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Byron E. Shafer Archives
Byron E. Shafer •ï¿½12 Items / 2 Articles, 7 Books, 3 Reviews
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  1. [+]
    American Politics (Review)
    Explorations in Convention Decision Making, by Denis G. Sullivan, Jeffrey L. Pressman, ...
    1. Explorations in Convention Decision Making by Denis G. Sullivan, Jeffrey L. Pressman, and F. Christopher Arterton, ...
    American Political Science Review, June 1978, p. 709
  2. [+]
    American Politics (2 Reviews)
    The Collapse of the Democratic Presidential Majority, by David G. Lawrence
    1. The Collapse of the Democratic Presidential Majority by David G. Lawrence
    2. The Divided Democrats by William G. Mayer
    American Political Science Review, September 1997, p. 749
  3. Anti-Party Politics
    The Public Interest, Spring 1981, pp. 95-111
  4. Bifurcated Politics (1988)
    Evolution and Reform in the National Party Connection
    4 Reviews, 1 Readable
  5. The End of Realignment? (1991)
    Interpreting American Electoral Eras
    2 Reviews
  6. The End of Southern Exceptionalism (2006)
    Class, Race, and Partisan Change in the Postwar South
    1 Review
  7. Is America Different? (1991)
    A New Look at American Exceptionalism
    1 Review
  8. Postwar Politics in the G-7 (1996)
    Orders and Eras in Comparative Perspective
    1 Review
  9. Primary Rules, Political Power, and Social Change
    American Political Science Review, March 1976, pp. 25-40
  10. Quiet Revolution (1983)
    The Struggle for the Democratic Party and the Shaping of Post-Reform Politics
    2 Reviews
  11. Review Essay
    Scholarship on Presidential Selection in the United States (5 Reviews)
    Media and Momentum, by Gary R. Orren
    1. Media and Momentum by Gary R. Orren
    2. A Horse of a Different Color by C. Anthony Broh
    3. Selecting the President by Howard L. Reiter
    4. Presidential Selection by Alexander Heard and Michael Nelson
    5. News That Matters by Shanto Iyengar and Donald R. Kinder
    American Political Science Review, September 1988, pp. 955-966
  12. The Two Majorities (1995)
    The Issue Context of Modern American Politics
    1 Review
  13. No Items Found