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Book Authors of 1836 Filter?
John Quincy Adams John Frederick Archbold Robert Baird Bernard Barton William C. Brownlee Aaron Burr George Gordon Byron Charles Caldwell Lydia Maria Child John Lee Comstock F. A. Cox Matthew L. Davis Alphonse de Lamartine Felicite Robert de Lamennais Augustus De Morgan Orville Dewey Ebenezer Erskine Benjamin Franklin Frederick Freeman Oliver Goldsmith Samuel G. Goodrich James Grant John Harris G. Charles Hodges Oliver Wendell Holmes Robert Huish George P.R. James Charles Lamb Walter Savage Landor P. C. A. Louis Frederick Marryat Robert Montgomery Martin Joseph Mendham Robert Mudie William Nevins John Henry Newman Foreign Office James K. Paulding Robert Philip Andrew Picken F. W. Pickens Edward B. Pusey C.S. Rafinesque Leitch Ritchie Friedrich Schleiermacher Moyle Sherer Lydia Howard Sigourney Thomas Smith Caroline Bowles Southey Philip Henry Stanhope William L. Stone Ezra Strong George Thompson Frances Milton Trollope Friedrich von Raumer John Wesley William Whewell Nicholas Patrick Wiseman Neville Wood Nathaniel William Wraxall Jacob Abbott John Abercrombie William Adam Henry Gardiner Adams Nehemiah Adams John Ainslie John Aiton John Yonge Akerman A. Bronson Alcott Archibald Alexander Chilton Allan Robert Allan Ethan Allen Andrews Charlotte Anley Jesse Appleton John Armitage John Armstrong George Back Joanna Baillie Edward Baines Richard Bannatyne Nathaniel Harrington Bannister Edward Downing Barber John Barclay Giuseppe Marco Antonio Baretti Matthew Henry Barker Charles H. Barnard Albert Barnes James Barr John Barrow Elijah Porter Barrows Martin Barry William Brudenell Barter Cyrus Augustus Bartol Thomas Bateman John Baxter#2 Beasley Benjamin Wrigglesworth Beatson William Beattie Gregory Townsend Bedell Catherine E. Beecher Charles Bell Robert Bell James Bennett George Bentham John Besly Christopher Bethell Robert Mackenzie Beverley Etienne Bezout Edward Bickersteth Andrew Bigelow Thomas Bilby Elizabeth Blacket Marguerite Blessington Leonard Bliss Hermann Bokum Lucien Bonaparte James Whatman Bosanquet Joseph Bosworth Thomas Bourne Ann Lincoln Boutelle James Bowditch Isaac Boyle John Boyle Alden Bradford Gamaliel Bradford Anna Eliza Bray John Brazer John Breckinridge William A. Brewer Amariah Brigham William Brigham Nathan C. Brooks David Paul Brown Thomas Browne Orestes A. Brownson Gerbrand Bruining William Brunton George Buchanan James M. Buchanan William Buckland Henry Adams Bullard Charles C. Burleigh Hermann Burmeister Charles James Burton Charlotte Campbell Bury Charles Butler Thomas Jefferson Cade Benjamin Franklin Callendar John James Campbell Eustace Carey George William Frederick Howard Carlisle Alexander Allan Carr B.R. Carroll Bartholomew Rivers Carroll William Carver Lewis Cass Hobart Caunter John Hobert Caunter Du Cerceau Elizabeth Margaret Chandler William Ellery Channing Alonzo Bowen Chapin Daniel Chapman Maria Weston Chapman Heber Chase William Henry Chase Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield Henry F. Chorley Pharcellus Church Daniel A. Clark John Alonzo Clark Mary Clark Adam Clarke Thomas Clarkson Ludwig Clausing William Clay Charles D. Cleveland F. Close Jonathan Holmes Cobb Lyman Cobb John Codman William Cogswell Myer M. Cohen George Coles Arthur Collier John Payne Collier Calvin Colton Walter Colton Andrew Combe George Combe James Connery T. A. Conrad George Wingrove Cooke Astley Cooper William Durrant Cooper Esther Copley John Rose Cormack William Coulson Thomas Peregrine Courtenay William Cowper John Crabtree#2 Henry Howland Crapo Ebenezer Edson Cummings William Cuninghame Abner Cunningham Allan Cunningham Andrew Dalzel George Darley Charles Davies David Davis David Daniel Davis Edward Davy Auguste du Roure de Beaumont-Brisson Theodore de Beze Clement Joseph Philip Pen de Bode Antonio Feliciano de Castilho Manuel de Godoy Leon de Laborde F.-M. Guyonneau de Pambour Bernardin de Saint-Pierre Edward E. Deacon William Frederick Augustus Delane Edward Denison Thomas Denman Thomas Frognall Dibdin Thomas Dick Charles Dickens Charles Dickinson Thomas Dickinson John Joseph Dillon Benjamin Disraeli John Disturnell Joshua Dixon A. Sidney Doane Thomas Doubleday Joseph Downes Joseph Rodman Drake Samuel G. Drake Peter S. Du Ponceau George Duffield John Mason Duncan Mary Grey Lundie Duncan A. D. Eddy Archibald Edmonstone David B. Edward Samuel Eells Jonathan Elliot Sarah Stickney Ellis Richard Emmons Charles Empson David Erskine Johann Joachim Eschenburg John Wesley Etheridge John Adolphus Etzler Edward Evans Rebekah Evans Alexander H. Everett Edward Everett Horace Everett Thomas Campbell Eyton George Stanley Faber Henry Fairbairn Jonathan Farr John C. Farrar George William Featherstonhaugh Francis Fellowes Thomas Green Fessenden T. H. Fielding Joshua Francis Fisher Nathan Welby Fiske Charles Fitch James David Forbes Peter Force James Forrest Charles Forster James Forten Benjamin Franklin Foster Thomas B. Fox M. W. Foye Convers Francis James Strange French Andrew Fuller James Gallier Allen Francis Gardiner P. Gaskell Abraham Gesner Johann Karl Ludwig Gieseler James William Gilbart George Gilbert William S. Gilly Chandler Robbins Gilman Henry D. Gilpin William Nugent Glascock George Robert Gleig Robert Godlonton Christopher Godmond Benjamin Godwin Jonathan Going Robert Henry Goldsborough Charles A. Goodrich John Gordon Edward S. Gould James Gould E. A. G. Graefenhan A. Grafenhan Augustus Bozzi Granville Beriah Green Jonas Green Benjamin Greenleaf Thomas Greenwood Olinthus Gilbert Gregory Angelina Emily Grimke Alexander V. Griswold John Gummere John Hampden Gurney William Gurney George James Guthrie Joseph Guy Anna Maria Hall Basil Hall Edward B. Hall Frederick Hall James Hall Marshall Hall Samuel Carter Hall Renn Dickson Hampden Stewart William Hanna Massy Harbison Robert Hare Thomas Hare William Harper David Hartley Heinrich Hase Thomas Hastings Joel Hawes Francis L. Hawks John Hayward Rowland G. Hazard Edward Hazen William Hazlitt George Head Luke Hebert A. H. L. Heeren Ernst Wilhelm Hegstenberg Heinrich Heine Ebenezer Henderson Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg Charles Frederick Henningsen Matthew Henry John Stevens Henslow Algernon Herbert J. D. Herbert Godfrey Higgins James Hildreth Richard Hildreth Isaac Hill Philip Charles Hirschfeld Samuel Hoar Thomas Hodgkin Barbara Wreaks Hoole Hofland John Edwards Holbrook George Holden Horace Holden James Lloyd Homer Michael Burke Honan Walter Farquhar Hook Mary Ann Hooker Charles Hooton John Hoppus Joseph C. Hornblower William E. Horner H. R. Howard John Saul Howson J. Leonhard Hug Edward Hughes John Hughes#2 J.H. Hull William Winstanley Hull Heman Humphrey Alexander Humphrys-Alexander Freeman Hunt Thomas P. Hunt Frederick Charles Husenbeth Robert Hussey Joseph Holt Ingraham Hyam Isaacs Isaac R. Jackson P. L. Jacob William Jagger A. A. Jakubowski David James Thomas Jarrold John C. Jay Ebenezer Jennings William Johns Alexander B. Johnson George William Johnson Reverdy Johnson Joseph Jones Silas Jones Mary J. Jourdan George Junkin Alfred John Kempe Lucy Kenney Richard King Henry W. Kinsman Samuel L. Knapp Henry Gally Knight Frederick John Knox John Lake Edward William Lane Franklin Langworthy Dionysius Lardner Thomas Lathbury LatrobeCharlesJoseph Charles Webb le Bas Charles le Roy Joshua Leavitt Edwin Lee Luther Lee Isaac Leeser John Lendrum Eliza Leslie Jeremiah L. Lesslie John Levesque Hugh Ley Francis Lieber Robert W. Lincoln John Lindley Harvey Lindsly Ephraim Lockhart Charles Thomas Longley John Claudius Loudon George William Lovell Samuel Lover Benjamin Lundy Karl Luther Edward Bulwer Lytton Robert J. M'Ghee E. C. M'Guire James m'queen John P. MacKintosh MacgillivrayWilliam James Townsend Mackay John Mackay Henry Mackenzie James Mackenzie James Mackintosh S. I. Mahoney Francis Mahony James Maidment Cesar Henri Abraham Malan John Malcolm Thomas Robert Malthus Edwin John Mann Richard Mant Piero Maroncelli Anne Marsh-Caldwell John Clark Marshman James Martineau Benjamin Martyn Monck Mason Susanna Hopkins Mason William Mason Richard Matthews Thomas Maude William Bliss Maxson John Mayne Evan McColl J. H. McCulloh Edward C. McGuire Thomas L. McKenney Louis McLane John McNeill John McVickar Robert Means Grenville Mellen Henry Melvill Charles Meredith Edward Meryon Francisque Michel George I. Miles F. E. Misca Samuel Augustus Mitchell I.E.N. Molesworth Augustus Henry Moreton John J. Mulholland Patrick Murphy Patrick J. Murphy#2 Hugh Murray Artemas Bowers Muzzey Charles James Napier M. Navier William Johnson Neale Christopher Ness William B. Neville Harvey Newcomb William Newcome James R. Newhall John C. Newman John Nicoll Thomas Noble John William Norie Eugenius Nulty William O'Bryan Roderick O'Flanagan Mortimer O'Sullivan Octavius Nash Ogden Charles A. Ogilvie William Samways Oke Charles G. Olmsted Charles Edward Herbert Orpen D'Arcy Godolphin Osborne Thomas John Ouseley Hugh Owen William Oxberry Oca Rib Paa Thomas Page#2 Thomas Tertius Paget John James Park Roswell Park Amos Andrew Parker Joe K. Parrish Theophilus Parsons Johann David Passavant Robert Bateman Paul William B.O. Peabody John Mason Peck James Pedder Benjamin Peirce Silvio Pellico R. Pengilly George Penny John Penrose PercevalAp Melchior Pfintzing William Phelps Richard Phillips Stephen Clarendon Phillips Josiah Pierce Norman Pinney John Pitman Richard Polwhele Alexander Porter George Richardson Porter Woodburne Potter Tyrone Power John Henry Pratt John Tidd Pratt Isaac C. Pray George R. C. Price James Cowles Prichard Marmaduke Prickett Josiah Priest Augustus Pugin George Ramsay William Ramsey Mary Randolph F. Harrison Rankin William Rawle Hollis Read John Reed James Rees Rice Rees David M. Reese David Boswell Reid Frederic Mansel Reynolds Jeremiah N. Reynolds Cladius James Rich Wilson Crocker Rider Anna Cora Ritchie William Ritchie Isaac Roberts Samuel Roberts Thomas Roberts David Robertson John Robertson Heaton Bowstead Robinson Samuel Rogers Alfred Ronalds David Root Thomas Roscoe Ernst Friedrich Karl Rosenmuller Jean Pierre Rossignol William Ruger Israel Daniel Rupp David Russell John Russell John Lord Russell Henry Thomas Ryall Michael Ryan#2 J. Sadler Louis Say Charles Sayle Antonio Scarpa Dick Humelbergius Secundus Adam Sedgwick Prideaux John Selby Samuel Sharpe Edward S. Shaw William Shee Leonard Shelford E. J. Shields Challenger Ship ShuttleworthPn James Sigston Julius Sillig George F. Simmons William Gilmore Simms Barbara Allan Simon Stephen Simpson Catherine Sinclair Hannah Sinclair Charles Sitgreaves Thomas H. Skinner James Slade William Slade William Henry Sleeman Henry Slicer Jonathan Small Edward Smedley Horace Smith James Edward Smith John Bainbridge Smith Richard Penn Smith Roswell Chamberlain Smith Samuel B. Smith Samuel J. Smith William Cusack Smith James H. Smylie William Smyth Antonio Somma Sophocles Robert Southey Jared Sparks Edmund Spencer Peleg Sprague Samuel Spring#2 Mariana Starke Elizabeth Starling Henry Stebbing Wilhelm Steiger Ann S. Stephens S. S. Stocking Edwin Martin Stone Edward Stopford Bellamy Storer Richard S. Storrs Thomas Quinton Stow Charles Stuart John Suckling La Roy Sunderland Suyuti Robert Sweeny William Sweetser Thomas Noon Talfourd William B. Tappan C. B. Taylor Isaac Taylor William Cooke Taylor Terence John Hamilton Thom Frederick Samson Thomas Frederick William Thomas R. Thomas Vaughan Thomas William Hamilton Thomason Thomas Thomson Caleb B. Ticknor Caleb Kingham Ticknow Friedrich Tietz Frisby Tilghman Rufus C. Torrey Silas Totten Salem Town Catherine Parr Strickland Traill Henry St. George Tucker F Tuffnell John Turton Thomas Turton John Tyler Stephen H. Tyng Job R. Tyson Friedrich Wilhelm C. Umbreit Thomas C. Upham D Urquhart Solomon Van Rensselaer Gulian C. Verplanck Wolfram von Eschenbach Alexander von Sternberg Moses Waddel Priscilla Bell Wakefield William Walford Alexander Walker William Clay Wallace William Wallen Robert Walsh Ralph Wardlaw William Wareing Samuel Warren Peter Watt George Watterston Daniel Webster Noah Webster Thomas Webster Mason L. Weems Richard Wellesley Wellesley Thomas I. Wharton Richard Whately Henry Wheaton James Wheeler Hugh White John Meadows White Joseph M. White William White Charles Whitehead John Whitehead John Whithead Joshua Barker Whitridge John Greenleaf Whittier Thomas Willats John Williams John Calthrop Williams Isaac Dowd Williamson Nathaniel Parker Willis Seth Williston James Renwick Willson Benjamin Winkles Ezra S. Winslow Leonard Withington Edward Wix Theodore D. Woolsey John Wright Thomas Wyse William Yarrell William Youatt Johann Georg Zimmermann
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Periodicals of 1836 Filter?
All Authors of 1836 Filter?
John Quincy Adams John Frederick Archbold Robert Baird Bernard Barton William C. Brownlee Aaron Burr George Gordon Byron Charles Caldwell Lydia Maria Child John Lee Comstock F. A. Cox Matthew L. Davis Alphonse de Lamartine Felicite Robert de Lamennais Augustus De Morgan Orville Dewey Ebenezer Erskine Benjamin Franklin Frederick Freeman Oliver Goldsmith Samuel G. Goodrich James Grant John Harris G. Charles Hodges Oliver Wendell Holmes Robert Huish George P.R. James Charles Lamb Walter Savage Landor P. C. A. Louis Frederick Marryat Robert Montgomery Martin Joseph Mendham Robert Mudie William Nevins John Henry Newman Foreign Office James K. Paulding Robert Philip Andrew Picken F. W. Pickens Edward B. Pusey C.S. Rafinesque Leitch Ritchie Friedrich Schleiermacher Moyle Sherer Lydia Howard Sigourney Thomas Smith Caroline Bowles Southey Philip Henry Stanhope William L. Stone Ezra Strong George Thompson Frances Milton Trollope Friedrich von Raumer John Wesley William Whewell Nicholas Patrick Wiseman Neville Wood Nathaniel William Wraxall Jacob Abbott John Abercrombie William Adam Henry Gardiner Adams Nehemiah Adams John Ainslie John Aiton John Yonge Akerman A. Bronson Alcott Archibald Alexander Chilton Allan Robert Allan Ethan Allen Andrews Charlotte Anley Jesse Appleton John Armitage John Armstrong George Back Joanna Baillie Edward Baines Richard Bannatyne Nathaniel Harrington Bannister Edward Downing Barber John Barclay Giuseppe Marco Antonio Baretti Matthew Henry Barker Charles H. Barnard Albert Barnes James Barr John Barrow Elijah Porter Barrows Martin Barry William Brudenell Barter Cyrus Augustus Bartol Thomas Bateman John Baxter#2 Beasley Benjamin Wrigglesworth Beatson William Beattie Gregory Townsend Bedell Catherine E. Beecher Charles Bell Robert Bell James Bennett George Bentham John Besly Christopher Bethell Robert Mackenzie Beverley Etienne Bezout Edward Bickersteth Andrew Bigelow Thomas Bilby Elizabeth Blacket Marguerite Blessington Leonard Bliss Hermann Bokum Lucien Bonaparte James Whatman Bosanquet Joseph Bosworth Thomas Bourne Ann Lincoln Boutelle James Bowditch Isaac Boyle John Boyle Alden Bradford Gamaliel Bradford Anna Eliza Bray John Brazer John Breckinridge William A. Brewer Amariah Brigham William Brigham Nathan C. Brooks David Paul Brown Thomas Browne Orestes A. Brownson Gerbrand Bruining William Brunton George Buchanan James M. Buchanan William Buckland Henry Adams Bullard Charles C. Burleigh Hermann Burmeister Charles James Burton Charlotte Campbell Bury Charles Butler Thomas Jefferson Cade Benjamin Franklin Callendar John James Campbell Eustace Carey George William Frederick Howard Carlisle Alexander Allan Carr B.R. Carroll Bartholomew Rivers Carroll William Carver Lewis Cass Hobart Caunter John Hobert Caunter Du Cerceau Elizabeth Margaret Chandler William Ellery Channing Alonzo Bowen Chapin Daniel Chapman Maria Weston Chapman Heber Chase William Henry Chase Philip Dormer Stanhope Chesterfield Henry F. Chorley Pharcellus Church Daniel A. Clark John Alonzo Clark Mary Clark Adam Clarke Thomas Clarkson Ludwig Clausing William Clay Charles D. Cleveland F. Close Jonathan Holmes Cobb Lyman Cobb John Codman William Cogswell Myer M. Cohen George Coles Arthur Collier John Payne Collier Calvin Colton Walter Colton Andrew Combe George Combe James Connery T. A. Conrad George Wingrove Cooke Astley Cooper William Durrant Cooper Esther Copley John Rose Cormack William Coulson Thomas Peregrine Courtenay William Cowper John Crabtree#2 Henry Howland Crapo Ebenezer Edson Cummings William Cuninghame Abner Cunningham Allan Cunningham Andrew Dalzel George Darley Charles Davies David Davis David Daniel Davis Edward Davy Auguste du Roure de Beaumont-Brisson Theodore de Beze Clement Joseph Philip Pen de Bode Antonio Feliciano de Castilho Manuel de Godoy Leon de Laborde F.-M. Guyonneau de Pambour Bernardin de Saint-Pierre Edward E. Deacon William Frederick Augustus Delane Edward Denison Thomas Denman Thomas Frognall Dibdin Thomas Dick Charles Dickens Charles Dickinson Thomas Dickinson John Joseph Dillon Benjamin Disraeli John Disturnell Joshua Dixon A. Sidney Doane Thomas Doubleday Joseph Downes Joseph Rodman Drake Samuel G. Drake Peter S. Du Ponceau George Duffield John Mason Duncan Mary Grey Lundie Duncan A. D. Eddy Archibald Edmonstone David B. Edward Samuel Eells Jonathan Elliot Sarah Stickney Ellis Richard Emmons Charles Empson David Erskine Johann Joachim Eschenburg John Wesley Etheridge John Adolphus Etzler Edward Evans Rebekah Evans Alexander H. Everett Edward Everett Horace Everett Thomas Campbell Eyton George Stanley Faber Henry Fairbairn Jonathan Farr John C. Farrar George William Featherstonhaugh Francis Fellowes Thomas Green Fessenden T. H. Fielding Joshua Francis Fisher Nathan Welby Fiske Charles Fitch James David Forbes Peter Force James Forrest Charles Forster James Forten Benjamin Franklin Foster Thomas B. Fox M. W. Foye Convers Francis James Strange French Andrew Fuller James Gallier Allen Francis Gardiner P. Gaskell Abraham Gesner Johann Karl Ludwig Gieseler James William Gilbart George Gilbert William S. Gilly Chandler Robbins Gilman Henry D. Gilpin William Nugent Glascock George Robert Gleig Robert Godlonton Christopher Godmond Benjamin Godwin Jonathan Going Robert Henry Goldsborough Charles A. Goodrich John Gordon Edward S. Gould James Gould E. A. G. Graefenhan A. Grafenhan Augustus Bozzi Granville Beriah Green Jonas Green Benjamin Greenleaf Thomas Greenwood Olinthus Gilbert Gregory Angelina Emily Grimke Alexander V. Griswold John Gummere John Hampden Gurney William Gurney George James Guthrie Joseph Guy Anna Maria Hall Basil Hall Edward B. Hall Frederick Hall James Hall Marshall Hall Samuel Carter Hall Renn Dickson Hampden Stewart William Hanna Massy Harbison Robert Hare Thomas Hare William Harper David Hartley Heinrich Hase Thomas Hastings Joel Hawes Francis L. Hawks John Hayward Rowland G. Hazard Edward Hazen William Hazlitt George Head Luke Hebert A. H. L. Heeren Ernst Wilhelm Hegstenberg Heinrich Heine Ebenezer Henderson Ernst Wilhelm Hengstenberg Charles Frederick Henningsen Matthew Henry John Stevens Henslow Algernon Herbert J. D. Herbert Godfrey Higgins James Hildreth Richard Hildreth Isaac Hill Philip Charles Hirschfeld Samuel Hoar Thomas Hodgkin Barbara Wreaks Hoole Hofland John Edwards Holbrook George Holden Horace Holden James Lloyd Homer Michael Burke Honan Walter Farquhar Hook Mary Ann Hooker Charles Hooton John Hoppus Joseph C. Hornblower William E. Horner H. R. Howard John Saul Howson J. Leonhard Hug Edward Hughes John Hughes#2 J.H. Hull William Winstanley Hull Heman Humphrey Alexander Humphrys-Alexander Freeman Hunt Thomas P. Hunt Frederick Charles Husenbeth Robert Hussey Joseph Holt Ingraham Hyam Isaacs Isaac R. Jackson P. L. Jacob William Jagger A. A. Jakubowski David James Thomas Jarrold John C. Jay Ebenezer Jennings William Johns Alexander B. Johnson George William Johnson Reverdy Johnson Joseph Jones Silas Jones Mary J. Jourdan George Junkin Alfred John Kempe Lucy Kenney Richard King Henry W. Kinsman Samuel L. Knapp Henry Gally Knight Frederick John Knox John Lake Edward William Lane Franklin Langworthy Dionysius Lardner Thomas Lathbury LatrobeCharlesJoseph Charles Webb le Bas Charles le Roy Joshua Leavitt Edwin Lee Luther Lee Isaac Leeser John Lendrum Eliza Leslie Jeremiah L. Lesslie John Levesque Hugh Ley Francis Lieber Robert W. Lincoln John Lindley Harvey Lindsly Ephraim Lockhart Charles Thomas Longley John Claudius Loudon George William Lovell Samuel Lover Benjamin Lundy Karl Luther Edward Bulwer Lytton Robert J. M'Ghee E. C. M'Guire James m'queen John P. MacKintosh MacgillivrayWilliam James Townsend Mackay John Mackay Henry Mackenzie James Mackenzie James Mackintosh S. I. Mahoney Francis Mahony James Maidment Cesar Henri Abraham Malan John Malcolm Thomas Robert Malthus Edwin John Mann Richard Mant Piero Maroncelli Anne Marsh-Caldwell John Clark Marshman James Martineau Benjamin Martyn Monck Mason Susanna Hopkins Mason William Mason Richard Matthews Thomas Maude William Bliss Maxson John Mayne Evan McColl J. H. McCulloh Edward C. McGuire Thomas L. McKenney Louis McLane John McNeill John McVickar Robert Means Grenville Mellen Henry Melvill Charles Meredith Edward Meryon Francisque Michel George I. Miles F. E. Misca Samuel Augustus Mitchell I.E.N. Molesworth Augustus Henry Moreton John J. Mulholland Patrick Murphy Patrick J. Murphy#2 Hugh Murray Artemas Bowers Muzzey Charles James Napier M. Navier William Johnson Neale Christopher Ness William B. Neville Harvey Newcomb William Newcome James R. Newhall John C. Newman John Nicoll Thomas Noble John William Norie Eugenius Nulty William O'Bryan Roderick O'Flanagan Mortimer O'Sullivan Octavius Nash Ogden Charles A. Ogilvie William Samways Oke Charles G. Olmsted Charles Edward Herbert Orpen D'Arcy Godolphin Osborne Thomas John Ouseley Hugh Owen William Oxberry Oca Rib Paa Thomas Page#2 Thomas Tertius Paget John James Park Roswell Park Amos Andrew Parker Joe K. Parrish Theophilus Parsons Johann David Passavant Robert Bateman Paul William B.O. Peabody John Mason Peck James Pedder Benjamin Peirce Silvio Pellico R. Pengilly George Penny John Penrose PercevalAp Melchior Pfintzing William Phelps Richard Phillips Stephen Clarendon Phillips Josiah Pierce Norman Pinney John Pitman Richard Polwhele Alexander Porter George Richardson Porter Woodburne Potter Tyrone Power John Henry Pratt John Tidd Pratt Isaac C. Pray George R. C. Price James Cowles Prichard Marmaduke Prickett Josiah Priest Augustus Pugin George Ramsay William Ramsey Mary Randolph F. Harrison Rankin William Rawle Hollis Read John Reed James Rees Rice Rees David M. Reese David Boswell Reid Frederic Mansel Reynolds Jeremiah N. Reynolds Cladius James Rich Wilson Crocker Rider Anna Cora Ritchie William Ritchie Isaac Roberts Samuel Roberts Thomas Roberts David Robertson John Robertson Heaton Bowstead Robinson Samuel Rogers Alfred Ronalds David Root Thomas Roscoe Ernst Friedrich Karl Rosenmuller Jean Pierre Rossignol William Ruger Israel Daniel Rupp David Russell John Russell John Lord Russell Henry Thomas Ryall Michael Ryan#2 J. Sadler Louis Say Charles Sayle Antonio Scarpa Dick Humelbergius Secundus Adam Sedgwick Prideaux John Selby Samuel Sharpe Edward S. Shaw William Shee Leonard Shelford E. J. Shields Challenger Ship ShuttleworthPn James Sigston Julius Sillig George F. Simmons William Gilmore Simms Barbara Allan Simon Stephen Simpson Catherine Sinclair Hannah Sinclair Charles Sitgreaves Thomas H. Skinner James Slade William Slade William Henry Sleeman Henry Slicer Jonathan Small Edward Smedley Horace Smith James Edward Smith John Bainbridge Smith Richard Penn Smith Roswell Chamberlain Smith Samuel B. Smith Samuel J. Smith William Cusack Smith James H. Smylie William Smyth Antonio Somma Sophocles Robert Southey Jared Sparks Edmund Spencer Peleg Sprague Samuel Spring#2 Mariana Starke Elizabeth Starling Henry Stebbing Wilhelm Steiger Ann S. Stephens S. S. Stocking Edwin Martin Stone Edward Stopford Bellamy Storer Richard S. Storrs Thomas Quinton Stow Charles Stuart John Suckling La Roy Sunderland Suyuti Robert Sweeny William Sweetser Thomas Noon Talfourd William B. Tappan C. B. Taylor Isaac Taylor William Cooke Taylor Terence John Hamilton Thom Frederick Samson Thomas Frederick William Thomas R. Thomas Vaughan Thomas William Hamilton Thomason Thomas Thomson Caleb B. Ticknor Caleb Kingham Ticknow Friedrich Tietz Frisby Tilghman Rufus C. Torrey Silas Totten Salem Town Catherine Parr Strickland Traill Henry St. George Tucker F Tuffnell John Turton Thomas Turton John Tyler Stephen H. Tyng Job R. Tyson Friedrich Wilhelm C. Umbreit Thomas C. Upham D Urquhart Solomon Van Rensselaer Gulian C. Verplanck Wolfram von Eschenbach Alexander von Sternberg Moses Waddel Priscilla Bell Wakefield William Walford Alexander Walker William Clay Wallace William Wallen Robert Walsh Ralph Wardlaw William Wareing Samuel Warren Peter Watt George Watterston Daniel Webster Noah Webster Thomas Webster Mason L. Weems Richard Wellesley Wellesley Thomas I. Wharton Richard Whately Henry Wheaton James Wheeler Hugh White John Meadows White Joseph M. White William White Charles Whitehead John Whitehead John Whithead Joshua Barker Whitridge John Greenleaf Whittier Thomas Willats John Williams John Calthrop Williams Isaac Dowd Williamson Nathaniel Parker Willis Seth Williston James Renwick Willson Benjamin Winkles Ezra S. Winslow Leonard Withington Edward Wix Theodore D. Woolsey John Wright Thomas Wyse William Yarrell William Youatt Johann Georg Zimmermann
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Title Author ListingStampsCovers
  1. An Account of the Most Frequented Watering Places on the Continent (1836)
    And of the Medicinal Application of Their Mineral Springs, with Tables of Ana...
  2. Adam's Latin Grammar (1836)
    With Numerous Additions and Improvements, Designed to Aid the More
  3. Additions to My Prisons, Memoirs of Silvio Pellico (1836)
    With a Biographical Notice of Pellico
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  4. Address Before the Alpha Delta Phi Society of Miami University (1836)
    On the Study of the Classics
  5. Address Delivered Before the Massachusetts Char... (1836)
    At the Celebration of Their Tenth Triennial Festival
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  6. An Address Delivered Before the Pilgrim Society of Plymouth (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  7. Address of Rev. Ebenezer Jennings (1836)
  8. Address on the Subject of a Surveying and Explo... (1836)
    Delivered in the Hall of Representatives on the Evening of April 3, 1836
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  9. An Address (1836)
    Delivered Before the Trustees, Faculty, and Students, of la Fayette College, ...
  10. An Address (1836)
    Delivered Before the Young Ladies' Literary Society of the Wesleyan Academy, ...
  11. An Address, Delivered July 15, 1835 (1836)
    Before the Eucleian and Philomathean Societies of the University of the City ...
  12. The Advantages and the Dangers of the American Scholar (1836)
    A Discourse
  13. Adventures in the Moon (1836)
  14. Adventures of Bilberry Thurland (1836)
  15. The Agricultural and Horticultural Gleaner (1836)
    Containing Important Discoveries and Improvements
  16. [+]
    The Alcestis of Euripides with Notes (2 Reviews)
    The Alcestis of Euripides, by Theodore D. Woolsey and Euripides
    1. The Alcestis of Euripides by Theodore D. Woolsey and Euripides
    2. The Antigone of Sophocles by Theodore Dwight Woolsey and Sophocles
    The North American Review, April 1836, pp. 369-387
  17. Alloeopathy and Homoeopathy (1836)
    or, The Usual Medicine and the Hahnemannian Doctrine Represented to the Non-M...
  18. The Althorp Picture Gallery (1836)
  19. The American Builder's General (1836)
    Price Book and Estimator
  20. The American Gentleman (1836)
  21. The American Nations (1836)
    or, Outlines of Their General History, Ancient and Modern, Including: The Who...
  22. The Anabaptists (1836)
  23. Anacalypsis: An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic Isis (1836)
    or, An Inquiry Into the Origin of Languages, Nations, and Religions
  24. Analectabiblion (1836)
  25. Analekta Hellenika Hessona (1836)
    or, Collectanea Graeca Minora
  26. Anatomical, Pathological and Therapeutic Researches (1836)
    Upon the Disease Known Under the Name of Gastro-Enterite
  27. Ancient and Modern Denbigh (1836)
    A Descriptive History of the Castle, Borough
  28. Anecdotes and Annals of the Deaf and Dumb (1836)
  29. The Angler's Manual (1836)
  30. Annals of the Baptist Churches in New Hampshire (1836)
    A Sermon, Preached Before the New Hampshire
  31. Anniversary Oration (1836)
    Delivered in the Representative Hall, on the 9th of December, 1835
  32. Another Stroll (1836)
    Being the Third, of W.C.S. and His Alter Idem Friend P.P.
  33. [+]
    The Anthracite Coal Trade of Pennsylvania (Review)
    Report of the Committee of the Senate of Pennsylvania, by S.J. Parker
    1. Report of the Committee of the Senate of Pennsylvania by S.J. Parker
    The North American Review, January 1836, pp. 241-264
  34. An Antidote Against Arminianism (1836)
    or, A Treatise to Enervate and Confute All the Five Points Thereof
  35. The Antidote (1836)
  36. The Antigone of Sophocles (1836)
    With Notes for the Use of Colleges in the United States
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  37. Antipathy (1836)
    or, The Confessions of a Cat-Hater
  38. Apician Anecdotes (1836)
    or, Tales of the Table, Kitchen, and Larder
  39. Appeal to the Christian Women of the South (1836)
  40. [+]
    Arago on Comets (Review)
    The Comet, by Francois Arago
    1. The Comet by Francois Arago
    The North American Review, January 1836, pp. 196-216
  41. An Architectural Tour in Normandy (1836)
    With Some Remarks on Norman Architecture
  42. An Argument for the Truth of Christianity (1836)
    In a Series of Discourses
  43. Artisans and Machinery (1836)
  44. The Atonement (1836)
  45. The Bachelors, and Other Tales (1836)
    Founded on American Incidents and Character
  46. The Backwoods of Canada (1836)
    Being Letters from the Wife of an Emigrant Officer, Illustrative of the Domes...
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  47. The Baptized Child (1836)
  48. Bayle's Elementary Treatise on Anatomy (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  49. Beauty (1836)
    Illustrated Chiefly by an Analysis and Classification of Beauty in Women.
  50. The Bible, Its Own Refutation (1836)
  51. The Biblical Geography of Central Asia (1836)
  52. Biographical Sketch of Ann L. Boutelle (1836)
  53. Biographical Sketches of the Fathers of New England (1836)
    Intended to Acquaint Youth with the Lives
  54. [+]
    Biographies of Wayne and Vane (Review)
    The Library of American Biography, by Jared Sparks
    1. The Library of American Biography by Jared Sparks
    The North American Review, January 1836, pp. 116-147
  55. Biography of Rev. Elhanan Winchester (1836)
  56. A Book Addressed to the People of Suffolk County (1836)
    Upon Some Important Points of National Policy
  57. The Book of Daily Family Prayer (1836)
    A Selection of Prayers for Every Morning
  58. A Book of Family Prayer (1836)
  59. The Book of Saint Nicholas (1836)
  60. The Book of Wealth (1836)
  61. Boylston Prize Dissertations for 1836 (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  62. Britannia After the Romans (1836)
  63. The British Empire in 1827 (1836)
  64. [+]
    British Poetry at the Close of the Last Century (Review)
    The Complete Works of Robert Burns, by Allan Cunningham and Robert Burns
    1. The Complete Works of Robert Burns by Allan Cunningham and Robert Burns
    The North American Review, January 1836, pp. 52-74
  65. British Song Birds (1836)
  66. The Broken Font (1836)
  67. The Brothers' Controversy (1836)
  68. Caius Marius, the Plebeian Consul (1836)
    A Tragedy
  69. The Campaign of 1346, Ending with the Battle of Crecy (1836)
    An Historical Drama in Five Acts
  70. The Canadas (1836)
  71. Case of the Protestants of Ireland (1836)
  72. A Catalogue of Recent Shells (1836)
    With Descriptions of New or Rare Species in the Collection of John C. Jay
  73. Cattle (1836)
  74. Charges and Other Tracts (1836)
  75. [+]
    Chief Justice Marshall (Review)
    A Discourse Upon the Life, Character, and Services of the Honorable John Marshall, Chie...
    1. A Discourse Upon the Life, Character, and Services of the Honorable John Marshall, Chief Justice of the United States of America by Joseph Story
    The North American Review, January 1836, pp. 217-240
  76. The Christian Brahmun (1836)
  77. The Christian Communicant (1836)
  78. Christian Memoirs (1836)
    or, The Nature of Conviction of Sin and Regeneration
  79. Christology of the Old Testament (1836)
  80. Civil Architecture (1836)
    or, A Complete Theoretical and Practical System of Building
  81. The Civil War in Portugal (1836)
    And the Siege of Oporto
  82. Civilization (1836)
  83. Clavis Universalis (1836)
    or, A New Enquiry After Truth
  84. The Club-Book (1836)
  85. Cobb's Explantory Arithmetick, Number Two (1836)
    Containing the Compound Rules
  86. A Collection of Decisions in the Courts for Rev... (1836)
  87. A Collection of Hymns (1836)
  88. The Columbian Bard (1836)
    A Selection of American Poetry
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  89. Commentaries on American Law (1836)
  90. Commentaries on the Laws of Virginia (1836)
  91. The Compact (1836)
    With the Charter and Laws of the Colony of New Plymouth
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  92. A Compendium of Rudiments in Theology (1836)
    Containing a Digest of Bishop Butler's Analogy
  93. A Compendium of the English Flora (1836)
  94. A Compendium of the Operations of the Poor Law Amendment Act (1836)
    With Some Practical Observations
  95. A Complete Set of Nautical Tables (1836)
  96. A Concise Treatise on Commercial Book-Keeping (1836)
    Elucidating the Principles and Practice
  97. The Confessions of an Elderly Gentleman (1836)
  98. The Connexion of Number and Magnitude (1836)
    An Attempt to Explain the Fifth Book of Euclid.
  99. The Continent in 1835 (1836)
  100. Correspondence with Foreign Powers (1836)
    Relating to the Slave Trade. 1835
  101. A Course of Lectures on Future Punishment (1836)
    Delivered at the Baptist Meeting-House in Cherryfield
  102. A Course of Lessons (1836)
    Together with the Tunes, to Which They Are Usually Sung in Infant Schools
  103. The Court and Camp of Don Carlos (1836)
    Being the Results of a Late Tour in the Basque Provinces
  104. The Culprit Fay (1836)
  105. The Deaf and Dumb (1836)
  106. A Defence of the Character and Principles of Mr. Jefferson (1836)
    Being an Address Delivered at Weymouth, Mass. at the Request of the Anti-Maso...
  107. The Despatches, Minutes, and Correspondence, of... (1836)
  108. The Desultory Man (1836)
  109. The Devoted (1836)
  110. Diary of a Blase (1836)
  111. A Diary of the Wreck of His Majesty's Ship Challenger (1836)
    On the Western Coast of South America
  112. Didactics (1836)
  113. A Digest of the Criminal Law of England (1836)
    As Altered by the Recent Statutes for the Consolidation
  114. Discourse Delivered Before the Alumni of the Un... (1836)
    At Their First Annual Meeting on the 14th of July 1836
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  115. [+]
    A Discourse on Natural Theology (2 Reviews)
    Natural Theology, by Henry Brougham
    1. Natural Theology by Henry Brougham
    2. Lectures on the Atheistic Controversy by Benjamin Godwin
    The North American Review, April 1836, pp. 467-488
  116. A Discourse on the Studies of the University (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  117. A Discourse (1836)
    Delivered Before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Ninth Day of Apr...
  118. Discourses Comprising a History of the First Co... (1836)
    Delivered June 19, 1836, After the Close of a Century from the Formation of t...
  119. Discourses on the Sabbath (1836)
  120. A Discussion of the Question, Is the Roman Cath... (1836)
    And of the Question, Is the Presbyterian Religion, in Any or in All Its Princ...
  121. Discussion on American Slavery (1836)
  122. Divan (1836)
  123. Divine Inspiration (1836)
    or, The Supernatural Influence Exerted in the
  124. The Doctrine of Modern Universalism (1836)
    Considered in a Series of Essays, Addressed to a Christian
  125. Domestic French Cookery (1836)
  126. Dramas (1836)
  127. The Duchess de la Valliere (1836)
    A Play in Five Acts
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  128. The Early Called (1836)
  129. The Early History of Egypt (1836)
    From the Old Testament, Herodotus, Manetho, and the Hieroglyphical Inscriptions
  130. The Earth (1836)
  131. East and West (1836)
    A Novel
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  132. Easy Lessons in Reading (1836)
    For the Use of the Younger Classes in Common Schools
  133. Easy Phraseology for the Use of Those Persons W... (1836)
  134. Education Reform (1836)
    or, The Necessity of a National System of Education
  135. The Eldership of the Presbyterian Church (1836)
    A Sermon Preached Before the Charleston Union Presbytery, Apr. 4, 1836.
  136. An Elementary Treatise on Sound (1836)
    Being the Second Volume of a Course of Natural Philosophy, Designed for the U...
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  137. Elements of Analytical Geometry (1836)
    Embracing the Equations of the Point, the Straight Line, the Conic Sections, ...
  138. Elements of Geometry, Theoretical and Practical (1836)
    Including Constructions of the Right Line
  139. Elements of International Law (1836)
    With a Sketch of the History of the Science
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  140. Elia (1836)
  141. Elkswatawa (1836)
    or, The Prophet of the West
  142. England (1836)
  143. England in 1835 (1836)
    A Series of Letters Written to Friends in Germany During a Residence in London
  144. Enquiry Into the Expediency and Practicability ... (1836)
    And a Plan for Effectuating That Measure, with the Concurrence of the Fundhol...
  145. An Essay on the Ancient Weights and Money (1836)
    And the Roman and Greek Liquid Measures, with an Appendix on the Roman and Gr...
  146. An Essay on the Laryngismus Stridulus (1836)
    or, Croup-Like Inspiration of Infants
  147. The Essex Memorial, for 1836 (1836)
  148. Etudes Sur la Richesse des Nations (1836)
    Et Refutation des Principals Erreurs en Economie Politique
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  149. Evening Hours (1836)
  150. The Evils of Slavery, and the Cure of Slavery (1836)
    The First Proved by the Opinions of Southerners Themselves, the Last Shown by...
  151. An Explanation of the Gnomonic Projection of the Sphere (1836)
    And of Such Points of Astronomy as Are Most Necessary in the Use of Astronomi...
  152. A Familiar Exposition of Homoeopathia (1836)
    or, The New Mode of Curing Diseases
  153. The Family History of England (1836)
  154. The Fellow Commoner (1836)
  155. The First Book of the History of the Germans (1836)
    Barbaric Period
  156. Flora Hibernica (1836)
    Comprising the Flowering Plants, Ferns, Characeae, Musci
  157. The Florist Cultivator (1836)
    or, Plain Directions for the Management of the Principal Florist Flowers, Shr...
  158. The Fly-Fisher's Entomology (1836)
  159. Forms of Morning and Evening Prayer (1836)
    Composed for the Use of Families
  160. French Claims (1836)
  161. Friendly Letters to the Society of Friends (1836)
    On Some of Their Distinguishing Principles
  162. The Fulness of the Times (1836)
    With an Introductory Dissertation
  163. Galathee (1836)
  164. Gallery of American Portraits (1836)
  165. The Gallery of Pictures by the First Masters of... (1836)
    With Biographical and Critical Dissertations
  166. Gaulantus (1836)
  167. Genealogy (1836)
    ...Family of John Webster.
  168. Geography on the Productive System (1836)
  169. Geometry (1836)
  170. Giafar al Barmeki (1836)
    A Tale of the Court of Haroun al Raschid
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  171. A Glance at the Baptists (1836)
  172. The Glory of America (1836)
  173. God's Charge Unto Israel (1836)
    A Sermon Preached Before His Honor Samuel T. Armstrong, Lieutenant
  174. A Good Life (1836)
    Extracted from the True Plan of a Living Temple
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  175. Granta (1836)
    or, A Page from the Life of a Cantab
  176. The Great Teacher (1836)
  177. The Harmonies of Creation (1836)
    or, The Music of the Morning Stars
  178. The Harmony of Divine Truth (1836)
  179. Harry O'Reardon (1836)
    or, Illustrations of Irish Pride
  180. Historical Collections of South Carolina (1836)
  181. Historical Memoirs of His Own Time (1836)
  182. Historical Treatises: The Political Consequences of the Reformation (1836)
    The Rise, Progress, and Practical Influence of Political Theories. the Rise a...
  183. The History and Antiquities of Somersetshire (1836)
    Being a General and Parochial Survey
  184. The History of Banking in Ireland (1836)
  185. The History of Brazil (1836)
  186. A History of British Fishes (1836)
  187. A History of Coldingham Priory (1836)
  188. [+]
    History of Concord (2 Reviews)
    A History of the Town of Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts from, by Lemuel Shattuck
    1. A History of the Town of Concord, Middlesex County, Massachusetts from by Lemuel Shattuck
    2. A Historical Discourse, Delivered Before the Citizens of Concord, 12th September, 1835 by Ralph Waldo Emerson
    The North American Review, April 1836, pp. 448-466
  189. History of England (1836)
    From the Peace of Utrecht to the Peace of Aix-la-Chaoelle
  190. The History of France (1836)
  191. The History of India (1836)
  192. History of Massachusetts, from the Year 1790 to 1820 (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  193. The History of Party (1836)
  194. [+]
    The History of Rome (Review)
    Lectures on the History of Rome, by G.B. Niebuhr
    1. Lectures on the History of Rome by G.B. Niebuhr
    The North American Review, April 1836, pp. 388-421
  195. A History of Russia (1836)
  196. History of Southern Africa (1836)
    Comprising the Cape of Good Hope, Mauritius
  197. The History of Texas (1836)
  198. History of the American Revolution (1836)
    With a Summary View of the State and Character
  199. A History of the English Episcopacy (1836)
    From the Period of the Long Parliament to the Act of Uniformity ; with Notice...
  200. A History of the Life of Edward the Black Prince (1836)
    And of Various Events Connected Therewith, Which Occurred During the Reign of...
  201. A History of the Rarer British Birds (1836)
  202. History of the Town of Fitchburg, Massachusetts (1836)
    Comprising Also a History of Lunenburg, from Its First Settlement to the Year...
  203. History of the War of the Succession in Spain (1836)
  204. History of the West Indies (1836)
  205. History, Gazetteer, and Directory of Norfolk (1836)
    And the City and County of the City of Norwich
  206. The Holy Bible (1836)
  207. Home (1836)
    or, The Iron Rule
  208. At Home and Abroad (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  209. Hymns for the Use of the Methodist New Connexion (1836)
    Principally from the Collection of John Wesley
  210. Illustrations of the Pilgrim's Progress (1836)
    Accompanied with Extracts from the Work and Descriptions of the Plates. a Bio...
  211. Impressions of America (1836)
  212. Influence of the Ministry at Large in the City of Boston (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  213. Inklings of Adventure (1836)
  214. Instinct and Reason, Philosophically Investigated (1836)
    With a View to Ascertain the Principles
  215. Introduction to the New Testament (1836)
  216. An Introduction to Writing Hebrew (1836)
  217. Introductions to the Dialogues of Plato (1836)
  218. Ion (1836)
    A Tragedy, in Five Acts
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  219. Ixion in Heaven (1836)
    1 Review
  220. Jocelyn (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  221. Journaux (1836)
  222. Journey Through Arabia Petraea (1836)
    To Mount Sinai, and the Excavated City of Petra
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  223. The Jurisdiction and Practice of the Court of Quarter Sessions (1836)
    With Forms of Indictments
  224. Labiatarum Genera et Species (1836)
    or, A Description of the Genera and Species of Plants of the Order
  225. Language (1836)
  226. Lectures of George Thompson (1836)
  227. Lectures on Slavery (1836)
  228. The Legal Profession in England
    The North American Review, April 1836, pp. 513-572
  229. A Letter from Doctor Brigham to David M. Reese, M.D. (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  230. A Letter from Dr. David M. Reese to A. Brigham, M.D. (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  231. Letter of John Tyler (1836)
  232. The Letters of a Conservative (1836)
  233. Letters on the Difficulties of Religion (1836)
  234. Letters to Young Ladies (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  235. The Life of Archbishop Laud (1836)
  236. The Life of Benjamin Franklin (1836)
    Illustrated by Tales, Sketches, and Anecdotes
  237. Life of Cotton Mather (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  238. The Life of Elisha (1836)
  239. The Life of Father Marquette (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  240. The Life of John Calvin (1836)
  241. The Life of Robert, Lord Clive (1836)
    Collected from the Family Papers Communicated by the Earl of Powis.
  242. The Life of William Penn (1836)
  243. Life on the Lakes (1836)
  244. [+]
    The Linwoods (Review)
    The Linwoods, by Catharine Maria Sedgwick
    1. The Linwoods by Catharine Maria Sedgwick
    The North American Review, January 1836, pp. 160-195
  245. A Little Book Open (1836)
  246. A Little Book Open (1836)
  247. London and Londoners (1836)
  248. The Loseley Manuscripts (1836)
  249. The Love of Jesus (1836)
  250. Love of the Spirit (1836)
  251. The Magician (1836)
  252. Make Ventures for Christ's Sake (1836)
    A Sermon.
  253. Mammon (1836)
    or, Covetousness the Sin of the Christian Church
  254. Manchester (1836)
    Its Political, Social and Commercial History, Ancient and Modern
  255. The Manner of Prayer (1836)
  256. Manual of Classical Literature (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  257. A Manual of Entomology (1836)
  258. A Manual of Medical Jurisprudence and State Medicine (1836)
    Compiled from the Latest Legal and Medical Works, of Beck, Paris, Christison,...
  259. The Manual of Peace (1836)
  260. The Marthas (1836)
    or, The Varieties of Female Piety
  261. The Marys (1836)
    or, The Beauty of Female Holiness
  262. Matteo Falcone (1836)
    or, The Brigand and His Son
  263. [+]
    Means of ascertaining the Genuineness and Integrity of Ancient Writings (2 Reviews)
    History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times, Together with the Process...
    1. History of the Transmission of Ancient Books to Modern Times, Together with the Process of Historical Proof by Isaac Taylor
    2. The Process of Historical Proof Exemplified and Explained by Isaac Taylor
    The North American Review, January 1836, pp. 1-51
  264. Mellichampe (1836)
  265. A Memoir of Granville Sharp (1836)
    To Which Is Added Sharp's Law of Passive Obedience, and an Extract from His L...
  266. Memoir of the Rev. Joseph Sanford, A. m (1836)
    Pastor of the Second Presbyterian Church, Philadelphia.
  267. Memoir of the Rev. Samuel Green (1836)
  268. Memoir of William Carey, D.D. (1836)
  269. Memoirs (1836)
  270. Memoirs of Aaron Burr (1836)
    With Miscellaneous Selections from His Correspondence
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  271. Memoirs of Don Manuel de Godoy (1836)
  272. Memoirs of the Late William Cobbett, Esq., M.P. for Oldham (1836)
    Embracing All the Interesting Events of His Memorable Life, Obtained from Pri...
  273. The Memoirs, Private and Political, of Daniel O'Connell, Esq. (1836)
    From the Year 1776 to the Close
  274. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans (1836)
    With Illustrations of Her Literary Character from Her Private Correspondence
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  275. Memorials of Transactions in Scotland, A.D. 1569-1573. (1836)
    (Edited by Robert Pitcairn)
  276. The Merchant's Clerk (1836)
    And Other Tales
  277. Meteorology (1836)
  278. The Miner's Guide (1836)
    Being a Description and Illustration of a Chart of Sections of the Principal
  279. Miriam; or, The Power of Truth (1836)
    A Jewish Tale
  280. Miscellanies (1836)
  281. Mogg Megone (1836)
    A Poem
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  282. [+]
    Moore's Lectures on the Greek Language and Literature (Review)
    Lectures on the Greek Language and Literature, by N.F. Moore
    1. Lectures on the Greek Language and Literature by N.F. Moore
    The North American Review, January 1836, pp. 94-115
  283. [+]
    Moral Philosophy (2 Reviews)
    The Elements of Moral Science, by Francis Wayland
    1. The Elements of Moral Science by Francis Wayland
    2. Christian Ethics by Ralph Wardlaw
    The North American Review, April 1836, pp. 340-368
  284. The Most Striking Events of a Twelvemonth's Cam... (1836)
    In Navarre and the Basque Provinces.
  285. Mother's Hymn Book (1836)
  286. The Mountain Decameron (1836)
  287. The Mountain Minstrel; or, Clsach Nam Beann (1836)
    Consisting of Original Poems and Songs in English and Gaelic
  288. Mr. Midshipman Easy (1836)
    3 Reviews, 3 Readable
  289. The Municipal Corporation Act (5 & 6 Wm. IV C. 76) (1836)
    Compared with and Corrected by the Roll
  290. My Aunt Pontypool (1836)
  291. Narrative of a Journey to the Zoolu Country in South Africa (1836)
    Undertaken in 1835
  292. Narrative of the Oppressive Law Proceedings, an... (1836)
  293. Narrative of the Residence of Fatalla Sayeghir (1836)
    Among the Wandering Arabs of the Great Desert
  294. A Narrative of the Sufferings and Adventures of C.H.B. (1836)
    In a Recent Voyage
  295. A Narrative of the Sufferings of Massy Harbison (1836)
    From Indian Barbarity
  296. A Narrative of Travels in the United States of America (1836)
    With Some Account of American Manners
  297. The National Arithmetic (1836)
  298. A Natural System of Botany (1836)
  299. Natural Theology Considered (1836)
    With Reference to Lord Brougham's Discourse on That Subject
  300. The Naval Service (1836)
    or, Officer's Manual for Every Grade in His Majesty's Ships
  301. Nederduitsche Synonymen (1836)
    Of Woorden, Die Elkanderen Somwijlen Vervangen Kunnen, Doch Somwijlen
  302. The Nervous System of the Human Body (1836)
    As Explained in a Series of Papers Read Before the Royal
  303. New Flora and Botany of North America (1836)
    or, A Supplemental Flora, Additional to All the Botanical Works on North Amer...
  304. A New Guide for Emigrants to the West (1836)
    Containing Sketches of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas,...
  305. The New Poor Law the Poor Man's Friend (1836)
    A Plain Address to the Labouring Classes Among His Parishioners
  306. A New System of Arithmetick (1836)
    In Which the Rules Are Familiarly Demonstrated
  307. A New Version of the Book of Job (1836)
  308. Noble Deeds of Woman (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  309. A Noite Do Castello (1836)
    E os Civmes Do Bardo Poemas Sequidos da Confissao de Amelia
  310. North American Herpetology (1836)
  311. Notices of the War of 1812 (1836)
  312. The Obstetrician's Vademecum (1836)
  313. Odds and Ends, &c (1836)
  314. The Old Indian Chronicle (1836)
  315. The Old World and the New (1836)
    or, A Journal of Reflections and Observations Made on a Tour in Europe
  316. On Deformities of the Chest (1836)
  317. On History and Political Economy (1836)
    As Necessary Branches of Superior Education in Free States.
  318. On Sanity: Its Nature, Causes, and Cure (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  319. On the Free Motion of Points, and on Universal Gravitation (1836)
    Including the Principal Propositions
  320. On the Theory of Painting (1836)
  321. Onward (1836)
  322. An Oration Delivered on the Anniversary of the ... (1836)
    In Commemoration of the Landing of the Pilgrims, Upon the Rock of Plymouth, D...
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  323. An Oration (1836)
    Delivered Before the Addison County Anti-Slavery Society, on the Fourth of Ju...
  324. Orations and Speeches on Various Occasions (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  325. The Origin of the Dutch (1836)
    With a Sketch of Their Language and Literature, and Short Examples
  326. Original Poems (1836)
    Translations of Demetrius, Part of the Bride of Messina, and Three
  327. Ornaments of the Xvth & Xvith Centuries (1836)
  328. The Ornithologist's Text-Book (1836)
    Being Reviews of Ornithological Works: With an Appendix
  329. Our Protestant Forefathers (1836)
  330. The Outcast (1836)
  331. Outlines of Physiology, Both Comparative and Human (1836)
    In Which Are Described the Mechanical, Animal, Vital, and Sensorial Organs an...
  332. The Paradise Within the Reach of All Men, Without Labour (1836)
    By Powers of Nature and Machinery
  333. Parcival (1836)
  334. Paris and the Parisians in 1835 (1836)
    Voyage en France de Mrs. Trollope (Avril-Juin 1835)
  335. Parisina (1836)
  336. The Parricide (1836)
  337. Parrots (1836)
  338. The Passions (1836)
    A Poem, Pronounced at the Odeon, December 28, 1835, on Occasion of the Annive...
  339. The Patriarchal Religion of Britain (1836)
    or, A Complete Manual of Ancient British Druidism
  340. Pelayo; or, The Cavern of Covadonga (1836)
  341. The Penny Sunday Reader (1836)
  342. Pensacola (1836)
  343. The Philosophy of Benevolence (1836)
  344. The Philosophy of Living (1836)
  345. The Philosophy of Living (1836)
  346. Philothea: A Grecian Romance (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  347. The Physiology of Digestion (1836)
  348. The Pickwick Papers (1836)
    The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  349. Pignerol (1836)
  350. The Pirate (1836)
  351. A Poem Recited Before the Citizens of Edgartown, July 4, 1836 (1836)
    Being the Sixtieth Anniversary
  352. Poems (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  353. Poems (1836)
  354. Poems for Children (1836)
  355. The Poems of William B. Tappan (1836)
  356. Poetical Effusions (1836)
  357. Poetical Fragments (1836)
  358. Poetical Works (1836)
  359. The Poetical Works of Elizabeth Margaret Chandler (1836)
  360. Popery (1836)
  361. Popular and Liberal Education (1836)
  362. Popular Mathematics (1836)
    Being the First Elements of Arithmetic, Algebra
  363. Popular Poetry of the Teutonic Nations
    The North American Review, April 1836, pp. 265-339
  364. The Portfolio; or, A Collection of State Papers (1836)
    Illustrative of the History of Our Times
  365. The Portland Sketch Book (1836)
  366. Portraits of Eminent Conservatives and Statesmen (1836)
    With Genealogical and Historical Memoirs
  367. Posthumous Memoirs of His Own Time (1836)
  368. Practical Phrenology (1836)
  369. Practical Thoughts (1836)
  370. A Practical Treatise of the Law of Mortmain, an... (1836)
    With an Appendix
  371. A Practical Treatise on Locomotive Engines Upon... (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  372. A Practical View of Homoeopathy (1836)
  373. The Primitive Doctrine of Election (1836)
  374. Principles and Practice of Surgery (1836)
    Founded on the Most Extensive Hospital and Private Practice
  375. The Principles of Education (1836)
    As Applied in the Mobile Institute
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  376. Principles of Pathology (1836)
  377. The Priors of Prague (1836)
  378. The Private Journal of Aaron Burr (1836)
    During His Residence of Four Years in Europe, with Selections from His Corres...
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  379. A Probationary Essay on Inflammation (1836)
  380. [+]
    Professor Hitchcock's Report on the Geology etc. of Massachusetts (Review)
    Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, and Zoology of Massachusetts, by Edward Hitc...
    1. Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany, and Zoology of Massachusetts by Edward Hitchcock
    The North American Review, April 1836, pp. 422-447
  381. Progress of Popular Science (1836)
  382. The Progress of the Nation (1836)
  383. Progressive Exercises on the Composition of Gre... (1836)
  384. The Prophet of St. Paul's (1836)
  385. The Proscribed German Student (1836)
  386. The Protestant Faith (1836)
  387. Psalmodia (1836)
  388. The Puritan (1836)
  389. Ramaseeana (1836)
  390. The Rambler in Mexico (1836)
  391. Random Recollections of the House of Commons, f... (1836)
    Including Personal Sketches of the Leading Members of All Parties
  392. Recreations of a Merchant (1836)
    or, The Christian Sketch-Book
  393. The Reformer (1836)
  394. The Religious Opinions and Character of Washington (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  395. The Reliquary (1836)
  396. The Reliques of Father Prout (1836)
    Late P.P. of Watergrasshill, in the County of Cork, Ireland
  397. Reminiscences of a Literary Life (1836)
  398. Reminiscences, in Prose and Verse (1836)
  399. Report Made to the Beet Sugar Society of Philadelphia (1836)
    On the Culture, in France, of the Beet Root
  400. Report of a Geological Reconnoissance Made in 1835 (1836)
  401. Researches Antediluvian, Patriarchal and Historical (1836)
    Concerning the Way in Which Men First Acquired Their Knowledge of God and Rel...
  402. A Review of a Letter (1836)
  403. [+]
    Richard Lovell Edgeworth (Review)
    Practical Education, by Maria Edgeworth and Richard Lovell Edgeworth
    1. Practical Education by Maria Edgeworth and Richard Lovell Edgeworth
    The North American Review, January 1836, pp. 148-159
  404. The Roman Schism Illustrated (1836)
  405. The Romance of History (1836)
  406. The Romance of Nature (1836)
  407. Rory O'More (1836)
    A National Romance
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  408. The Royal Society in the Xixth Century (1836)
    Being a Statistical Summary of Its Labours
  409. Rudiments of Chemistry (1836)
  410. Sacred Classics (1836)
    or, Cabinet Library of Divinity
  411. Sacred Records (1836)
    Of the History of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ
  412. The School Boy: A Poem (1836)
  413. The Scope of Piety (1836)
    or, The Christian Doing All Things to the Glory of God
  414. Scriptural Anthology; or, Biblical Illustrations (1836)
    Designed as a Christmas and Birth Day Present
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  415. A Scriptural Vindication of Church Establishments (1836)
    With a Reivew of the Principal Objections of
  416. The Select Poetical Works of Lord Byron (1836)
    Containing the Corsair, Lara, the Giaour
  417. Sermons (1836)
  418. A Sketch of the Reformation (1836)
  419. Sketches Abroad and Rhapsodies at Home (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  420. Sketches of Germany and the Germans (1836)
    With a Glance at Poland, Hungary, and Switzerland, in 1834
  421. Skimmings (1836)
  422. The Slave (1836)
    or, Memoirs of Archy Moore
  423. Slavery and the Domestic Slave-Trade in the United States (1836)
    In a Series of Letters Addressed to the Executive Committee of the American U...
  424. Slavery in the United States (1836)
  425. [+]
    The Social Condition of Women (3 Reviews)
    Memoirs of Celebrated Women of All Countries, by Madame Junot
    1. Memoirs of Celebrated Women of All Countries by Madame Junot
    2. Noble Deeds of Woman by Elizabeth Starling
    3. Brief History of the Condition of Women by Lydia Maria Francis Child
    The North American Review, April 1836, pp. 489-512
  426. Solitude (1836)
  427. The Song of the Bell: And Other Poems (1836)
  428. Speech of Lord Viscount Morpeth (1836)
    On the Irish Tithe Bill, in the House of Commons, on Thursday, June 2, 1836
  429. Speech of Mr. C. Allan, of Kentucky (1836)
    Upon the Propriety of Reducing the Expenses and Correcting the Abuses of the ...
  430. Speech of Mr. Hill (1836)
  431. Speech of Mr. Phillips, of Massachusetts (1836)
  432. Speech of Mr. Pickens, of South Carolina, in th... (1836)
    On the Abolition Question
  433. Speech of Mr. Slade (1836)
  434. Speech of the Hon. Francis W. Pickens, of South Carolina (1836)
    Delivered in the House of Representatives, on the 23d of May, 1836, the House...
  435. Speech of the Hon. John Q. Adams, of Massachuse... (1836)
    Delivered Jan. 22, 1836.
  436. Speech of the Hon. John Quincy Adams (1836)
    In Relation to the Navy Pension Fund. Delivered in the House of Representativ...
  437. Speech of William Clay, Esq., M.P. (1836)
    On Moving for the Appointment of a Committee to Inquire Into the Operation of...
  438. Speech on the Joint Resolution for Distributing... (1836)
    Delivered in the House of Representatives, Wednesday, May 25, 1836.
  439. The Spiritual Venality of Rome (1836)
    Preceded by a Historical and Critical Account of the Taxae Cancellariae Apost...
  440. St. Pierre's Studies of Nature (1836)
  441. Stories of the Revolution (1836)
  442. Stories of the Sea (1836)
  443. The Stranger's Gift (1836)
  444. Strictures on the Past History of the Jews (1836)
  445. Structure of the Eye (1836)
  446. [+]
    Survey of the Coast (2 Reviews)
    Papers on Various Subjects Connected with the Survey of the Coast of the United States,...
    1. Papers on Various Subjects Connected with the Survey of the Coast of the United States by F.R. Hassler
    2. Principal Documents Relating to the Survey of the Coast of the United States, Since 1816 by F.R. Hassler
    The North American Review, January 1836, pp. 75-93
  447. Switzerland (1836)
  448. A System of Popular Geometry (1836)
    Containing in a Few Lessons So Much of the Elements of Euclid
  449. A System of School Geography (1836)
    Chiefly Derived from Malte-Brun
  450. Tales of the Woods and Fields (1836)
  451. Tecumseh (1836)
  452. Terrible Tractoration, and Other Poems (1836)
  453. The Testimony of God Against Slavery (1836)
  454. Text-Book of Ecclesiastical History (1836)
  455. The Theory and Practice of Joint-Stock Banking (1836)
    Showing the Advantages
  456. Theuerdank (1836)
  457. The Third Book of History (1836)
  458. Thoughts on Evangelizing the World (1836)
  459. Thoughts on Physical Education (1836)
    And the True Mode of Improving the Condition of Man
  460. The Tin Trumpet (1836)
  461. Tour of a German Artist in England (1836)
    With Notices of Private Galleries, and Remarks on the State
  462. Traditions of Perth (1836)
    Containing Sketches of the Manners and Customs
  463. The Traveller's Guide Through the State of New York, Canada, etc. (1836)
    Embracing a General Discription
  464. Travels in Europe (1836)
    And in the Island of Sicily to Which Is Added an Account of the
  465. A Treatise on Consumption (1836)
    Embracing an Inquiry Into the Influence Exerted
  466. A Treatise on Insanity, and Other Disorders Affecting the Mind (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  467. A Treatise on Language (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  468. A Treatise on Surveying (1836)
    To Which Is Prefixed a Perspicuous System of Plane Trigonometry
  469. A Treatise on the Law of Dower (1836)
  470. Trip to the West and Texas (1836)
  471. Truth and Error Contrasted (1836)
  472. The Universal Traveller (1836)
  473. Universalism Examined and Refuted (1836)
    And the Doctrine of the Endless Punishment of Such as Do Not
  474. The Vindication (1836)
    Containing a History of the Trial of the Rev. Albert Barnes
  475. Violet (1836)
    or, The Danseuse
  476. The Virginia Housewife (1836)
  477. A Vision of Death's Destruction (1836)
  478. Wanderings by the Abbey (1836)
    or, Poems and Lyrics
  479. The War in Florida (1836)
  480. The War in Texas (1836)
  481. The Way to Do Good (1836)
    or, The Christian Character Mature: The Sequel to the Young Christian and Cor...
  482. The White Man's Grave (1836)
  483. Without Faith, Without God (1836)
    or, An Appeal to God Concerning His Own Existence
  484. Works (1836)
  485. Works (1836)
  486. Works (1836)
  487. Works (1836)
  488. The Works of Benjamin Franklin (1836)
    Containing Several Political and Historical Tracts Not Included in Any Former...
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  489. The Works of Rev. Jesse Appleton, D.D., Late Pr... (1836)
    Embracing His Course of Theological Lectures, His Academic Addresses, and a ....
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  490. The Works of William Cowper (1836)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  491. The World (1836)
  492. Yaradee (1836)
  493. The Young Botanist (1836)
    Being a Treatise on the Science, Prepared for the Use of Persons Just Commenc...
  494. The Young Cadet (1836)
    or, Henry Delamere's Voyage to India, His Travels in Hindostan; with the Wonders
  495. The Young Disciple (1836)
    or, A Memoir of Anzonetta R. Peters
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  496. The Young Lady's Friend (1836)
  497. The Young Man's Friend (1836)
  498. No Items Found