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DLL in Commercial Cooking 7-Week 8

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School: Grade Level: 7

GRADES 1 to 12 TLE – Commercial

DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: Learning Area: Cooking
October 10-12, 2022 (Week 8)
7A-1:00-2:00(Mon-Tue &Thu-Fri)
7B-11:00-12:00(Mon-Tue); 2:00-3:00(Wed-Thu)
Teaching Dates and 7C-7:40-8:40 (Mon-Thu)
Time: 7D- 8:40-9:40; 10:00-11:00( Mon-Tue); 8:40-9:40(Thu-Fri) Quarter: Quarter 1

I. OBJECTIVE Session 1 Session 2 Session 3

The learners demonstrate an understanding on the Practice of occupational health and safety
A. Content Standards
B. Performance Standards The learners independently practice occupational health and safety
C. Learning Competencies/ LO 3: Evaluate and control hazards and risks in the workplace
Objectives 3.3 Conduct emergency-related drills and training
( Write the L Ccode for 3.4 Maintain OHSP awareness
each) TLE_HECK7/8OHSP-Oj-10

II. CONTENT  Fall Prevention Practices Basic Emergency Evacuation Drills Perform the
( Subject Matter)  Safe Use of Knives Basic Emergency Evacuation Drills
 Use of Kitchen Machinery
 Heat, Electricity, and Gas
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Commercial Cooking, Pg 15 & Cookery, pg 5 TG, Page 15 TG, Page 15
2. Learner’s Material pages LM mod. 9,page 3-9 LM mod. 9,page 10-12 LM mod. 9,page 10-12
3. Additional Materials from
Learning Resource LR
B. Other Learning Resources Cookery NC II Cookery NC II Cookery NC II
A. Reviewing previous Lesson Review from the previous lesson. 1. Define Safety Awareness in your own -Enumerate the fire drill and earthquake
or presenting new lesson 1.What is PPE? words. procedures
2. What are the Personal Protective 2. Why it is very important to be aware
Clothing (Cooking Outfit) used in the about our safety at the workplace?
B. Establishing a purpose for the How do you make your workplace healthier Let the students watch the video regarding Why do we need to practice the fire drill
lesson and safer environment? earthquake and fire drill. and earthquake drill?

C. Presenting examples/ Can you give some prevention on how to Let the students share their ideas Does it help in saving lives like in an
instances of the new lesson. avoid accidents in the work areas? event of having earthquake or fire?
D. Discussing new concepts and SCRAMBLED LETTERS Activity 1: Know Me Right Group the students into four and assign
practicing new skills.#1 Directions: Rearrange the letters to make a Directions: Identify whether the following what drill they are going to perform.
word that describes the images shown pictures is a fire drill or earthquake drill.
E. Discussing new concepts and Discuss on Discussion on Basic Emergency Evacuation Each group will discuss how to perform
practicing new skills #2.  Fall Prevention Practices Drills the procedures.
 Safe Use of Knives  Earthquake drill Situations:
 Use of Kitchen Machinery  Fire drill Fire Drill
 Heat, Electricity, and Gas 1. A fire transpires in your
2. One of your classmate left
because he was suffocated
Earthquake Drill
1. You were having class at the
moment when the strong
earthquake with magnitude 7.2
2. You notice that one of your
classmate is missing.
F. Developing Mastery Answer the following by writing S if the Activity 2: Fill in the missing words Group 1 and 3- perform the fire drill
(Lead to Formative Assessment statement is SAFE and US if the statement is Directions: Choose a word from the box Group 2 and 4-perform the earthquake
3) UNSAFE. below to complete the sentence in the drill
G. Finding practical application If you were given the opportunity to become Activity 3: Do me Right Each group will continue performing the
of concepts and skills in daily supervisor/manager or owner of a restaurant, Directions: Arrange the Fire and drill
living what will you do to protect your employees Earthquake Drill procedure in correct order,
from workplace hazards? Write at least five (5) by writing numbers 1-5 on the space
answers in your TLE notebook. provided

H. Making Generalizations and - What are the prevention practices to avoid Let the students summarize the procedures Each group will share what they have
Abstraction about the Lesson. falls? in Fire Drill and Earthquake Drill. learned when they performed the drill.
-When using knives, what are the Do’s and
- How do you handle dishwashing
I. Evaluating Learning Let the students answer the assessment. Let the students answer the assessment. Present to the students the scoring
Understanding of Topic-40%
Total= 100%
J. Additional Activities for Make your own HOUSE RULES in Make a poster that reflects a drill 1.What is immediately given to a
Application or Remediation maintaining conducive, safe and secured procedure, of a Fire drill or Earthquake person who has been injured?
workplace. drill. Use 1/8 size of illustration board for 2. What situation wherein people
this activity. would have to leave a building and
practice what they would do if there
is a fire in it.



A. No. of learners earned

80%in the evaluation.
B. . No. of learners who required
additional activities for
remediation who scored below

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