Reporting Contempo
Reporting Contempo
Reporting Contempo
1. Discuss economic globalization as a complex process
responsible for enormous global and local changes;
2. Explain economic globalization accompanying cultural and
political globalization;
3. Articulate the assumptions behind globalization; and
4. Critically evaluate the impacts of globalization especially for
poor countries.
Rapid economic growth will lead to Economic growth is only one aspect of
development development, other aspirations are:
• Achieving both material needs and
broader social objectives;
• Social and economic justice and
equity;self reliance
• Welfare,an adequete provision of basic
• Equitable distribution of
opportunities,income and wealth.
Trading will bring prosperity. Trading benefits some more than others.
Poor countries will benefit form Borrowing of poor countries are coupled
borrowed funds. with conditions,which make countries
compromise spending for social services
and welfare
Poor countries needs to cacth up with It will be difficult for poor countries to cath
rich countries by implementing up because they are caught up in unequal
economic policies toward economic exchange and underdevelopment and
integration. underdevelopment can’t be understood
just by analyzing one country but by
examining it with the historical and
worlwide political-economic system.
- Increase income
- More Employment
- Less Poverty
Globalization have Losers and Gainers
Increased trading may result to wider choices of consumer goods in the market.
However, International trading produces varying result. Restructuring of economy
through fast-paced flux of capital across different countries has impacts on places
and social relations. These restructuring in places and social relations have
disintergrating effects for the development of communities (katz,2004). These
kinds of global interactions produce uneven development.
Unequal playing field for local producers and foreign producers from developed
countries lead to losses for local producers.
The Effect of Global Trading on the Philippine Local Economy
Because of enhanced global trading, cheap imported vegetables flood the local
market. Local consumers and business find it cheaper to buy imported agricultural
products than locally produces goods.
Alternatives to Economic Globalization
An important impact attributed to globalizatio is the nearly six-fold increase in the
income meaured in per capita GDP for the richesr 25 percent of the world
population in the 20th century. However the poor populations did not experienced
this exponentiql economic growth. Income inequality worsened(IMF,2000O)