The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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Book Authors of 1813 Filter?
Thomas Belsham Egerton Brydges Thomas Cogan Thomas Condie John Lingard John Melish David Raymond Noah Webster John Wesley William White Friedrich Christian Accum Caleb Alexander William Alexander Washington Allston Andrew Anderson John Aubrey Jane Austen Francis Bacon John Bancks Caroline Barnard William Barton Edward Barwick Samuel Bayard Andrew Bell John G. Bellamy J. Bellingham David Benedict Joseph Berington Edward Berwick John Bigland William Biglow John Blackall Hugh Blair John Brickdale Blakeway Giovanni Boccaccio John Bonnycastle Jean Nicolas Bouilly Alexander Bower George Bramwell John Britton Benjamin Brook Archibald Bruce George Bruce Daniel Bryan Claudius Buchanan Charles Buck Charles Bucke William Bullock Charles Butler Samuel Butler George Gordon Byron Maria Callcott Theophilus Camden John Campbell John Wilson Campbell Mary Elizabeth Capp John Carey Nicholas Carlisle James Caulfield Petr Andreevich Chuikevich Thomas Clarkson Henry Clay John Cleaveland James Cleland William Cobbett John Codman Thomas Coglan John Collinson Layton Cooke James Cooley Samuel Cooper Jonathan Crowther Richard Cumberland Allan Cunningham Catherine Cuthbertson Robert Charles Dallas Daniel Dana Selina Davenport Benjamin Davies Pedro Calderon de la Barca Jean Andre de Luc J.B.A.M. de Seze Robert Deverell Thomas John Dibdin Rodolphus Dickinson William Dimond Frederick Sylvester North Douglas Ezra Stiles Ely Nathanael Emmons James Emott George Bethune English Desiderius Erasmus Robert W. Ervin John Prior Estlin John Chetwode Eustace Alexis Eustaphieve John Ferriar John Flavel John Fleming#2 Samuel Foote Joseph Forsyth John Foster Thomas Foster Charles Fothergill Eliza S. Francis John W. Francis James Fraser William Frend Andrew Fyfe John Galt John Gamble Peter Gandolphy Edmund Gibson Thomas Girdlestone Richard Glover Isaac Gompertz James Gordon Gracchus Robert Grant Henry Grattan William Greenfield William Wyndham Grenville Grenville Edward Dorr Griffin John Grundy Frederick Haggitt James Hakewill James Hall Robert Hall Alexander Hamilton Elizabeth Hamilton John Sidney Hawkins Thomas Herbert Thomas Heywood Mary Hill Prince Hoare Thomas Hodgskin James Hogg William Jackson Hooker Samuel Horsley David Hosack William Huntington W. Huskisson Catherine Hutton William Hutton Robert Francis Jameson W Jenks Alexander B. Johnson Charles Johnson Cave Jones William Jones Isabella Kelly John Philip Kemble Samuel Kendal Edward Kimpton John Kingston John Macdonald Kinneir James Maitland Lauderdale David Laurie James Lawrence Thomas le Mesurier Charles Lee John Leslie Edward Livingston Charles Lloyd Charles Lockington Judith Lomax James Lookhart John Claudius Loudon John Lowell Alexander Luders John M'Arthur MacfarlanePatrick MacgillStevenson MacleodAlexander John Magee James Peller Malcolm Isaac Maltby Thomas Robert Malthus Edward Mangin Joshua Marshman Moses Mather John Mawe Robert Mayo George Wilson Meadley Henry Dundas Melville Samuel H. Miller Isaac Milner George Montagu Thomas Moore James Morrison Johann Lorenz Mosheim Elizabeth Cowan Neeld John Newton James Northcote Andrews Norton Jacob Norton John Owen Elijah Parish David William Paynter Richard Pearson Spencer Perceval John Philippart Karoline von Greiner Pichler Ebenezer Picken Edward Trapp Pilgrim Giovanni Pietro Pinamonti John Saunders Pipe William Playfair John Poole Hugh Porter Robert Ker Porter Charles Prentiss James Cowles Prichard Alexander Proudfit Thomas Raffles Walter Raleigh Louis-Francois Ramond Howard R. Raper Thomas Reid Richard Renshaw John Reresby Joseph Richardson Legh Richmond John Roby Regina Maria Roche Thomas J. Rogers Samuel Romilly Michael Russell William Sampson Daniel Clarke Sanders Francis Williams Sanders Eugene Scribe Henry Selwyn Frances Chamberlaine Sheridan Asa Shinn Charles Simeon John Sinclair John Prince Smith Michael Smith Samuel Harrison Smith Samuel Stanhope Smith David William Smyth William Somerville Robert Southey Jacob Stanley Thomas Stanley Arthur J. Stansbury Thomas Starkie William Staughton Eliphalet Steele Alexander H. Stephens John Hathaway Stevens Dugald Stewart Silas Stow John Struthers Thomas Sutton John Taylor Edmond Temple Elihu Thayer Robert Thomas Andrew Thomson John Truair Henry Tuke Ulzi Nicholas Vansittart Gregor von Feinaigle G. H. von Langsdorff George Waddington Gilbert Wakefield William Sidney Walker John Warren Elijah Waterman Robert J. Watt Isaac Watts Avery Williams James Jones Wilmer James Wood Alexander Fraser Tytler Woodhouselee Henry Somerset Worcester Joseph E. Worcester Samuel Wright Johann David Wyss Christopher C. Yates
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All Authors of 1813 Filter?
Thomas Belsham Egerton Brydges Thomas Cogan Thomas Condie John Lingard John Melish David Raymond Noah Webster John Wesley William White Friedrich Christian Accum Caleb Alexander William Alexander Washington Allston Andrew Anderson John Aubrey Jane Austen Francis Bacon John Bancks Caroline Barnard William Barton Edward Barwick Samuel Bayard Andrew Bell John G. Bellamy J. Bellingham David Benedict Joseph Berington Edward Berwick John Bigland William Biglow John Blackall Hugh Blair John Brickdale Blakeway Giovanni Boccaccio John Bonnycastle Jean Nicolas Bouilly Alexander Bower George Bramwell John Britton Benjamin Brook Archibald Bruce George Bruce Daniel Bryan Claudius Buchanan Charles Buck Charles Bucke William Bullock Charles Butler Samuel Butler George Gordon Byron Maria Callcott Theophilus Camden John Campbell John Wilson Campbell Mary Elizabeth Capp John Carey Nicholas Carlisle James Caulfield Petr Andreevich Chuikevich Thomas Clarkson Henry Clay John Cleaveland James Cleland William Cobbett John Codman Thomas Coglan John Collinson Layton Cooke James Cooley Samuel Cooper Jonathan Crowther Richard Cumberland Allan Cunningham Catherine Cuthbertson Robert Charles Dallas Daniel Dana Selina Davenport Benjamin Davies Pedro Calderon de la Barca Jean Andre de Luc J.B.A.M. de Seze Robert Deverell Thomas John Dibdin Rodolphus Dickinson William Dimond Frederick Sylvester North Douglas Ezra Stiles Ely Nathanael Emmons James Emott George Bethune English Desiderius Erasmus Robert W. Ervin John Prior Estlin John Chetwode Eustace Alexis Eustaphieve John Ferriar John Flavel John Fleming#2 Samuel Foote Joseph Forsyth John Foster Thomas Foster Charles Fothergill Eliza S. Francis John W. Francis James Fraser William Frend Andrew Fyfe John Galt John Gamble Peter Gandolphy Edmund Gibson Thomas Girdlestone Richard Glover Isaac Gompertz James Gordon Gracchus Robert Grant Henry Grattan William Greenfield William Wyndham Grenville Grenville Edward Dorr Griffin John Grundy Frederick Haggitt James Hakewill James Hall Robert Hall Alexander Hamilton Elizabeth Hamilton John Sidney Hawkins Thomas Herbert Thomas Heywood Mary Hill Prince Hoare Thomas Hodgskin James Hogg William Jackson Hooker Samuel Horsley David Hosack William Huntington W. Huskisson Catherine Hutton William Hutton Robert Francis Jameson W Jenks Alexander B. Johnson Charles Johnson Cave Jones William Jones Isabella Kelly John Philip Kemble Samuel Kendal Edward Kimpton John Kingston John Macdonald Kinneir James Maitland Lauderdale David Laurie James Lawrence Thomas le Mesurier Charles Lee John Leslie Edward Livingston Charles Lloyd Charles Lockington Judith Lomax James Lookhart John Claudius Loudon John Lowell Alexander Luders John M'Arthur MacfarlanePatrick MacgillStevenson MacleodAlexander John Magee James Peller Malcolm Isaac Maltby Thomas Robert Malthus Edward Mangin Joshua Marshman Moses Mather John Mawe Robert Mayo George Wilson Meadley Henry Dundas Melville Samuel H. Miller Isaac Milner George Montagu Thomas Moore James Morrison Johann Lorenz Mosheim Elizabeth Cowan Neeld John Newton James Northcote Andrews Norton Jacob Norton John Owen Elijah Parish David William Paynter Richard Pearson Spencer Perceval John Philippart Karoline von Greiner Pichler Ebenezer Picken Edward Trapp Pilgrim Giovanni Pietro Pinamonti John Saunders Pipe William Playfair John Poole Hugh Porter Robert Ker Porter Charles Prentiss James Cowles Prichard Alexander Proudfit Thomas Raffles Walter Raleigh Louis-Francois Ramond Howard R. Raper Thomas Reid Richard Renshaw John Reresby Joseph Richardson Legh Richmond John Roby Regina Maria Roche Thomas J. Rogers Samuel Romilly Michael Russell William Sampson Daniel Clarke Sanders Francis Williams Sanders Eugene Scribe Henry Selwyn Frances Chamberlaine Sheridan Asa Shinn Charles Simeon John Sinclair John Prince Smith Michael Smith Samuel Harrison Smith Samuel Stanhope Smith David William Smyth William Somerville Robert Southey Jacob Stanley Thomas Stanley Arthur J. Stansbury Thomas Starkie William Staughton Eliphalet Steele Alexander H. Stephens John Hathaway Stevens Dugald Stewart Silas Stow John Struthers Thomas Sutton John Taylor Edmond Temple Elihu Thayer Robert Thomas Andrew Thomson John Truair Henry Tuke Ulzi Nicholas Vansittart Gregor von Feinaigle G. H. von Langsdorff George Waddington Gilbert Wakefield William Sidney Walker John Warren Elijah Waterman Robert J. Watt Isaac Watts Avery Williams James Jones Wilmer James Wood Alexander Fraser Tytler Woodhouselee Henry Somerset Worcester Joseph E. Worcester Samuel Wright Johann David Wyss Christopher C. Yates
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Title Author ListingStampsCovers
  1. An Address (1813)
    Delivered Before the Washington Benevolent Societies of Princeton and Cranbury
  2. Adelaide (1813)
  3. The Aethiop (1813)
  4. The African Princess, and Other Poems (1813)
  5. The Alarm Trumpet (1813)
  6. An American Selection (1813)
  7. Anselmo; or, The Day of Trial (1813)
    A Romance
  8. The Battle of Bosworth Field (1813)
  9. Bibliotheca Stanleiana (1813)
    A Splendid Selection of Rare and Fine Books from the Distinguished
  10. A Brief Description of the Plague (1813)
    With Observations on Its Prevention and Cure
  11. Brief Lives (1813)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  12. The Case of Alien Enemies (1813)
    Considered and Decided Upon a Writ of Habeas Corpus, Allowed on the Petition ...
  13. The Catholic Doctrine of a Trinity (1813)
    Proved by Above an Hundred Short and Clear Arguments Expressed in the Terms o...
  14. The Catholic Question in America (1813)
  15. A Choice Collection of Gaelic Poems (1813)
  16. The Christian Patriot Encouraged (1813)
  17. A Collection of Sermons (1813)
  18. Colonial Ecclesiastical Establishment (1813)
    Being a Brief View of the State of the Colonies of Great Britain
  19. Columbus (1813)
  20. A Companion to the London Museum and Pantherion (1813)
    Containing a Brief Description of Upwards
  21. Correspondence of Gilbert Wakefield with Charle... (1813)
    On Subjects of Classical Literature
  22. Decamerone (1813)
  23. Discourses on Universal Restitution (1813)
    Delivered to the Society of Protestant Dissenters
  24. The Duty of Union in a Just War (1813)
  25. Elementary and Dental Radiography (1813)
  26. The Elements of Bookkeeping (1813)
  27. Elements of Crystallography (1813)
    After the Method of Hauy; with, or Without Series of Geometrical
  28. Elements of General History, Ancient and Modern (1813)
  29. Elements of Geography, Ancient and Modern (1813)
    With an Atlas
    3 Reviews, 3 Readable
  30. The Elements of the Science of Money (1813)
  31. Elements of Useful Knowledge: Volume II (1813)
    Containing a Historical and Geographical Account
  32. The Empire of the Nairs (1813)
    or, The Rights of Women
  33. The English and French Interpreter (1813)
  34. Epochs of the Arts (1813)
  35. An Essay on Certain Points of Resemblance Betwe... (1813)
  36. An Essay on Naval Discipline (1813)
  37. An Essay on the Bilious Epidemic Fever (1813)
    Prevailing in the State of New York
  38. An Essay on Uses and Trusts (1813)
  39. Evangelical Christianity Considered (1813)
    And Shewn to Be Synonimous with Unitarianism, in a Course
  40. Evening Amusements (1813)
    or, The Beauty of the Heavens Displayed
  41. The Excellency of the Liturgy (1813)
  42. Facles of the Ancients, in Philosophy, Morality, and Civil Policy (1813)
    Illustrated and Explained.
  43. The Faith of Catholics (1813)
  44. A Father's Advice to His Daughter (1813)
    or, Instructive Narratives from Real Life
  45. The Genuine Book (1813)
  46. The Giaour (1813)
  47. Gleanings of the Vintage (1813)
  48. God Pleading with America (1813)
  49. The Grounds of Christianity Examined (1813)
  50. Gustavus Vasa, and Other Poems (1813)
  51. Hints on the Formation of Gardens and Pleasure Grounds (1813)
    With Designs, in Various Styles of Rural
  52. An Historical and Architectural Essay Relating ... (1813)
    Illustrated with Plans, Views, and Architectural Details: Including an Accoun...
  53. The History of All Religions (1813)
  54. The History of England (1813)
  55. The History of Nourjahad (1813)
  56. The History of the Irish Rebellion (1813)
    In the Year 1798, etc., Containing an Impartial Narrative of
  57. The Hole in the Wall (1813)
  58. Hymns for Family Worship (1813)
  59. The Importance of the Church (1813)
    A Discourse, in Two Parts, Delivered in Paris, (N.Y.) April 8, 1813
  60. Improvizos (1813)
  61. An Inquiry Into the Nature of Value and of Capital (1813)
    And Into the Operation of Government Loans
  62. Instructions for Conducting a School (1813)
    Through the Agency of the Scholars Themselves
  63. Jane de Dunstanville (1813)
    or, Characters as They Are
  64. Journal of a Residence in India (1813)
  65. Koulikan (1813)
    Ou, Les Tartares; Melodrame en Trois Actes, en Prose et a Grand Spectacle
  66. The Latin Tutor (1813)
    or, An Introduction to the Making of Latin: Containing a Copious Exemplification
  67. Lectures on the Catechism of the Protestant Episcopal Church (1813)
    With Supplementary Lectures
  68. Leonore (1813)
  69. Letters from the Levant (1813)
  70. Letters from the Right Hon. Henry Dundas to the... (1813)
    Upon an Open Trade to India.
  71. Life of Horatio Lord Nelson (1813)
    3 Reviews, 2 Readable
  72. The Life of Luther (1813)
  73. The Life of Merlin (1813)
    Surnamed Ambrosius; His Prophecies and Predictions Interpreted, and Their Tru...
  74. The Life of Peter the Great (1813)
    Formerly Emperor of Russia
  75. The Life of Pill Garlick (1813)
  76. The Lives of the Puritans (1813)
  77. Memoirs of Algernon Sydney (1813)
  78. Memoirs of John Horne Tooke (1813)
    Interspersed with Original Documents.
  79. Memoirs of Sir Joshua Reynolds (1813)
  80. Memoirs of the Private and Public Life of William Penn (1813)
    Who Settled the State of Pennsylvania, and Founded the City of Philadelphia.
  81. Memoirs of the Rev. John Newton (1813)
    Some Time a Slave in Africa, Afterwards Curate of Olney, Bucks and Rector of ...
  82. Memoirs of the Rev. John Rodgers, D.D. (1813)
    Late Pastor of the Wall-Street and Brick Churches in the City of New-York.
  83. A Metrical History of England (1813)
    or, Recollections, in Rhyme, of Some of the Most Prominent Features in Our Na...
  84. Miscellaneous Poems, Songs, etc. (1813)
    Partly in the Scottish Dialect, with a Glossary
  85. Miscellaneous Works and Novels (1813)
  86. The Miser Married (1813)
  87. The Modern Antique (1813)
    or, The Muse in the Costume of Queen Anne
  88. The Modern Practice of Physic (1813)
  89. The Monastery of St. Columb (1813)
    or, The Atonement
  90. The Mountain Muse (1813)
  91. A Narrative of the Proceedings of the Society Called Quakers (1813)
    Within the Quarterly Meeting for London and Middlesex
  92. Naval History of Great Britain (1813)
    Including the History and Lives of the British Admirals.
  93. A New and Complete System of Arithmetic (1813)
    Intended for the Use of Schools and Academies
  94. A New and Complete Universal History of the Holy Bible (1813)
    From the Creation of the World, to the Full Establishement of Christianity
  95. The New Art of Memory (1813)
  96. The New Jersey Preacher (1813)
  97. The New Latin Primer (1813)
  98. A New System of Modern Geography (1813)
    or, A General Description of the Most Remarkable Countries
  99. The New Testament (1813)
  100. Northern Campaigns (1813)
    From the Commencement of the War in 1812, to the Armistice Signed and Ratifie...
  101. An Oration Delivered at Granville, Massachusett... (1813)
    At the Request of the Young Gentlemen of That Town
  102. An Oration Delivered on the 22d of February, 1813 (1813)
    At Washington Hall in the City of New-York, Before the Hamilton Society
  103. An Oration (1813)
    Delivered on the 22nd of February, 1813, at Washington Hall, in the City of N...
  104. Outlines of a Plan of Finance (1813)
  105. The Parent's Offering (1813)
    or, Tales for Children
  106. The Philosophy of Nature (1813)
    or, The Influence of Scenery on the Mind and Heart
  107. Phronema to Pneumato (1813)
    or, The Grace and Duty of Being Spiritually Minded
  108. A Plea for the Catholic Claims (1813)
  109. Poems (1813)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  110. Poems (1813)
  111. Poetical Attempts (1813)
  112. Poetical Trifles (1813)
  113. The Poor Man's Sabbath (1813)
  114. Porcupine Revived (1813)
    or, An Old Thing Made New
  115. Portraits, Memoirs, and Characters, of Remarkable Persons (1813)
    From the Reign of Edward the Third
  116. Powers of Britain (1813)
  117. Practical Godliness (1813)
  118. Pride and Prejudice (1813)
    5 Reviews, 3 Readable
  119. The Queen's Wake (1813)
    A Legendary Poem
  120. Reflections on the War of 1812 (1813)
  121. The Resources of the Canadas (1813)
  122. The Rival Roses (1813)
    or, Wars of York and Lancaster
  123. The Ruminator (1813)
  124. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper Explained (1813)
    or, The Things to Be Known and Done
  125. Sacred Geography (1813)
    or, A Gazetteer of the Bible
  126. Schauspiele (1813)
  127. Scriptural Conversion (1813)
    or, Observations on the Nature and Importance of Genuine Piety
  128. Seasonable and Candid Thoughts on Human Creeds (1813)
    or, Articles of Faith as Religious Tests
  129. A Series of Lectures (1813)
  130. A Series of Popular Essays (1813)
  131. Serious Enquiries (1813)
    or, Important Questions Relative to This World and That Which Is to Come
  132. A Sermon on the Epiphany (1813)
  133. A Sermon (1813)
    Delivered at Weston, January 12, 1813, on the Termination of a Century Since ...
  134. Shakspeare's Tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra (1813)
    With Alterations, and with Additions from Dryden
  135. Songs (1813)
    Chiefly in the Rural Language of Scotland.
  136. Speech of the Hon. Mr. Stow (1813)
    (A Federalist, Who Opposed and Voted Against the War) in the House of Represe...
  137. The Speeches in Parliament of Samuel Horsley (1813)
    Late Lord Bishop of St. Asaph.
  138. The Students of Salamanca (1813)
  139. Substance of the Speech of Lord Grenville on th... (1813)
  140. Supplement to the Ornithological Dictionary (1813)
    or, Synopsis of British Birds
  141. The Swiss Family Robinson (1813)
    or, Adventures in a Desert Island
    4 Reviews, 4 Readable
  142. The Sylphs of the Seasons (1813)
  143. The Sylvan Wanderer (1813)
    Consisting of a Series of Moral, Sentimental, and Critical Essays
  144. Taste (1813)
  145. A Tour Through Italy (1813)
    Exhibiting a View of Its Scenery, Its Antiquities
  146. Travels in the Pyrenees (1813)
  147. A Treatise on Algebra, in Practice and Theory (1813)
    With Notes and Illustrations
  148. A Treatise on Diamonds and Precious Stones (1813)
    Including Their History--Natural and Commercial
  149. A Treatise on Keeping the Heart (1813)
    Selected from the Works of the Rev. John Flavel. the Style Adapted to the Pre...
  150. A Treatise on That Being Born Again (1813)
    Without Which No Man Can Be Saved
  151. Treatise on the History, Nature, and Treatment of Chincough (1813)
    Including a Variety of Cases
  152. A Treatise on the Law of Slander and Libel (1813)
    And Incidentally of Malicious Prosecutions
  153. A Treatise on the Passions and Affections of th... (1813)
    In a Series of Disquisitions, in Which Are Traced, the Moral History of Man, ...
  154. True Wisdom (1813)
    or, Considerations for Every Day of the Week
  155. Utopia Found (1813)
    An Apology for Irish Absentees, by an Absentee, Residing in Bath
  156. Visits of Mercy (1813)
    Being the Journal (Second Journal) of the Stated Preacher to the Hospital
  157. The Works of Thomas Reid (1813)
  158. Writing (1813)
  159. No Items Found