The Unz Review: An Alternative Media Selection
A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media
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Title Author ListingStampsCovers
  1. An Account of the Society for the Encouragement of the British Troops (1760)
    In Germany and North America
  2. Amsterdam (1760)
  3. Cases in Law and Equity (1760)
    Argued, Debated and Adjudged in the King's Bench and Chancery
  4. Chrysal; or, The Adventures of a Guinea (1760)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  5. City Latin (1760)
    or, Critical and Political Remarks on the Latin Inscription
  6. The Complete Sportsman (1760)
  7. Dialogues of the Dead (1760)
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  8. A Dissertation on Antient Tragedy (1760)
  9. The Dramatic Works of Samuel Foote (1760)
    To Which Is Prefixed a Life of the Author.
  10. Edwin and Emma (1760)
  11. Elements of Geometry (1760)
    With Their Application to the Mensuration
  12. Elements of Plane Trigonometry (1760)
    In Which Is Introduced, a Dissertation on the Nature and Use of Logarithms
  13. Encaustic (1760)
    or, Count Caylus's Method of Painting in the Manner of the Ancients
  14. Fragments of Ancient Poetry (1760)
  15. Giphantia (1760)
  16. Heaven: A Vision (1760)
  17. An Historical and Political Discourse of the La... (1760)
    From the First Times to the End of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth
  18. The History of Tom Fool (1760)
  19. Julie, or the New Heloise (1760)
    Letters of Two Lovers Who Live in a Small Town at the Foot of the Alps
    1 Review, 1 Readable
  20. A Letter Addressed to Two Great Men (1760)
    On the Prospect of Peace
  21. Memoirs of the Revolution in Bengal (1760)
    Anno. Dom. 1757
  22. Miscellaneous Works of John Dryden (1760)
    Containing All His Original Poems, Tales, and Translations, Now First Collect...
  23. The Miscellaneous Works of John Dryden, Esq (1760)
    Containing All His Original Poems, Tales, and Translations ...
  24. Montanus Redivivus (1760)
    or, Montanism Revived in the Principles and Discipline of the Methodists
  25. A New Estimate of Manners and Principles (1760)
    Being a Comparison Between Ancient and Modern Times, in the Three Great Artic...
  26. Novelle (1760)
  27. Novus Epigrammatum Delectus (1760)
    or, Original State Epigrams and Minor Odes, Suited to the Times
  28. Opera (1760)
  29. Poems Written Chiefly at the University of Cambridge (1760)
    Together with a Latin Oration Upon the History and Genius of the Roman and Ca...
  30. Proceedings of the Corporation of C----Y (1760)
    Shewing the Abuse of Corporation Government
  31. The Psalm-Singer's Jewel (1760)
    or, Useful Companion to the Singing-Psalms
  32. The Querist (1760)
    Containing Several Queries, Proposed to the Consideration of the Public
  33. The Real Story of John Carteret Pilkington (1760)
  34. Reasons Why the Approaching Treaty of Peace Sho... (1760)
    As a Method Most Expedient and Constitutional. in a Letter Addressed to a Gre...
  35. Remarks on the Letter Address'd to Two Great Men (1760)
    In a Letter to the Author of That Piece.
  36. A Sketch of Moral Philosophy (1760)
    or, An Essay to Demonstrate the Principles of Virtue and Religion Upon a New,...
  37. The Soldier's Monitor (1760)
    Being Serious Advice to Soldiers, to Behave Themselves with a Just Regard
  38. A Voyage to South America (1760)
  39. The Voyages and Cruises of Commodore Walker (1760)
    During the Late Spanish and French Wars
  40. The Works of the Celebrated Mrs. Centlivre (1760)
    With a New Account of Her Life.
  41. The World Displayed (1760)
    or, A Curious Collection of Voyages and Travels
  42. No Items Found