HT Midterms
HT Midterms
HT Midterms
1. Which of the following is the measure 8. Which of the following is not a good D. All of the above
of the relative effectiveness of conductor of heat?
momentum and energy transport by A. Metals 15. Which of the following best describe
diffusion in the velocity and thermal B. Rocks function of heat exchanger?
boundary layer? C. Glass A. Increase the water temperature
A. Nusselt's number D. Asbestos entering the system
B. Prandtl number B Transfer heat from one fluid to another
C. Reynold's number 9. Convection is described by which of C. Evaluate the total energy of the flow
D. Dimensional measurement the following laws? D. Exchange heat to increase energy to
A. Newton's law the flow
2. It refers to the ratio of the internal B. The logarithmic mean temperature
thermal resistance of a solid to the difference 16. Heat transfer processes which
boundary layer thermal resistance (or C. The Stefan-Boltzmann law include a change of phase of a fluid are
external resistance of the body). D. Fourier's law considered
A. Biot number A. Convection
B. Prandtl number 10. In conduction heat transfer, what B. Thermal radiation
C. Nusselt number happens to the heat transfer per unit C. Conduction
D. Reynolds number time when the thermal conductivity D. Radiation
3. It refers to the ratio at the rate of heat A. The heat flow will increase 17. The equivalent of ratio of emissive
transferred by conduction to the rate of B. The heat flow remains constant power to absorptivity for bodies in
energy stored. C. The heat flow will decrease thermal equilibrium is described by:
A. Reynolds number D. The heat flow will partially increase A. Newton's law
B. Fourier number and then will decrease B. The logarithmic mean temperature
C. Biot number difference
D. Prandtl number 11. What usually happens to the C. Fourier's law
surrounding when water vapor D. Kirchhoff's law
4. Non-isotropic conductivity is shown condenses?
by which of the following? A. It warms the surrounding 18. "The boiling point of a solution is a
A. Brass B. The surrounding temperature linear function of water at the same
B. Copper decreases pressure." The above statement is
C. Wood C. It neither warm nor cold the called.
D. Steel surrounding A. Dubring's rule
D. The surroundings will be B. Petit and Dulong’s Law
5. Which of the following is the S.I. unit dehumidified C. Fick’s Rule
of thermal D. Reynold’s Law
conductivity? 12. According to Prevost theory of heat
A. W/m-hr-K exchange, 19. What do you call theoretical body
B W/m-K A. It is impossible to transfer heat from where absorptivity and emissivity are
C. KJ/m-hr-C low temperature source to high independent of the wavelength over the
D. W/m-hr-C temperature source spectral region of the irradiation and the
B. Heat transfer by radiation needs no surface
6. Which of the following heat medium A. White body
exchangers where fluid flows in the C. All bodies above absolute zero emit B. Opaque body
same direction and both are of changing radiation C. Black body
temperatures? D. Heat transfer in most of the cases D. Transparent body
A Parallel flow occurs by combination of conduction,
B. Cross flow convection and radiation 20. Which of the following is the science
C. Counter flow of low temperatures
D. Mixed flow 13. The rate of radiation does not A. Cryogenics
depend on which of the following? B. Thermo-kinetics
7. The temperature potential between A. Temperature of the radiating body C. Thermodynamics
temperature at the B. The emissivity of the radiation surface D. Ergonomic
two ends of a heat exchanger are given C. The area of the radiating body 21. A fur coat on an animal will help the
by: D. The thickness of the radiating body animal to remain:
A. The logarithmic mean temperature A. Warm in winter
difference 14. Thermal conductivity of wood B. Cool in winter
B. The Stefan-Boltzmann law depends on which of the following? C. Warm in summer
C. Fourier's law A. Moisture D. Cool in summer
D. Kirchhoff's law B. Temperature
C. Density
22. By which of the following modes of C. Unity 36. The rate of radiant energy, that is
heat transfer is the Stefan-Boltzmann D. 0.1 to 0.5 emitted by a surface at any temperature
law applicable? and in small wavelengths is found from
A. Conduction 27. Boelter equation can be applied in the known rate of energy that under the
B. Radiation case of fluids flowing in: same conditions will be emitted from a
C. Conduction and radiation combined A. Transition region black surface, by multiplying with the
D. Convection and radiation combined B. Turbulent region absorptivity. The enunciation is called:
C. Laminar region A. Lambert's law.
23. In convection heat transfer, what D. All of the above B. Kirchhoff's law
happens to the heat transfer coefficient C. Planck's law
if the viscosity of the fluid increases? 30. A 1-2 heat exchanger refers to which D. Stefan Boltzmann's law
A. The heat transfer coefficient will of the following?
increase A. Single pass on shell side and double 37. What happens to the heat
B. The heat transfer coefficient will pass on tube side transferred radially across
decrease B. Single pass on tube side and double insulated pipe per unit area?
C. The heat transfer coefficient remains pass on shell side A. The heat will flow at constant rate
constant C. Single liquid cools two liquids at B. Decreases with the increase in
D. None of the above different temperature thermal conductivity
D. Two tubes of cold fluid pass through C. Decrease from pipe wall to insulated
24. A reservoir that supplies energy in one tube of hot fluid surface
the form of heat is called: D. Partially increases from pipe wall to
A. Source 31. The nature of flow of a fluid inside a insulated surface
B. Sink tube, whether it is turbulent or laminar,
C. Cold reservoir can be ascertained by: 38. All heat transfer processes:
D. Heat reservoir A. Flow velocity A. Involve transfer of energy
B. Surface conditions B. Involve temperature difference
25. Least value of Prandt'l number can C. Viscosity of fluid between the bodies
be expected in case of D. Reynolds number C. Obey first law of thermodynamics
A. Liquid metals D. Obey second law of thermodynamics
B. Sugar Solution 32. Which of the following is used as
C. Salt solution entrainer in acetic acid-water 39. A substance that is able to absorb
D. Water separation? liquids or gases and is used for
A. Methyl alcohol removing them from a given medium or
26. In heat exchanger design, one B. Phosphorous region.
transfer unit implies: C. Butyl acetate A. Absorbent
A. One fluid which is exchanging with D. Hexane B. Cohesive
another fluid of the same chemical C. Adsorbent
composition 33. A correction of LMTD is essential in D. Adhesive
B. The section of heat exchanger which case of:
will cause temperature drop of one A. Parallel flow heat exchanger 40. In an isometric process, the heat
degree centigrade B. Counter current heat exchanger transferred is equal to:
C. The section of heat exchanger where C. Cross flow heat exchanger A. Change in enthalpy
heat transfer surface area has been one D. None of the above B. Change in entropy
square meter C. Change in internal energy
D. Condition when the change in 34. The mechanism of heat transfer in D. Work nonflow
temperature of one steam is numerically which there is no medium (i.e. water, air,
equal to the average driving force solid concrete) required for the heat 41. The heat transfer term in the first law
energy to travel is: of thermodynamics may be due to any
27. Floating heads are provided in heat A. Conduction of the following except:
exchangers to B. Radiation A. Conduction
A. Increase the pressure drop C. Convection B. Convection
B. Decrease the pressure drop D. Diffusion C. Radiation
C. Facilitate maintenance D. Internal heat generation (e.g.,
D. Avoid deformation of tubes because 35. The energy of a body that can be chemical reaction)
of thermal expansion transmitted in the form of heat. 42. The rate at which an object radiates
A. Heat energy electromagnetic energy does not
28. At all wave lengths and B. Thermal energy depend on its:
temperatures, the monochromatic C. Entropy A. Surface area
emissivity of a white body is equal to: D. Internal energy B. Mass
A Zero C. Temperature
B. 0.5 D. Ability to absorb radiation
50. Which of the following is the 57. The term "exposure" in radiological
43. A body that is hot compared to its property of the solid that provides the effects is used as a measure of a
illuminates more energy than it measure of the rate of heat transfer to gamma ray or an X-ray field in the
surroundings receives, while its the energy storage? surface of an exposed object. Since this
surrounding absorbs more energy than A. Thermal efficiency radiation produces ionization of the air
they give. The heat is transferred from B. Thermal diffusivity surrounding the object, the exposure is
one to another by energy wave motion. C. Thermal conductivity obtained as
What is this mode of heat transfer? D. Thermal radiography A. Number of ions produced per mass of
A. Radiation air x coulombs per kg
B. Conduction 51. What is the value of the Prandt'l B. Mass of air x surface area of an
C. Convection number for air? exposed object
D. Condensation A. 10 C. Mass of air over surface area of an
B. 6.7 exposed object
44. A reservoir that absorbs energy in C. 67 D. Number of ions produced per mass
the form of heat is called D 0.7 of air + coulombs per kg
A. Source
B. Sink 52. The temperature potential between 58. what happens to the thermal
C. Cold reservoir temperature at the two ends of a heat conductivity of diatomic gases if the
D. Heat reservoir exchanger are given by: temperature is increase?
A. The logarithmic mean temperature A. The thermal conductivity will also
45. Heat is conducted in the direction of: difference increase
A. Increasing temperature B. The Stefan-Boltzmann law B. The thermal conductivity decreases
B. Decreasing temperature C. Fourier's law C. The thermal conductivity remains
C. Increasing and decreasing D. Kirchoff's law constant
temperature D. The thermal conductivity partially
D. Constant temperature 53. The function of a superheater is to: increases. then decreases
A. Increase the water temperature
46. What do you call the first stage of entering the boiler and decrease 59. The radiant heat transfer depends
crystal formation? combustion requirements on:
A. Nucleation B. Transfer heat from one fluid to A. Temperature
B. Foaming another B. Heat rays
C. Separation C. Increase the total energy content of C. Heat flow from cold to hot
D. Vortexing the flow D. Humidity
D. Exchange heat to increase energy to
47. Which of the following reasons why the flow 60. A body that is hot compared to its
one gram of steam at 100 °C causes surroundings illuminates more energy
more serious burn than one gram of 54. Which of the following is the reason than it receives, surrounding absorbs
water at 100 "C? why metals are good conductors of more energy than they give. The heat is
A. Steam is less dense than boiling heat? transferred from one to another by
water A. Metals contain free electrons energy of wave motion. What is this
B. The steam has higher specific heat B. Metals have atoms the frequently mode of heat transfer?
C. Steam contains more internal energy collide another A. Radiation
D. Steam is everywhere thus it strikes C. Metals have reflecting surfaces B. Conduction
greater Force D. Atoms in metals are very far to each C. Convection
other D. Condensation
48. Thermal conduction is described by:
A. Newton's law 55. A theoretical body which when 61. A furnace wall consist of 35 cm
B. The logarithmic mean temperature heated to incandescence would emit a firebrick (k = 1.557 W/m-K), 12 cm
difference continuous light-ray spectrum. insulating refractory (k = 0.346) and 20
C. The Stefan-Boltzmann law A. Black body radiation cm common brick (k = 0.692) covered
D> Fourier's law B. Black body with 7 cm steel plate (k = 45). The
C. Blue body temperature at the inner surface of the
49. When the entire heat exchanger is D. White body firebrick is 1,230°C and at the outer face
selected as control of the steel plate is 60°C. Atmosphere
volume, heat becomes. 56. Heat transfer due to density 27°C. What is the value of the combined
A Unity differential coefficient for convection and radiation
B. Zero A. Convection from the outside wall?
C. Undefined B. Nuclear A. 31.13 W/m2-K
D. Indeterminate C. Conduction B. 30.13 W/m2-K
D. Radiation C. 41.3 W/m2-K
D. 40.13 W/m2-K
67. The outer surface of a 0.2m-thick of thermal conductivity of duralumin as
62. A 10 cm thick block of ice with a concrete wall is kept at a temperature of 150 W/m-K.
temperature of 0 °C lies on the upper -5°C, while the inner surface is kept at A. 9.2 kcal
surface of 2400 cm2 slab of stone. The 20°C. The thermal conductivity of the B. 7.2 kcal
slab is steam-exposed on the lower concrete is 1.2 W/(mk). Determine the C. 33 kJ
surface at a temperature of 100 °C. Find heat loss through a wall 10 m long and 3 D. 35 kJ
the heat conductivity of stone if 4000 g m high. 3870.93W
of ice is melted in one hour given that A. 3870.93W 72. What is the Reynolds number for
the latent heat of fusion of ice is 80 B. 3910.6W fully developed flow in a circular pipe
cal/gm. C. 4500W where the friction factor is 0.08?
A 3.7x10-3cal/cm-s-C D. 3500W A. 1000
B. 4.7x10-3cal/cm-s-C B. 900
C. 5.7x10-3cal/cm-s-C 68. The hot gas temperature in a heat C. 800
D. 6.7x103cal/cm-s-C exchanger is 350°C. If the surface D. 100
temperature of the wall is 343.18°C and
63. A metal rod 0.4 m long & 0.04 m in ho=220W/m2-K, what is the rate per 73. Calculate the Reynolds number, Re,
diameter has one end at 373 K & area of heat transferred? for water at 20°C flowing in an open
another end at 273 K. Calculate the total A. 1500 W/m2 channel. The water is flowing at a
amount of heat conducted in 1 minute. B. 1500 W/mm2 volumetric rate of 200 gal/sec. The
(Given K =385J/m-s-°C). C. 1343 W/m2 channel has a height of 8 feet and a
A. 2.02J D. 1343 W/mm2 width of 4 feet. At this temperature,
B. 120.95 J water has a kinematic viscosity of 1.104
C. 7257,08J 69. furnace wall is made up of an inner x 10-5 ft2/sec.
D. 19659.10J wall of Worick 20 cm thick followed by A. 605398.41
insulating brick 15 cm chick and an B. 484318.73
64. The energy lost from a 10 cm thick outer wall of steel 1 cm thick. The C. 158469.8
slab of steel is 50 W. Assuming the surface temperature of the wall adjacent D. 840134.37
temperature difference of 10.0 K, find to the combustion chamber is 1200°C
the area of the slab. (Thermal while that of the outer surface of steel is 74. Calculate the energy transfer rate at
conductivity of steel = 45 W/ m K).\ 275°C. The thermal conductivities of the a 6in thick wall of firebrick with a
A. 0.0011m2 wall material in W/m-K are firebrick, 10; temperature difference of across the
B. 0.011m2 insulating brick, 0.26; and steel, 45. wall of 58.2° C. The thermal conductivity
C. 0.11m2 Neglecting the film resistances and if the firebrick is 0.65Btu/hr-ft- F. Answer
D. 1.1m2 contact resistance of joints, determine in W/m2.
the heat loss per sq.m. of wall area. A. 285 W/m^2
65. One face of an aluminium cube of A. 1.93 kW/m^2 B. 369 W/m^2
edge 5 meters is maintained at 60 °C B. 2.93 kW/m^2 C. 112 W/m^2
and the other end is maintained at 0 °C. C. 1.55 kW/m^2 D 429 W/m^2
All other surfaces are covered by D. 2.55 kW/m^2
adiabatic walls. Find the amount of heat 75. A steam pipe of inner diameter 200
flowing through the cube in 2 seconds. 70. The forced convective heat transfer mm is covered with 50mm thick high
(Thermal conductivity of aluminium is coefficient for a hot fluid flowing over a insulated material of thermal
209 W/ m oC). cold surface is 117 W/m2-oC for a conductivity k = 0.01 W/m0C. The inner
A. 62.7KJ particular problem. The fluid and outer surface temperatures
B. 125.4KJ temperature upstream of the cold maintained at 500°C and 100°C
C. 188.10KJ surface is 120°C, and the surface is held respectively. Calculate the total heat
D. 10.03KJ at 10°C. Determine the heat transfer loss per meter length of pipe?
rate per unit surface from the fluid to the A. 60W
66. Heat is conducted through a surface. B. 61W
material with a temperature gradient of A. 24,570 W/m^2 C 62W
9000 °C/m. The conductivity of the B. 27,400 W/m^2 D. 63W
material is 25W/mK. If this heat is C. 52, 470 W/m^2
convected to surroundings at 30°C with D. 24,750 W/m^2 76. A 25 cm steam main 225 meter long
a convection coefficient of 345W/m2K, is covered with 5 cm of high
determine the surface temperature. 71. Calculate the quantity of heat temperature insulation (k=0.095 W/m K)
A. 682.17°C conducted per minute through a and 4 cm of low temperature insulation
B. 782.17°C duralumin circular disc 127 mm (k=0.065 W/m K). The inner and outer
C. 882.17°C diameter and 19 mm thick when the surface temperatures as measured are
D. 982.17°C temperature drop across the thickness 400°C and 50°C respectively. Neglect
of the plate is 5°C. Take the coefficient heat conduction through pipe material.
Determine the total heat loss per hour.
A. 265000KJ/h 81. A hot cup of coffee is placed on a Find the thermal conductivity of the
B. 215000KJ/h table in a room with a temperature of plastic in cal sec1cm-1 (°K)-1 at 25°C.
C. 365000KJ/h 25°C. The initial temperature of the A. 1.47x104 cal sec1cm-1 (°K)-1
D. 310000KJ/h coffee is 80°C. If the convective heat B. 2.47x10 cal sec1cm-1 (°K)-1
transfer coefficient is 50 W/m2°C, what C. 3.47x104 cal sec1cm-1 (°K)-1
77. One insulated wall of a cold-storage is the rate of heat transfer from the D.4.4710 cal sec1cm-1 (K)-1
compartment is 8 m long by 2.5 m high coffee to the surrounding air?
and consists of an outer steel plate 18 A. 500 W 86. A 30 ft. long and 2 inch nominal
mm thick. An inner wood wall 22.5 mm B. 750 W diameter pipe is covered by a 1 inch
thick, the steel and wood are 90 mm 1000 W thick insulation (k = 0.0375 Btu/hr.ft.°F).
apart to form a cavity which is filled with D. 1250 W Determine the heat loss if the inner and
cork. If the temperature drop across the outer temperatures of the insulation are
extreme faces of the composite wall is 82. A rectangular plate with dimensions 380°F and 80 F, respectively.
15°C. Calculate the heat transfer per 0.2 m x 0.3 m is heated to a A. 2.94 BTU/hr
hour through the wall and the temperature of 120°C. If the surrounding B. 294 BTU/hr
temperature drop across the thickness air temperature is 30°C and the C. 3480 BTU/hr
of the cork. Take the coefficients of convective heat transfer coefficient is 80 D. 8100 BTU/hr
thermal conductivity for steel, cork and W/m2°C, what is the rate of heat
wood as 45, 0.045, and 0.18 W/m-K transfer from the plate to the air? 87. A 3 inch (OD 3.5in) schedule 40 pipe
respectively. A. 240 W is covered with two layers of insulations.
A. 408.24 kJ B. 360 W The inner layer (k1 = 0.050) is 2 inches
B. 708.24 kJ C. 430 W thick and the outer layer (k2: = €0.037)
C. 608.24 kJ D. 600 W is 1(1/4) inches thick. Calculate the heat
D. 508.24 kJ loss, in Btu/hr per unit length, if the outer
83. A furnace wall consists of two layers surface temperature of the pipe is 670°F
78. Based on problem no. 77, find the (see fig.). The inner layer is 4.5" thick and the outer surface temperature of the
temperature drop across the thickness and is made of silica bricks (k = 0.08), outer layer of insulation is 100°F.
of the cork. and the outer layer is 9" of common A. 155.3 BTU/hr
A. 12.12°C brick (k = 0.8). The inner and outer B. 165.3 BTU/hr
B. 11.12°C surface temperatures are 1400°F and C. 175.3 BTU/hr
C. 13.12°C 170°F, respectively. Calculate the heat D. 185.3 BTU/hr
D.14.12°C loss per sq. ft. through this wall.
A) 218.67 BTU/Hr-ft2 88. The temperature at the inner and
79. determine the rate of heat transfer B. 248.37 BTU/Hr-ft2 outer surfaces of a boiler wall made of
by conduction per unit area, by means C. 269.83 BTU/Hr-ft2 20 mm thick steel and covered with an
of conduction for a furnace wall made of D. 291.67 BTU/Hr-ft2 insulating material of 5 mm thickness
fire clay. Furnace wall thickness is 6" or are 300°C and 50°C respectively. If the
half a foot. Thermal conductivity of the 84. A furnace wall made up of 3 layers thermal conductivities of steel and
furnace wall clay is 0.3 W/m K. The of brick. The innermost layer consists of insulating material are58W/m°C and
furnace wall temperature can be taken 9" thick fire brick (k = 0.72 Btu hrift-F-1), 0.116 W/m°C respectively, determine
to be same as furnace operating the second layer is 5" of insulating brick the rate of flow through the boiler wall.
temperature which is 6500°C and (k = 0.08 Btu hrift-1 F-1), and the outer A. 5200W
temperature of the outer wall of the layer is 7.5" of red brick (k = 0.5 Btu hr1 B. 5400W
furnace is 1500°C. ft F-1). The inner and outer C. 5600W
A. 190 W/m2 temperatures of the composite wall are D. 5800W
B. 290 W/m2 1500°F and 150°F, respectively.
C. 390 W/m2 Calculate the surface temperature 89. A 15 cm outer diameter steam pipe
D. 490 W/m2 between the layers of Fire brick and is covered with 5 cm high temperature
Insulating Brick. insulation (k = 0.85 W/m °C) and 4 cm of
80. A system weighing 5 Kgs is heated A. 1312F low temperature (k = 0.72 W/m° C). The
from its initial temperature of 30°C to its B. 1036F steam is at 500 °C and ambient air is at
final temperature of 60°C. Calculated C. 1154F 40 °C. Neglecting thermal resistance of
the total heat gained by the system. D. 956F steam and air sides and metal wall
(Specific heat of the system = 0.45 calculate the heat loss from 100 m
kJ/Kg K). 85. A flat piece of plastic, area A = 1 ft2 length of the pipe.
A 67.5KJ and thickness b = 0.252 inch, was A. 3257.43W/m
B. 63.86KJ tested and found to conduct heat at a B. 2781.90Wm
C. 68.8KJ rate of 3.0 watts in steady state with C. 3794.61W/m
D. 73.2KJ temperatures of To = 24°C and T, = D.2929.75W/m
26°C on the two main sides of the panel.
90. The hot gas temperature in a heat 97. The natural direction of the heat flow
exchanger is 350 °C (ho = 220 W/m2- between two reservoirs is dependent on
K). What is the surface temperature on which of the following?
the wall if the heat transferred is 1500 A.Their temperature difference
W/m2? B. Their internal energy
A. 350°C* C. Their pressures
B. 338°C D. Their states, whether solid, liquid and
C. 343°C gas
D. 358°C
98. In Maxwell's theory for thermal
91. What kind of heat exchanger where conductivity of gases and vapors, which
water is heated to a point that dissolved of the following is the value of "a" for
gases are liberated? triatomic gases?
A. Evaporator A.1.7
B. Condenser B. 2.4
C. Intercooler C. 1.3
D. Deaerator D. 2.4
92. A hot block is cooled by blowing cool 99. In order to emit electromagnetic
air over its top surface. The heat that is radiation, an object must be at a
first transferred to the air layer close to temperature:
the block is by conduction. It is A Above O K
eventually carried away from the surface B. Above 0 °C
by C. Above that of its surrounding
A Convection D. High enough for it to glow
B. Radiation
C. Conduction 100. Sublimation refers to:
D. Thermal radiation A The vaporization of solid without first
becoming liquid
93. What is the heat transfer due to B. The melting of a solid
density differential? C. The vaporization of a liquid
A. Convection D. The condensation of a gas into liquid
B. Conduction
C. Nuclear
D. Radiation