Master Project Plan 0.2

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<<Project Name>>

Master Project Plan

Customer Name
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2002 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The information contained in this document represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation on the issues
discussed as of the date of publication. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not
be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accurac of an
information presented after the date of publication.
This document is for informational purposes onl. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR
Microsoft and !isual Basic are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft in the "nited #tates and$or
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Revision & Sign-off Sheet
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1ate Author 2ersion 6hange Reference
7ame 2ersion Appro%ed 0osition 1ate
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,tem 1etails
1ocument Title 8aster 0ro9ect 0lan
6reation 1ate
:ast ;pdated

Table of Contents
8aster 0ro9ect 0lan $ummar".........................................................................................
<ork Breakdown $tructure.............................................................................................
,ndi%idual 0lans...............................................................................................................
1e%elopment 0lan.......................................................................................................
Test 0lan......................................................................................................................
6ommunications 0lan.................................................................................................-
8icrosoft $upport 0lan...............................................................................................-
=perations 0lan..........................................................................................................-
$ecurit" 0lan...........................................................................................................-
A%ailabilit" 0lan.....................................................................................................-
6apacit" 0lan..........................................................................................................>
8onitoring 0lan......................................................................................................>
0erformance 0lan....................................................................................................>
?nd@;ser $upport 0lan...............................................................................................>
1eplo"ment 0lan........................................................................................................>
Training 0lan..............................................................................................................*
0urchasing A Bacilities 0lan......................................................................................*
0ilot 0lan....................................................................................................................*
Budget 0lan................................................................................................................*
345+(5+3(- 3

%Intro%uct&on to t'e Tem(late
!escr&(t&on) The Master &ro'ect &lan is the document into which all subsidiar plans
(development, test, etc) are snchroni*ed and presented together as a single plan. +t
is important to distinguish this plan from the Microsoft, &ro'ect, .mpp file, which
contains tasks, resources, and schedules, but not the -ualitative information
contained in man of the subsidiar plans. The tpes of subsidiar plans included in
this master plan will var depending on the scope and tpe of pro'ect. +n M#., the
Master &ro'ect &lan is a collection (or /roll up0) of plans developed b the various
teams (&rogram Management, 1evelopment, etc) and not an independent plan of its
own. +t usuall contains summaries of each of the subsidiar plans. 2owever,
depending on the si*e of the pro'ect, some subsidiar plans ma be entirel rolled
into this document.
*ust&+&cat&on) The benefit of presenting these subsidiar plans as one plan is that it3
.acilitates an understanding of the overall approach to the pro'ect
.acilitates reviews and approvals
2elps identif gaps and inconsistencies
The benefit of having a plan that breaks into smaller plans is that it3
.acilitates concurrent planning b various teams
Clarifies accountabilit since the teams are each responsible for their own
4Team Role Pr&mar,) Pro-ram Mana-ement is accountable for delivering the
Master &ro'ect &lan b ensuring that all teams have developed and submitted the
necessar plans and that those plans are of acceptable -ualit.
Team Role Secon%ar,) All team roles are responsible for developing the plans for
their specific functional responsibilities and reviewing the consolidated Master &ro'ect
&lan to ensure it is e5ecutable.67
Master Project Plan Summar,
%!escr&(t&on) The Master &ro'ect &lan #ummar section provides a -uick overview
of the Master &ro'ect &lan, including a general description of what subsidiar plans
are included.
*ust&+&cat&on) #ome readers ma need to know onl the highlights of the plan, and
summari*ing creates that user view. +t also enables the full reader to know the
essence of the document before the e5amine the details.7
<<Begin tet here!!
Wor. /rea.%o0n Structure
%!escr&(t&on) The 8ork Breakdown #tructure section identifies the specific work
re-uired to conduct the pro'ect, e5pressed in tasks and deliverables and the
relationships among those tasks. The work breakdown structure includes both
management and technical activities, and lists all work re-uired of all participating
entities (Microsoft, &artners, Customer). The work breakdown structure can e5ist at
multiple levels of detail. The 8B# is often e5pressed in graphic form.
*ust&+&cat&on) The 8ork Breakdown #tructure (8B#) is the basis for all resource,
schedule, and budget planning. A -ualit 8B# creates clarit and focus for all team
members, and provides the detail necessar that leads to individual work
<<Begin tet here!!
In%&1&%ual Plans
Development Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The 1evelopment &lan section provides a summar of the
development plan9s ke elements. This summar should include information about
the development ob'ectives, overall deliver strateg, and ke design goals. :ther
important aspects of the 1evelopment &lan ma also be included here based on
need (e.g. development standards and guidelines).7
<<Begin tet here!!
Test Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The Test &lan section provides a summar of the test plan9s ke
elements. This summar should include information about the testing ob'ectives,
overall test approach, e5pected test results, and test deliverables. :ther important
aspects of the Test &lan ma also be included here based on need (e.g. ke test
responsibilities, testing procedures, etc.).7
<<Begin tet here!!
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Communications Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The Communications &lan section provides a summar of the
communication plan9s ke elements. This summar should include information about
the overall communication ob'ectives, an sensitivities or confidentialities that must
be accommodated, and ke communication sub'ects and audiences for both internal
and e5ternal communications. :ther important aspects of the Communication &lan
ma also be included here based on need.7
<<Begin tet here!!
Microsoft Support Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The Microsoft #upport &lan section provides a summar of the support
plan9s ke elements. This summar should include information about the support
ob'ectives and how those re-uirements will be satisfied in the operational
environment. :ther important aspects of the Microsoft #upport &lan ma also be
included here based on need.7
<<Begin tet here!!
Operations Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The :perations &lan section provides a summar of the operation
plan9s ke elements. This summar should include information about the operational
ob'ectives, operations infrastructure, skill re-uirements, and ke operational activities.
:ther important aspects of the :perational &lan ma also be included here based on
<<Begin tet here!!
Secur&t, Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The #ecurit &lan section provides a summar of the securit plan9s
ke elements. This summar should include information about the securit ob'ectives
and an overview of management, operational, and technical control processes. :ther
important aspects of the #ecurit &lan ma also be included here based on need.7
<<Begin tet here!!
A1a&la2&l&t, Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The Availabilit &lan section provides a summar of the availabilit
plan9s ke elements. This summar should include information about the availabilit
ob'ectives and goal and an overview of how the hardware and software availabilit
will be maintained. :ther important aspects of the Availabilit &lan ma also be
included here based on need.7
<<Begin tet here!!
345+(5+3(- .

Ca(ac&t, Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The Capacit &lan section provides a summar of the capacit plan9s
ke elements. This summar should include information about the capacit
ob'ectives, users, loads, growth, and monitoring. :ther important aspects of the
Capacit &lan ma also be included here based on need.7
<<Begin tet here!!
Mon&tor&n- Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The Monitoring &lan section provides a summar of the monitoring
plan9s ke elements. This summar should include information about the monitoring
ob'ectives and the ke monitoring processes (anticipating, detecting, diagnosing,
etc). :ther important aspects of the Monitoring &lan ma also be included here
based on need.7
<<Begin tet here!!
Per+ormance Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The &erformance &lan section provides a summar of the performance
plan9s ke elements. This summar should include information on the performance
re-uirements and the overall ob'ectives for meeting those re-uirements as well as
the ke tools, infrastructure, and methodologies used to maintain performance. :ther
important aspects of the &erformance &lan ma also be included here based on
<<Begin tet here!!
End-ser Support Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The ;nd<"ser #upport &lan section provides a summar of the end<
user support plan9s ke elements. This summar should include information about the
end<user support ob'ectives, the usabilit re-uirements, how those re-uirements will
be satisfied in the operational environment. :ther important aspects of the ;nd<"ser
#upport &lan ma also be included here based on need.7
<<Begin tet here!!
Deplo!ment Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The 1eploment &lan section provides a summar of the deploment
plan9s ke elements. This summar should include information about deploment
ob'ectives= the scope, strateg, and schedule for deploment= and describe the site
installation process. :ther important aspects of the 1eploment &lan ma also be
included here based on need.7
<<Begin tet here!!
345+(5+3(- -

Training Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The Training &lan section provides a summar of the training plan9s
ke elements. This summar should include information about training ob'ectives, the
specific training re-uirements, the training schedule, and training methods. :ther
important aspects of the Training &lan ma also be included here based on need.7
<<Begin tet here!!
Purchasing & "acilities Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The &urchasing > .acilities &lan section provides a summar of the
purchasing and facilities plan9s ke elements. This summar should include
information about the purchasing re-uirements and the ob'ectives and plan to fulfill
those re-uirements. +t should also include information about the facilities
re-uirements. :ther important aspects of the &urchasing and .acilities &lan ma also
be included here based on need.7
<<Begin tet here!!
Pilot Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The &ilot &lan section provides a summar of the pilot plan9s ke
elements. This summar should include information about the pilot9s scope and
success factors, transition plan, and the process used to evaluate the pilot. :ther
important aspects of the &ilot &lan ma also be included here based on need.7
<<Begin tet here!!
#udget Plan
%!escr&(t&on) The Budget &lan section provides a summar of the budget plan9s ke
elements. This summar should include an estimate of the total budget and estimates
for each pro'ect (or sub<pro'ect) re-uired to deliver the solution. This summar can
also include a listing of the ke cost areas (hardware, software, etc). :ther important
aspects of the Budget &lan ma also be included here based on need.7
<<Begin tet here!!
%!escr&(t&on) The Tools section lists and describes the tools that can assist the
pro'ect in the detailed planning process. These ma include forecasting and budget
tracking tools.7
<<Begin tet here!!
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