L9 - Logical Architecture and UML Package Diagrams

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Software Architecture

A set of significant decisions about:

Logical Architecture and UML

Package Diagrams

Logical Architecture and UML

Package Diagrams
High level, large scale Architecture Model.
At this level, the design of a typical OO system is
based on several architectural layers, such as a
UI layer, an application logic (or "domain") layer,
and so forth.

Organization of a software system

Selection of structural elements
Interfaces between elements
Behavioral collaboration between elements
Composition of elements into subsystems
Architectural style of organization

Logical Architecture And Layers

Logical architecture is the large-scale organization of the
software classes into packages (or namespaces),
subsystems, and layers.
Logical - because there's no decision about how these
elements are deployed across different operating system
processes or across physical computers in a network
(deployment architecture).

Goal is to design a logical architecture with

layers and partitions using UML package

Layering Pattern
A layer is a very coarse-grained grouping of classes, packages, or
subsystems that has cohesive responsibility for a major aspect of
the system.
Also, layers are organized such that "higher" layers (such as the UI
layer) call upon services of "lower" layers, but not normally vice

Why use Layers

Source code changes are rippling throughout the system many parts
of the systems are highly coupled.
Application logic intertwined with UI, neither reusable
Potentially general technical services or business logic is intertwined
with more application-specific logic, so it cannot be reused,
distributed to another node, or easily replaced with a different

Strict layered architecture VS Relaxed Layered Achitecture

A logical architecture doesn't have to be organized in layers. But it's
very common, and hence, introduced at this time.

High coupling across different areas of concern. It is thus difficult to

divide the work along clear boundaries for different developers.
The purpose and number of layers varies across applications and
application domains (information systems, operating systems, and
so forth).

Typical Layers

Typically layers in an OO system

User Interface.
Application Logic and Domain Objects software objects
representing domain concepts (for example, a software
class Sale) that fulfill application requirements, such as
calculating a sale total.
Technical Services general purpose objects and
subsystems that provide supporting technical services,
such as interfacing with a database or error logging.
These services are usually application-independent and
reusable across several systems.


[Larman 2002]

[Larman 2002]


Coupling [2]

No classes, just
packages and
package dependencies
Most common form

[Larman 2002]

[Larman 2002]


[Larman 2002]

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