Macroeconomics - Introduction

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Term: 2nd Semester 2012 2013 Class Schedule: TTh 4:30 6:00

Name: Ronnel Aldin D. Fernando Degree: BSBA Management (MVC) MMHRM in progress (LDCU) Office: SBA Faculty Room Consultation Hours: MW 3:00 6:00 TTh 3:00 4:30

PHILOSOPHY: MVC Believes in Jesus Christ as the true model of Excellence

MISSION: To proclaim the good news of salvation. To produce holistically-developed students. VISION: To stand out as dynamic instruments for quality Christian service to society.

COMMITMENT: Excellence in Christian values, instruction, research and extension services.

This course presents the science of Economics. It

illustrates the simple workings of the economic system as a systematic flow of measurable economic activities. Included in this part is an introduction to the immutable law of supply and demand, an analyses of national income, the important economic concept of Gross National Product (GNP), and other economic issues affecting the people such as consumption and savings, investments, employment and underemployment, and inflation. The course also involves a discussion of macroeconomic policies affecting the national growth.

To present the basic fundamentals of the

economies of a nation. To understand the economic problems of our nation. To evaluate the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of our local and national leaders when it comes to economic issues.

Quizzes Exams Assignments/Class Activities Total 40%

20% 100%

FINAL GRADE COMPOSITION: Midterm Grade Final Grade Total

40% 60% 100%

Requirements Oral Report and Output Course Synthesis Description Presentation of oral report and a copy of the report output. Deadline As assigned

A synthesis on the course as experienced March 8, 2013

All requirements should be turned in on the specified time in

the class. Do not turn in requirements at the instructors house.

Set cellphones in silent mode while class is going on. A student is expected to attend his/her class promptly and

regularly. A student who incurs absences, whether excused or unexcused, that exceed 20% of the number of hours required for the course will be given a mark FA (Failure in Attendance). Three tardinesses will be counted as one absence.
Academic honesty shall be observed at all times. A dishonest

work cannot be given any credit. The student will be subjected to disciplinary measures.

Examinations shall be taken on the scheduled time. Only

for sickness, emergency in the family or financial reasons can the student be given special examination at a fee of P30.00 per unit.
The removal policy as stipulated in the Academic Manual

shall be observed.
For valid reasons, a student may be allowed to complete

his/her grade within six weeks after the last day of final examination.
A student who is not wearing the prescribed uniform cannot

be accepted to class. Students are required to wear business attire during Wednesdays.

Pagoso, C., Dinio, R., Villasis, G. (2006).

Introductory Macroeconomics, Revised Edition, Rex Printing Company

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