
UNESCO’s governance is structured around two governing bodies that guide its mission and work.

The General Conference is the organization's highest decision-making body. It brings together representatives from all 194 member states every two years to set the policies and major programs for UNESCO. Each country has one vote, and decisions are made on a variety of important issues, including the budget, strategic goals, and international collaboration in education, science, culture, and communication.

During these sessions, member states also elect members of the Executive Board, approve new programs, and adopt conventions or recommendations. The General Conference serves as a platform for dialogue and consensus-building, ensuring that UNESCO's work reflects global priorities and is representative of its diverse membership.


The Executive Board is one of the key governing bodies of UNESCO, responsible for ensuring that the decisions made by the General Conference are implemented effectively. It consists of 58 member states, elected by the General Conference for a four-year term. The board meets twice a year and plays a crucial role in shaping the organization’s strategic direction, reviewing the execution of programs, and proposing new initiatives.

The Executive Board functions as a bridge between the General Conference and UNESCO’s Secretariat. It reviews the budget, programs, and major projects, ensuring that they align with UNESCO’s mission in areas like education, science, culture, and communication. The board also advises the Director-General and prepares the agenda for the General Conference sessions.


The Secretariat, led by the Director-General and other key related institutions and groups, is responsible for managing the organization and representing it globally. As the chief executive, the Director-General ensures the effective implementation of decisions made by the General Conference and the Executive Board. They oversee the Secretariat’s staff, who carry out UNESCO’s international programs in key areas like education, science, culture, and communication.

Functioning as the administrative backbone of UNESCO, the Secretariat manages day-to-day operations, coordinates meetings, and supervises the execution of global projects. It transforms policy decisions into actionable programs, facilitates communication among member states, and ensures the efficient functioning of UNESCO’s field offices worldwide. Through these efforts, the Secretariat helps UNESCO advance its mission of fostering peace, education, and sustainable development globally.


The Headquarters (HQ) Committee is a specialized body that oversees the management and use of UNESCO's headquarters in Paris. Its primary role is to provide recommendations on the maintenance, renovation, and security of the headquarters buildings. The committee works closely with UNESCO's Director-General to ensure that the organization's physical infrastructure supports its operations efficiently and safely.

The HQ Committee addresses various issues related to the headquarters, such as space utilization, environmental sustainability, and the preservation of the buildings, which are historically significant. Additionally, the committee ensures that the facilities meet the needs of UNESCO’s staff and international visitors, enabling the organization to carry out its mission in an effective and secure environment​.
