Carlos Hilado Memorial State College: College of Arts and Sciences
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College: College of Arts and Sciences
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College: College of Arts and Sciences
Couse Instructors
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus
This module gives an overview of the concept of globalization. Current situation shows that globalization is a
thriving topic today. Students needed to know how globalization can help us understand ourselves, our
experiences, our communities, our country and our culture. The Contemporary World addresses the
challenge by offering a practical guide that integrates content with examples capturing the essence and
elegance of theory in the straight forward manner.
Globalization is not very easy to define. Its meaning varies depending to whose perspective it is. Many
scholars gave and tried to formulate its definitions. This resulted in different sometimes contradicting views
about the concept. It also encompasses a multitude of processes that involves the economy, political
systems and culture. Social Structures therefore, are directly affected by globalization.
This chapter reveals variety of perspectives using different metaphors for better understanding of the
concepts related to it.
CLO1. Define the meaning of globalization and differentiate the competing conceptions of
CLO2. Identify the underlying philosophies and theories of the varying definitions of globalization.
CLO3: Apply the actual concept of globalization in the different aspects of day to day life.
a. ______________________________________
b. ______________________________________
c. ______________________________________
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus
d. ______________________________________
- “Borderless world”
- the expansion and intensification of social relations and consciousness across world time and across
- all those processes by which the people of the world are incorporated into a single world society.
If one uses such, it can include a variety of issues that deal with overcoming tradition boundaries. However,
it does not shed light on the implications of globalization due to its vagueness.
2. Narrow and exclusive – are better justified but can be limiting, in the sense that their application
adheres to only particular definitions.
“ The characteristics of the globalization trend include the internationalizing of production, the new
international division of labor, new migratory movements from South to North, the new competitive
environment that accelerates these processes, and the internationalizing of the state…making states into
agencies of the globalizing world”. ( Robert Cox)
No matter how one classifies a definition of globalization, the concept is complex and multifaceted as the
definitions deal with either economic, political, or social dimensions.
A more recent definition was given by Ritzer (2015) , Globalization is a transplanetary process or a set of
processes involving increasing liquidity and growing multi directional flows of people, objects, places, and
information as well as the structures they encounter and create that are barriers to, or expedite those
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus
In order for us to better understand the concept of globalization, we will utilize metaphors. Metaphors
make use of one term to help us better understand another term. In this case, the states of matter –
Solid—liquid—will be used.
The epoch that preceded today’s globalization paved way for people, things and information and places to
harden over time. Consequently, they have limited mobility ( Ritzer, 2015).
“Solidity”- refers to the barriers that prevent of make difficult the movement of things. They could
either be natural or man- made. Examples of natural solids are landforms and bodies of water. Made
made barriers include Great Wall of China, and the Berlin Wall. An imaginary line such as nine dash-line of
the People’s Republic of China is an example of the modern man-made solid. This creates limited
access to Filipino fishers to the West Philippine Sea ( formerly called South China Sea).
Liquid as a state of matter takes the shape of its container. However, liquids are not fixed.
LIQUIDITY therefore, refers to the increasing ease of movement of people , things information and places
in the contemporary world.
1. Today’s liquid phenomena changes quickly and their aspects spatial and temporal are in
continuous fluctuation.
2. In liquid phenomena, the movement is difficult to stop. For example, videos uploaded to Facebook
are unstoppable once they become viral.
3. The forces of liquid made political boundaries more permeable to the flow of people and things.
Liquidity and solidity are in constant interaction. However, liquidity is the one increasing and proliferating
today. Therefore the metaphor that could best describe globalization is liquidity. Liquids do flow (
Apparaudi, 1996; Rey & Ritzer, 2010). The literature of globalization makes use of the concept of flow.
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus
--- are movement of people, things places and information brought by the growing porosity of global
limitations (Ritzer, 2015
Examples: different foreign cuisines being patronized and consumed by the Filipinos. Foods are being
globalized. (sushi, ramen, kimchi, hamburger, French fries etc.)
In this activity, you are to see the actual application of globalization to the different aspects of daily life such
as politics, music, sports, movies, celebrity and disaster.
b. What gadgets or devices do you usually use to listen to music? Where were these gadgets
made? Where is the company based?
c. How did you access these music? Did you purchase these online? Or listen to them through
Youtube, Spotify or other music channels?
Homogeneity – refers to the increasing sameness in the world as cultural inputs, economic factors and
political orientations of societies expand to create common practices, same economies and similar forms of
government. It is often linked to cultural imperialism.
For example, the dominant religion in our country is Christianity, which was brought to us by the Spaniards.
Ritzer (2008) coined the term “ Mcdonaldization”- refers to the process by which Western societies are
dominated by the principles of fast food restaurant. It involves the global spread of rational systems such
as efficiency, calculability predictability and control.
Heterogeneity - refers to the differences because of either lasting differences or of the hybrids or
combinations of cultures that can be produced through the different transplantery processes. Heterogeneity
in culture is associated with cultural hybridization.
Example: glocalization, (as global forces interact with local factors or a specific geographic area, the “
glocal” is being produced. Roland Robertson (1992).
-digital connectivity and empowerment of the internet and the World Wide Web
is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.
Liberalism is a defining feature of modern democracy, illustrated by the prevalence of the term ‘liberal
democracy’ as a way to describe countries with free and fair elections, rule of law and protected civil
-Importance of sovereign states (balance of power, dominant state at a particular moment; consequent
Constructivism is a theory in education that recognizes the learners' understanding and knowledge based on
their own experiences. Trans planetary connectivity due to the importance of symbols, language,
interpretations in constructing the social world.
The theory that emphasizes relativity, subjectivity, and individualism. It critique universalist notions of
universality, morality and truth.
The theory that criticizes the marginalization and subordination of women in the society. According to the
study, (Rios, 2005) women are poorer than men in every state, regardless of education or geographic
This theory does not hold rigidly into single paradigm or set of assumptions but instead draws into multiple
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus
In this activity, look for and read three newspaper opinion editorials discussing globalization. You
may use local and international newspapers. Write a
100-word summary for each opinion editorials. Identify
whether they subscribe to a particular definition
discussed or they have new definition.
How did globalization start? This section discusses the origin and history of globalization.
According to Nayan Chanda (2007), it is because of our basic human need that made globalization
possible. Therefore, one can trace the beginning of globalization from our ancestors in Africa who
walked out from the continent in the late Ice Age. This long journey finally led them to all known continents
today, roughly 50,000 years. Chanda mentioned that commerce, religion, politics and warfare are the urges
pf people toward a better life.
4 aspects of Globalization:
1. Trade
2. Missionary work ‘
3. Adventure
4. Conquest
For some globalization is a long term- cyclical process and thus, finding its origin will be a daunting task.
What is important is the cycle that a globalization has gone through
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus
( Scholte,2005). Subscribing to this view suggest adherence to the idea that other global ages have
appeared. There is also a notion that this point of globalization will soon disappear and reappear.
Ritzer (2015) cited Therborn’s (2000) six great epoch of globalization. These are also called “waves” and
each has its own origin. The following are the sequential occurrence of the epoch.
Specific events are also considered as part of the fourth view in explaining the origin of globalization.
Several points can be treated as start of globalization. Gibbon(1998) argued that Roman conquest
centuries before Christ were its origin. Rosenthal(2007) gave premium to voyages of discovery ---
Christopher Columbus’s discovery of America in 1492, Vasco da Gama in the Cape of Good Hope in 1498
and Ferdinand Magellan’s rediscovery of the Philippine archipelago in 1521.
The recent years could also be regarded as the beginnings of globalization with reference to specific
technological advances in transportation and communication. Some examples include the first
transatlantic telephone cable( 1956), transatlantic television broadcast (1962) founding of modern
internet in (1988) and terrorist attack in Twin Towers in New York ( 2001). Certainly with this view, more
and more specific events will characterize not just the origins of globalization but also more of its
Recent changes comprised the fifth view. These broad changes happened in the last half of twentieth
century. Scholars point out to these three notable changes as the origin of globalization that we know
today. They are as follows:
1. The emergence of United States as the global power ( Post World War II)
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus
As a global phenomenon, people are moving just about everywhere. Global migration can be understood
as a cause and effect relationship, though the causes are as numerous as their effects. People move
across international borders for a variety of reasons including safety, natural disaster, political conflict,
education, family, career, and economic betterment.
Migrants- a person who moves from outside their country of origin. These migrants are sometimes
categorized into “vagabonds” and “ tourist”( Bauman, 1998).
Vagabonds- are on the move because they have to be. They are not faring well in their home countries
and are forced to move in the hope that their circumstances will improve.
Tourist- on the other hand, are on the move because they want to be and they can afford it.
Refugees- are vagabonds forced to flee their home countries due to safety concerns. (Haddad,2003)
Asylum seekers - are refugees who seek to remain in the country to which they flee.
Labor Migration- is driven by push factors ( lack pf employment opportunities in home countries) as well
as pull factors ( work available elsewhere). It involves the flow of less-skilled and skilled workers, as well
as illegal migrants who lived in the margins of the host society ( Landler,2007).
1. Find a former or a current OFW to be interviewed. Your respondent’s name should not be revealed
to protect the person’s identity and ensure anonymity.
2. Use the following guide questions (you may have additional questions)
a. How long have you stayed abroad?
b. What are the purpose of your stay there?
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus
c. What were your most unforgettable experience there? How would you describe them? Good
or bad?
d. How will you compare Philippines to other countries?
e. Do you want to go back abroad or to other countries in the future? Why? Why not?
3. Based on the interview conducted, write a reflection paper about the response of OFW you have
interviewed. Discuss major points and relate his or her responses to the concept you have learned
about globalization. Reflection paper must be typewritten, hard or soft copy ( soft copies can be
submitted through email) font is Times New Roman, size 11, double spaced and justified. Not less
than 300 words.
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College
Alijis Campus | Binalbagan Campus | Fortune Towne Campus | Talisay Campus