. Shepard
Kenneth A. Shepsle
Kenneth S. Sherrill
Foster H. Sherwood
Currin V. Shields
W. Phillips Shively
Judith N. Shklar
Lloyd M. Short
Earl L. Shoup
Paul Shoup
Martin Shubik
Matthew S. Shugart
Charles W. Shull
Gordon L. Shull
Steven A. Shull
Roger V. Shumate
M.H. Sibley
Thomas L. Sidlo
Roberta S. Sigel
Lee Sigelman
Paul E. Sigmund
Pressly S. Sikes
Bernard S. Silberman
Ruth C. Silva
Brian D. Silver
Corinne Silverman
Nathan L. Silverstein
Randy T. Simmons
Herbert A. Simon
Smith Simpson
Lewis B. Sims
Barbara Sinclair
Allan P. Sindler
J. David Singer
Richard C. Sinopoli
St. George L. Sioussat
Richard Sisson
Randolph M. Siverson
H. Gordon Skilling
Richard L. Sklar
Theda Skocpol
Walter A.E. Skurnik
Jerome M. Slater
Stephen Sloan
John F. Sly
Charles William Smith
David G. Smith
George H.E. Smith
Gregory Bruce Smith
Milton V. Smith
Roger W. Smith
Rogers M. Smith
Steven B. Smith
Steven S. Smith
Thomas V. Smith
W. Roy Smith
Duncan Snidal
Donald M. Snow
Peter G. Snow
Richard C. Snyder
William F. Sollmann
Peter H. Solomon
Karol Edward Soltan
Herman M. Somers
Albert Somit
A.H. Somjee
Fred A. Sondermann
Frank J. Sorauf
Margaret Spahr
John W. Spanier
Stanley Spector
Henry R. Spencer
Richard C. Spencer
Joseph J. Spengler
Peter W. Sperlich
James Clyde Sperling
George W. Spicer
Herbert J. Spiro
David Spitz
Robert J. Spitzer
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