Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Industrial and Organizational Psychology
4410 ERL Building, Old Sta.Mesa St.,Manila
psychology through discipline, knowledge on local culture and needs, within realistic constraints such as
applied and instructional context. economic, environmental, social, political,
3. Demonstrate and apply psychological ethical, health and safety, and sustainability,
research theories and methods in personal and in accordance with standards.
Render service to the professional setting. 4. Ability to function on multidisciplinary
psychology profession and 4. Demonstrate capability for self teams.
academic communities, and the reflection and independent learning in 5. Understanding of professional and ethical
community at large graduate education or in a professional responsibility.
context. 6. Ability to communicate effectively.
Provide an environment in 5. Demonstrate professional and ethical
which students, faculty, and behaviors in research and practice in 7. Broad education necessary to understand the
staff can thrive Psychology. impact of industrial and organizational
PROGRAM GOALS 6. Demonstrate harmonious psychology solutions in global, economic, and
The B.S. Psychology program is interpersonal relationship with societal context.
colleagues, clients and others in 8. Recognition of the needs for, and an ability to
designed to produce competent and diverse cultural setting. engage in life-long learning.
ethical professionals capable of making 7. Demonstrate the ability to conduct 9. Knowledge of contemporary issues.
a positive contribution over their psychological assessments and 10. Ability to use techniques, skills, and modern
lifetimes to the profession and society evaluation. psychological assessments and program
in which they work. In the face of designs necessary for psychology practice.
11. Knowledge and understanding of
increasing changes that they will meet psychology and management principles as a
later, students must develop and member and leader in a team, to manage
maintain an attitude of learning to projects and multi-disciplinary
learn, to maintain their competence. environments.
The BS Psychology program should 12. Ability to use relevant information and
research drawn facts in performing sound
also provide a foundation of management decision and entrepreneurial
professional knowledge, professional growth.
skills, and professional values, ethics,
and attitudes that enable them to
continue to learn and adapt to change
throughout their professional lives.
Course Description Current issues in the field of industrial organizational psychology will be examined as they relate to the relationship between people and the world of work. A dual
perspective will be offered which focuses on the influence of the organization on the individual and the individual organization. Among the topic that will be examined are the
employment process, job analysis, testing and selection, performance appraisals, training, work motivation, job satisfaction, organizational development and job stress. By
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Makati Science Technological Institute of the Philippines
4410 ERL Building, Old Sta.Mesa St.,Manila
the end of the semester the student should have a working knowledge of classic and cutting-edge topics in industrial organizational psychology.
6 Talent Acquisition, Selection and Discuss the importance of Quiz Lecture Book Test Results
Retention acquisition, selection and Recitation Who/What am I Laptop Graded
1. Definitions, importance and retention. Exit Slips Multi Media
factors Explain the process of Projector
affecting recruitment recruitment and selection PPT
2. Process and source of Differentiate between presentation
recruitment retention and attrition
3. Selection process
4. Difference between recruitment
5. Employee retention
6. Attrition
7 Evaluation of Work Performance Discuss work-performance Quiz Lecture Book Test Results
and Performance Management and performance management Recitation Who/What am I Laptop Graded
1. Definition and factors in job Explain the importance of Exit Slips Multi Media
evaluation/performance performance appraisal and Projector
appraisal design. PPT
2. Need and importance of Discuss the model presentation
performance performance management and
Appraisal approaches to measuring
3. Process of performance performance.
4. Designing performance
5. Methods of appraising
6. Self-Peer appraisal
7. Performance management,
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Makati Science Technological Institute of the Philippines
4410 ERL Building, Old Sta.Mesa St.,Manila
purpose, criteria
8. Model of performance
9. Approaches to measuring
8 Training and Development Discuss the difference Quiz Lecture Book Test Results
1. Difference between training between training and Recitation Who/What am I Laptop Graded
development and education education Exit Slips Multi Media
2. Components of training Explain the training Projector
development development process, PPT
3. Training and development methods and ho to evaluate presentation
process the training.
4. Methods of Training
5. Methods of development
6. Training Evaluation
9-11 Employee Motivation, Satisfaction and Identified the factors driving Quiz Lecture Book Test Results
Commitment employee motivation Recitation Critiquing Laptop Graded
1. Factors driving employee motivation, Recitation
engagement and commitment
engagement and commitment Exit Slips Multi Media
2. Employee engagement and Discuss the employee Projector
Commitment engagement and commitment PPT
3. Power of job enrichment and the power of job presentation
4. Employee value and expectation enrichment.
5. Goal setting
6. Rewards
7. Types of rewards
8. Effectiveness of incentives
9. Employee acceptance
12 Midterm Exam
13-17 Leadership Discuss leadership and identify Quiz Interactive Book Test Results
1. Personal characteristics the different types of leaders Recitation discussion (think- Laptop Graded
Discuss the factors affecting the Recitation
group performance.
pair share, Multi Media
with leadership Differentiate Individual and brainstorming) Projector
2. Leadership style group PPT
3. Task vs. person oriented Discuss factors affecting stress at presentation
leadership works and how to manage stress
4. Team leader vs. impoverished
5. Leader and situation
6. Emotional intelligence of
Occupational Health
1. Stress defined
2. Predisposition to stress
3. Sources of stress
4. Consequences of stress
5, Managing stress
6. Stress Intervention
Basic Readings / Aamondt, M.G. (2017). Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Singapore: Cengage Learning.
Textbooks Cascio, W. (2015). Applied Psychology in Human resources Management. Singapore: Pearson Education
Pandey, A. & Sharma, A.K. (2016). Industrial psychology. New Delhi: Global Academic Publisher.
Riggio, Ronald. (2015). Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology. New Jersey: Pearson Education.
Course Assessment The expected learning outcomes for the course will be assessed through graded activities and ungraded activities.
The graded activities include exams, written work (e.g., homework, problem sets) and performance tasks (e.g., quizzes, projects). The criteria for grading are as follows:
Prelim, Midterm and Final Grade Final Rating
Written Work (Homework, Problem Sets, etc.) 25% Midterm Grade 50%
Performance Tasks (Quizzes, Projects, Research Papers, etc.) 45% Final Grade 50%
Term Assessment (Prelim/Midterm/Final Exam) 30% Final 100%
The ungraded activities will be used to monitor student’s progress. A variety of these ungraded assessment techniques may be employed, including problems to be completed
during class, direct questioning of students, answering students’ questions in class, one-minute classroom assessment techniques, and discussions during consultation hours.
Course Policies and Language of Instruction
Statements The language of instruction is English.
Students are required to attend all classes starting with the first meeting. Non-attendance in any required class or academic activity constitutes an absence. A student
who has been absent for more than 20 percent of the hours of recitation, lectures, or any other scheduled work in this course shall be automatically dropped from the
class roll and the Registrar shall be advised accordingly.
Academic Integrity
Any work that the student submits should be their own work (i.e., not borrowed/copied from any other source, including their classmates). When using other people’s
ideas to substantiate their ideas, students are expected to properly cite the original source. Proper citation procedures shall be discussed in class. Any act of cheating or
plagiarism shall be treated in accordance with the Institute’s Policy on Academic Integrity. Depending upon the individual violation, students could face penalties ranging
from failing the assignment to failing the class.
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Makati Science Technological Institute of the Philippines
4410 ERL Building, Old Sta.Mesa St.,Manila
Syllabus Flexibility
The instructor reserves the right to amend or change this syllabus as needed. For example, the instructor may modify content, and/or substitute assignments in response
to institutional, weather, or class situations. Any modification, however, must be communicated by the instructor to the Academic Head via the Department Chairperson
and the Dean and cannot be implemented without the approval of the Academic Head. Approved changes shall be discussed by the instructor in class. It is however the
responsibility of the student to check information from the instructor to stay current.
Consultation Faculty Member : _________________________________________________
Schedule Email-address : : _________________________________________________________________
Consultation Hours : _________________________________________________________________
Time and Venue : _________________________________________________________________