The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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Book Authors of 1814 Filter?
Peter Barlow John Britton Samuel R. Brown Claudius Buchanan Friedrich Baron de la Motte Fouque Edward Gibbon William Hull Jedidiah Morse John Philippart Jane West James Abercrombie John Abernethy John Adolphus Aeschines Arthur Aikin William Townsend Aiton Archibald Alexander William Alexander Vittorio Alfieri David Anderson Arrian Nathaniel Atcheson Jane Austen Pierre Simon Ballanche Edward Bancroft Thomas Christopher Banks Joao Baptista Henry Aston Barker James Barker Stephen Barlow William Barre Josiah Bartlett Nicholas Baylies Frederick Beasley Johann Beckmann John Bell Joseph Berington Jacob Bigelow Henry R. Bishop Thomas Bisse Robert Bland Andrew Thomas Blayney Blayney Andrew Boorde Laurent Bordelon Jean Nicolas Bouilly H. M. Brackenridge Hugh Henry Brackenridge Thomas Branagan Joseph Brevard John Brice Bewick Bridge Thomas Brooks Robert Brown Philip Browne Archibald Bruce Mary Brunton Egerton Brydges Robertson Buchanan Joseph T. Buckingham Joseph S. Buckminster Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon Fanny Burney Charles Butler George Gordon Byron Daniel Cabanel George Canning F. Carey Mathew Carey Richard Carmichael George Chalmers Edward Christian Richard Clark Thomas Clark James Edward Clarke John Edward Clarke Patrick Colquhoun Conciliator Thaddeus Connellan Increase Cooke Joshua Cooke Tench Coxe John Craig James Creighton John Croes Joseph Crooll Jacob Abbot Cummings John William Cunningham Catherine Cuthbertson John D'Alton #2 John Graham Dalyell Richard Henry Dana George Daniel William Darton Selina Davenport William Davis William Dawson Pierre Simon de Laplace L. M. P. de Laverne Germaine de Stael Charles W. Dilke William Dobson Peggy Dow Thomas Drummond William Duane William Dunlap John Dunlop Richard Duppa Pierre Dutertre Jacob Dyckman George Bell Dyer Maria Edgeworth Charles Eliot#2 Francis Perceval Eliot Benjamin Elliott Charles Abraham Elton John Chetwode Eustace John Evans Edward Everett Aleksiei Grigorevich Evstafiev George Stanley Faber Firdawsi John W. Francis Donald Fraser William Gaston Robert Gibson R. P. Gillies Willison Glass Benjamin Gleason William Godwin Oliver Goldsmith Anne Grant GrantAnneMacvicar James Grant Charles Gray Jacob Green Robert Greene Robert Hall Robert Hamilton William Richard Hamilton Edward Hankin Robert Goodloe Harper William Harris Gabriel Harvey Henry Hawkins Laetitia Matilda Hawkins Robert Y. Hayne William Higgins Brigadier General W. Hill Richard Colt Hoare John Henry Hobart Abiel Holmes John Holmes Greenwich Hosp Joseph Hume Leigh Hunt Joseph Hunter W. H. Ireland Ansel W. Ives James+I+king+of+england John Jamieson James Janeway William Jardine Daniel Jaudon Thomas Burgeland Johnson Andrew James Cochrane Johnstone Jacob Kerr John Kingston Aaron Kinne Abner Kneeland John Lambert D. J. Larrey John Lathrop James Maitland Lauderdale Thomas Leland V.P. Lenoir Alethea Lewis Meriwether Lewis Robert Lindsay Nurse Lovechild John Lowell James M'Chord John Macculloch Charles Mais James Peller Malcolm John Malcolm Thomas Robert Malthus Edward Mangin Robert Mansel Edward Garrard Marsh William McEwen Joseph McKean Samuel McKee Alexander McLeod John Melish Edward Miller Henry Hart Milman Mary Mister John Mitford Jean Antoine Marie Monperlier Jonathan Morgan Henry Moses Hugh Murray John Murray Lindley Murray Thomas Moore Musgrave Edward Nares Robert Naunton Horatio Nelson John Newton William Nicholson Walter Nicol Michael Nolan Henry Handley Norris Gustavus Reinhold Nylander Job Orton William Paley Elijah Parish James Allan Park Samuel Parkes Francis Parkman C. Velleius Paterculus James K. Paulding Thomas Peall James Pearce Samuel Pegge Thomas Pennant Jose Maria Dantas Pereira John Perrin C. Philippart Timothy Pitkin John Poole Anna Maria Porter Paraclete Potter Ethelinda Margaretta Thorpe Potts Peter Pratt John Henry Prince Frederick Pursh George Augustus Quentin Matthew Rag Walter Raleigh Charles Reade Render W. John Hamilton Reynolds Henrietta Rhodes William Richardson Thomas Ridgley John Roby Regina Maria Roche Hester Ann Rogers Henry Ryder Oxford Sausage J. F. Schermerhorn Honoria Scott Thomas Scott Walter Scott William Scott Martha Ann Sellon Robert Semple Martin Archer Shee Daniel Sheffey William Shepherd Zebulon Rudd Shipherd Frederic Shoberl Diodorus Siculus William Simmons George John Singer William Sketchley Edward Smedley Elizabeth Smith Ethan Smith Frederick Smith William Smith William Sotheby James Sowerby Jasper Sprange Baroness Stael-Holstein John Stanford Daniel Staniford James Fitzjames Stephen Charles Stewart James Stewart Walter Stirling James Sargant Storer Thomas Strickland Joseph Sutcliffe Pavel Petrovich Svinin Joseph Taylor Edward Thurlow Thurlow Christoph August Tiedge John Toland Robert Torrens Joshua Toulmin Abraham John Valpy Benjamin Vaughan Samuel Vince Adelbert von Chamisso Friedrich Melchior Freiherr von Grimm Priscilla Bell Wakefield William Walton Henry Wansey Artemas Ward Charlotte Wardle Daniel Webster William R. Weeks Charles Callis Western Western Thomas Westlake Henry Wheaton Samuel Whelpley Samuel Whiting Samuel Whitman Orlando W. Wight H. Williams James Wilson Leonard Woods N. Hill Wright Samuel Young
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All Authors of 1814 Filter?
Peter Barlow John Britton Samuel R. Brown Claudius Buchanan Friedrich Baron de la Motte Fouque Edward Gibbon William Hull Jedidiah Morse John Philippart Jane West James Abercrombie John Abernethy John Adolphus Aeschines Arthur Aikin William Townsend Aiton Archibald Alexander William Alexander Vittorio Alfieri David Anderson Arrian Nathaniel Atcheson Jane Austen Pierre Simon Ballanche Edward Bancroft Thomas Christopher Banks Joao Baptista Henry Aston Barker James Barker Stephen Barlow William Barre Josiah Bartlett Nicholas Baylies Frederick Beasley Johann Beckmann John Bell Joseph Berington Jacob Bigelow Henry R. Bishop Thomas Bisse Robert Bland Andrew Thomas Blayney Blayney Andrew Boorde Laurent Bordelon Jean Nicolas Bouilly H. M. Brackenridge Hugh Henry Brackenridge Thomas Branagan Joseph Brevard John Brice Bewick Bridge Thomas Brooks Robert Brown Philip Browne Archibald Bruce Mary Brunton Egerton Brydges Robertson Buchanan Joseph T. Buckingham Joseph S. Buckminster Georges Louis Leclerc Buffon Fanny Burney Charles Butler George Gordon Byron Daniel Cabanel George Canning F. Carey Mathew Carey Richard Carmichael George Chalmers Edward Christian Richard Clark Thomas Clark James Edward Clarke John Edward Clarke Patrick Colquhoun Conciliator Thaddeus Connellan Increase Cooke Joshua Cooke Tench Coxe John Craig James Creighton John Croes Joseph Crooll Jacob Abbot Cummings John William Cunningham Catherine Cuthbertson John D'Alton #2 John Graham Dalyell Richard Henry Dana George Daniel William Darton Selina Davenport William Davis William Dawson Pierre Simon de Laplace L. M. P. de Laverne Germaine de Stael Charles W. Dilke William Dobson Peggy Dow Thomas Drummond William Duane William Dunlap John Dunlop Richard Duppa Pierre Dutertre Jacob Dyckman George Bell Dyer Maria Edgeworth Charles Eliot#2 Francis Perceval Eliot Benjamin Elliott Charles Abraham Elton John Chetwode Eustace John Evans Edward Everett Aleksiei Grigorevich Evstafiev George Stanley Faber Firdawsi John W. Francis Donald Fraser William Gaston Robert Gibson R. P. Gillies Willison Glass Benjamin Gleason William Godwin Oliver Goldsmith Anne Grant GrantAnneMacvicar James Grant Charles Gray Jacob Green Robert Greene Robert Hall Robert Hamilton William Richard Hamilton Edward Hankin Robert Goodloe Harper William Harris Gabriel Harvey Henry Hawkins Laetitia Matilda Hawkins Robert Y. Hayne William Higgins Brigadier General W. Hill Richard Colt Hoare John Henry Hobart Abiel Holmes John Holmes Greenwich Hosp Joseph Hume Leigh Hunt Joseph Hunter W. H. Ireland Ansel W. Ives James+I+king+of+england John Jamieson James Janeway William Jardine Daniel Jaudon Thomas Burgeland Johnson Andrew James Cochrane Johnstone Jacob Kerr John Kingston Aaron Kinne Abner Kneeland John Lambert D. J. Larrey John Lathrop James Maitland Lauderdale Thomas Leland V.P. Lenoir Alethea Lewis Meriwether Lewis Robert Lindsay Nurse Lovechild John Lowell James M'Chord John Macculloch Charles Mais James Peller Malcolm John Malcolm Thomas Robert Malthus Edward Mangin Robert Mansel Edward Garrard Marsh William McEwen Joseph McKean Samuel McKee Alexander McLeod John Melish Edward Miller Henry Hart Milman Mary Mister John Mitford Jean Antoine Marie Monperlier Jonathan Morgan Henry Moses Hugh Murray John Murray Lindley Murray Thomas Moore Musgrave Edward Nares Robert Naunton Horatio Nelson John Newton William Nicholson Walter Nicol Michael Nolan Henry Handley Norris Gustavus Reinhold Nylander Job Orton William Paley Elijah Parish James Allan Park Samuel Parkes Francis Parkman C. Velleius Paterculus James K. Paulding Thomas Peall James Pearce Samuel Pegge Thomas Pennant Jose Maria Dantas Pereira John Perrin C. Philippart Timothy Pitkin John Poole Anna Maria Porter Paraclete Potter Ethelinda Margaretta Thorpe Potts Peter Pratt John Henry Prince Frederick Pursh George Augustus Quentin Matthew Rag Walter Raleigh Charles Reade Render W. John Hamilton Reynolds Henrietta Rhodes William Richardson Thomas Ridgley John Roby Regina Maria Roche Hester Ann Rogers Henry Ryder Oxford Sausage J. F. Schermerhorn Honoria Scott Thomas Scott Walter Scott William Scott Martha Ann Sellon Robert Semple Martin Archer Shee Daniel Sheffey William Shepherd Zebulon Rudd Shipherd Frederic Shoberl Diodorus Siculus William Simmons George John Singer William Sketchley Edward Smedley Elizabeth Smith Ethan Smith Frederick Smith William Smith William Sotheby James Sowerby Jasper Sprange Baroness Stael-Holstein John Stanford Daniel Staniford James Fitzjames Stephen Charles Stewart James Stewart Walter Stirling James Sargant Storer Thomas Strickland Joseph Sutcliffe Pavel Petrovich Svinin Joseph Taylor Edward Thurlow Thurlow Christoph August Tiedge John Toland Robert Torrens Joshua Toulmin Abraham John Valpy Benjamin Vaughan Samuel Vince Adelbert von Chamisso Friedrich Melchior Freiherr von Grimm Priscilla Bell Wakefield William Walton Henry Wansey Artemas Ward Charlotte Wardle Daniel Webster William R. Weeks Charles Callis Western Western Thomas Westlake Henry Wheaton Samuel Whelpley Samuel Whiting Samuel Whitman Orlando W. Wight H. Williams James Wilson Leonard Woods N. Hill Wright Samuel Young
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Title Author ListingStampsCovers
  1. An Abridgment of the History of Rome (1814)
  2. Aegyptiaca (1814)
  3. Against Ctesiphon (1814)
  4. Alicia de Lacy (1814)
    An Historical Romance
  5. Almanza (1814)
  6. American Chronology (1814)
    From the Discovery of the Western World, Till May 3, 1814
  7. The American Definition Spelling Book (1814)
    In Which the Words Are Not Only Rationally Divided
  8. American Medical and Philosophical Register (1814)
    or, Annals of Medicine, Natural History
  9. The American Mineralogical Journal (1814)
    Being a Collection of Facts and Observations
  10. The American Orator (1814)
  11. Antigone (1814)
  12. Apparitions (1814)
  13. An Appeal to the Public (1814)
    On the Controversy Respecting the Revolution in Harvard College
  14. Apples of Gold for Young Men and Women (1814)
    or, The Happiness of Being Good Betimes
  15. The Art of Reading (1814)
    Containing a Number of Useful Rules
  16. Aslanga's Knight (1814)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  17. The Beauty of Holiness in the Common Prayer (1814)
    As Set Forth in Four Sermons Preached at the Rolls
  18. The Body of Christ (1814)
  19. A Body of Divinity (1814)
  20. The Calumnious Aspersions Contained in the Repo... (1814)
  21. Campaign in Germany and France (1814)
    From the Expiration of the Armistice, Signed and Ratified June 4, 1813, to th...
  22. Canada (1814)
    or, A View of the Importance of the British American Colonies
  23. Cardiphonia (1814)
  24. The Castle of Strathmay (1814)
  25. The Celestial Comforter (1814)
  26. Chalcographimania (1814)
    or, The Portrait-Collector and Printseller's Chronicle
  27. The Chemical Catechism (1814)
  28. Chirurgie (1814)
  29. Clerk and Magistrate's Assistant (1814)
  30. The Cocker (1814)
    Containing Every Information to the Breeders and Amateurs of That Noble Bird
  31. A Collection of Antique Vases, Altars, Paterae,... (1814)
    From Various Museums and Collections
  32. The Commemoration of Reynolds (1814)
    In Two Parts, with Notes, and Other Poems
  33. A Compend of History (1814)
  34. A Compendious and Complete System of Modern Geography (1814)
    or, A View of the Present State of the World
  35. The Connecticut Town-Officer (1814)
    In Three Parts
  36. Corasmin; or, The Minister (1814)
  37. The Court of Queen Elizabeth (1814)
  38. The Cronicles of Scotland (1814)
  39. Defence of Brigadier General Hull (1814)
  40. A Defence of Christianity (1814)
  41. Dermid; or, Erin in the Days of Boru (1814)
    A Poem
  42. Discipline (1814)
    A Novel
  43. A Discourse (1814)
    Delivered at Bayfield, on the Public Fast, April 7, 1814
  44. Dissertation on the Dragon (1814)
    Beast, and False-Prophet, of the Apocalypse and Also a Full
  45. The Drama Recorded (1814)
  46. Eighteen Hundred and Thirteen (1814)
  47. Elements of Chemistry (1814)
  48. Elements of English Grammar (1814)
    With a Postscript, Analysis, and an Appendix
  49. English Irish Dictionary (1814)
  50. An Essay on the Venereal Diseases (1814)
    Which Have Been Confounded with Syphilis, and the Symptoms Which Exclusively ...
  51. The Essayes of a Prentise (1814)
  52. An Experimental Inquiry Into the Proximate Caus... (1814)
    With the Means of Resuscitation
  53. Explanation of the View of Paris, from Montmartre (1814)
    Now Exhibiting at Barker's Panorama
  54. The Feast of the Poets (1814)
  55. Flora Americae Septentrionalis (1814)
    or, A Systematic Arrangement and Description of the Plants
  56. Florula Bostoniensis (1814)
    A Collection of Plants of Boston and Its Environs, with Their Generic
  57. The Gardener's Kalendar (1814)
  58. General Remarks, Geographical and Systematical (1814)
    On the Botany of Terra Australis
  59. Germany (1814)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  60. Germany (1814)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  61. Gov. Strong's Calumniator Reproved (1814)
    In a Review of a Democratic Pamphlet Entitled, Remarks on the Governor's Speech
  62. Grammar and Vocabulary of the Bullom Language (1814)
  63. A Grammar of the Burman Language (1814)
    To Which Is Added a List of the Simple
  64. Hamlet Travestie (1814)
    In Three Acts, with Burlesque Annotations After the Manner of Dr. Johnson
  65. A Hand Book for Infantry (1814)
  66. Hermes Scythicus (1814)
    or, The Radical Affinities of the Greek and Latin Languages to the Gothic
  67. Historical & Literary Memoirs and Anecdotes (1814)
  68. The Historical Library of Diodorus the Sicilian in Fifteen Books (1814)
    Containing the Antiquities of Egypt, Asia, Africa, Greece, the Islands and Eu...
  69. The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Hereford (1814)
    Illustrated by a Series of Engravings of Views, Elevations, and Plans of That...
  70. History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Churches of Great Britain (1814)
    Illustrated with a Series of Highly-Finished Engravings, Exhibiting General a...
  71. History of England (1814)
  72. History of Fiction (1814)
    Being a Critical Account of the Most Celebrated Prose Works of Fiction
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  73. A History of Inventions and Discoveries (1814)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  74. The History of Ireland (1814)
    From the Earliest Period to the Present Time
  75. History of New-York (1814)
  76. The History of Norwich (1814)
  77. The Holy Bible (1814)
  78. The Hypocrite (1814)
  79. Individuality (1814)
    or, The Causes of Reciprocal Misapprehension
  80. Instructive Narratives from Real Life (1814)
    or, A Father's Advice to His Daughter
  81. An Introduction to Christianity (1814)
    Designed to Preserve Young People from Irreligion and Vice
  82. Kunopaedia (1814)
  83. Law Miscellanies (1814)
    Containing an Introduction to the Study of the Law
  84. The Lay of the Scottish Fiddle (1814)
  85. Lessons in Elocution (1814)
    or, A Selection of Pieces in Prose and Verse: For the Improvement of Youth
  86. A Letter from Paris, to George Petre,esq (1814)
  87. A Letter on the Corn Laws (1814)
  88. Letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of Live... (1814)
    On the Licentiousness of the Press, as Destructive of the Monarchy and the Pu...
  89. The Life of Field Marshal Souvarof (1814)
  90. Literary History of the Middle Ages (1814)
    Comprehending an Account of the State of Learning
  91. London: Being a Complete Guide to the British Capital (1814)
    Containing a Full and Accurate Account of Its Buildings, Commerce, Curiositie...
  92. The Management of the Tongue (1814)
    Under the Following Very Important and Useful Heads
  93. Mansfield Park (1814)
    2 Reviews, 1 Readable
  94. A Manual of Mineralogy (1814)
  95. The Mechanics of Laplace (1814)
  96. Memoirs and Campaigns of Charles John (1814)
    Prince Royal of Sweden
  97. Memoirs of Military Surgery (1814)
  98. Memorable Predictions, of the Late Events in Europe (1814)
  99. Military Documents (1814)
    Consisting of a Description of the Seat of War in the Northern Section of the...
  100. Miscellaneous Works (1814)
  101. The Miscellaneous Works of Edward Gibbon, Esq (1814)
    With Memoirs of His Life and Writings
  102. A Missionary Sermon (1814)
    Preached in the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, on the Twenty-Thir...
  103. The Modern Dunciad (1814)
  104. Monody (1814)
    On the Death of Brigadier General Zebulon Montgomery Pike
  105. Moonlight (1814)
  106. Moonshine (1814)
  107. Mungo (1814)
    or, The Little Traveller
  108. Muscovy (1814)
  109. Narrative of a Forced Journey Through Spain and France (1814)
  110. The New Eldorado (1814)
    or, The Triumps of Elba
  111. New Essay on Fiorin Grass (1814)
    Including the History of Its Discovery, and an Account
  112. A New Mathematical and Philosophical Dictionary (1814)
    Comprising an Explantion of the Terms and Principles of Pure and Mixed Mathem...
  113. New Mathematical Tables (1814)
    Containing the Factors, Squares, Cubes, Square Roots, Cube Roots, Reciprocals...
  114. A New Pocket Companion for Oxford (1814)
    or, Guide Through the University
  115. Observations, Chiefly Practical (1814)
    On Some of the More Common Diseases of the Horse
  116. Old English Plays (1814)
  117. An Olio of Bibliographical and Literary Anecdot... (1814)
    Including Mr. Cole's Unpublished Notes on the Revd. Jas. Bentham's History an...
  118. Opinions of Eminent Lawyers on Various Points of English Jurisprudence (1814)
    Chiefly Concerning the Colonies, Fisheries, and Commerce of Great Britain, Co...
  119. An Oration Delivered Before the Different Repub... (1814)
    On the Anniversary of American Independence
  120. An Oration (1814)
    Delivered Before the Washington Benevolent Society at Cambridge, July 4, 1814
  121. An Oration (1814)
    Delivered Before the Washington Benevolent Society at Poultney, on the 4th of...
  122. The Origin, Progress, and Present Practice of the Bankrupt Law (1814)
    Both in England and in Ireland
  123. The Oxford Sausage (1814)
    or, Select Poetical Pieces
  124. Pamphleteer (1814)
  125. The Pantheon (1814)
    or, Ancient History of the Gods of Greece and Rome
  126. Papers (1814)
  127. The Parnassian Garland (1814)
    or, Beauties of Modern Poetry
  128. Patronage (1814)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  129. Persia: A Poem (1814)
  130. Peter Schlemihl (1814)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  131. Plays (1814)
  132. A Plea for Friendship and Patriotism: In Two Discourses (1814)
    Preached at First Church, in Boston
  133. Poems and Imitations (1814)
  134. Poems and Miscellaneous Essays (1814)
  135. Poems and Songs (1814)
  136. The Poems of Sir Walter Raleigh (1814)
  137. The Poetical Moralist (1814)
  138. The Poetical Works (1814)
  139. Proverbs, Chiefly Taken from the Adagia of Erasmus (1814)
    With Explanations, and Further Illustrated by Corresponding Examples from the...
  140. The Recluse of Norway (1814)
  141. Remarks on the Life and Writings of William Shakspeare (1814)
    With a List of Essays and Dissertations on His Dramatic Writings, &c ...
  142. Remembrancer (1814)
    Geography, on a New and Improved Plan, Topographically Demonstrated, with Maps
  143. Reports of Cases (1814)
    Argued and Determined in the Court of Vice-Admiralty at Halifax
  144. Restituta (1814)
  145. The Restoration of Israel (1814)
  146. Rosanne (1814)
  147. Safie (1814)
    An Eastern Tale
  148. Santo Sebastiano (1814)
    or, The Young Protector
  149. Scenes of Gloamin' (1814)
  150. Select Essays, Doctrinal & Practical (1814)
    On a Variety of the Most Important and Interesting
  151. A Series of Letters on the Political and Financ... (1814)
    At the Commencement of the Year 1814
  152. Sermonets (1814)
  153. Sermons by the Late Rev.J.S. Buckminster with a... (1814)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  154. Sermons on Various Subjects (1814)
    (Now First Collected)
  155. The Shooter's Guide (1814)
  156. A Short System of Polite Learning (1814)
    Being an Epitome of the Arts and Sciences
  157. A Simpleton; White Lies (1814)
  158. Soohrab (1814)
    A Poem, Freely Tr. from the Original Persian of Firdousee, Being a Portion of...
  159. Specimens of the Classic Poets (1814)
    In a Chronological Series from Homer to Tryphiodorus
  160. Speech of Hon. William Gaston of North Carolina (1814)
    On the Bill to Authorise a Loan of Twenty-Five Millions of Dollars
  161. Speech of Mr. Young (1814)
  162. St. Aelian's (1814)
    or, The Cursing Well
  163. Studies of Chess (1814)
  164. Substance of the Speech of Charles C. Western, ... (1814)
    On the Subject of the Corn Laws
  165. The Substance of the Speech of Mr. Joseph Hume (1814)
    At the East-India House, on the 6th of October, 1813
  166. Substance of the Speeches (1814)
  167. The Surprising Case of Rachel Baker (1814)
    Who Prays and Preaches in Her Sleep
  168. The System of Natural History (1814)
    Written by the Celebrated Buffon, Carefully Abridged; with Additional Extract...
  169. Tales, Fables, &c (1814)
  170. Tales, in Verse, and Miscellaneous Poems (1814)
    Descriptive of Rural Life and Manners
  171. Things by Their Right Names (1814)
    By a Person Without a Name
  172. Tommy Thumb's Song-Book (1814)
    For All Little Masters and Misses : To Be Sung to Them by Their Nurses Till T...
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  173. A Tour Through the Island of Elba (1814)
  174. Tragedies (1814)
  175. The Traveller in Africa (1814)
    Containing Some Account of the Antiquities, Natural
  176. A Treatise on Mechanics (1814)
    Intended as an Introduction to the Study of Natural Philosophy
  177. The Trial of Colonel Quentin, of the Tenth (1814)
  178. The Tunbridge Wells Guide (1814)
    or, an Account of the Ancient and Present State
  179. Two Sermons on Family Prayer (1814)
  180. Undine (1814)
    or, The Water Spirit
    4 Reviews, 4 Readable
  181. Urania (1814)
  182. The Velvet Cushion (1814)
  183. Vicissitudes Exemplified (1814)
    or, The Journey of Life
  184. The Victim of Intolerance (1814)
    or, The Hermit of Killarney
  185. A View of the Pleasures Arising from a Love of Books (1814)
    In Letters to a Lady
  186. Views of Louisiana (1814)
    Together with a Journal of a Voyage Up the Missouri River, in 1811
  187. Views of the Campaigns of the North-Western Army, &c (1814)
    Comprising Sketches of the Campaigns of Generals Hull and Harrison, a Minute ...
  188. Views on Lake Erie (1814)
    Comprising a Minute and Interesting Account of the Conflict on Lake Erie, Mil...
  189. The Wanderer (1814)
    or, Female Difficulties.
  190. Waverley (1814)
    Or 'Tis Sixty Years Since
    2 Reviews, 2 Readable
  191. Why Are We Still at War? (1814)
  192. No Items Found