The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
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Title Author ListingStampsCovers
  1. The Art of Graveing and Etching (1702)
    Wherein Is Exprest the True Way of Graveing in Copper
  2. A Body of Divinity (1702)
    or, The Sum and Substance of Christian Religion
  3. The Compleat History of Sweden (1702)
  4. Entretiens (1702)
  5. Essays (1702)
  6. Letters of sr Francis Bacon (1702)
  7. Magnalia Christi Americana (1702)
    Ecclesiastical History of New England, from 1620 to 1628
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  8. Memoirs of Henry Guthry (1702)
  9. The Mouse Grown a Rat (1702)
  10. Sacramental Discourses on Several Texts (1702)
    Before and After the Lord's Supper
  11. The Theory of Sciences Illustrated (1702)
    or, The Grounds and Principles of the Seven Liberal Arts
  12. No Items Found